The Country CANNOT Get Back to Normal Until Some form of Mass-Testing for Coronavirus is In Place

As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Please. Cuomo hates that fuckers guts. You really will believe anything that Trump tells you.
Cuomo has reiterated it and thanked him. You are just a hater of anything logical. You're triggered, relax.

He has to. You understand that, right? He needs something that Trump has.

Also, he's a statesman. He has too much class to treat Trump the way he deserves to be treated.

Man. I can hardly believe that you are that gullible.
Trump sent a medical ship to him, ventilators and aid. Why can you not admit that they are working well together. You and your ad hominems. How insecure are you? Want to hit me, Lone Leftist? You mad, bro?

We sent those items to NY.....Trump doesn't own them to send. Trump acts like he owns that ship and those vents. But he doesn't. They are "working well" together insofar as Cuomo kisses his ass in public. It is obvious to anyone. Still....Trump has tried to throw Cuomo under the bus by saying that NY was late to respond at a press briefing. Nobody bought that shit, though.

Question: Is President Trump an insecure man?
Military ship and he is the Commander in Chief, it is HIS ship for all intents and purposes. So now you are a mind reader? So you want to hit me? Come on, Lone Leftist. You mad?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo praised President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, saying that the president “has delivered for New York.”

Speaking during a lengthy interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern, the New York Democrat said that Trump, for the most part, has put politics aside amid the crisis and got Cuomo the aid he needs to deal with the nation’s largest and most deadly outbreak of COVID-19.

“This is not about politics, this is not about personalities. We have to be better than that for the jobs that we do,” Cuomo said on “The Howard Stern Show.” “I put my hand out in partnership to work with you. And we’ll call it straight. And if you do the right thing by New York, I’ll say it. And if you don’t, I’ll say it.”

Cuomo added: “That’s the plain truth in this situation. And since then, Howard, he’s been good in delivering for New York. He has. He’s delivered for New York.”

Cuomo noted that he also has generally a direct line to the president when he calls for help or to update the White House on the situation on the ground in New York.

“It’s amazingly simple. He’s amazingly accessible,” Cuomo said. “Either he gets on the phone or he calls me back in 10 minutes.”

As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
Testing is meaningless.

As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

Nonsense my friend - Pure unadulterated NONSENSE

We haven't even tested a million people yet and SHOULD be doing a million tests a DAY.

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Testing of large random groups is necessary at some point to establish how many people have been infected, as well as antibody testing for people that want it. That question of how many people have actually had this already is extremely important for several reasons.

Being able to test, detect and trace cases is needed as well at some point so that we can stamp out hotspots, because this shit is not gone and won't be eradicated for the foreseeable future. We may catch a break as warm weather shows up, but even if that's the case, this crap will likely be back in the fall.

All of that^^^ is on an ASAP basis.

But not even Fauci, who is, and will continue to be, the most conservative voice in the room, is saying all of that and more has to be in place prior to getting some things back up and running.

This in large part. As I see it, you really need two things to even start to think about opening things back up. 1) Testing for everyone you would like to send back to work or school to determine if they are infected or not. 2) An anti-body test to find out if people have been exposed to the virus and whether or not they can pass it on. This way, you can quarantine those infected, perform your contact tracing and isolation recommendations, and send those in the clear back out into the wild of what will be our new economic reality.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
I have not been sick since 1983. Put me on the front lines. I would rather die tahn be as fucking bored as I am right now plus I am fucking old not gunna lose much any way.
I'm 64, I'm ready to stand there and help to get this going. include me.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

Nonsense my friend - Pure unadulterated NONSENSE
We haven't even tested a million people yet and SHOULD be doing a million tests a DAY.
so what? what do you think testing does?
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Please. Cuomo hates that fuckers guts. You really will believe anything that Trump tells you.
Cuomo has reiterated it and thanked him. You are just a hater of anything logical. You're triggered, relax.

He has to. You understand that, right? He needs something that Trump has.

Also, he's a statesman. He has too much class to treat Trump the way he deserves to be treated.

Man. I can hardly believe that you are that gullible.
Trump sent a medical ship to him, ventilators and aid. Why can you not admit that they are working well together. You and your ad hominems. How insecure are you? Want to hit me, Lone Leftist? You mad, bro?

We sent those items to NY.....Trump doesn't own them to send. Trump acts like he owns that ship and those vents. But he doesn't. They are "working well" together insofar as Cuomo kisses his ass in public. It is obvious to anyone. Still....Trump has tried to throw Cuomo under the bus by saying that NY was late to respond at a press briefing. Nobody bought that shit, though.

Question: Is President Trump an insecure man?
Military ship and he is the Commander in Chief, it is HIS ship for all intents and purposes. So now you are a mind reader? So you want to hit me? Come on, Lone Leftist. You mad?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo praised President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, saying that the president “has delivered for New York.”

Speaking during a lengthy interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern, the New York Democrat said that Trump, for the most part, has put politics aside amid the crisis and got Cuomo the aid he needs to deal with the nation’s largest and most deadly outbreak of COVID-19.

“This is not about politics, this is not about personalities. We have to be better than that for the jobs that we do,” Cuomo said on “The Howard Stern Show.” “I put my hand out in partnership to work with you. And we’ll call it straight. And if you do the right thing by New York, I’ll say it. And if you don’t, I’ll say it.”

Cuomo added: “That’s the plain truth in this situation. And since then, Howard, he’s been good in delivering for New York. He has. He’s delivered for New York.”

Cuomo noted that he also has generally a direct line to the president when he calls for help or to update the White House on the situation on the ground in New York.

“It’s amazingly simple. He’s amazingly accessible,” Cuomo said. “Either he gets on the phone or he calls me back in 10 minutes.”
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Cuomo merely tolerates him because he knows he's dealing with a vindictive, thin-skinned turd who will cut him off the first time he complains.
We had a heads up about this. We just had a President who wasn't up to the task of leading. The initial tests sent out by the CDC were defective and unreliable. To make matters worse, the FDA (with no input from the White House) squashed the attempts of private labs to develop their own tests, drowning them in red tape. Those tests could have been available in February. You think that might have helped in ramping up the testing? If you want to look at a country that did well with testing, look at South Korea.

I see the Communist apologists are out in force again today. You need to quit reading Huffpost for your "info"

Your fearless leader Joe Bidum called Trump a racist for pointing out it was going to be hell.

Your leader Nazi Pelosi was in China Town eating batshit soup in February encouraging everyone to come on down and try this new soup.

de Blasio, your Progressive icon said come on down and lick the toilet seats and drink beer an St. Pat's day.

You're nothing but a Communist apologist and your self loathing makes me smile.

Don't read Huff Post. Hey, the 80's called. They want the term "Communist" back. As for the rest of your screed and 5th grade playground insults, it's a bunch of nothing.
Oh yeah, and Biden never called Trump racist.

Trump gets the blame for the response to the virus. Not the virus or the virus making its way to our shores.

We know, we know already, it's Trump's fault eating batshit soup created Kung Flu. It's Trump's fault China lied to us. It's Trump's fault the WHO lied to us. It's Trump's fault he got bad recommendations from Tiny. It's Trump's fault the people running his agencies were wrong about the veracity of Kung Flu. It's Trump's fault Bidum called him a racist.

There, that won't cure your delusions but you can feel all warm and fuzzy now curled up on the couch with your soy milk.
Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
That's a lie. The Washington Post is not connected to the CIA. It is one of the most respected sources of news on this planet. But hey, don't believe them, go on out and ignore the information they give you just because trump told you WAPO was bad. Don't end up like Karen Kolb Sehlke. She believed the same stuff you do. If she could talk to you today, she'd tell you that you better beliEve what you have read from WAPO.
Its hard to believe them IM 2.
Testing of large random groups is necessary at some point to establish how many people have been infected, as well as antibody testing for people that want it. That question of how many people have actually had this already is extremely important for several reasons.

Being able to test, detect and trace cases is needed as well at some point so that we can stamp out hotspots, because this shit is not gone and won't be eradicated for the foreseeable future. We may catch a break as warm weather shows up, but even if that's the case, this crap will likely be back in the fall.

All of that^^^ is on an ASAP basis.

But not even Fauci, who is, and will continue to be, the most conservative voice in the room, is saying all of that and more has to be in place prior to getting some things back up and running.
or not.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

Not sure why Trump would need to do anything... but whatever. It's not like being president makes you god or something, that your magical edicts will stop a virus.

Regardless, let us look at the numbers. So your article lists 4 employees that have died.

Four employees died. Four.

Walmart alone employees 2.1 Million people. That does not include all the employees at Giant, or Trader Joe's.

It is unlikely that having a mask on, will produce much benefit.
The only way to utterly avoid getting Corona, is to never leave your home.
Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
That's a lie. The Washington Post is not connected to the CIA. It is one of the most respected sources of news on this planet. But hey, don't believe them, go on out and ignore the information they give you just because trump told you WAPO was bad. Don't end up like Karen Kolb Sehlke. She believed the same stuff you do. If she could talk to you today, she'd tell you that you better beliEve what you have read from WAPO.
I don't believe any fking thing they say. let me put it out there for you. you suck their dick.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

Not sure why Trump would need to do anything... but whatever. It's not like being president makes you god or something, that your magical edicts will stop a virus.

Regardless, let us look at the numbers. So your article lists 4 employees that have died.

Four employees died. Four.

Walmart alone employees 2.1 Million people. That does not include all the employees at Giant, or Trader Joe's.

It is unlikely that having a mask on, will produce much benefit.
The only way to utterly avoid getting Corona, is to never leave your home.
Jewel, IGA, Kroger, Whole Foods, Albertson, and on and on, and on
Testing of large random groups is necessary at some point to establish how many people have been infected, as well as antibody testing for people that want it. That question of how many people have actually had this already is extremely important for several reasons.

Being able to test, detect and trace cases is needed as well at some point so that we can stamp out hotspots, because this shit is not gone and won't be eradicated for the foreseeable future. We may catch a break as warm weather shows up, but even if that's the case, this crap will likely be back in the fall.

All of that^^^ is on an ASAP basis.

But not even Fauci, who is, and will continue to be, the most conservative voice in the room, is saying all of that and more has to be in place prior to getting some things back up and running.

This in large part. As I see it, you really need two things to even start to think about opening things back up. 1) Testing for everyone you would like to send back to work or school to determine if they are infected or not. 2) An anti-body test to find out if people have been exposed to the virus and whether or not they can pass it on. This way, you can quarantine those infected, perform your contact tracing and isolation recommendations, and send those in the clear back out into the wild of what will be our new economic reality.

Make tests available first to all doctors offices and clinics for anyone who'd like to be tested for whatever reason. I'd like to be tested for antibodies. Think I may have had it back in mid-January.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Yes, I agree. That should be a common sense part of any long term plan for economic recovery.

I think people in the 21st century do not understand how every other human through the history of humanity lived.

On the edge, IOW. You get an infection, you either fight it off on your own or you die. You get a bowel obstruction, you die. Look how many women died in childbirth.

We just expect medicine to be able to fix almost everything these days. But at some point, we've got to accept the odds and life. Like all other humans did.
Testing of large random groups is necessary at some point to establish how many people have been infected, as well as antibody testing for people that want it. That question of how many people have actually had this already is extremely important for several reasons.

Being able to test, detect and trace cases is needed as well at some point so that we can stamp out hotspots, because this shit is not gone and won't be eradicated for the foreseeable future. We may catch a break as warm weather shows up, but even if that's the case, this crap will likely be back in the fall.

All of that^^^ is on an ASAP basis.

But not even Fauci, who is, and will continue to be, the most conservative voice in the room, is saying all of that and more has to be in place prior to getting some things back up and running.

This in large part. As I see it, you really need two things to even start to think about opening things back up. 1) Testing for everyone you would like to send back to work or school to determine if they are infected or not. 2) An anti-body test to find out if people have been exposed to the virus and whether or not they can pass it on. This way, you can quarantine those infected, perform your contact tracing and isolation recommendations, and send those in the clear back out into the wild of what will be our new economic reality.

For the love of Pete. This isn't the Black Plague.

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