The dam of opinion is breaking for the GOP and against Trump and Moore

USMB Polling show 95% believe Jake Starkey to be a Progressive First Reponser and agitprop instigator paid by Media Matters

You mean the Russian troll farmers on this board disagree with Jake???

Who’d have thunk that?

You liberals are so pathetic with that lame ass excuse.

"The Russians did it"

Just what did they do to make hillary lose?
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Moore will win the Senate race, of course – representing the bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law typical of most in Alabama and Republicans in general.

Trump will remain intensely unpopular, the consequence of minority government, and Congressional Republicans pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda opposed by a majority of the American people.

liberal Butt Hurt brings me much Joy......
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Think about bad must the D party and Hillary be, for the American people to elect Trump?

Now that is REALLY fucking bad. No?
I bet Moore's election numbers will be better percent wise than Clinton.

It comes down to whether or not Alabamians fell for yet another Democratic Party/Fake News character assassination plot during a time when they are epically desperate for facts .. and epically rude...:lol:

No, it comes down to whether Alabama Republicans can eke out a win and cling to a Senate seat that is normally considered 'safe' for the GOP.
It's already won thanks to you regressive goomers that NEVER stop lying. Thank you!
I'll be super surprised if Alabama votes Democrats on the 12th!

That will be a major fucking sign of a blood bath coming next November of historic levels.

The joke is on you moron...

The blood bath was just over a year ago

and you are still Butt Hurt while we are

having the time of our lives watching

President Donald J. Trump make fools of you all.
With regard to Moore...

The only poll that counts is the one that will take place in Alabama on December 12, 2017...

All else is noise...


It now remains to be seen whether the People of the State of Alabama will send an alleged Child Molester to represent them in Washington...

The optics become even more complicated for the folks in Alabama when multiple accusations come from multiple, unconnected victims.
Last edited:
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Think about bad must the D party and Hillary be, for the American people to elect Trump?

Now that is REALLY fucking bad. No?
I bet Moore's election numbers will be better percent wise than Clinton.

It comes down to whether or not Alabamians fell for yet another Democratic Party/Fake News character assassination plot during a time when they are epically desperate for facts .. and epically rude...:lol:

No, it comes down to whether Alabama Republicans can eke out a win and cling to a Senate seat that is normally considered 'safe' for the GOP.
It's already won thanks to you regressive goomers that NEVER stop lying. Thank you!

Lying about what?
Think about bad must the D party and Hillary be, for the American people to elect Trump?

Now that is REALLY fucking bad. No?
I bet Moore's election numbers will be better percent wise than Clinton.

It comes down to whether or not Alabamians fell for yet another Democratic Party/Fake News character assassination plot during a time when they are epically desperate for facts .. and epically rude...:lol:

No, it comes down to whether Alabama Republicans can eke out a win and cling to a Senate seat that is normally considered 'safe' for the GOP.
It's already won thanks to you regressive goomers that NEVER stop lying. Thank you!

Lying about what?
The quintessential libtardian response. Winner!
No, Joe, you won't. The senators will be worried about their own re-election, and your opinion will not matter in the slightest.
If Moore is elected, he will be seated unless something new and substantial comes out after the election.
If Moore is elected, he will be seated unless something new and substantial comes out after the election.

If Moore is elected and seated, the Republicans can kiss the Senate and possibly the House goodbye at midterms.

The public in general is disgusted with the morals and the ineptitude of the Republican Party and it’s embrace of White Supremacists, as well as its failure to reign in the excesses of the Trump White House.

The total about face on deficit spending is also going to be problematic for them. When Obama was President the deficit was the worst thing ever and needed to be reduced, but just like when Reagan and W were President, the moment that a Republican is in office, deficits don’t matter.
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Moore will win the Senate race, of course – representing the bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law typical of most in Alabama and Republicans in general.

Trump will remain intensely unpopular, the consequence of minority government, and Congressional Republicans pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda opposed by a majority of the American people.
. What are the real reasons candidates like Roy Moore and Trump are hated so badly ?? The nation's economy and such be dammed as the Demon-crats burn this nation to the ground over abortion and any other bullcrap issues they wish to pursue as their agenda's, and especially over the most important agenda of all "The America/American first Agenda".
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Moore will win the Senate race, of course – representing the bigotry, hate, and contempt for the rule of law typical of most in Alabama and Republicans in general.

Trump will remain intensely unpopular, the consequence of minority government, and Congressional Republicans pursuing a failed, wrongheaded agenda opposed by a majority of the American people.
. What are the real reasons candidates like Roy Moore and Trump are hated so badly ?? The nation's economy and such be dammed as the Demon-crats burn this nation to the ground over abortion and any other bullcrap issues they wish to pursue as their agenda's, and especially over the most important agenda of all "The America/American first Agenda".

It wasn’t the Democrats who burned the US economy to the ground in 2000 - 2007, it was the Republicans. And now that Republuxans have passed yet another huge tax break for the wealthy on the backs of the middle and working class, the clock is ticking on the next economic crash.

The “America First” agenda is a misnomer. Americans aren’t being put first. Multinational corporations and other wealthy Republican donors are who are being placed first. They always have been and always will be.
Should the Tax act pass the House-Senate reconciliation effort, then start saving your money, people, because within five years a major crash will come.

Then you can buy up alt right houses for pennies on the dollar.
If Moore is elected, he will be seated unless something new and substantial comes out after the election.

If Moore is elected and seated, the Republicans can kiss the Senate and possibly the House goodbye at midterms.

The public in general is disgusted with the morals and the ineptitude of the Republican Party and it’s embrace of White Supremacists, as well as its failure to reign in the excesses of the Trump White House.

The total about face on deficit spending is also going to be problematic for them. When Obama was President the deficit was the worst thing ever and needed to be reduced, but just like when Reagan and W were President, the moment that a Republican is in office, deficits don’t matter.
. Ok, so just how are you all (who are in the minority opinion, and weak on policy in this nation) going to puff yourselves up in order to appear far greater in numbers than you all are when it comes time to win or lose ?? You gonna rely on the crooked media to continue the tactics of making the Demon-crats appear as if they have this huge support system when in fact it's all just smoke and mirrors ?? Is there going to be far greater corruption going on this next round as opposed to the last round ??
Should the Tax act pass the House-Senate reconciliation effort, then start saving your money, people, because within five years a major crash will come.

Then you can buy up alt right houses for pennies on the dollar.
. You mean just like what Bill Clinton caused when the chickens finally came home to roost ?
Saturday, December 2
Race/Topic (Click to Sort)
Poll Results Spread
Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Washington Post Moore 47, Jones 50 Jones +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 33, Disapprove 62 Disapprove +29

Trump now is sinking badly. Moore is down again, and may stay down and lose the election.

With the Senate passing its version of the tax bill, the GOP knows now that it does not Trump. Pence will do even better for the party.

And with the GOP now able to craft enough votes in the Senate, the GOP does not need Moore.
Sorry. I have no faith in Alabama voters doing the right thing. They will gleefully vote for a child molester over someone who successfully prosecuted child murderers. Alabama is for child molesters.
I don't think it's really that important if Moore gets elected or not. Sure it's symbolic, but it's just one guy and he's not running for president.
Should the Tax act pass the House-Senate reconciliation effort, then start saving your money, people, because within five years a major crash will come.

Then you can buy up alt right houses for pennies on the dollar.
. You mean just like what Bill Clinton caused when the chickens finally came home to roost ?
In a short recession at the beginning of Bush's regime? Silly boy, nothing like what he caused in 2008 occurred in 2001. And you are trying sidle by the crash caused by 9-11. You simply cannot master the facts of history.

Yup, you want the GOP to be just like the Dems is what you are saying, just like you want Trump to be like your idea of Obama.

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