The dam of opinion is breaking for the GOP and against Trump and Moore

Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.

Among CNN viewers that is the case indeed.
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.

Nice cherry picking Jake. The average of the polls has Moore up +2.5
Of the 4 polls the washington post is the only one that has Jones up.
And you play the same game with Trump. The average their is 39.9
Now you are finally admitting that someone above lied about what I posted, Stevenc.

The latest poll was yesterday, which had Moore down by 3%.

And Gallup was posted at 33%.

I am glad you see the trends wending downward.
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Think about bad must the D party and Hillary be, for the American people to elect Trump?

Now that is REALLY fucking bad. No?
I bet Moore's election numbers will be better percent wise than Clinton.

It comes down to whether or not Alabamians fell for yet another Democratic Party/Fake News character assassination plot during a time when they are epically desperate for facts .. and epically rude...:lol:

No, it comes down to whether Alabama Republicans can eke out a win and cling to a Senate seat that is normally considered 'safe' for the GOP.

Democrats are do nothings with 9 years of false promises and debt doubling, they are simply out of touch with success and reality, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for failure and the status quo.
USMB Polling show 95% believe Jake Starkey to be a Progressive First Reponser and agitprop instigator paid by Media Matters
USMB Polling show 95% believe Jake Starkey to be a Progressive First Reponser and agitprop instigator paid by Media Matters
he is the forums new dotcom....if you ask him a question he dont like he will take the easy way out and put you on ignore.....of course that makes him a pussy too...
More left wing polls? Try the DOW industrial "poll" that's up in record territory almost every week and due for a historic jump after the GOP tax plan is implemented.
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Moore will win the Senate race, of course – representing the bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law typical of most in Alabama and Republicans in general.

Trump will remain intensely unpopular, the consequence of minority government, and Congressional Republicans pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda opposed by a majority of the American people.
We will see how all that works in the elections next November.
Haha...this is like picking on special ed kids. Just throw out a poll and watch all of these angry, desperate little idiots lose their minds...

Moore has been in a steady decline since we found out he's a child molester. McConnell tried to provide cover for Alabamans, indicating Moore would be thrown out of the Senate. I guess a lot of people feel a child molester should not be in the Senate for even one day.
And Hillary is at 92%, while Trump sits at 6%, with 2% undecided, in the latest presidential poll 3 weeks before the election.

The last Washington Post poll had Clinton up by 4. She won the popular vote by 3. They were pretty close. That being said, no one knows what will happen. You could see a lot of Republicans stay home. Moore won in his race with around 52% while Romney was winning 61% of the vote.

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