The days of the corporate Democrats fleecing their voters are coming to a halt

What is the definition of corruption?

I'll help you.

In simple words corruption "is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power, such as managers or government officials. Corruption can include giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double-dealing, under-the-table transactions, manipulating elections, diverting funds, laundering money, and defrauding investors. "

Most if not all of the above is what's currently happening with corporations being able to control our politicians.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Manchin said he doesn't want an entitlement society, he wants a reward society where hard work pays off. That's not what the commie bill is about, it's all about buying votes.

You want more concentrated government power over health care, and you are shocked, shocked that special interests have captured that power?

This is exactly what I have been talking about.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
You have a different way? Please expound.
You're asking what's radical about turning people into serfs?
Serf: an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate.

Describes exactly the system we have now, corporate slavery with low pay, no health plans, crazy hours, no child care, filtering all the wealth to the lords at the top.

Got anymore propaganda to spew?
Yes. Take power away from Washington. Shrink the government. Less concentrated power in a few hands, and less money will be chasing after it.
How do you take power from Washington?

Shrinking government is even more of a joke than getting money out of politics.
How do you take power from Washington?

Shrinking government is even more of a joke than getting money out of politics.
Shrinking government and taking money out of politics are two sides of the same coin.

How do you take power from Washington?

Well, first thing, repeal Obamacare and repeal the laws which give mini-monopolies to health insurance companies.

The Democrats are behind Obamacare, but both parties are beholden to the insurance companies which sought the legislation which gives them their mini-monopolies.

I also want to ban all tax expenditures. That includes the tax deductions corporations get for employer-provided health insurance. That deduction drives up the cost of healthcare.

Then end goal is that you should be able to dial your cell phone and call any insurance company in the country and buy your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance. The entire system is rigged to prevent you from being able to do that. And it is rigged by politicians who have way too much power and have sold their souls to special interests who have captured that power.

Did you ever notice you do not buy your home, auto, and life insurance the same way you get your health insurance? Ever wonder why that is, and what it is about health insurance that we don't see in home, auto, or life insurance?

The federal government is not an active participant in the home, auto, and life insurance markets, that's why.

So explain to me why the federal government is involved in the health insurance market AND GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ITS COMPETITORS.

How's that working out? Health care costs have been skyrocketing for DECADES, and Obamacare has done nothing to stop that momentum, as Obama promised it would. It is a giant hoax. The only hoax bigger is the Trump and Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Is it any wonder the healthcare market is all fucked up? The government has made sure the private market is a complete clusterfuck.

So that's one idea for shrinking government. I have lots more.
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Shrinking government and taking money out of politics are two sides of the same coin.

How do you take power from Washington?

Well, first thing, repeal Obamacare and repeal the laws which give mini-monopolies to health insurance companies.

The Democrats are behind Obamacare, but both parties are beholden to the insurance companies which sought the legislation which gives them their mini-monopolies.

I also want to ban all tax expenditures. That includes the tax deductions corporations get for employer-provided health insurance. That deduction drives up the cost of healthcare.

Then end goal is that you should be able to dial your cell phone and call any insurance company in the country and buy your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance. The entire system is rigged to prevent you from being able to do that. And it is rigged by politicians who have way too much power and have sold their souls to special interests who have captured that power.

Did you ever notice you do not buy your home, auto, and life insurance the same way you get your health insurance? Ever wonder why that is, and what it is about health insurance that we don't see in home, auto, or life insurance?

The federal government is not an active participant in the home, auto, and life insurance markets, that's why.

So explain to me why the federal government is involved in the health insurance market AND GETS TO WRITE THE RULES FOR ITS COMPETITORS.

How's that working out? Health care costs have been skyrocketing for DECADES, and Obama care has done nothing to stop that momentum, as Obama promised it would. It was a giant hoax.

Is it any wonder the healthcare market is all fucked up? The government has made sure the private market is a complete clusterfuck.

So that's one idea for shrinking government. I have lots more.
Dude, the reason why the Healthcare lobby shoveled millions in campaigns against Obamacare is because they have a monopoly now and do not want the gravy train to end.

Snap out of your stupor guy, get serious.
Dude, the reason why the Healthcare lobby shoveled millions in campaigns against Obamacare is because they have a monopoly now and do not want the gravy train to end.

Snap out of your stupor guy, get serious.
I said exactly that. I specifically said Obamacare was a Democrat thing, but the rigging of the insurance markets by special interests is bipartisan.

I also pointed out health care costs have been skyrocketing for DECADES. This problem precedes Obamacare. God knows how many times I have pointed that out to the Trumptards. They think all we need to do is repeal Obamacare to solve the cost problem. I often compare them to goldfish, what with their short term memory problems. Just repealing Obamacare won't solve shit. Health care costs will just continue to skyrocket like they were before Obamacare.

We need to clear the deck of ALL government involvement in health care. You can keep Medicare and Medicaid. I don't care.

But for everyday working Americans, we need government out of the fricking way. We need to be able to pick up our phone and call any insurance company we want.

There are so many advantages to this. You can carry your health insurance from one job to the next. And when you bundle all your insurance needs together (home/auto/life), you get big discounts. Adding your health insurance to the bundle will bring more savings.

Competition is the key. Just look how many ads you see on TV for car insurance. Car insurance rates have not gone up anywhere near the rate health insurance has.

Seriously, if someone owned a restaurant and was able to write the rules for their competitors, don't tell me they wouldn't rig the living shit out of those rules in their favor.

That's what is going on. The government is in the health insurance business, and it is rigging the living shit out of the rules for its private sector competitors. Whoever bribes our politicians with the most cash wins.
What machine really wants is people to work he can make more money on his investments while those that do actual work get the shaft. Please try to argue against this
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

Joe wants to do the same thing AOC wants to do…just 3x less.

So the so called “progressive” wing you are referring to is actually far worse then what you are mad at Joe about
What machine really wants is people to work he can make more money on his investments while those that do actual work get the shaft. Please try to argue against this

Damn that's easy. An employment contract requires consent on both sides. No one is forced to work at a company.

Dude, the reason why the Healthcare lobby shoveled millions in campaigns against Obamacare is because they have a monopoly now and do not want the gravy train to end.

Snap out of your stupor guy, get serious.
They supported Obamacare, you fucking dumbass.
Serf: an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate.

Describes exactly the system we have now, corporate slavery with low pay, no health plans, crazy hours, no child care, filtering all the wealth to the lords at the top.

Got anymore propaganda to spew?
If you don't like working at GM, you're free to work at Tesla. No one is "bound," dumbass.
They supported Obamacare, you fucking dumbass.
The democrats want single-payer healthcare is so they can control access to healthcare.
Just imagine "Lois Lerner" in-charge of your healthcare. Democrats get immediate access, Republicans get put on a waiting list to see a doctor. Fuck that.
What machine really wants is people to work he can make more money on his investments while those that do actual work get the shaft. Please try to argue against this
The investor stands to lose tremendous amounts of money if the companies he's invested in don't make as much profit as expected. The workers don't notice if that happens because they get paid regardless. When workers bear the risks, they can get the rewards. Let's do this then. Every worker gets 10% of their pay in company stock. That way they stand to lose if the company underperforms.

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