The Death of the Western Way of Life.

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.
I have many theories about the homosexual in office. First he doesn't act very manly. Second when he through out the 1st pitch, he threw like a girl. When he is not abusing his power by using the full force of the government to intimidate US, he cowers in fear when any leader of the world gets in his face, and he whimpers like a girl. When he doesn't get his way, he gets angry and scolds US like a bully, but acts like a pussy. Yes, it is going to be interesting when he steps down and announces that he is a homosexual to the blacks that he put one over. He never would have come out and told it to the black voters for he woulnt be president ever.

Yea, he throws just like girl, swish, nothing but net.

These dumbass rightwingers are such nitwits.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.
I have many theories about the homosexual in office. First he doesn't act very manly. Second when he through out the 1st pitch, he threw like a girl. When he is not abusing his power by using the full force of the government to intimidate US, he cowers in fear when any leader of the world gets in his face, and he whimpers like a girl. When he doesn't get his way, he gets angry and scolds US like a bully, but acts like a pussy. Yes, it is going to be interesting when he steps down and announces that he is a homosexual to the blacks that he put one over. He never would have come out and told it to the black voters for he woulnt be president ever.

Yea, he throws just like girl, swish, nothing but net.

These dumbass rightwingers are such nitwits.
Yeah sure.

When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

Let me tell you one thing about people who cant pay for their hospital bills. Washington DC General Hospital, at one time was a beacon of hope for those who lived in DC. But when Teddy Kennedy enacted the law that allowed anyone who went to the emergency to not be turned away, if they couldn't pay, soon DC General started to decline. Many of those who couldn't pay outpaced those who could pay, and soon the costs of admitting was skyrocketing to the point the payers didn't go there anymore. DC General closed their doors and those now had to be sent to PG Trauma 20 minutes north of DC. In those 20 minutes some people died because of the generosity of Teddy(who drove his car into a river and killed his pregnant girlfriend Mary Jo) and his liberal compassion towards the poor schlobs who couldn't pay. So you are okay, to keep going to the point where all hospitals will eventually close, because we are allowing those crossing the borders and not speak the language to get FREE hospital care driving our costs through the roof, and soon there will be no care to anyone? Ah yes, that is liberalism, for everyone then would be equal, equally poor, and equally miserable.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

We don't care what gays do, we believe that if gays want to fudge pack or muff dive, then they can do it all they want. What we have a problem with is that gay people get in our face and DEMAND that we accept their immoral behavior as normal.

Mental Health Diagnoses Decided by Vote, Not Discovery
What’s noteworthy about this is that the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses was not triggered by some scientific breakthrough. There was no new fact or set of facts that stimulated this major change. Rather, it was the simple reality that gay people started to kick up a fuss. They gained a voice and began to make themselves heard.
Just like every spoiled liberal, when they don't get their way, they start to break things or get in the way, and cause such a ruckus that it is almost embarrassing. Just like with the marriage issue, now that they have it, why don't they just stop shoving it in our face? Because liberals cant LEAVE us the fuck alone, they must always force us to accept their immorality. And when we don't, they call US names.
I guess you are implying that blacks and whites had their civil rights issue and got over it? Yes, they did, there was nothing immoral when people under God came together. Now when you have 2 people under "Lucifer" doing immoral actions and telling US we have to accept them, then I do have an issue. If they want to be fudge packers or muff divers behind closed doors, more power to them, just keep it out of my face. See Bullying.........

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

this coming from a person that posted this shit.....bye Christian.
Christians have been turning the other cheek since the 1960s' when you liberals really starting bulling US. But we can only take your immoral actions so far, and when we see what your leftist ideas and actions have done to God's country, it is time that there is a reckoning, and you libtards are starting to see it. It is called push back, as the only way to deal with bully's is to show force. You don't like it, and can leave, anytime you want.
Have you always been such a drama queen?
The door is open for you also, why don't you libtards who want SOCIALISM, go to Cuba now that the doors are open there? No you have to ruin this great country and DESTROY the opposition to you liberals(Bullying) by using the government to bring US down. It has been the liberal way since you guys showed your ugly face(see face behind the bars). Liberals cant ever be happy, unless they are making everyone else around them miserable. Liberals hate it that they were brought into this world, so everyone else must suffer. That is called FAIRNESS.
Why don't you just shut the fuck up.....I nor have anyone else I know has ruined this are deliriously over dramatic cause you can't have things your way, well buddy, everything is not as I would like it yet I am not so insecure as to dictate to people how to operate...And since you are not a liberal, you don't really know how a liberal feels..Now have a good day and pray, or what ever it is you do to find serenity...
Oh I do know how liberals feel, I see it every time your president FORCES his liberal agenda on the rest of us by his executive actions. He must show his contempt that we don't accept his lack of moral values, so has the IRS or NSA go after US for not playing his game. When normal people are happy, then you liberals get irate because you cannot achieve the same happiness we do, so attack, attack, attack, and when we become miserable like you, you should be happy, but a liberal can never be happy. They hate their parents for bringing their sorry asses into the world, they hate everyone and they especially hate themselves, for they have nothing to live for.
this coming from a person that posted this shit.....bye Christian.
Christians have been turning the other cheek since the 1960s' when you liberals really starting bulling US. But we can only take your immoral actions so far, and when we see what your leftist ideas and actions have done to God's country, it is time that there is a reckoning, and you libtards are starting to see it. It is called push back, as the only way to deal with bully's is to show force. You don't like it, and can leave, anytime you want.
Have you always been such a drama queen?
The door is open for you also, why don't you libtards who want SOCIALISM, go to Cuba now that the doors are open there? No you have to ruin this great country and DESTROY the opposition to you liberals(Bullying) by using the government to bring US down. It has been the liberal way since you guys showed your ugly face(see face behind the bars). Liberals cant ever be happy, unless they are making everyone else around them miserable. Liberals hate it that they were brought into this world, so everyone else must suffer. That is called FAIRNESS.
Why don't you just shut the fuck up.....I nor have anyone else I know has ruined this are deliriously over dramatic cause you can't have things your way, well buddy, everything is not as I would like it yet I am not so insecure as to dictate to people how to operate...And since you are not a liberal, you don't really know how a liberal feels..Now have a good day and pray, or what ever it is you do to find serenity...
Oh I do know how liberals feel, I see it every time your president FORCES his liberal agenda on the rest of us by his executive actions. He must show his contempt that we don't accept his lack of moral values, so has the IRS or NSA go after US for not playing his game. When normal people are happy, then you liberals get irate because you cannot achieve the same happiness we do, so attack, attack, attack, and when we become miserable like you, you should be happy, but a liberal can never be happy. They hate their parents for bringing their sorry asses into the world, they hate everyone and they especially hate themselves, for they have nothing to live for.
I am glad you alerted me to the fact that you don't know shit...
Jim, I am all ears! Tell us more about what is REALLY going on under Obama, regarding his war on Joan Rivers, and Western values! I have always suspected that he was on the grassy knoll, myself! How did Ted Kennedy talk Reagan into signing the law requiring hospitals to stabilize the indigent? Was Ted blackmailing Reagan because Ron was the real driver at Chappaquiddick?
Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.
I have many theories about the homosexual in office. First he doesn't act very manly. Second when he through out the 1st pitch, he threw like a girl. When he is not abusing his power by using the full force of the government to intimidate US, he cowers in fear when any leader of the world gets in his face, and he whimpers like a girl. When he doesn't get his way, he gets angry and scolds US like a bully, but acts like a pussy. Yes, it is going to be interesting when he steps down and announces that he is a homosexual to the blacks that he put one over. He never would have come out and told it to the black voters for he woulnt be president ever.

Yea, he throws just like girl, swish, nothing but net.

These dumbass rightwingers are such nitwits.
Yeah sure.

Yea, and Bush couldn't even make it from right under the basket? And you rag on Obama, first time try, 3 point, nothing but net?

Yes. The Western way of life is gonna go extinct.

The left wing wanted to import the South American, Middle Eastern and African way of life into the West until we are overwhelmed.

It's working. Violence, lawlessness and immorality will run rampant.
more whining for the death of christian whitey world :crybaby::boohoo:
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

When I was growing up a long time ago, my family was barely making it and school lunch program wasn't started yet. So my mother put a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, an apple, and a small thermos of milk in it. Total cost per day for that lunch around 20 cents. Today with the school lunch program, the cost for food is around $3.00 per person per meal. Why is that? Because the government has had to print money because it is so in debt , causing the dollar to inflate to insane levels, yet you libtards, just want more and more. Well, you liberal wieners(whiners also) the chickens are coming home to roost, the FAUX stock market is acting like 1929(I know you have no idea what happened in 1929) and I could care less how this affects you, because you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and his fundamental transformation is going to make everyone equal, equally poor and equally miserable. It is the liberal way. Dumbasses.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

National School Lunch & Breakfast Program
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are designed to promote the health and well-being of children by providing nutritious meals to children. Public school districts, private schools, residential child care institutions (RCCIs) and Charter Schools may participate in school meal programs.
You know what the real kicker in the butt is? People from across the border have come in hordes and are dropping babies here so they can get FREE education, FREE food, FREE healthcare for their ANCHORS and we the US citizens have to foot the bill and US children end up getting the short end of the stick. But you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and he is setting up future Democrat Voters because more US citizens are turning away from liberalism. You are just plain stupid, before you start to say something make sure you know your FACTS.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

When I was growing up a long time ago, my family was barely making it and school lunch program wasn't started yet. So my mother put a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, an apple, and a small thermos of milk in it. Total cost per day for that lunch around 20 cents. Today with the school lunch program, the cost for food is around $3.00 per person per meal. Why is that? Because the government has had to print money because it is so in debt , causing the dollar to inflate to insane levels, yet you libtards, just want more and more. Well, you liberal wieners(whiners also) the chickens are coming home to roost, the FAUX stock market is acting like 1929(I know you have no idea what happened in 1929) and I could care less how this affects you, because you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and his fundamental transformation is going to make everyone equal, equally poor and equally miserable. It is the liberal way. Dumbasses.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apple, milk. Hmm, that's a far cry from nothing. Are you sure you thought this over?
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

National School Lunch & Breakfast Program
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are designed to promote the health and well-being of children by providing nutritious meals to children. Public school districts, private schools, residential child care institutions (RCCIs) and Charter Schools may participate in school meal programs.
You know what the real kicker in the butt is? People from across the border have come in hordes and are dropping babies here so they can get FREE education, FREE food, FREE healthcare for their ANCHORS and we the US citizens have to foot the bill and US children end up getting the short end of the stick. But you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and he is setting up future Democrat Voters because more US citizens are turning away from liberalism. You are just plain stupid, before you start to say something make sure you know your FACTS.

How can you repeat all those ignorant GOP talking points and then use the work "FACTS"? That's stupid. And not a single link. Pathetic.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

National School Lunch & Breakfast Program
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are designed to promote the health and well-being of children by providing nutritious meals to children. Public school districts, private schools, residential child care institutions (RCCIs) and Charter Schools may participate in school meal programs.
You know what the real kicker in the butt is? People from across the border have come in hordes and are dropping babies here so they can get FREE education, FREE food, FREE healthcare for their ANCHORS and we the US citizens have to foot the bill and US children end up getting the short end of the stick. But you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and he is setting up future Democrat Voters because more US citizens are turning away from liberalism. You are just plain stupid, before you start to say something make sure you know your FACTS.

yet Reagan gave them amnesty...another Hollywood fag conservative republican..Ha!
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

National School Lunch & Breakfast Program
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are designed to promote the health and well-being of children by providing nutritious meals to children. Public school districts, private schools, residential child care institutions (RCCIs) and Charter Schools may participate in school meal programs.
You know what the real kicker in the butt is? People from across the border have come in hordes and are dropping babies here so they can get FREE education, FREE food, FREE healthcare for their ANCHORS and we the US citizens have to foot the bill and US children end up getting the short end of the stick. But you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and he is setting up future Democrat Voters because more US citizens are turning away from liberalism. You are just plain stupid, before you start to say something make sure you know your FACTS.

How can you repeat all those ignorant GOP talking points and then use the work "FACTS"? That's stupid. And not a single link. Pathetic.

Just like you repeat the talking points that come out of the Rainbow House? Stop drinking the liberal kool aid, pull your head out of you ass, take a breath, and realize that the very liberals you vote for, have been redistributing the wealth where Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, AL Gore, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and Barrack Hussein Obama have made OBSENE PROFITS off our taxes, while making the rest of US poorer and poorer. You hate people who honestly make their money but swoon over those who abuse you like a bitch in prison. You really are more stupid than a box of rocks.

Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Republicans want gays dead

I know exactly who right wing conservatives are.

How is it that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry when they get free breakfast and free lunches in school? Because of the liberal propaganda to take money from those who produce and give it to those who sit in their parents basement and bitch and moan how unfair life is(sorry ass tard liberals).. Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Are One In Five American Children Hungry?
Yet you guys are okay for children to be executed in the womb or out of it. You libtards are such hypocrites.

That's a really weird fucking link. Read it again. There is no school on Saturday and Sunday. The kids get one meal a day at school. They are out of school for weeks when schools are out for Christmas and Thanksgiving. And when someone says child hunger is this many not that many. Fuck that. In this country it shouldn't be any at all.

You fuckers are such dirty people.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

GOP Push To Cut School Lunch Funding Echoes Years Of Conservative Media Attacks

When I was growing up a long time ago, my family was barely making it and school lunch program wasn't started yet. So my mother put a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, an apple, and a small thermos of milk in it. Total cost per day for that lunch around 20 cents. Today with the school lunch program, the cost for food is around $3.00 per person per meal. Why is that? Because the government has had to print money because it is so in debt , causing the dollar to inflate to insane levels, yet you libtards, just want more and more. Well, you liberal wieners(whiners also) the chickens are coming home to roost, the FAUX stock market is acting like 1929(I know you have no idea what happened in 1929) and I could care less how this affects you, because you voted for the first 1/2 white president(White Guilt) and his fundamental transformation is going to make everyone equal, equally poor and equally miserable. It is the liberal way. Dumbasses.

I was so poor when I was growing up that I had to dig your apple core out of the school dumpster after you were through with it, and divide it with my baby brother for our lunch.

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