The current Pack of Lies

Yup. To the left, security video, photos, sworn testimony and affidavits from poll workers and observers, analysis from systems and program experts, are now no longer good enough to be called “evidence”.

But you have no such evidence. We've seen what you call "evidence", and it's all laughable bullshit.

You're lying. We know it, you know it, the whole world knows it.

What does that mean? That you can keep on sucking it hard, sore-loser.
Today's AP story on the Trump-Georgia rally begins..."President Donald Trump pressed his own grievances over losing the Presidential election at a rally Saturday in Georgia, spreading baseless allegations of misconduct..."

We also see the words, "...without evidence..." and other expressions diminishing or even denying the existence of any "evidence" to support Trump's claims of voter fraud and other misdeeds in the recent Presidential election.

The words are lies. There is no other way to put it. They are not exaggerations, slants, or misinterpretations of reality.

Yes, without evidence. The ravings of a con artist do not constitute "evidence". They constitute "being a dick". Here's a hint: SAYING you have evidence, and actually HAVING evidence are --- who knew --- two entirely different things. Especially for a legacy LIAR.

Trump and his team have produced eyewitnesses, sworn affidavits, statistical analyses, and comparisons to past elections showing the extremely unlikely chances of what we saw in these state outcomes.

Strangely enough once they get to court all of that vanishes and it becomes crystal clear they were lying the whole time about what they had in their pocket. Not to mention that ditzo with the glottal stops who was supposed to be a star witness but came out more like a witless. And by the way "unlikely" is not on the menu in a court of law. That's pure fallacy.

"Evidence"? People have been put on death row with less evidence than Trump has produced.

Excellent argument against the death penalty.

"Baseless"? Are you kidding? One would have to be living in a cave not to see the clear basis for Trump's continuing efforts to right these wrongs.

Actually one would have to be swimming in a toxic vat of self-delusion sewage to claim not to see a childish temper tantrum by a sore loser.

So yes, baseless. When you run around shouting from the rooftops about "fraud" and then get into court and have to clarify, "no your honor we are not claiming fraud", the technical medical term for where you are is "full of shit".

Hope this helps. Of course with self-delusional cultists holding their :lalala: yoga posture --- it won't. One can lead the horse to the water....
" Guarding Criminal Activity Is Corroboration "

* Fake News Hiding Conspirators *

Yes, without evidence. The ravings of a con artist do not constitute "evidence". They constitute "being a dick". Here's a hint: SAYING you have evidence, and actually HAVING evidence are --- who knew --- two entirely different things. Especially for a legacy LIAR.
Strangely enough once they get to court all of that vanishes and it becomes crystal clear they were lying the whole time about what they had in their pocket. Not to mention that ditzo with the glottal stops who was supposed to be a star witness but came out more like a witless. And by the way "unlikely" is not on the menu in a court of law. That's pure fallacy.
Actually one would have to be swimming in a toxic vat of self-delusion sewage to claim not to see a childish temper tantrum by a sore loser.
So yes, baseless. When you run around shouting from the rooftops about "fraud" and then get into court and have to clarify, "no your honor we are not claiming fraud", the technical medical term for where you are is "full of shit".
Hope this helps. Of course with self-delusional cultists holding their :lalala: yoga posture --- it won't. One can lead the horse to the water....
At 10:30 pm it is announced that all counting will cease until 8:30 am the next morning and all observers , as required by law , are sent home , while counting silently resumes until about 1:30 am when observers , who had been notified that counting had not stopped , return and are belated from entering by " security " only to find an empty counting room , which had been vacated promptly upon their return .

You will never be believed again. We are anticipating one of your buddy Islamic groups to bring in WMD;s and take out a city or two.

More like you're "hoping". That's why you have to be watched so closely. The extreme right would willingly cooperate with islamicist terrorists just to make Biden look bad and murder liberals.

Quite frankly, I can't see how hardcore Trump cultists differ from islamicists, other than the name they use for God.
You need to meet some real people.
Today's AP story on the Trump-Georgia rally begins..."President Donald Trump pressed his own grievances over losing the Presidential election at a rally Saturday in Georgia, spreading baseless allegations of misconduct..."

We also see the words, "...without evidence..." and other expressions diminishing or even denying the existence of any "evidence" to support Trump's claims of voter fraud and other misdeeds in the recent Presidential election.

The words are lies. There is no other way to put it. They are not exaggerations, slants, or misinterpretations of reality.

Trump and his team have produced eyewitnesses, sworn affidavits, statistical analyses, and comparisons to past elections showing the extremely unlikely chances of what we saw in these state outcomes.

"Evidence"? People have been put on death row with less evidence than Trump has produced. "Baseless"? Are you kidding? One would have to be living in a cave not to see the clear basis for Trump's continuing efforts to right these wrongs.

There is no need to produce evidence of a "Media conspiracy." It is as superfluous as the need to show that the Dallas Cowboys conspired to win their last football game. It is self evident that the MSM is all on the same team, all sending out the same message, and in this case, it is a lie. One might have thought that with the Media so blasted for its slanted coverage of the entire 2020 campaign they would be a little more circumspect in their slanders and distortions. But I don't see that at all. The flood of lies continues.
They are baseless. There is no evidence. It's nothing but a temper tantrum and you kids need to stop coddling him. He lost. He needs to man up and accept it. So do you.
Today's AP story on the Trump-Georgia rally begins..."President Donald Trump pressed his own grievances over losing the Presidential election at a rally Saturday in Georgia, spreading baseless allegations of misconduct..."

We also see the words, "...without evidence..." and other expressions diminishing or even denying the existence of any "evidence" to support Trump's claims of voter fraud and other misdeeds in the recent Presidential election.

The words are lies. There is no other way to put it. They are not exaggerations, slants, or misinterpretations of reality.

Trump and his team have produced eyewitnesses, sworn affidavits, statistical analyses, and comparisons to past elections showing the extremely unlikely chances of what we saw in these state outcomes.

"Evidence"? People have been put on death row with less evidence than Trump has produced. "Baseless"? Are you kidding? One would have to be living in a cave not to see the clear basis for Trump's continuing efforts to right these wrongs.

There is no need to produce evidence of a "Media conspiracy." It is as superfluous as the need to show that the Dallas Cowboys conspired to win their last football game. It is self evident that the MSM is all on the same team, all sending out the same message, and in this case, it is a lie. One might have thought that with the Media so blasted for its slanted coverage of the entire 2020 campaign they would be a little more circumspect in their slanders and distortions. But I don't see that at all. The flood of lies continues.

No evidence..whatsoever. Nothing presented in a court of law that has stood up to legal scrutiny. Just endless media circuses and waving "sworn affidavits" in front of the camera. THESE are the lies..told constantly by a group of people unwilling to accept that their savior lost an election that was completely within his grasp to win if he just gave a small sliver of a shit about the pandemic that devastated this county. But..he didn't and now he's on his way out.
Accept it. Deal with it. Move on. You'll have plenty to complain about under a Biden administration
You will never be believed again. We are anticipating one of your buddy Islamic groups to bring in WMD;s and take out a city or two.
Much more likely some RWNJ will blow up another federal building first.

Daycare and all.
The media is simply quoting opinions, rulings, and determinations by over 40 courts and endless official investigations.
Intelligent people realize that quoting opinion as if it were fact is propaganda, not journalism.
A legal opinion is not the same thing as what you're spewing on a political website.

Sorry for your luck.
Whether Trump's EVIDENCE can be confirmed by a trial court decision, or will be ultimately vindicated is NOT MY POINT. The POINT is that they have presented EVIDENCE. It may not be definitive, it may be impeachable, but it is evidence, and to state - as fact - that there is no evidence is a LIE.

And when you compare what the Trump team has presented with the infamous Steele Report - which was nothing but uncorroborated RUMORS - and which was accepted as FACT by the entire Leftist Nation for THREE FUCKING YEARS, before it was shown to be absolute rubbish, well...the duplicity of not only the Media but the Leftist Nation is stunning.
I know you weren't going for humor here, but this post was absolutely hilarious! I'm literally rolling on the floor laughing.
They are baseless. There is no evidence.
So no morals. The evidence was deliberately destroyed. That's why we back things up.
It's nothing but a temper tantrum and you kids need to stop coddling him. He lost. He needs to man up and accept it. So do you.
We are not giving up, and we have no interest in the adult entertainment you offer.
Oh, so now there was evidence burning was destroyed?

" Selling Left Wing Lies Based On Ignorance That Fake News Liberal Arts Majors Promote For Ratings "

* Left Wing Drama And Propaganda *

Much more likely some RWNJ will blow up another federal building first.
Daycare and all.
The left continually makes reference to the oklahoma city bombings as a justification to banter white supremacists behind every mailbox ready to rampage throughout society , as though the bombings occurred in a vacuum of provocation to those who consider themselves members of that clique , and the number of extreme right wing attacks are relatively low compared with other homicide statistics over the past 20 years , such that oklahoma city bombing has to be continually referenced to keep up a perception of an imminent menacing threat by the evil racist whitey .

In the same way the left omits the +3000 killed on 9/11/2001 whenever it can to support its saudi donor base to facilitate fictional ishmaelism and the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony .

The left banter swears that white supremacists are the number one threat in the us while they ignore that more people are killed in inner cities run by democrats in one weekend of 2019 than had occurred during the entire year by right wing extremists ; the dhs website indicates that in 2019 alone , as many as 12,000 homicides have occurred in mexico along the us border , without making mention of homicides due to gangs rampant within illegal migrant societies .

To answer public questions about Ruby Ridge, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information held hearings between September 6 and October 19, 1995, and subsequently issued a report calling for reforms in federal law enforcement to prevent a repeat of the losses of life at Ruby Ridge and restore public confidence in federal law enforcement.[5]

It was noted that the Ruby Ridge incident and the 1993 Waco siege involved many of the same agencies (the FBI HRT and the ATF) and some of the same personnel (the FBI HRT commander). The GAO also conducted a review of federal policies about use of deadly force, publishing it in 1995.

The assault took place on April 19, 1993. Because the Branch Davidians were heavily armed, the FBI Hostage Rescue Team's arms included .50 caliber (12.7 mm) rifles and armored Combat Engineering Vehicles (CEV). The CEVs used explosives to punch holes in the walls of buildings of the compound so they could pump in CS gas ("tear gas") and try to force the Branch Davidians out without harming them.

At around noon, three fires broke out almost simultaneously in different parts of the building and spread quickly; footage of the blaze was broadcast live by television crews. The government maintains the fires were deliberately started by the Branch Davidians.[31][74] Some Branch Davidian survivors maintain that the fires were accidentally or deliberately started by the assault.[75][76]

Only nine people left the building during the fire.[31][74] The remaining Branch Davidians, including the children, were either buried alive by rubble, suffocated, or shot. Many were killed by smoke or carbon monoxide inhalation and other causes as fire engulfed the building.[74] According to the FBI,
Steve Schneider—Koresh's top aide—shot and killed Koresh and then himself.[77] In all, 76 people died.[11][74]

Autopsies of the dead revealed that some women and children found beneath a fallen concrete wall of a storage room died of skull injuries. Autopsy photographs of other children locked in what appear to be spasmic death poses are consistent with cyanide poisoning, one of the results produced by burning CS gas.

This chart depicts DVE and homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) attacks in the US since 2018 that posed a threat to life, based on DHS data. 2019 was the most lethal year for domestic violent extremism in the United States since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. We are still evaluating data for incidents occurring in 2020. VEs perpetrated 16 attacks, killing 48, whereas HVEs conducted 5 attacks and killed 1 person. Among DVE actors, WSEs conducted half of all lethal attacks (8 of 16) resulting in the majority of deaths (39 of 48). All the DVE attackers had a dominant violent extremist ideology, with many motivated by multiple violent extremist ideologies or violent extremist ideologies unconnected to global violent extremist groups .

" Selling Left Wing Lies Based On Ignorance That Fake News Liberal Arts Majors Promote For Ratings "

* Left Wing Drama And Propaganda *

Much more likely some RWNJ will blow up another federal building first.
Daycare and all.
The left continually makes reference to the oklahoma city bombings as a justification to banter white supremacists behind every mailbox ready to rampage throughout society , as though the bombings occurred in a vacuum of provocation , and the number of extreme right wing attacks have been compared with other homicide statistics , in the past 20 years , such that a reference oklahoma city bombing has to be continually referenced to keep up the perception of an imminent menacing threat by the evil racist whitey .

In the same way the left omits the +3000 killed on 9/11/2001 whenever it can to support its saudi donor base to facilitate fictional ishmaelism .

The left banter swears that white supremacists are the number one threat in the us while they ignore that more people are killed in inner cities run by democrats in one weekend of 2019 than had occurred during the entire year by right wing extremists ; the dhs website indicates that in 2019 alone , as many as 12,000 homicides have occurred in mexico along the us border , without making mention of homicides due to gangs rampant within illegal migrant societies .

To answer public questions about Ruby Ridge, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information held hearings between September 6 and October 19, 1995, and subsequently issued a report calling for reforms in federal law enforcement to prevent a repeat of the losses of life at Ruby Ridge and restore public confidence in federal law enforcement.[5]

It was noted that the Ruby Ridge incident and the 1993 Waco siege involved many of the same agencies (the FBI HRT and the ATF) and some of the same personnel (the FBI HRT commander). The GAO also conducted a review of federal policies about use of deadly force, publishing it in 1995.

The assault took place on April 19, 1993. Because the Branch Davidians were heavily armed, the FBI Hostage Rescue Team's arms included .50 caliber (12.7 mm) rifles and armored Combat Engineering Vehicles (CEV). The CEVs used explosives to punch holes in the walls of buildings of the compound so they could pump in CS gas ("tear gas") and try to force the Branch Davidians out without harming them.

At around noon, three fires broke out almost simultaneously in different parts of the building and spread quickly; footage of the blaze was broadcast live by television crews. The government maintains the fires were deliberately started by the Branch Davidians.[31][74] Some Branch Davidian survivors maintain that the fires were accidentally or deliberately started by the assault.[75][76]

Only nine people left the building during the fire.[31][74] The remaining Branch Davidians, including the children, were either buried alive by rubble, suffocated, or shot. Many were killed by smoke or carbon monoxide inhalation and other causes as fire engulfed the building.[74] According to the FBI,
Steve Schneider—Koresh's top aide—shot and killed Koresh and then himself.[77] In all, 76 people died.[11][74]

Autopsies of the dead revealed that some women and children found beneath a fallen concrete wall of a storage room died of skull injuries. Autopsy photographs of other children locked in what appear to be spasmic death poses are consistent with cyanide poisoning, one of the results produced by burning CS gas.

This chart depicts DVE and homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) attacks in the US since 2018 that posed a threat to life, based on DHS data. 2019 was the most lethal year for domestic violent extremism in the United States since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. We are still evaluating data for incidents occurring in 2020. VEs perpetrated 16 attacks, killing 48, whereas HVEs conducted 5 attacks and killed 1 person. Among DVE actors, WSEs conducted half of all lethal attacks (8 of 16) resulting in the majority of deaths (39 of 48). All the DVE attackers had a dominant violent extremist ideology, with many motivated by multiple violent extremist ideologies or violent extremist ideologies unconnected to global violent extremist groups .

You are aware of who was President and especially who was AG at the time of Ruby Ridge..correct? Go see that man for an explanation as he was the one who ordered Weaver be taken dead or alive. As far as Waco goes, ultimately, that was all on Koresh. But I will smack the ATF down for not being smart about things after their news of their impending raid was blown. Ultimately, though, those deaths were on Koresh and his followers.

The violence perpetrated over the last three decades has largely spun from the right hand side of the aisle. No getting around it.
" Selling Left Wing Lies Based On Ignorance That Fake News Liberal Arts Majors Promote For Ratings "

* Left Wing Drama And Propaganda *

Much more likely some RWNJ will blow up another federal building first.
Daycare and all.
The left continually makes reference to the oklahoma city bombings as a justification to banter white supremacists behind every mailbox ready to rampage throughout society , as though the bombings occurred in a vacuum of provocation to those who consider themselves members of that clique , and the number of extreme right wing attacks are relatively low compared with other homicide statistics over the past 20 years , such that oklahoma city bombing has to be continually referenced to keep up a perception of an imminent menacing threat by the evil racist whitey .

In the same way the left omits the +3000 killed on 9/11/2001 whenever it can to support its saudi donor base to facilitate fictional ishmaelism and the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony .

The left banter swears that white supremacists are the number one threat in the us while they ignore that more people are killed in inner cities run by democrats in one weekend of 2019 than had occurred during the entire year by right wing extremists ; the dhs website indicates that in 2019 alone , as many as 12,000 homicides have occurred in mexico along the us border , without making mention of homicides due to gangs rampant within illegal migrant societies .

To answer public questions about Ruby Ridge, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information held hearings between September 6 and October 19, 1995, and subsequently issued a report calling for reforms in federal law enforcement to prevent a repeat of the losses of life at Ruby Ridge and restore public confidence in federal law enforcement.[5]

It was noted that the Ruby Ridge incident and the 1993 Waco siege involved many of the same agencies (the FBI HRT and the ATF) and some of the same personnel (the FBI HRT commander). The GAO also conducted a review of federal policies about use of deadly force, publishing it in 1995.

The assault took place on April 19, 1993. Because the Branch Davidians were heavily armed, the FBI Hostage Rescue Team's arms included .50 caliber (12.7 mm) rifles and armored Combat Engineering Vehicles (CEV). The CEVs used explosives to punch holes in the walls of buildings of the compound so they could pump in CS gas ("tear gas") and try to force the Branch Davidians out without harming them.

At around noon, three fires broke out almost simultaneously in different parts of the building and spread quickly; footage of the blaze was broadcast live by television crews. The government maintains the fires were deliberately started by the Branch Davidians.[31][74] Some Branch Davidian survivors maintain that the fires were accidentally or deliberately started by the assault.[75][76]

Only nine people left the building during the fire.[31][74] The remaining Branch Davidians, including the children, were either buried alive by rubble, suffocated, or shot. Many were killed by smoke or carbon monoxide inhalation and other causes as fire engulfed the building.[74] According to the FBI,
Steve Schneider—Koresh's top aide—shot and killed Koresh and then himself.[77] In all, 76 people died.[11][74]

Autopsies of the dead revealed that some women and children found beneath a fallen concrete wall of a storage room died of skull injuries. Autopsy photographs of other children locked in what appear to be spasmic death poses are consistent with cyanide poisoning, one of the results produced by burning CS gas.

This chart depicts DVE and homegrown violent extremists (HVEs) attacks in the US since 2018 that posed a threat to life, based on DHS data. 2019 was the most lethal year for domestic violent extremism in the United States since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. We are still evaluating data for incidents occurring in 2020. VEs perpetrated 16 attacks, killing 48, whereas HVEs conducted 5 attacks and killed 1 person. Among DVE actors, WSEs conducted half of all lethal attacks (8 of 16) resulting in the majority of deaths (39 of 48). All the DVE attackers had a dominant violent extremist ideology, with many motivated by multiple violent extremist ideologies or violent extremist ideologies unconnected to global violent extremist groups .

You need to stop pasting all these chain emails and at least try to think for yourself.

"The left" is neither a fan nor a supporter of the Saudis, no matter how many times you read it on parler.

I'm not even gonna bother with the rest of the crap you posted, it's so far afield as to be beneath notice to thinking beings.

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