The days of the corporate Democrats fleecing their voters are coming to a halt

Can you expound on what this agenda is? Are you even able to articulate what Marxism is in your own words?
I'll stand by my post, and tell you to shove it with your games, Marc. Your welcome
That's what I thought! Absolutely NOTHING. Good day sir.
You deflect, it's what you do Marc. I'm not going to play your game.
I said what I said in response to your lame OP, and you respond by playing
a fucking game. Grow up, dude.
You do realize AOC is just as much a corrupt corporate shill as Manchinema? You do realize the all the green spending will be done by corporations?

Either way how is someone supporting less spending give-aways, more corrupt then those supporting more spending give-aways?

At least 1 good thing came from COVID, it exposed the members of the corrupt elite, ones like AOC who supports forced masking while she goes unmasked. People are smart enough to figure out getting rid of things like coal and natural gas will be no different then the rules around masking.

Which corporate interests control Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Who's she shilling for?

List a few of the giveaways you're referring to?
AOC shills for alternative energy and for alternatives to Amazon that provide less service for a higher price.

Everyone is for more educ, more access to HC, working wages, etc. It's how that's "paid for" is the question, and whether its inflationary. Manchin may be corrupt with his ties to carbon fuel, but if that's corruption, how is it different from tax breaks for high earners to buy elec cars, or solar subsidies that no poor person will ever partake of?

If the dems had a separate initiative to coordinate lowering emissions with the EU (which whom we're roughly equal) that did not require govt to actually enter energy markets, and punished the chinese for not reducing their emissions ... maybe Manchin would have no choice but to go along.
Marc, I think you are being incredibly naive. Not only are you wrong about corruption coming to a halt, the current situation is going to actually increase corruption.

The Democrats have a very slim majority. Razor thin. Every last Democrat has to be on board for anything to get passed.

Because of this, every Democrat in the House and Senate knows they have the best leverage they could ever hope for. I am sure this current spending bill is so huge because they all had "gets" they demanded to go along with passing the bill. Nice little boondoggles to make them look good for the rubes back home. Bridges to nowhere, free puppies for hookers, a bigger liquor tab at all Democratic functions, etc. And those Democrats who are thoroughly owned by special interests now have a wide open four lane highway to get those interests whatever they want.

This is going to happen with every single bill that comes through Congress.

"Give me what I want, or else I don't vote for this bill!"
How can you speak so definitively when you use the words "I am sure?"

Are you able to cite any examples of this crazy spending regarding this bill?
Which corporate interests control Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Who's she shilling for?

List a few of the giveaways you're referring to, if you will. Thank you.

Good question, thanks for giving me opportunity to correct myself. AOC's game is the shakedown and power grab, so I withdraw the shill comment, she hasn't made it that far, she young give her time.
You're not wrong in that. Where you are wrong, however, lies in believing that a few upstart young legislators will be able to get the big money (and with it the bought and sold influence) out of politics. The ONLY way to do successfully do that is to reduce and/or remove what government has to sell, which is power, and that's simply not going to happen. Why do you think FaceBook is running ads calling for more internet regulation? Simple, FB has the money to buy influence and shape any new legislation to be very favorable for themselves and to screw competitors. Why do you think Quid Pro Joe's son got that extremely lucrative job? Simple, he had access to the VP's office and all the power that went with it. Even those upstart, idealistic youngsters are going to, before long, become the establishment they profess to oppose. They will become, in your terms, sellouts but will be impossible to remove due to their longevity in office.

No, you need a bunch of TRUMP!s to show up on the scene with both the balls and the clout to take on the entrenched powers that be and actually push them back, and you need more than one. You need several in the House, the Senate, and of course, the White House. Of course, you could go to term limits and deny the voters the chance to elect the people they want to elect.
My hyperbole aside, they are currently pure and uncorrupted, let's stay in the realm of what we can prove and not partisan conjecture.

Sounds like you agree with them. Am I right?
Good question, thanks for giving me opportunity to correct myself. AOC's game is the shakedown and power grab, so I withdraw the shill comment, she hasn't made it that far, she young give her time.
So partisan conjecture is all you have. Is that all it takes for you to hate someone who is actually fighting for you?
How can you speak so definitively when you use the words "I am sure?"

Are you able to cite any examples of this crazy spending regarding this bill?
Your OP is the evidence. Because of the dynamics I explained, the far left progressives like AOC now have leverage to get what they want. They did not have any leverage before now, and AOC is exploiting it.

What makes you think all the other Democrats are not behaving the exact same way?

It's human nature, man.

I guarantee once someone has all the time to read its 2500 pages, you will see plenty of other examples.
WEll, the dems have a decision to make. Personally, had you told me 9 mos ago that Analog Joe would get everybody vacced who wanted vacced (at no out of pocket), unemployment around 5.5, 2T in covid, 1.2T in infrastructure and probably around 2T in social spending HOPEFULLY for those families making 35-60K ... I'd have said .... well it cudda been worse.
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

Nah, you idiots are too stupid to not be fleeced by your handlers.
My hyperbole aside, they are currently pure and uncorrupted, let's stay in the realm of what we can prove and not partisan conjecture.

Sounds like you agree with them. Am I right?
I agree solely that government peddles power, which attracts money and that money in turn buys influence over that power. As long as government has power and legislators are willing to sell access to that power, you're never going to get the money out of politics, and if you can't get the money out of politics, you can't get corruption out either.
Does $3 BILLION for "Tree equity" count MarcATL ?
How about the....

Democratic efforts to include a special $50,000-per-year journalist tax break within President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending package have sparked accusations of “media collusion.”

Does that count?
My hyperbole aside, they are currently pure and uncorrupted, let's stay in the realm of what we can prove and not partisan conjecture.

Sounds like you agree with them. Am I right?
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

The purity of which you speak is naivete. And I am being kind. I could have said they are retards. It's what I do. :D

As hadit keeps saying, wherever there is power, the money will follow and capture it.

It constantly amazes me how Democrats, and particularly people like AOC, do everything they can to expand the role and size of government, and then whine about money in politics!

When the hell will they figure it out?!?
I feel more libertarian every day. Biden and the Democrats are really bringing it out in me.

If I have a choice of deciding what to do with my life by myself, or letting a government owned by special interests decide for me, I will choose liberty for myself.
Do-gooders have been trying to get money out of politics since the 70s. Countless reform bills and Supreme Court decisions later, there is more money in politics than ever.

Money ALWAYS finds a way to capture power.

Yet the Democrats ceaselessly try to grab more power for the government!

Positively schizophrenic.
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

Honey, she is the idiot version of Warren.....she is doing a shakedown for donations scam. She talks tough, uses her thugs to harass a targeted business, and then goes away when they donate to her or hire her buddy or do whatever other payout she wants.
Do-gooders have been trying to get money out of politics since the 70s. Countless reform bills and Supreme Court decisions later, there is more money in politics than ever.

Money ALWAYS finds a way to capture power.

Yet the Democrats ceaselessly try to grab more power for the government!

Positively schizophrenic.
It used to be that the "old money" went to the GOP, and the union money went to the dems. Now the hi-tech oligarchs are democrats, and they have way more "new money" than the old guys have, and the union construction and energy guys like Trump. Chamber of what?
How about the....

Democratic efforts to include a special $50,000-per-year journalist tax break within President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending package have sparked accusations of “media collusion.”

Does that count?
I would immediately start calling myself a "journalist". It's not like there are any qualifications or tests involved.

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