The Cult of Christian Nationalism

This timely video essay breaks down the not-so-new phenomenon of the political ideology of Christian Nationalism, which has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with political ideology and white supremacy...

Christianity as a backbone from minimal to maximum in most Americans dies in the early 1970's. Christianity is now one of many groups with a percentage in many of the groups also.
Phony or not, it doesn’t really matter...phony Christians making any attempt to lead a life for God is far better than those living godless.
Godless liberal shitholes are the unproductive, dangerous, filthy shitholes they are for one reason only...the filth lack a moral compass that acts as a catalyst to leading a decent, moral, disciplined, accountable lifestyle.
Your filthy cuss-word laden mouth is what drives Americans away from Christianity in droves.

You're the very reason why it's so unpopular today and dropping precipitously.

As a Christian I rebuke you demon.
First they come for the 2nd Amendment and then they come for the 1st Amendment. True to form the democrat regime with their minions in the media is flexing it's muscles and attacking innocent Christians. If the democrat regime ever gets to pack the Supreme Court with anti-God and anti-Constitution idiots like the president, the U.S. is through.
Christianity as a backbone from minimal to maximum in most Americans dies in the early 1970's. Christianity is now one of many groups with a percentage in many of the groups also.
Did you watch and/or listen to the video?
Phony or not, it doesn’t really matter...phony Christians making any attempt to lead a life for God is far better than those living godless.
Godless liberal shitholes are the unproductive, dangerous, filthy shitholes they are for one reason only...the filth lack a moral compass that acts as a catalyst to leading a decent, moral, disciplined, accountable lifestyle.
Your filthy cuss-word laden mouth is what drives Americans away from Christianity in droves.

You're the very reason why it's so unpopular today and dropping precipitously.

As a Christian I rebuke you demon.

Christianity is unpopular today because Christians are nutless pussies who refuse to defend anything...because godless liberalism was made popular by the Kenyan, the Google faggots, Zuckerberg, Dorsey and your other Gods.
Christianity is unpopular today because Christians are nutless pussies who refuse to defend anything...because godless liberalism was made popular by the Kenyan, the Google faggots, Zuckerber, Dorsey and your other Gods.
Spoken like a true pagan.
The word Christian really should be in quotes, shouldn't it?
It just goes to show how insidious the participants are.
Progressive Socialism is a cult. A cult that has had various forms in human history. It is a godless on that delves into everything a person does. It allows some freedoms while restricting most others. Christianity is to degree.
This timely video essay breaks down the not-so-new phenomenon of the political ideology of Christian Nationalism, which has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with political ideology and white supremacy...

marc got his dem marching orders----

Try to label anyone standing up to our corrupt government as white supremacist thusly encourage blm and anti fa terrorists to attack them and allowing our corrupt FBI aka the SS to spy on them as our media tells so many lies that they would make Joseph Goebbels blush.
marc got his dem marching orders----

Try to label anyone standing up to our corrupt government as white supremacist thusly encourage blm and anti fa terrorists to attack them and allowing our corrupt FBI aka the SS to spy on them as our media tells so many lies that they would make Joseph Goebbels blush.
Squeal and holler hit dog.
Blah blah blah, pagan...
Blah blah blah, white...
Blah blah blah, supremacist...
Blah blah blah, racist...
Blah blah blah, godless...

Marc, I am surprised that you chose Matthew 15:11. Have you heard the racist shit that comes out of your mouth?
You, my friend are the other side of the racist coin.
Sweep your own porch before you come to condemn mine...
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I can see that essay would be a tough watch for the Christian nationalists on here. I doubt that any of them have watched it through and that is why they have no interest in discussing it.

Their corrosive effect on actual Christianity can be clearly seen. People do not like oppressing others and any religion that seemingly does so has a limited future.

American brand of Christianity seems to be a form of entertainment for people of low intelligence who chip in every week to buy their pastor a brand new jet.

That isnt Christianity, its a perverted cult that is piggy backing on the back of the faith. How did it get to this ?
'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone…'
Another's walk with God, is none of your business...
Well, it really is when you want to tell me who I can marry and what to do with my body. Then it becomes very much my business.

No, it really is not. He leads us on the path of righteousness. You took another road. That decision and the consequences are between you and your maker, and no one else...
'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone…'
Another's walk with God, is none of your business...
Well, it really is when you want to tell me who I can marry and what to do with my body. Then it becomes very much my business.
Well then. Stop telling me to wear a mask on my body.

We tell people what to do with their body all the time. Don’t use it to kill someone, don’t use it to steal, etc. And if you do we will use your body to put you in prison. Every law that exists tells you what to do with your body from paying taxes to what age you can drink.

This don’t tell me what to do with my body bullshit is lazy, it just means you don’t have a reasonable explanation for why you act such a worthless prick.

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