The “decolonization” project- The modern lefts mad attempt to bring CRT to the education system


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Starts at about the 15min mark. A left-wing caller says he supports wokeism. …and supports the “decolonization” in the education system. Basically the caller is the example of the far left winger that supports BLM, the idea that whites are privileged, that we should get rid of historical statues that he deems to be offensive, etc …. Basically all of the hypocritical racist ideologies of the modern left.

Aiden Buzzetti from the 1776 project pac was the guest on C-SPAN for this segment… Buzzetti brought up that This idea of the decolonization in public schools is a radical left-wing ideology to get white kids to hate themselves. And this is what’s going on across the country when you get left-wingers in the education system. They teach that America was unique in the slave trade. So they go against history right there. Blacks owned slaves too everyone did.

Decolonization suggest that modern white people are responsible for the problems of minorities in America. A pure racist and extremely divisive ideology that has no basis in history. That ideology literally is holding back students.

The 1776 project also wants to ensure that if kids are moving up the grade levels in elementary school, they are able to read and write properly. What critical race theory is doing is letting these students move up the grade levels even if they can’t read properly. Based on some left CRT ideology that it’s racist to hold a student back if for example they can’t read properly according to their grade level.

No Democrats are pushing Critical Race Theory

It is a Republican Boogey Man

Starts at about the 15min mark. A left-wing caller says he supports wokeism. …and supports the “decolonization” in the education system. Basically the caller is the example of the far left winger that supports BLM, the idea that whites are privileged, that we should get rid of historical statues that he deems to be offensive, etc …. Basically all of the hypocritical racist ideologies of the modern left.

Aiden Buzzetti from the 1776 project pac was the guest on C-SPAN for this segment… Buzzetti brought up that This idea of the decolonization in public schools is a radical left-wing ideology to get white kids to hate themselves. And this is what’s going on across the country when you get left-wingers in the education system. They teach that America was unique in the slave trade. So they go against history right there. Blacks owned slaves too everyone did.

Decolonization suggest that modern white people are responsible for the problems of minorities in America. A pure racist and extremely divisive ideology that has no basis in history. That ideology literally is holding back students.

The 1776 project also wants to ensure that if kids are moving up the grade levels in elementary school, they are able to read and write properly. What critical race theory is doing is letting these students move up the grade levels even if they can’t read properly. Based on some left CRT ideology that it’s racist to hold a student back if for example they can’t read properly according to their grade level.

The GOP should lead the charge for decolonization by telling the US not to stop telling Israel what to do and begin to dismantle the criminal enterprise known as the US Federal government that exists ONLY because of colonization.

Then step back and watch them flip flop faster than Kamala Harris on acid.

Starts at about the 15min mark. A left-wing caller says he supports wokeism. …and supports the “decolonization” in the education system. Basically the caller is the example of the far left winger that supports BLM, the idea that whites are privileged, that we should get rid of historical statues that he deems to be offensive, etc …. Basically all of the hypocritical racist ideologies of the modern left.

Aiden Buzzetti from the 1776 project pac was the guest on C-SPAN for this segment… Buzzetti brought up that This idea of the decolonization in public schools is a radical left-wing ideology to get white kids to hate themselves. And this is what’s going on across the country when you get left-wingers in the education system. They teach that America was unique in the slave trade. So they go against history right there. Blacks owned slaves too everyone did.

Decolonization suggest that modern white people are responsible for the problems of minorities in America. A pure racist and extremely divisive ideology that has no basis in history. That ideology literally is holding back students.

The 1776 project also wants to ensure that if kids are moving up the grade levels in elementary school, they are able to read and write properly. What critical race theory is doing is letting these students move up the grade levels even if they can’t read properly. Based on some left CRT ideology that it’s racist to hold a student back if for example they can’t read properly according to their grade level.

Hysterical conservative codswallop !!

Aside from the fact that CRT – simply defined as an accurate and complete teaching of history and an honest assessment of present day society- does not have to interfere with and detract from other areas of learning , there is much more to be said about it

We Need Critical Race Theory in our Schools Now More Than Ever

Selected excerpts:

First, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what Critical Race Theory is. To put it very simply, CRT is the well documented understanding that systemic racism exists at the very foundation of our country and continues to shape our lives today, to the detriment of Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, and other people of color — and to the benefit of white people.

The mass round-up of people of Japanese descent during WWII, and the decades of laws and social persecution that preceded and followed incarceration? That’s all part of the bigger system of American racism and xenophobia. We can’t fully understand these dark moments in American history unless we see them as part of a pattern that has played out over and over and over again. (We go into more detail about this in our “Other”: A Brief History of American Xenophobia short film and curriculum.)

CRT was developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a Black civil rights advocate and scholar who also developed the theory of intersectionality. But the movement to block CRT is much broader than just trying to ban a theory — it targets the very underpinnings of anti-racist education.

The people behind the anti-CRT movement want us to believe that talking about systemic racism is the problem, not the systemic racism itself. But we know that’s not true.

It’s also important to note that the movement against CRT is rooted in anti-Blackness. It was started in direct opposition to the public outcry over the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. According to research conducted by Race Forward, “the term ‘systemic racism’ was used more times in the media after the murder of George Floyd than in the last 30 years combined.” That made some people a little uncomfortable.
Hysterical conservative codswallop !!

Aside from the fact that CRT – simply defined as an accurate and complete teaching of history and an honest assessment of present day society- does not have to interfere with and detract from other areas of learning , there is much more to be said about it

We Need Critical Race Theory in our Schools Now More Than Ever

Selected excerpts:

First, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what Critical Race Theory is. To put it very simply, CRT is the well documented understanding that systemic racism exists at the very foundation of our country and continues to shape our lives today, to the detriment of Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, and other people of color — and to the benefit of white people.

The mass round-up of people of Japanese descent during WWII, and the decades of laws and social persecution that preceded and followed incarceration? That’s all part of the bigger system of American racism and xenophobia. We can’t fully understand these dark moments in American history unless we see them as part of a pattern that has played out over and over and over again. (We go into more detail about this in our “Other”: A Brief History of American Xenophobia short film and curriculum.)

CRT was developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a Black civil rights advocate and scholar who also developed the theory of intersectionality. But the movement to block CRT is much broader than just trying to ban a theory — it targets the very underpinnings of anti-racist education.

The people behind the anti-CRT movement want us to believe that talking about systemic racism is the problem, not the systemic racism itself. But we know that’s not true.

It’s also important to note that the movement against CRT is rooted in anti-Blackness. It was started in direct opposition to the public outcry over the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. According to research conducted by Race Forward, “the term ‘systemic racism’ was used more times in the media after the murder of George Floyd than in the last 30 years combined.” That made some people a little uncomfortable.
This is madness on your part. It is a left-wing phenomenon to support cancel culture and wokeism.

All throughout history, Black people and white people engage in the slave trade and expansionist warfare. Your core argument above is basically for white people to feel bad about themselves and same for Black people.

Your side makes things up about Trump supporter, saying that they are against Black people. You make that up and you have no proof for it. Your side believes white people are privileged. You never talk about the blacks of history in Africa that own slaves. So your hypocritical and one-sided.
Hysterical conservative codswallop !!

Aside from the fact that CRT – simply defined as an accurate and complete teaching of history and an honest assessment of present day society- does not have to interfere with and detract from other areas of learning , there is much more to be said about it

We Need Critical Race Theory in our Schools Now More Than Ever

Selected excerpts:

First, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what Critical Race Theory is. To put it very simply, CRT is the well documented understanding that systemic racism exists at the very foundation of our country and continues to shape our lives today, to the detriment of Black, Indigenous, Asian, Latinx, and other people of color — and to the benefit of white people.

The mass round-up of people of Japanese descent during WWII, and the decades of laws and social persecution that preceded and followed incarceration? That’s all part of the bigger system of American racism and xenophobia. We can’t fully understand these dark moments in American history unless we see them as part of a pattern that has played out over and over and over again. (We go into more detail about this in our “Other”: A Brief History of American Xenophobia short film and curriculum.)

CRT was developed by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a Black civil rights advocate and scholar who also developed the theory of intersectionality. But the movement to block CRT is much broader than just trying to ban a theory — it targets the very underpinnings of anti-racist education.

The people behind the anti-CRT movement want us to believe that talking about systemic racism is the problem, not the systemic racism itself. But we know that’s not true.

It’s also important to note that the movement against CRT is rooted in anti-Blackness. It was started in direct opposition to the public outcry over the murder of George Floyd in May 2020. According to research conducted by Race Forward, “the term ‘systemic racism’ was used more times in the media after the murder of George Floyd than in the last 30 years combined.” That made some people a little uncomfortable.

Bunch of ignorant leftard horseshit. ^^^

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