The Death of the Western Way of Life.

And I am certain that 'people of color' love it when you 'enlighten' them- always great to have some old white guy stopping by to tell everyone he knows more than they do- people love to hear that.

oh-----he is providing INFORMATION -----for a moment there I thought he was selling cosmetics for WOMEN OF COLOR

LOL- I didn't know you had a sense of humor rosie.

I don't

thanks for your endorsement ----pogo

You betcha. :thup:

Might wanna try a B vitamin supplement for that condition btw.

??? which specifically? folate, niacin ???? used to be a belief that niacin is useful for schizophrenia
Fixed the quoting problem.
Hypothetically, what if Iran already has the bomb, had it for the past 4 years, but this administration, that has for the past 6 yeas claimed that Iran wouldn't have a bomb under B.O.'s watch(he never said anything about the next presidents watch) will now release under the agreement(not a treaty) billions of dollars of HUSH MONEY, to make sure Iran doesn't come out and Nuke Israel until O. leaves office? Boy talk about traitorous. But then again, liberals love to be bad, just not be caught doing it, as it FEELS good, not logical. The most unpatriotic people on Earth are those that vote Dumbocrat.

I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Are you a member of the Pegida group?
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Well, they will have to wait their turn. The communists are first in line in the domino theory, which, as it was explained to us back in 1964, were going to take over SE Asia and then the Pacific, leading to us having to fight them when they invaded Anaheim, California. This whole thing may take some time, since neither the North Vietnamese, nor the Muslims have ships. It seems like we always have to do the invading ourselves if we want a war. Doesn't seem fair to me.
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
I will admit that when I first saw this thread, I thought that someone was bitching because you are no longer allowed to wear your gun when you go in to a bar in Tombstone, AZ.
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate
BERLIN — German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks in which young women were sexually harassed and robbed by hundreds of young men on New Year’s Eve in the western city of Cologne were unprecedented in scale and nature.
Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.

Penelope, are you seriously trying to have a rational conversation with this space cadet?
Mass Sexual Attack in Germany Inflames Migrant Debate Germany has one of the strictest gun laws for that country and now those people of the religion of peace are taking advantage of that law. Germans are looking for whatever they can get their hands on to stop those peace nicks from attacking again. Of course your president is bringing in these people in droves, and do you think they are just going to learn our way of life, or do what FEELS right?

Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.
I have many theories about the homosexual in office. First he doesn't act very manly. Second when he through out the 1st pitch, he threw like a girl. When he is not abusing his power by using the full force of the government to intimidate US, he cowers in fear when any leader of the world gets in his face, and he whimpers like a girl. When he doesn't get his way, he gets angry and scolds US like a bully, but acts like a pussy. Yes, it is going to be interesting when he steps down and announces that he is a homosexual to the blacks that he put one over. He never would have come out and told it to the black voters for he woulnt be president ever.
When Republicans say:

The Death of the Western Way of Life.

They mean the "white confederate" way of life. This has always been a nation of immigrants.

But really, what kind of people are they? Defending the murder of unarmed young blacks? Even sending the murderer money. Worse, they are so sure about their position on "morals", many promote the execution of gays simply for being gay. Republicans are a bigger threat than Isis or al Qaeda. Look at the damage they caused this country under Bush. With a Democratic President, they have been less effective in doing their damage.
White confederate Democrat Way of life. Lets be honest here. Liberals never are honest though.
Someone who says confederates were liberals is complaining about honesty? Perhaps you are merely delusional. White confederates would be outraged at being called liberal.

That's what happens when someone is home schooled.
So a conservative who believes in the "Right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" are confederates? Boy you need to get your head out of your ass. Anyone who believes that slavery is okay, beating women, killing children in or out of the womb, stealing property of others to give to someone else, or themselves is okay, well that is liberalism in a nutshell. Dumbass, that is why you vote Dumbocrat, you have no clue who the real enemy of America is.
Give guns to Germans? Why, what could ever go wrong with that?
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.

Penelope, are you seriously trying to have a rational conversation with this space cadet?
Liberals cant have a serious conversation, because liberals cant be rational. They are mentally challenge and will soon resort to name calling(space cadet?). Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
I would say that when Germany falls into the caliphate, then France, then Britain, the only thing left to stop the Muslim invasion would be the Atlantic, but with the homosexual in chief in the rainbow house allowing 10,000 to 250,000 "refugees"(young Muslim men of fighting age) into America, we could be taken advantage of also. Of course I don't have to worry about it, but those liberal women who live alone and vote Democrat will be victim just like in Germany.

Are you calling the President of the US a homosexual? Really now.
Joan Rivers Dead Two Months After Calling Obama Gay, Michelle a Tranny Joan Rivers died after calling out Obama as being a homo. In 2007 Obama was against homosexual marriage because he wouldn't of been elected because blacks don't like homosexuals(does that make them bigots?). But then after 2012 when he no longer had to worry about re elections, he came out for the marriages(because he was a cowardly wiener). Now can we get back to Muslims raping women and attacking youths who the Muslims FEEL are infidels?

Joan Rivers died because she was trying to look like 30 again. A heart can only take so many surgeries. I see you avoided my question, so I take that as a yes. Your sounding like a Pam Geller follower.

Penelope, are you seriously trying to have a rational conversation with this space cadet?
Liberals cant have a serious conversation, because liberals cant be rational. They are mentally challenge and will soon resort to name calling(space cadet?). Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Well, I will admit that you got my attention with your inside knowledge of Obama having Joan Rivers killed!

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