The death of death ?

The death of death ?

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Death by partial birth abortion seems so cool to liberals that they protect the concept at all costs. Death at abortion doctor Kermit Gosnel's hands was particularly bloody. Either he wasn't skilled enough or he didn't give a shit but either way when the slimy little buggers slipped out of his hands he picked up a butcher knife and cut their heads off while they were in mid cry. Sound cool?

You make a very strong case for retroactive birth control.

I have no doubt.
I want to die while reading yet another thread turned into an abortion thread by a RW.
Death is a fact of life.

You're born. You live. Then Poof, you die.

It's the way it goes ;)
Not afraid of death, although it depends on how I die...

My brother died when his motorcycle went off a cliff and he fell 250 feet. Amazingly, he was conscious and able to talk to paramedics but died before reaching the hospital. They said he denied feeling any pain - that's not uncommon with a catastrophic accident like that.

Besides his age -he was only 56 and leaving a wife and 2 kids, he actually died what I would consider to be a "good" death.

He was a barbershop singer and was on his way home from a convention. He was doing two things he loved the most - the barbershop convention and riding his motorcycle.

I doubt he left his hotel room that morning with any thought of dying. He surely looked at the fine day and looked forward to the ride home. He was alive and then he wasn't.

That's the way I'd like to go.
I want to die while reading yet another thread turned into an abortion thread by a RW.

For rw's everything is about fetuses, so yeah, that could happen.

Kermit Gosnell wasn't a back woods abortionist. He ran a high profile clinic in Philadelphia. A screaming newborn who has his head cut off by an abortionist in a big North East city transcends the myth of the numb undeveloped fetus. Death is death.
Funny I stumbled on this thread I was just reading this article. Funny how science keeps proving what the Bible has been telling us all along.

Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist

Read more: Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist | Mail Online
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Will we still be sent to either heaver or hell?

That's important cuz there ain't no way I'm spending eternity listening to fishwife $arah and brainless Pat Robertson.

Really. Think about the people who say they're christian. Hell really would be spending eternity listening to their incessant preaching.
Oh, but its a nice graphic.

I bet back in the late 30's and early 40's in Germany when public discourse was still legal you would hear the same argument from the Nazis. "We are trying to have a discussion about death and you keep bringing up Jews".
I want to die while reading yet another thread turned into an abortion thread by a RW.

For rw's everything is about fetuses, so yeah, that could happen.

Kermit Gosnell wasn't a back woods abortionist. He ran a high profile clinic in Philadelphia. A screaming newborn who has his head cut off by an abortionist in a big North East city transcends the myth of the numb undeveloped fetus. Death is death.

Good thing he is in prison and was shut down.
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

For death begins with life's first breath,
And life begins at touch of death.

~John Oxenham

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