The definitive answer to the wall by illegal immigrants

A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.
People have been escaping prisons since they came into existence. Using your logic, jail cells are useless for keeping prisoners.

Youre dumb.

Good point. Putting a wall all the way across the southern border is the first step in imprisoning US citizens. If fact, if Trump closes the border, like he has repeatedly threatened to do, then we are locked in, because the border would have to be closed both ways.
Ok, youre dumb too if you believe that.

I cross the border about once per 6 weeks. The president of my country has put me at risk of being stuck in Mexico, because he keeps threatening to close the border.

Yes, I believe that. Especially, since the BP intentionally slows down traffic to the US in Nogales by reducing the agents working the que from 4 lines to one, resulting in 3 hours waits to return to the US.
He's shutting the Border because we don't have a wall and thousands of people are forming up as a mob. Get the wall and you won't have to worry anymore about being stuck on the other side.
A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

Americans have always cooperated and participated with "illegals" being here all along. We didn't want to pay the extra cost hiring americans would have caused US at the checkout counter. Capitalism in the US never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit extra-legally once slavery was "against the law". It never will, watch. Your power structure made sure "illegals" were here for exploitation.

But the amerian public is utterly cucked to concentrated wealth and power, so we won't, we don't dare collectively challenge the power structure, we demonize the poor who we fear we will become in this system.
A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

One of your fellow right wingers is saying the wall should be this tall...and you are crying about left logic?

I've read a lot of stories about people escaping prison. Clearly prisons don't work, let's eliminate them. :rolleyes:
A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

The argument was that Trumpbots are focusing ONLY on a wall and ignoring everything else...DUH!!!

But all the Trumpbots scream about is the it will make a huge difference.

The OP article proves it will not.

Plus, where is Trump calling for tougher sentences/penalties/fines for those who hire illegals? I have never seen him say word one about that.

And most illegals come through on legal visas and/or through points-of-entry...DUH.

This wall/fence/barrier - at most - might stop a tiny percentage of illegals...MAYBE.

Yet you ignoramuses keep screaming for it like it is the Holy Grail of border security and completely ignore the most important aspects of it. Trumpbots are who the Milgram experiment was designed for. Mindless sheep who will do/believe ANYTHING your 'leader' says you will do/believe.

Pathetic. Laughingly pathetic.
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A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

Americans have always cooperated and participated with "illegals" being here all along. We didn't want to pay the extra cost hiring americans would have caused US at the checkout counter. Capitalism in the US never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit extra-legally once slavery was "against the law". It never will, watch. Your power structure made sure "illegals" were here for exploitation.

But the amerian public is utterly cucked to concentrated wealth and power, so we won't, we don't dare collectively challenge the power structure, we demonize the poor who we fear we will become in this system.

I suppose you realize that if we are successful in keeping the poor out, that we will be winning the battle against the rich? I mean, if what you say is true.

'Nearly 400 migrants who crossed a tunnel underneath a border wall in Arizona voluntarily turned themselves into authorities this week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

A group of 376 migrants, comprised mostly of Guatemalan families and children seeking asylum, tunneled underneath the U.S.-Mexico border fence near Yuma, Ariz., just before noon Monday, the Arizona Republic reported. ABC News reported it was the largest group of asylum seekers to enter the U.S.'

Read more: 376 migrants tunnel under Ariz. border fence for asylum requests

Proof positive that anyone who thinks ANY wall will keep out illegal immigrants simply does not know what they are talking about.
Any fool who can say the wall stops any thing is a fool. The wall slow down the groups that enter this Nation Illegally and allows the Border Patrol more time to get to the scene. The only other way is to put the Army on the Border in mass to defend the border. The wall is needed along with the devices to detect, deter, and to deflect this Criminal who will end up in Gangs, Hookers, Drug sales, Drug Mules, killers, child molesters, and e,t,c,. If you don't live near the wall you really don't care about your property being stolen, or damaged. I am sure some Troll will claim to live right next to the wall or border that will claim no problem.
Sigh. . . . Just sigh. . . . If we had enough border patrol agents to man the border, they would easily catch illegals who have to take the time to try to dig under the barrier. If there had been no fence there, those 376 illegals could have simply walked across the border, but instead they had to stop to dig a tunnel beneath the fence--however, since we don't have enough agents manning the border, they were not detected until they had dug the tunnel, gone through the tunnel, and entered American territory.

IOW, the fence forced them to stop and dig, and if we had had agents watching that sector, they would have been able to stop the incident from happening.
They were able to arrest several hundred and even Id ed one as a deported Child Molester. Could be one life saved.
A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

Americans have always cooperated and participated with "illegals" being here all along. We didn't want to pay the extra cost hiring americans would have caused US at the checkout counter. Capitalism in the US never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit extra-legally once slavery was "against the law". It never will, watch. Your power structure made sure "illegals" were here for exploitation.

But the amerian public is utterly cucked to concentrated wealth and power, so we won't, we don't dare collectively challenge the power structure, we demonize the poor who we fear we will become in this system.

I suppose you realize that if we are successful in keeping the poor out, that we will be winning the battle against the rich? I mean, if what you say is true.

You will replace the "illegals". The american worker has been under attack for half a century now and it's all been utterly bipartisan. Furthermore, capital no longer requires as many sharecroppers as it once did in american society. We will keep out the poor? We generate them and prey upon them as a society.

As for "keeping them out":

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

The power structure always needs scapegoats and its people divided.
A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

Americans have always cooperated and participated with "illegals" being here all along. We didn't want to pay the extra cost hiring americans would have caused US at the checkout counter. Capitalism in the US never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit extra-legally once slavery was "against the law". It never will, watch. Your power structure made sure "illegals" were here for exploitation.

But the amerian public is utterly cucked to concentrated wealth and power, so we won't, we don't dare collectively challenge the power structure, we demonize the poor who we fear we will become in this system.

I suppose you realize that if we are successful in keeping the poor out, that we will be winning the battle against the rich? I mean, if what you say is true.

You will replace the "illegals". The american worker has been under attack for half a century now and it's all been utterly bipartisan. Furthermore, capital no longer requires as many sharecroppers as it once did in american society. We will keep out the poor? We generate them and prey upon them as a society.

As for "keeping them out":

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

The power structure always needs scapegoats and its people divided.

It is much easier to fight for whats right when you have less competition.

A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

Americans have always cooperated and participated with "illegals" being here all along. We didn't want to pay the extra cost hiring americans would have caused US at the checkout counter. Capitalism in the US never weaned itself off of a cheap source of labor it could exploit extra-legally once slavery was "against the law". It never will, watch. Your power structure made sure "illegals" were here for exploitation.

But the amerian public is utterly cucked to concentrated wealth and power, so we won't, we don't dare collectively challenge the power structure, we demonize the poor who we fear we will become in this system.

I suppose you realize that if we are successful in keeping the poor out, that we will be winning the battle against the rich? I mean, if what you say is true.

You will replace the "illegals". The american worker has been under attack for half a century now and it's all been utterly bipartisan. Furthermore, capital no longer requires as many sharecroppers as it once did in american society. We will keep out the poor? We generate them and prey upon them as a society.

As for "keeping them out":

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

The power structure always needs scapegoats and its people divided.

It is much easier to fight for whats right when you have less competition.


Who will you fight for what's right?

Your economic/political system who has always made sure they were here? When we all cooperated and participated in their presence at the checkout counter with our spending habits?

What you ask would require personal responsibility on the part of americans. Good Luck with that.
'Nearly 400 migrants who crossed a tunnel underneath a border wall in Arizona voluntarily turned themselves into authorities this week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

A group of 376 migrants, comprised mostly of Guatemalan families and children seeking asylum, tunneled underneath the U.S.-Mexico border fence near Yuma, Ariz., just before noon Monday, the Arizona Republic reported. ABC News reported it was the largest group of asylum seekers to enter the U.S.'

Read more: 376 migrants tunnel under Ariz. border fence for asylum requests

Proof positive that anyone who thinks ANY wall will keep out illegal immigrants simply does not know what they are talking about.

Yes, but what is your suggestion to stop this from happening?

I am not for the wall, so what is your suggestion to fix the issue and what will Cortez and Pelosi offer?
'Nearly 400 migrants who crossed a tunnel underneath a border wall in Arizona voluntarily turned themselves into authorities this week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

A group of 376 migrants, comprised mostly of Guatemalan families and children seeking asylum, tunneled underneath the U.S.-Mexico border fence near Yuma, Ariz., just before noon Monday, the Arizona Republic reported. ABC News reported it was the largest group of asylum seekers to enter the U.S.'

Read more: 376 migrants tunnel under Ariz. border fence for asylum requests

Proof positive that anyone who thinks ANY wall will keep out illegal immigrants simply does not know what they are talking about.
You do realize that the wall worked, right? They didn't just 'walk' into the US. They had to expend massive amounts of time digging a tunnel, which is something that can be detected and prevented when you add technology AND manpower to the border wall.
People have been escaping prisons since they came into existence. Using your logic, jail cells are useless for keeping prisoners.

Youre dumb.

Good point. Putting a wall all the way across the southern border is the first step in imprisoning US citizens. If fact, if Trump closes the border, like he has repeatedly threatened to do, then we are locked in, because the border would have to be closed both ways.
Ok, youre dumb too if you believe that.

I cross the border about once per 6 weeks. The president of my country has put me at risk of being stuck in Mexico, because he keeps threatening to close the border.

Yes, I believe that. Especially, since the BP intentionally slows down traffic to the US in Nogales by reducing the agents working the que from 4 lines to one, resulting in 3 hours waits to return to the US.
He's shutting the Border because we don't have a wall and thousands of people are forming up as a mob. Get the wall and you won't have to worry anymore about being stuck on the other side.

If you are happy with a president who limits your freedom to travel out of the country, then, I can see why that would not bother you. I, on the other hand, have no intention of relinquishing my freedoms.
A wall won't work because they tunneled under a fence. So much for left wing logic.

The argument was that Trumpbots are focusing ONLY on a wall and ignoring everything else...DUH!!!

But all the Trumpbots scream about is the it will make a huge difference.

The OP article proves it will not.

Plus, where is Trump calling for tougher sentences/penalties/fines for those who hire illegals? I have never seen him say word one about that.

And most illegals come through on legal visas and/or through points-of-entry...DUH.

This wall/fence/barrier - at most - might stop a tiny percentage of illegals...MAYBE.

Yet you ignoramuses keep screaming for it like it is the Holy Grail of border security and completely ignore the most important aspects of it. Trumpbots are who the Milgram experiment was designed for. Mindless sheep who will do/believe ANYTHING your 'leader' says you will do/believe.

Pathetic. Laughingly pathetic.
You either just lied or you are so ideologically driven that you don't even know what the other side is saying.

NO ONE is saying a wall alone. They are saying that given the history of lies and backstabbing the American hating left have perpetrated in the past, we want the wall FIRST.

Now, if you understand English, when they say FIRST, the implication is there is a second, third, fourth...etc...
'Nearly 400 migrants who crossed a tunnel underneath a border wall in Arizona voluntarily turned themselves into authorities this week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

A group of 376 migrants, comprised mostly of Guatemalan families and children seeking asylum, tunneled underneath the U.S.-Mexico border fence near Yuma, Ariz., just before noon Monday, the Arizona Republic reported. ABC News reported it was the largest group of asylum seekers to enter the U.S.'

Read more: 376 migrants tunnel under Ariz. border fence for asylum requests

Proof positive that anyone who thinks ANY wall will keep out illegal immigrants simply does not know what they are talking about.
Oh, btw. They are NOT migrants.
People have been escaping prisons since they came into existence. Using your logic, jail cells are useless for keeping prisoners.

Youre dumb.

Good point. Putting a wall all the way across the southern border is the first step in imprisoning US citizens. If fact, if Trump closes the border, like he has repeatedly threatened to do, then we are locked in, because the border would have to be closed both ways.
Ok, youre dumb too if you believe that.

I cross the border about once per 6 weeks. The president of my country has put me at risk of being stuck in Mexico, because he keeps threatening to close the border.

Yes, I believe that. Especially, since the BP intentionally slows down traffic to the US in Nogales by reducing the agents working the que from 4 lines to one, resulting in 3 hours waits to return to the US.
He's shutting the Border because we don't have a wall and thousands of people are forming up as a mob. Get the wall and you won't have to worry anymore about being stuck on the other side.

If you are happy with a president who limits your freedom to travel out of the country, then, I can see why that would not bother you. I, on the other hand, have no intention of relinquishing my freedoms.

Hey phony baloney, are you traveling legally into their country? Are they doing the same thing into ours?

As far as the wall, let’s see——-> I am illegal and can just walk across the border; or there is a wall and it takes 50 of us 2 weeks to build a tunnel. Once discovered, it will be collapsed, and it will take another 2 weeks for 50 of us to build another.

Hey goofball, a wall doesn’t stop any one, it is just a deterrent to make it take LONGER to be defeated. We could probably stop 98% instantly with machine gun perches on the boarder, but that can not happen.

You really don’t get it, do you! Our job is to KEEP them on that side of the border long enough to discover what they are doing.

How are drones gonna do that? You allowing guns and bombs on them, to be dropped and shot in a foreign country? Of course not!

You are 1 big phony, and we both know it. If you actually are DUMB enough to keep pushing your asinine view, maybe you should as one of your heroes, “Georgie Porgy Soros,” or “Fancy Nancy Punklosi,” why they have walls around their residence, lol.

One more time, not only do you not have a leg to stand on, both of your arms are to weak to support you too, since the only exercise they get, is pushing buttons on a keyboard in mommies basement while eating Fritos, lolol!

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People have been escaping prisons since they came into existence. Using your logic, jail cells are useless for keeping prisoners.

Youre dumb.

Good point. Putting a wall all the way across the southern border is the first step in imprisoning US citizens. If fact, if Trump closes the border, like he has repeatedly threatened to do, then we are locked in, because the border would have to be closed both ways.
Ok, youre dumb too if you believe that.

I cross the border about once per 6 weeks. The president of my country has put me at risk of being stuck in Mexico, because he keeps threatening to close the border.

Yes, I believe that. Especially, since the BP intentionally slows down traffic to the US in Nogales by reducing the agents working the que from 4 lines to one, resulting in 3 hours waits to return to the US.
He's shutting the Border because we don't have a wall and thousands of people are forming up as a mob. Get the wall and you won't have to worry anymore about being stuck on the other side.

If you are happy with a president who limits your freedom to travel out of the country, then, I can see why that would not bother you. I, on the other hand, have no intention of relinquishing my freedoms.
How am i being limited? I can go to Mexico.

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