The Country CANNOT Get Back to Normal Until Some form of Mass-Testing for Coronavirus is In Place


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
I have not been sick since 1983. Put me on the front lines. I would rather die tahn be as fucking bored as I am right now plus I am fucking old not gunna lose much any way.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

Our resident anti_American, Communist has spoken. LOL
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.
The 2 min German blood droplet test should be approved by the end of the week. it will happen real quickly after that.

Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.
China lying has nothing to do with this. Stop falling for trumps racist games. People in New York got the virus from Europeans. Nursing home patients who haven't seen anybody Chinese got the virus. Trump was warned about this before it hit, and 150,000 tests a day? Says who? Trump? I wouldn't believe his ass if he told me today's date. You guys need to shut the fuck up with that trump derangement shit. He's getting what you guys gave Obama.
Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
That's a lie. The Washington Post is not connected to the CIA. It is one of the most respected sources of news on this planet. But hey, don't believe them, go on out and ignore the information they give you just because trump told you WAPO was bad. Don't end up like Karen Kolb Sehlke. She believed the same stuff you do. If she could talk to you today, she'd tell you that you better beliEve what you have read from WAPO.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
Why don't you get off your fucking knees and live like a man?
China lying has nothing to do with this. Stop falling for trumps racist games. People in New York got the virus from Europeans. Nursing home patients who haven't seen anybody Chinese got the virus. Trump was warned about this before it hit, and 150,000 tests a day? Says who? Trump? I wouldn't believe his ass if he told me today's date. You guys need to shut the fuck up with that trump derangement shit. He's getting what you guys gave Obama.
The epicenter of this world wide pandemic is Wu Han, China. I guess reality is too "racist" for you.
Yeah, genius...people in nursing homes and Europe and New York get the virus because it's a virus and leaps from one person to another through casual contact. That's how a pandemic works...duh!

Such ignorance and stupidity really sets me off.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.
China lying has nothing to do with this. Stop falling for trumps racist games. People in New York got the virus from Europeans. Nursing home patients who haven't seen anybody Chinese got the virus. Trump was warned about this before it hit, and 150,000 tests a day? Says who? Trump? I wouldn't believe his ass if he told me today's date. You guys need to shut the fuck up with that trump derangement shit. He's getting what you guys gave Obama.

TDS test=positive

You need to seek help immediately before you're allowed to go out in society.

Now to your derangement, your senile old fool running for the jackass party called Trump a racist for shutting down travel to your homeland.

The WHO said there's no human to human transfer of Kung Flu on January 14.

Nazi Pelosi said there was no problem in February while she was in China Town. Come on down, Trump is a racist.

de Blasio said come on down and lick the toilet seats and drink some green beer on St, Pat's day.
Don't worry if dumb asses known as democrats win and they think they will with cheating of course they will enslave you fool!
This is not about a virus this is to take our RIGHTS and FREEDOMS!
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.

We had a heads up about this. We just had a President who wasn't up to the task of leading. The initial tests sent out by the CDC were defective and unreliable. To make matters worse, the FDA (with no input from the White House) squashed the attempts of private labs to develop their own tests, drowning them in red tape. Those tests could have been available in February. You think that might have helped in ramping up the testing? If you want to look at a country that did well with testing, look at South Korea.

Trump Defense Syndrome still has no cure. No test needed.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
I have not been sick since 1983. Put me on the front lines. I would rather die tahn be as fucking bored as I am right now plus I am fucking old not gunna lose much any way.
X2 You stand a lot more chance from death from regular old fashioned flu than this POS anyhoo. THEY just forget to mention that lil fact.When I fire up the mig welder and a 9" Metabo spinning you WILL keep distance
Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
That's a lie. The Washington Post is not connected to the CIA. It is one of the most respected sources of news on this planet. But hey, don't believe them, go on out and ignore the information they give you just because trump told you WAPO was bad. Don't end up like Karen Kolb Sehlke. She believed the same stuff you do. If she could talk to you today, she'd tell you that you better beliEve what you have read from WAPO.
I like you IM2, sometimes, you are just flat out wrong, and don't know what the hell you are talking about.

You know who benefits when American have to buy everything on-line?

Jeff Bezos.

You know who owns WaPo? Jeff Bezos. You know who invested in Bezos? The CIA.

You know who trafficked drugs into black communities to keep them fragmented and destroyed? The CIA.

You know who manipulated the Black Nationalist movement to keep Americans divided, and then assassinated black leaders? The FBI and CIA.

I really wish you would wake the hell up and quit licking the boots of those who oppress you.


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