The days of the corporate Democrats fleecing their voters are coming to a halt

So you're happy with the status quo of corporate corruption.

Thanks for clearing that up.
What has most of us confused is your charge that Manchin and Sinema are "corrupt" with no evidence of any corruption. Its like the typical dem ploy of calling people you don't like "Russian Assets" like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard.

Don't make me list the Xiden scams proving their corruption, you should know them by now.
Words have meaning dumb ass. Facts don't care about your feelings.

That said, can you expound on what's radical about the agenda?
Yes, words do have meaning. Corruption does not recognize a political party. You ONLY see that which you dislike and ignore it when you want something.

Partisan has a meaning too. Learn what it is.

I have expounded on what is radical about that agenda, over the course of two decades of debate.

I am not about to waste My time on you summarizing it when if you wanted to know, you could, in fact, discover it yourself.

You're a closed mind, MarcATL. You always have been.

Have a great day.
Manchin barely won an election in a red state. Meaning that there are mostly Republicans in his state and he's a Democrat.

What do you expect him to do? Democrats want Manchin to get reelected, right?

Manchin has to make the mostly Republican voters in his state happy, right?
You know 90% don't understand that....Marc is one of them, he's a leftwing crusader that has never been outside an urban area in his life.
What has most of us confused is your charge that Manchin and Sinema are "corrupt" with no evidence of any corruption. Its like the typical dem ploy of calling people you don't like "Russian Assets" like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard.

Don't make me list the Xiden scams proving their corruption, you should know them by now.
I wouldn't waste My time doing that. He would not accept any evidence, regardless of how true. I've learned that with Marc, a few replies is more than apt to refute him, and then I just move along.
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

Marc, I think you are being incredibly naive. Not only are you wrong about corruption coming to a halt, the current situation is going to actually increase corruption.

The Democrats have a very slim majority. Razor thin. Every last Democrat has to be on board for anything to get passed.

Because of this, every Democrat in the House and Senate knows they have the best leverage they could ever hope for. I am sure this current spending bill is so huge because they all had "gets" they demanded to go along with passing the bill. Nice little boondoggles to make them look good for the rubes back home. Bridges to nowhere, free puppies for hookers, a bigger liquor tab at all Democratic functions, etc. And those Democrats who are thoroughly owned by special interests now have a wide open four lane highway to get those interests whatever they want.

This is going to happen with every single bill that comes through Congress.

"Give me what I want, or else I don't vote for this bill!"
So you're happy with the status quo of corporate corruption.

Thanks for clearing that up.
I'm not sure what "corruption" you're talking about. I'd agree that I thought the dems were right in paying for social spending aimed at 30-50K working families by taxing those making over 400K, and more importantly the people who own most of the corp equity.
What has most of us confused is your charge that Manchin and Sinema are "corrupt" with no evidence of any corruption. Its like the typical dem ploy of calling people you don't like "Russian Assets" like Hillary called Tulsi Gabbard.

Don't make me list the Xiden scams proving their corruption, you should know them by now.
They aren’t corrupt, they are responding to the people that elected them. I can’t speak for Manchin, but Sinema barely got elected and unless she satisfies ALL Arizonans, she will be out on her ear.
What is the definition of corruption?

I'll help you.

In simple words corruption "is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power, such as managers or government officials. Corruption can include giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double-dealing, under-the-table transactions, manipulating elections, diverting funds, laundering money, and defrauding investors. "

Most if not all of the above is what's currently happening with corporations being able to control our politicians.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
You're not wrong in that. Where you are wrong, however, lies in believing that a few upstart young legislators will be able to get the big money (and with it the bought and sold influence) out of politics. The ONLY way to do successfully do that is to reduce and/or remove what government has to sell, which is power, and that's simply not going to happen. Why do you think FaceBook is running ads calling for more internet regulation? Simple, FB has the money to buy influence and shape any new legislation to be very favorable for themselves and to screw competitors. Why do you think Quid Pro Joe's son got that extremely lucrative job? Simple, he had access to the VP's office and all the power that went with it. Even those upstart, idealistic youngsters are going to, before long, become the establishment they profess to oppose. They will become, in your terms, sellouts but will be impossible to remove due to their longevity in office.

No, you need a bunch of TRUMP!s to show up on the scene with both the balls and the clout to take on the entrenched powers that be and actually push them back, and you need more than one. You need several in the House, the Senate, and of course, the White House. Of course, you could go to term limits and deny the voters the chance to elect the people they want to elect.
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

are you admitting there is corruption in that party you so admire?....
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

The components of this post are bit looney.....HOWEVER.....the post itself and the sentiment are very good.

Thumbs up!

You're not wrong in that. Where you are wrong, however, lies in believing that a few upstart young legislators will be able to get the big money (and with it the bought and sold influence) out of politics. The ONLY way to do successfully do that is to reduce and/or remove what government has to sell, which is power, and that's simply not going to happen. Why do you think FaceBook is running ads calling for more internet regulation? Simple, FB has the money to buy influence and shape any new legislation to be very favorable for themselves and to screw competitors. Why do you think Quid Pro Joe's son got that extremely lucrative job? Simple, he had access to the VP's office and all the power that went with it. Even those upstart, idealistic youngsters are going to, before long, become the establishment they profess to oppose. They will become, in your terms, sellouts but will be impossible to remove due to their longevity in office.

No, you need a bunch of TRUMP!s to show up on the scene with both the balls and the clout to take on the entrenched powers that be and actually push them back, and you need more than one. You need several in the House, the Senate, and of course, the White House. Of course, you could go to term limits and deny the voters the chance to elect the people they want to elect.
They will mysteriously die first unfortunately.
If you dig into the 3.5 trillion dollar bill you will find that its filled with perks for the wealthy...the perks Trump took away from them and AOC is in favor or tax dollars to the rich....
So Manchin and Sinema are the true democrats here....
Yes, words do have meaning. Corruption does not recognize a political party. You ONLY see that which you dislike and ignore it when you want something.

Partisan has a meaning too. Learn what it is.

I have expounded on what is radical about that agenda, over the course of two decades of debate.

I am not about to waste My time on you summarizing it when if you wanted to know, you could, in fact, discover it yourself.

You're a closed mind, MarcATL. You always have been.

Have a great day.
nope.....years back in the other forum marc was a lot more open minded.....i think somewhere along the line....trump must have kissed his significant other....
They will mysteriously die first unfortunately.
You don't even have to believe in the "deep state" to see that there is a well entrenched power structure at work in Washington, and it doesn't like being challenged. Ever wonder what that first meeting with Pelosi is like? "Play along and you get on the good committees, get linked up with wealthy donors, get meetings with connected lobbyists. In less than 5 years you could be a multi-millionaire with lifetime job security. Don't play along and nothing you ever write will see the light of day. You won't get assigned to any committees, no one will listen to a thing you say, you'll get no donations, no lobbyists clamoring to meet with you, no air time, and probably defeated in the next election cycle. So, what'll it be?".
If you dig into the 3.5 trillion dollar bill you will find that its filled with perks for the wealthy...the perks Trump took away from them and AOC is in favor or tax dollars to the rich....
So Manchin and Sinema are the true democrats here....
This is what happens when Congress creates these massive spending bills. It's open season to stuff it full of crap that has nothing to do with its stated goals, and the president can only sign or veto it. They purposely start with something extremely popular or that the president has indicated that he really wants, than load it up with stuff that would not survive on its own, so he has little choice. Either sign something he knows is crap, or veto something he pleaded with Congress to send him.
Yes, words do have meaning. Corruption does not recognize a political party. You ONLY see that which you dislike and ignore it when you want something.

Partisan has a meaning too. Learn what it is.

I have expounded on what is radical about that agenda, over the course of two decades of debate.

I am not about to waste My time on you summarizing it when if you wanted to know, you could, in fact, discover it yourself.

You're a closed mind, MarcATL. You always have been.

Have a great day.
Dumb ass, this very thread is about me harshly criticizing what you term as "my" party.

Are stupid, dumb or ignorant?
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

Why are they corrupt? Do you have proof to prove they are corrupt?

You mean they are corrupt because they are honest, and don't bow down to Satan's whore, Nazi Pelozi?

Did Nancy put you up to this because she couldn't get her Porkzilla bill passed?

What a moronic Schill you are.
The corrupt duo, aptly referred to as "Manchinema", have been able to have their way running roughshod through the Democratic Party and their voters for years now.

Those days are quickly coming to a screeching halt, with the advent of more and more determined progressive Democrats who are finally realizing they have the power to do what their constituents sent them to Congress to do, represent them and fight corruption.

The media has been aiding and abetting these corporate shills all this time, but even they are being forced to admit where the problem these corrupt corporate Democrats and their paymaster donors.

I couldn't be happier.

You do realize AOC is just as much a corrupt corporate shill as Manchinema? You do realize the all the green spending will be done by corporations?

Either way how is someone supporting less spending give-aways, more corrupt then those supporting more spending give-aways?

At least 1 good thing came from COVID, it exposed the members of the corrupt elite, ones like AOC who supports forced masking while she goes unmasked. People are smart enough to figure out getting rid of things like coal and natural gas will be no different then the rules around masking.
You do realize AOC is just as much a corrupt corporate shill as Manchinema? You do realize the all the green spending will be done by corporations?

Either way how is someone supporting less spending give-aways, more corrupt then those supporting more spending give-aways?

At least 1 good thing came from COVID, it exposed the members of the corrupt elite, ones like AOC who supports forced masking while she goes unmasked. People are smart enough to figure out getting rid of things like coal and natural gas will be no different then the rules around masking.
Which corporate interests control Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Who's she shilling for?

List a few of the giveaways you're referring to, if you will. Thank you.
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