The dear leader believs the court should not have the power to stike down Obama care

well it's basically what the dictator wannabe just said today !!! he blatantly said that any law passed by a congressional majority and is then found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court is setting a new precedent !!! in other words anything the left passes should become absolute !!!

Where in the Constitution does the Court get the power to strike down a law Congress passed?

Precedent was set in Marbury vs Madison. Though Alexander hamilton said in Federalist 78 that the court wouldnt have such power and Jefferson was against the court having such power and felt they had over reached with the Marbury decision.

That being said, its been 200 years since that decision, the courts have exercised that power repeatedly and its stood.

No, its not in the Constitution, but its now an established power.

Perfect answer, suprisingly few seemed to know that, yet it is that, that perhaps makes the Marbury case the most important Supreme Court case to date.
Is that right?

Please go to the archives and find the last 10 posts that I have submitted. Copy them here. Wanna bet that none of them are even remotely similar.

You are the least intelligent person posting here. Not the craziest........but certainly the stupidest.

Same old Monty Python knight whinings as his limbs are being lopped off by real debaters. Either put up a real post or just read the on-going debates. Real Boards have more defined rules about posts as to minimum length, and bullshiters get bounced.
Where in the Constitution does the Court get the power to strike down a law Congress passed?

Precedent was set in Marbury vs Madison. Though Alexander hamilton said in Federalist 78 that the court wouldnt have such power and Jefferson was against the court having such power and felt they had over reached with the Marbury decision.

That being said, its been 200 years since that decision, the courts have exercised that power repeatedly and its stood.

No, its not in the Constitution, but its now an established power.

Perfect answer, suprisingly few seemed to know that, yet it is that, that perhaps makes the Marbury case the most important Supreme Court case to date.

Yes, because 1800's Constitutional Law is a required class at all high schools.
Is that right?

Please go to the archives and find the last 10 posts that I have submitted. Copy them here. Wanna bet that none of them are even remotely similar.

You are the least intelligent person posting here. Not the craziest........but certainly the stupidest.

Same old Monty Python knight whinings as his limbs are being lopped off by real debaters. Either put up a real post or just read the on-going debates. Real Boards have more defined rules about posts as to minimum length, and bullshiters get bounced.

You are talking out of your ass too.
well it's basically what the dictator wannabe just said today !!! he blatantly said that any law passed by a congressional majority and is then found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court is setting a new precedent !!! in other words anything the left passes should become absolute !!!

Where in the Constitution does the Court get the power to strike down a law Congress passed?

In fact, how many of these right wingers will pile up huge medical bills because they don't have insurance? Zany loons, each and every one.

what business is it of yours? you want people to stay out your bedrooms, well you all keep your noses out of peoples insurance.

Then stop making me pay for your E.R. visits every time you try a stunt you saw on Jackass.
if you are trying to convince yourself that conservatives are the ones that don't pay their way and are on the government dole you are an idiot !!
what business is it of yours? you want people to stay out your bedrooms, well you all keep your noses out of peoples insurance.

Then stop making me pay for your E.R. visits every time you try a stunt you saw on Jackass.
if you are trying to convince yourself that conservatives are the ones that don't pay their way and are on the government dole you are an idiot !!

Actually, I'm trying to convince you.

Uninsured: Highest Percentage in Texas, Lowest in Mass.
Precedent was set in Marbury vs Madison. Though Alexander hamilton said in Federalist 78 that the court wouldnt have such power and Jefferson was against the court having such power and felt they had over reached with the Marbury decision.

That being said, its been 200 years since that decision, the courts have exercised that power repeatedly and its stood.

No, its not in the Constitution, but its now an established power.

Perfect answer, suprisingly few seemed to know that, yet it is that, that perhaps makes the Marbury case the most important Supreme Court case to date.

Yes, because 1800's Constitutional Law is a required class at all high schools.

Marbury v Madison is covered in US high school history courses.
Then stop making me pay for your E.R. visits every time you try a stunt you saw on Jackass.
if you are trying to convince yourself that conservatives are the ones that don't pay their way and are on the government dole you are an idiot !!

Actually, I'm trying to convince you.

Uninsured: Highest Percentage in Texas, Lowest in Mass.
those are the illegals your kind are so desperate to allow voting rights to !!
well it's basically what the dictator wannabe just said today !!! he blatantly said that any law passed by a congressional majority and is then found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court is setting a new precedent !!! in other words anything the left passes should become absolute !!!

What do you expect from Statist pigs? Judicial review is fine, for everyone else.

Personally, I love it.. every time this fool comes out and runs his mouth he is further demonstrating that he is nothing less a megalomaniacal dictator.
Conservatives around here have been bitching for years that the Court has too much power.
Conservatives around here have been bitching for years that the Court has too much power.

Judicial review is a fundamental function of the SCOTUS. Pulling imaginary rights from thin air in response to a political agenda is not.

There's a difference.. do try and keep up.
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Conservatives around here have been bitching for years that the Court has too much power.

And they were right.

The Left cant bitch now that they've exploited that power for their gain.

Politics is a game. And they're winning because they understand where the power is and how to use it.

Something the Left clearly forgot.
well it's basically what the dictator wannabe just said today !!! he blatantly said that any law passed by a congressional majority and is then found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court is setting a new precedent !!! in other words anything the left passes should become absolute !!!

Dear Leader, The Messiah, etc... you guys have some serious fucking problems.
Marbury v Madison is covered in US high school history courses.

No. It's not.

It was covered in mine.

It's a landmark case that changed the power balance as dictated by the Constitution.

You should go have a talk with your teacher and demand to know why it wasn't covered in your class.

That may be, but without that power what would stop the executive and legislative branches from passing and enforcing all manner of unconstitutional law?
No. It's not.

It was covered in mine.

It's a landmark case that changed the power balance as dictated by the Constitution.

You should go have a talk with your teacher and demand to know why it wasn't covered in your class.

That may be, but without that power what would stop the executive and legislative branches from passing and enforcing all manner of unconstitutional law?

Well...originally the checks and balances of the Senate vs the House vs the President were supposed to keep that from happening.

You have to keep in mind that it was a different time. Honor meant something. So much so that if it was questioned, a duel would be fought with only one of the participants coming out alive.

So to take an Oath of Office, swearing to protect the Constitution, was sacred. They believed 110% in their honor and their duty.

Today, we throw those words around and they mean absolutely nothing, so we find it hard to believe that the Supreme Court didn't NEED that power.

But, to be fair, Marbury vs Madison was in 1897, just eight years after the Constitution was ratified. That means in less than a decade, the Constitution, or rather the founding fathers, had already failed.

That's why when people scream and yell about original intent this and founding fathers that, it's so damned silly. Because they failed to live up to their own document.

But just because they failed to live up to it, it doesn't invalidate it. If anything, it makes it all the more important for us to strive to find a way to live up to it, because it holds the high ideals by which our country was founded.

And like I said, while the power the Supreme Court holds today is not enumerated in the Constitution, it's had over 200 years of history, so it's an "established" power, which is just as powerful.
well it's basically what the dictator wannabe just said today !!! he blatantly said that any law passed by a congressional majority and is then found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court is setting a new precedent !!! in other words anything the left passes should become absolute !!!

And this coming from our most intellectual--legal supreme court scholar-- President--who apparently really doesn't understand the U.S. Constitution. :badgrin::badgrin:
well it's basically what the dictator wannabe just said today !!! he blatantly said that any law passed by a congressional majority and is then found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court is setting a new precedent !!! in other words anything the left passes should become absolute !!!

And this coming from our most intellectual--legal supreme court scholar-- President--who apparently really doesn't understand the U.S. Constitution. :badgrin::badgrin:
ohh he understands it !! he just does not respect it !!!

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