The Country CANNOT Get Back to Normal Until Some form of Mass-Testing for Coronavirus is In Place

As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.
China lying has nothing to do with this. Stop falling for trumps racist games. People in New York got the virus from Europeans. Nursing home patients who haven't seen anybody Chinese got the virus. Trump was warned about this before it hit, and 150,000 tests a day? Says who? Trump? I wouldn't believe his ass if he told me today's date. You guys need to shut the fuck up with that trump derangement shit. He's getting what you guys gave Obama.

Put a sock in it child, all you ever do is cry and point fingers.
Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
That's a lie. The Washington Post is not connected to the CIA. It is one of the most respected sources of news on this planet. But hey, don't believe them, go on out and ignore the information they give you just because trump told you WAPO was bad. Don't end up like Karen Kolb Sehlke. She believed the same stuff you do. If she could talk to you today, she'd tell you that you better beliEve what you have read from WAPO.
I like you IM2, sometimes, you are just flat out wrong, and don't know what the hell you are talking about.

You know who benefits when American have to buy everything on-line?

Jeff Bezos.

You know who owns WaPo? Jeff Bezos. You know who invested in Bezos? The CIA.

You know who trafficked drugs into black communities to keep them fragmented and destroyed? The CIA.

You know who manipulated the Black Nationalist movement to keep Americans divided, and then assassinated black leaders? The FBI and CIA.

I really wish you would wake the hell up and quit licking the boots of those who oppress you.

Beale. I think youz a meathead.
You buy something of Azoo and it benefits the manufacturer, the shipper they use. The supplier that sells them raw materials. Then it benefits YOU. Halfass reviews, easy return, fast shipping, the guy who brings it to you, his company, the gas station where he gets gas, the tire store near their yard.
Then Jeff gets a few pesos ea from a Billion sales= lots pesos for Jeffs invention that everyone laughed at. In short. Everone makes a nickel because of it's existance.
Had those tightwad assholes at Sears had their shit together they'd have been Amazooed before Jeff even got out of high school.
Likkmee, I really WISH that was the only way it was working, but that is not the way it is working.

Bezos has all control of the meta data, and hence, Amazon also has control of their own production.

Let's say you are a small business, and an entrepreneur. You have some savings and you get together some investors behind a great idea, and put out a product that everyone wants. You list it on Amazon.

He has the meta data to see which products are successful and which ones are not, which ones sell, and which ones don't. He can then have Amazon produce an identical product, and sell that product at a loss, putting YOUR business out of business. Why? Because he does not need to reply on his retail business to keep him in business, his most profitable business is that Amazon Web Services, not to mention all the other businesses he has his finger in, like WaPo, streaming services, etc.

Then? When you are put out of business, he can raise the prices back up on that product again. After YOU were the one that did all the work to research, market and target that market. Due to tax payer investments in the web infrustructure his initial start up costs, next to those of traditional businesses was minimal, he was a free rider.

He has been protected by the government, and allowed to swallow up way to much of the economy, and now, he stifles competition by using the very network that was construct by the government for use by the people.

He is a parasite that engages in predatory business practices.

As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Please. Cuomo hates that fuckers guts. You really will believe anything that Trump tells you.
Cuomo has reiterated it and thanked him. You are just a hater of anything logical. You're triggered, relax.

He has to. You understand that, right? He needs something that Trump has.

Also, he's a statesman. He has too much class to treat Trump the way he deserves to be treated.

Man. I can hardly believe that you are that gullible.
Trump sent a medical ship to him, ventilators and aid. Why can you not admit that they are working well together. You and your ad hominems. How insecure are you? Want to hit me, Lone Leftist? You mad, bro?

We sent those items to NY.....Trump doesn't own them to send. Trump acts like he owns that ship and those vents. But he doesn't. They are "working well" together insofar as Cuomo kisses his ass in public. It is obvious to anyone. Still....Trump has tried to throw Cuomo under the bus by saying that NY was late to respond at a press briefing. Nobody bought that shit, though.

Question: Is President Trump an insecure man?
Military ship and he is the Commander in Chief, it is HIS ship for all intents and purposes. So now you are a mind reader? So you want to hit me? Come on, Lone Leftist. You mad?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo praised President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, saying that the president “has delivered for New York.”

Speaking during a lengthy interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern, the New York Democrat said that Trump, for the most part, has put politics aside amid the crisis and got Cuomo the aid he needs to deal with the nation’s largest and most deadly outbreak of COVID-19.

“This is not about politics, this is not about personalities. We have to be better than that for the jobs that we do,” Cuomo said on “The Howard Stern Show.” “I put my hand out in partnership to work with you. And we’ll call it straight. And if you do the right thing by New York, I’ll say it. And if you don’t, I’ll say it.”

Cuomo added: “That’s the plain truth in this situation. And since then, Howard, he’s been good in delivering for New York. He has. He’s delivered for New York.”

Cuomo noted that he also has generally a direct line to the president when he calls for help or to update the White House on the situation on the ground in New York.

“It’s amazingly simple. He’s amazingly accessible,” Cuomo said. “Either he gets on the phone or he calls me back in 10 minutes.”
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Cuomo merely tolerates him because he knows he's dealing with a vindictive, thin-skinned turd who will cut him off the first time he complains.
Not what he said.

Because he CAN'T say it! Same thing that kept Zelensky from saying he was pressured to investigate the Bidens. Everyone knows Donald is thin-skinned and vindictive.
Sure he can. He could have been all business. He chose to be cordial. Why can we not all be cordial? Especially now!

Sometimes when you realize you're bidding against every other state AND FEMA for test kits, PPE, and ventilators as your hospitals are completely stressed and your citizens are dying, it is difficult to be cordial.
That is how it works, Doc.

If I sell wigits then yes every private and public entity bids. Look at 3M! No one is vilifying them. That is capitalism.

A national emergency requires a federal response. They are currently driving their OWN prices up at taxpayer expense because states are bidding separately. Nationalize the purchase and distribution system immediately and FULLY invoke the Defense Production Act telling manufacturers what to make, how many to make and when they are needed.

It is the only way out of the current cluster-F my friend.
Yes and they just strong armed 3M. NYC has plenty of masks and ventilators now and a floating hospital. Trump and Cuomo are working very well together. Why can we not just say that and save the insults for after the pandemic is behind us? If we cannot unite now, we will never unite.

I think governors are learning Donnie's game slow but sure. The vitriol is down, but they keep lying and F-ing up. How many times has Pence told us about millions of imaginary test kits? Well here he is, lying AGAIN!

how many have been tested?
Fake news.

There is statistically zero mortality for folks that don't have complicating comorbidity.

Grocery workers, on average, are either young, or middle aged. If there is any truth to this, and these works do have comorbity and if they are old, they should get out of the work force, posthaste.

This report is based on WaPo, which is connected to the CIA, which is known for spreading propaganda. I cannot find any other confirmed source for such specious reports. Find me some local reporting on such balderdash before I believe such garbage.
That's a lie. The Washington Post is not connected to the CIA. It is one of the most respected sources of news on this planet. But hey, don't believe them, go on out and ignore the information they give you just because trump told you WAPO was bad. Don't end up like Karen Kolb Sehlke. She believed the same stuff you do. If she could talk to you today, she'd tell you that you better beliEve what you have read from WAPO.

The CIA has ben involvedin th media for decades Jr


How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up


In 1953, Joseph Alsop, then one of America’s leading syndicated columnists, went to the Philippines to cover an election. He did not go because he was asked to do so by his syndicate. He did not go because he was asked to do so by the newspapers that printed his column. He went at the request of the CIA.

Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Some of these journalists’ relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. There was cooperation, accommodation and overlap. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services—from simple intelligence gathering to serving as go‑betweens with spies in Communist countries. Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without‑portfolio for their country. Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work; stringers and freelancers who were as interested in the derring‑do of the spy business as in filing articles; and, the smallest category, full‑time CIA employees masquerading as journalists abroad. In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.

That's an ideal solution probably months away .....would be nice but this is the real world
Genius, in the real world our health establishments are being OVERWHELMED.

Any more stress will make it capsize.

Then do you know what that means?

America will go...

Obviously you aren't paying attn......if that were the case we wouldn't have massive layoffs in that sector.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Please. Cuomo hates that fuckers guts. You really will believe anything that Trump tells you.
Cuomo has reiterated it and thanked him. You are just a hater of anything logical. You're triggered, relax.

He has to. You understand that, right? He needs something that Trump has.

Also, he's a statesman. He has too much class to treat Trump the way he deserves to be treated.

Man. I can hardly believe that you are that gullible.
Trump sent a medical ship to him, ventilators and aid. Why can you not admit that they are working well together. You and your ad hominems. How insecure are you? Want to hit me, Lone Leftist? You mad, bro?

We sent those items to NY.....Trump doesn't own them to send. Trump acts like he owns that ship and those vents. But he doesn't. They are "working well" together insofar as Cuomo kisses his ass in public. It is obvious to anyone. Still....Trump has tried to throw Cuomo under the bus by saying that NY was late to respond at a press briefing. Nobody bought that shit, though.

Question: Is President Trump an insecure man?
Military ship and he is the Commander in Chief, it is HIS ship for all intents and purposes. So now you are a mind reader? So you want to hit me? Come on, Lone Leftist. You mad?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo praised President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, saying that the president “has delivered for New York.”

Speaking during a lengthy interview with radio shock jock Howard Stern, the New York Democrat said that Trump, for the most part, has put politics aside amid the crisis and got Cuomo the aid he needs to deal with the nation’s largest and most deadly outbreak of COVID-19.

“This is not about politics, this is not about personalities. We have to be better than that for the jobs that we do,” Cuomo said on “The Howard Stern Show.” “I put my hand out in partnership to work with you. And we’ll call it straight. And if you do the right thing by New York, I’ll say it. And if you don’t, I’ll say it.”

Cuomo added: “That’s the plain truth in this situation. And since then, Howard, he’s been good in delivering for New York. He has. He’s delivered for New York.”

Cuomo noted that he also has generally a direct line to the president when he calls for help or to update the White House on the situation on the ground in New York.

“It’s amazingly simple. He’s amazingly accessible,” Cuomo said. “Either he gets on the phone or he calls me back in 10 minutes.”
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

That is what he has been doing.

No. He has been feverishly searching for scapegoats.
Not remotely true. He has developed a strong relationship with Cuomo because of the assistance he has sent him.

Cuomo merely tolerates him because he knows he's dealing with a vindictive, thin-skinned turd who will cut him off the first time he complains.
Not what he said.

Because he CAN'T say it! Same thing that kept Zelensky from saying he was pressured to investigate the Bidens. Everyone knows Donald is thin-skinned and vindictive.
Sure he can. He could have been all business. He chose to be cordial. Why can we not all be cordial? Especially now!

Sometimes when you realize you're bidding against every other state AND FEMA for test kits, PPE, and ventilators as your hospitals are completely stressed and your citizens are dying, it is difficult to be cordial.
That is how it works, Doc.

If I sell wigits then yes every private and public entity bids. Look at 3M! No one is vilifying them. That is capitalism.

A national emergency requires a federal response. They are currently driving their OWN prices up at taxpayer expense because states are bidding separately. Nationalize the purchase and distribution system immediately and FULLY invoke the Defense Production Act telling manufacturers what to make, how many to make and when they are needed.

It is the only way out of the current cluster-F my friend.
Yes and they just strong armed 3M. NYC has plenty of masks and ventilators now and a floating hospital. Trump and Cuomo are working very well together. Why can we not just say that and save the insults for after the pandemic is behind us? If we cannot unite now, we will never unite.

I think governors are learning Donnie's game slow but sure. The vitriol is down, but they keep lying and F-ing up. How many times has Pence told us about millions of imaginary test kits? Well here he is, lying AGAIN!

how many have been tested?
We need antibody testing!
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.
China lying has nothing to do with this. Stop falling for trumps racist games. People in New York got the virus from Europeans. Nursing home patients who haven't seen anybody Chinese got the virus. Trump was warned about this before it hit, and 150,000 tests a day? Says who? Trump? I wouldn't believe his ass if he told me today's date. You guys need to shut the fuck up with that trump derangement shit. He's getting what you guys gave Obama.
And who gave the Europeans the dang virus............ET from MARS............LOL

Stop smoking whatever you are smoking.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

First, if China hadn't lied we would have had a head start on this cluster fuck.

Second, the tests we had needed to be sent to a CDC lab for confirmation. 10 day turnaround.

Third, we developed a test and we're up to 150,000 per day now. And that number is going up.

What we don't need a test for is TDS. It's just obvious.
China lying has nothing to do with this. Stop falling for trumps racist games. People in New York got the virus from Europeans. Nursing home patients who haven't seen anybody Chinese got the virus. Trump was warned about this before it hit, and 150,000 tests a day? Says who? Trump? I wouldn't believe his ass if he told me today's date. You guys need to shut the fuck up with that trump derangement shit. He's getting what you guys gave Obama.
And who gave the Europeans the dang virus............ET from MARS............LOL

Stop smoking whatever you are smoking.
well they are much smarter than we are. they didn't procreate as frequently and often as americans to get to 330 million people. so their sample size is much smaller. so they're just fking that much smarter than us. ET knew that.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
I go to work every day. I feel safe. Your premise is flawed...
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
That would be nice. If for example, your employer could avail themselves of a state run lab, or a private lab, which could process samples, we could really get a handle on this.

Do that, instead of just arbitrarily giving every head of household a government check for $1,200, we should invest that money in testing.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

Actually that is Pelosi and McConnell Job along with every State Governor...

Pelosi holds the purse strings, so get on her ass first!
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
o boy!!!!!!!!!!????????hahhahahhaa
you prove it alright -
1.I work in a medium city--probably would label it bigger counting the county/suburbs.....our work has about 60 people--assembly lines!..public safety equipment ...
--we haven't stopped working!! we even had to hire some temps
..we instituted many various safety policies against the virus
..our company is just ONE of a group of companies--which are still working
..people WANT to get back to work

2. the virus is not MAGICAL--- like a movie--use common sense policies and that really cuts it down
--4 out of 5 people have UNNOTICEABLE symptoms --MOST recover = most don't die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! most don't die
.most deaths are elderly/etc

..STOP letting the MSM think for you!!!
you've been brainwashed [ and on many other subjects ] have proven the MSM is brainwashing you
Last edited:
The stupidity of the Left in this is that
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.

We are never going to be "normal" again.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
Aw poor baby

you dont “feel” safe?

as long as you dont expect to be paid you can stay at home as long as you please
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
ChiCom bots out to destroy the US economy

#LOLDNC. #ChiComBotsOutToDestroyUSeconomy
It won't be what you think....unless you think the new "normal" will be an enhanced police state.
No one RAMPED UP the police statism of America like the Bush II regime.

And self-proclaimed conservatives and Republicans cheered him on all the way.

So spare me your BS hack.
As I've been posting now for the last month or so, what needs to happen before ANY form of "opening back up the country" is some form of mass-testing, because outside of that, no one is going to feel safe going to work.

Now we have reporting backing that up...

Again, like I said, who's going to want to go to work when going to work means being exposed and ultimately dropping dead due to the virus?

Trump needs to get up off his back, or his belly (as the case may be), and get to work for the American people.
You are a pussy, get your ass back to work. I haven't missed a day. Everything is still normal, other than stocks being down and a bunch of weird behavior at store checkouts.

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