The Death of EV’s Is Neigh

He doesn’t. He knows the climate thing is all BS.
My position on AGW is based on the science. I will defend people I think unfairly attacked, but it has no bearing on my position re this issue. That you and several of your buddies here think that it will is simply another indicator that you have no valid argument and that you likely lack the intelligence to ever come up with one.
They'll have to pry my electric mountain bike out of my cold dead crotch.
Most monkeys can't grasp that smaller is better and will not be going away any time soon. If paranoid, place a gallon jug of water on the battery parked in the garage.
My position on AGW is based on the science. I will defend people I think unfairly attacked, but it has no bearing on my position re this issue. That you and several of your buddies here think that it will is simply another indicator that you have no valid argument and that you likely lack the intelligence to ever come up with one.
My position is based upon empirical climate data from the geologic record.
  1. They have mistaken a normal climate fluctuation - which the geologic record is littered with - for AGW
My position is based upon empirical climate data from the geologic record.
  1. They have mistaken a normal climate fluctuation - which the geologic record is littered with - for AGW
There are no empirical climate data in the geological record. There are proxy data. Not the same thing.
Not a clue, don't care.
I bet you don't care about a great many things, like how the people of North Korea live


Yet North Korea is the poster child for how to stop carbon emissions.

I bet you don't find that troubling either.

And I bet the high ranking communist officials have their own gas powered SUV's, and you don't care.
My position on AGW is based on the science. I will defend people I think unfairly attacked, but it has no bearing on my position re this issue. That you and several of your buddies here think that it will is simply another indicator that you have no valid argument and that you likely lack the intelligence to ever come up with one.
Call me when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis. In the meantime every climate conference of your ‘scientists’ is like an air show of every private jet model available.
Call me when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.
I don't know about the people you run with, but when the people I know tell me a crisis is imminent, it means a crisis is imminent. Them telling us that IS acting like there's a crisis.
In the meantime every climate conference of your ‘scientists’ is like an air show of every private jet model available.
And what bearing does that have ON THE FUCKING SCIENCE YOU IDIOT?
I don't know about the people you run with, but when the people I know tell me a crisis is imminent, it means a crisis is imminent. Them telling us that IS acting like there's a crisis.

And what bearing does that have ON THE FUCKING SCIENCE YOU IDIOT?
We had only 4 years to act.
In 2003.
We had only 4 years to act.
In 2003.
Every time one of you fools claims that the science said this or the science said that, any person with the slightest bit of science schooling KNOWS you're lying through your teeth. It's very likely that it IS too late - that we've passed the tipping points, that there's nothing we could do or that we would do that will stop it from getting nasty. But science is never going to say anything as stupid as "the world is going to end in 2007". That is a claim of the willfully ignorant.

Give it the fuck up.
Every time one of you fools claims that the science said this or the science said that, any person with the slightest bit of science schooling KNOWS you're lying through your teeth. It's very likely that it IS too late - that we've passed the tipping points, that there's nothing we could do or that we would do that will stop it from getting nasty. But science is never going to say anything as stupid as "the world is going to end in 2007". That is a claim of the willfully ignorant.

Give it the fuck up.
But AGW isn’t science. It’s propaganda.
It's very likely that it IS too late - that we've passed the tipping points, that there's nothing we could do or that we would do that will stop it from getting nasty.
You mean because of the feedback from CO2 which you can't even say how much of the total that is?
I'm trading in my f150 gas engine truck. It's a 2021 with 9 thousand miles for a brand new gas f150. EVs will have their place when they get better.

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