The Cult of AGW is losing Huffpo!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
It seems that a few coloumnists at the Huffpo have decided to no longer drink the koolaid...good for them!

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Posted: 10/12/11 04:32 PM ET

A couple of years after the academic and statistical skullduggery of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other promoters of the global warming scare, and the shabby attempt at a comeback by the eco-centimillionaire, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner, Al "Settled Science" Gore, it should be possible to develop a consensus for a less hair-raising (and harebrained) notion of climatic developments.

Edited by PixieStix, copyrights

Conrad Black: Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans
That the environmentalists are getting their clocks cleaned in 2011 is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Its actually gotten to the point of being laughable at this point. These people might as well be standing naked on an iceberg in the middle of the North Atlantic screaming "Fire!!". Thats not even embellishing it.

Of course, we could wait around for for the hero non-retards like Rolling Thunder to go find us one single solitary link on the whole internet that shows us that their side is winning. Just one s0n!!! Just one. Show us how all this baying at the moon over warming as made a rats ass worth of difference in any meaningful regulations being passed in congress capping the greenhouse gasses that are suppossedly destroying us. Show us s0n!!! If its such a slam dunk and the non-believers are retards, how come the public isnt knocking down doors to shut down the coal plants and stop the use of fossil fuels? THATS what congress does asshole...............

Know what these meatheads are hanging their hats on right the last three years? The light bulb ban!!!



Going green is gay..........the world has finally caught on. Life is gonna suck balls for these peopole for a long, long, long time!!!
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That the environmentalists are getting their clocks cleaned in 2011 is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Its actually gotten to the point of being laughable at this point.

That the kookster is a hopelessly confused retard is beyond a shadow of a doubt. It long ago got to the point of being laughable and now it is really hilarious to watch his pea-sized cartoon brain in action, although there is a bit of sadness at seeing a human being this debased and braindead. But then he is a full blown rightwingnut and denier cultist so what can you expect.
It seems that a few coloumnists at the Huffpo have decided to no longer drink the koolaid...good for them!

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Posted: 10/12/11 04:32 PM ET

A couple of years after the academic and statistical skullduggery of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other promoters of the global warming scare, and the shabby attempt at a comeback by the eco-centimillionaire, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner, Al "Settled Science" Gore, it should be possible to develop a consensus for a less hair-raising (and harebrained) notion of climatic developments.

Edited by PixieStix, copyrights

Conrad Black: Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

LOL. Quoting a known felon for support. Someone convicted of fraud. Lordy, lordy, Walleyes, this is beyond stupid.

Black is a fraud on all levels. May they catch the rest like him and may they all spend the rest of their days in the slammer.
It seems that a few coloumnists at the Huffpo have decided to no longer drink the koolaid...good for them!

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Posted: 10/12/11 04:32 PM ET

A couple of years after the academic and statistical skullduggery of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other promoters of the global warming scare, and the shabby attempt at a comeback by the eco-centimillionaire, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner, Al "Settled Science" Gore, it should be possible to develop a consensus for a less hair-raising (and harebrained) notion of climatic developments.

Edited by PixieStix, copyrights

Conrad Black: Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

LOL. Quoting a known felon for support. Someone convicted of fraud. Lordy, lordy, Walleyes, this is beyond stupid.

Black is a fraud on all levels. May they catch the rest like him and may they all spend the rest of their days in the slammer.

Little wonder the nutbars at Huffy-puffypo publish him....Being a criminal is a résumé booster to the leftloons. :lmao:
It seems that a few coloumnists at the Huffpo have decided to no longer drink the koolaid...good for them!

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Posted: 10/12/11 04:32 PM ET

A couple of years after the academic and statistical skullduggery of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other promoters of the global warming scare, and the shabby attempt at a comeback by the eco-centimillionaire, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner, Al "Settled Science" Gore, it should be possible to develop a consensus for a less hair-raising (and harebrained) notion of climatic developments.

Edited by PixieStix, copyrights

Conrad Black: Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

LOL. Quoting a known felon for support. Someone convicted of fraud. Lordy, lordy, Walleyes, this is beyond stupid.

Black is a fraud on all levels. May they catch the rest like him and may they all spend the rest of their days in the slammer.

Talk to HUFFPO they publish him.. Again oldsocks sees nothing but his agenda.
It seems that a few coloumnists at the Huffpo have decided to no longer drink the koolaid...good for them!

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Posted: 10/12/11 04:32 PM ET

A couple of years after the academic and statistical skullduggery of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other promoters of the global warming scare, and the shabby attempt at a comeback by the eco-centimillionaire, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner, Al "Settled Science" Gore, it should be possible to develop a consensus for a less hair-raising (and harebrained) notion of climatic developments.

Edited by PixieStix, copyrights

Conrad Black: Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

LOL. Quoting a known felon for support. Someone convicted of fraud. Lordy, lordy, Walleyes, this is beyond stupid.

Black is a fraud on all levels. May they catch the rest like him and may they all spend the rest of their days in the slammer.

I was not aware he was a convicted felon, that being said Huffpo employs him so I guess he can't be all bad. I mean what the hell, he hasn't shipped thousands of firearms to mexican drug cartels like your hero's have.
It seems that a few coloumnists at the Huffpo have decided to no longer drink the koolaid...good for them!

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Posted: 10/12/11 04:32 PM ET

A couple of years after the academic and statistical skullduggery of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other promoters of the global warming scare, and the shabby attempt at a comeback by the eco-centimillionaire, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner, Al "Settled Science" Gore, it should be possible to develop a consensus for a less hair-raising (and harebrained) notion of climatic developments.

Edited by PixieStix, copyrights

Conrad Black: Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

That the environmentalists are getting their clocks cleaned in 2011 is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Its actually gotten to the point of being laughable at this point.

That the kookster is a hopelessly confused retard is beyond a shadow of a doubt. It long ago got to the point of being laughable and now it is really hilarious to watch his pea-sized cartoon brain in action, although there is a bit of sadness at seeing a human being this debased and braindead. But then he is a full blown rightwingnut and denier cultist so what can you expect.


the clueless retards are still waiting on those links s0n!!!:2up:
That the environmentalists are getting their clocks cleaned in 2011 is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Its actually gotten to the point of being laughable at this point.

That the kookster is a hopelessly confused retard is beyond a shadow of a doubt. It long ago got to the point of being laughable and now it is really hilarious to watch his pea-sized cartoon brain in action, although there is a bit of sadness at seeing a human being this debased and braindead. But then he is a full blown rightwingnut and denier cultist so what can you expect.


the clueless retards are still waiting on those links s0n!!!

You seem to be still waiting for someone to give you a brain. You obviously haven't had any luck with that so far....LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I think it is funny as hell that skooks only cares about the political side of AGW and yet people try to impress him with the science anyways. the politics of AGW and the science are two different things. by overplaying the science card many people have come to realize the warnings of catastrophe are just another burned out fad on its way out.
I think it is funny as hell that skooks only cares about the political side of AGW and yet people try to impress him with the science anyways. the politics of AGW and the science are two different things. by overplaying the science card many people have come to realize the warnings of catastrophe are just another burned out fad on its way out.

yup.........and fads are gay.

Hey think Thunder is going to come up with those links for us??:coffee:

You keep handling that science side Ian. The levels of pwn you and wire dish out to the nutters is highly entertaining to me. Westwall too. The bozo's who dont understand the political connection never will........they're like Linus sitting in the pumpkin patch with IPCC data. You guys just set me up in every thread like putting a big ass pumpkin on a batting tee. Perception is 99% reality. The curious come into this forum looking for some objective truth and find you, wire and westwall making the k00ks look like a hunk of swiss cheese. Then I come with the kill shot to the head = the skinny on the public attitude being meh.
Shit..........even in the UK, long known for support for shelling out to combat climate change now are telling the politicians to scratch their asses. More than 70% now say "Fcukk you!!".......... Green tax revolt: Britons 'will not foot bill to save planet' - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent. In Britain of all places:eek:..........just earlier this month, the new prime minister in Australia endorsed a huge carbon tax plan. Once popular, inside a week, her poll numbers fell off a cliff.BBC News - Carbon tax divides Australia.......politically, the idiot is done.

INdeed...........any of this crap in 2011 is political suicide. Accordingly, our side is winning.............BIG..........which is precisely why I have been pretty much incognito in this forum for the last few months!!!

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I think it is funny as hell that skooks only cares about the political side of AGW and yet people try to impress him with the science anyways. the politics of AGW and the science are two different things. by overplaying the science card many people have come to realize the warnings of catastrophe are just another burned out fad on its way out.

"overplaying the science card"......LOLOLOLOLOLOL....

"warnings of catastrophe are just another burned out fad" some ways, ian, you are just as crazy and confused about this topic as the kookster.
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Trollingblunder posts links that take you through an affiliate linking service that pays him per each click through a link he posts.

The service is called vigilink and its a pay per click revenue affiliated linking service. he posts links to whatever he wants and through some manner most likely software installed in his system, and somehow when ever a person clicks on one of his links they are redirected through that service and then to the site. Its very fast and takes but a second for them to log your PC and leave their tracking cookie in your internet cache. And he gets paid..

I think its only fair we know we are paying for his lazy ass...

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