You don't know what you are talking about....

Surrender accepted

No, is a list of anti gun organizations that back anti gun politicians.....

Them vs. NRA....

NRA's List of Anti-Gunners

Ambulatory Pediatric Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Civil Liberties Union
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Medical Women’s Association
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Association
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Trauma Society
American Federation of Teachers
American Association of School Administrators
American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities
American Medical Association
American Bar Association
American Counseling Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for World Health
American Ethical Union
American Nurses Association
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Firearms Association
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Jewish Committee
American Trauma Society
American Psychological Association
American Jewish Congress
American Public Health Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-Defamation League
Black Mental Health Alliance
B’nai B’rith
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children’s Defense Fund
Church of the Brethren
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
College Democrats of America
Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace
Common Cause
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Consumer Federation of America
Council of the Great City Schools
Council of Chief State School Officers
Dehere Foundation
Disarm Educational Fund
Environmental Action Foundation
Episcopal Church-Washington Office
Florence and John Shumann Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
George Gund Fun
Gray Panthers
H.M. Strong Foundation
Harris Foundation
Hechinger Foundation
Interfaith Neighbors
Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union
Int’l Association of Educators for World Peace
Jewish Labor Committee
Joyce Foundation
Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
League of Women Voters of the United States*
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Manhattan Project II
Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office
National Safe Kids Campaign
National Association of Police Organizations
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Black Nurses’ Association
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Network for Youth
National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare Organizations
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Counties*
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners
National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
National Education Association
National Association of Elementary School Principals*
National Association of Public Hospitals
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of Social Workers
National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions
National Association of School Psychologists
National Council of La Raza
National Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth
National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Council of Negro Women
National Association of Community Health Centers
National People’s Action
National Education Association*
National League of Cities
National Council on Family Relations
National Council of Jewish Women
National Organization for Women
National Political Congress of Black Women
National Parks and Conservation Association
National Peace Foundation
National Urban League, Inc.
National Parent, Teachers Association*
National Urban Coalition
National SAFE KIDS Campaign
National Organization on Disability
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Ortenberg Foundation
Peace Action
People for the American Way
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Police Foundation
Project on Demilitarization and Democracy
Public Citizen
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The Council of the Great City Schools
The Synergetic Society
20/20 Vision
U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United States Catholic Conference
United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society
United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society*
United States Conference of Mayors
War and Peace Foundation
Women Strike for Peace
Women’s National Democratic Club
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Women’s Int’l League for Peace and Freedom
World Spiritual Assembly, Inc.
YWCA of the U.S.A.
Scalia using political partisan logic realized that based on that...the 2A had to be decoupled (illogically) from the militia clause if he was going to USE it politically
How could Antonin Scalia “decouple” the 2nd Amendment from the militia when it was never “coupled” to begin with?
...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
It doesn’t say the right of the militia. It says the right of the PEOPLE. In other words, like all lunatic liberals, you’re pissed off that Justice Scalia properly upheld the U.S. Constitution exactly as it is written (as intended).
Yea...using what is written IN the document in question. Ya know...the Constitution. You've heard of it right?
You mean that document you abhor and have never read? Yeah - I’m thoroughly aware of it. Unlike you, I’ve read it (hundreds of times in fact).
You don't know what you are talking about....

Surrender accepted

No, is a list of anti gun organizations that back anti gun politicians.....

Them vs. NRA....

NRA's List of Anti-Gunners

Ambulatory Pediatric Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Civil Liberties Union
American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
American Medical Women’s Association
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Association
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
American Trauma Society
American Federation of Teachers
American Association of School Administrators
American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities
American Medical Association
American Bar Association
American Counseling Association
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Association for World Health
American Ethical Union
American Nurses Association
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Firearms Association
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Jewish Committee
American Trauma Society
American Psychological Association
American Jewish Congress
American Public Health Association
Americans for Democratic Action
Anti-Defamation League
Black Mental Health Alliance
B’nai B’rith
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Children’s Defense Fund
Church of the Brethren
Coalition for Peace Action
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
College Democrats of America
Committee for the Study of Handgun Misuse & World Peace
Common Cause
Congress of National Black Churches, Inc.
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Consumer Federation of America
Council of the Great City Schools
Council of Chief State School Officers
Dehere Foundation
Disarm Educational Fund
Environmental Action Foundation
Episcopal Church-Washington Office
Florence and John Shumann Foundation
Friends Committee on National Legislation
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
George Gund Fun
Gray Panthers
H.M. Strong Foundation
Harris Foundation
Hechinger Foundation
Interfaith Neighbors
Int’l Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union
Int’l Association of Educators for World Peace
Jewish Labor Committee
Joyce Foundation
Lauder Foundation
Lawrence Foundation
League of Women Voters of the United States*
Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Manhattan Project II
Mennonite Central Committee-Washington Office
National Safe Kids Campaign
National Association of Police Organizations
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Black Nurses’ Association
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
National Network for Youth
National Assembly of National Voluntary Health & Social Welfare Organizations
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Counties*
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners
National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
National Education Association
National Association of Elementary School Principals*
National Association of Public Hospitals
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Association of Secondary School Principals
National Association of Social Workers
National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions
National Association of School Psychologists
National Council of La Raza
National Center to Rehabilitate Violent Youth
National Commission for Economic Conversion & Disarmament
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
National Council of Negro Women
National Association of Community Health Centers
National People’s Action
National Education Association*
National League of Cities
National Council on Family Relations
National Council of Jewish Women
National Organization for Women
National Political Congress of Black Women
National Parks and Conservation Association
National Peace Foundation
National Urban League, Inc.
National Parent, Teachers Association*
National Urban Coalition
National SAFE KIDS Campaign
National Organization on Disability
National Spinal Cord Injury Association
NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Ortenberg Foundation
Peace Action
People for the American Way
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Police Foundation
Project on Demilitarization and Democracy
Public Citizen
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
The Council of the Great City Schools
The Synergetic Society
20/20 Vision
U.S. Catholic Conference, Dept. of Social Development
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Unitarian Universalist Association
United States Catholic Conference
United Methodist Church, General Board & Church Society
United Church of Christ, Office for Church in Society*
United States Conference of Mayors
War and Peace Foundation
Women Strike for Peace
Women’s National Democratic Club
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND)
Women’s Int’l League for Peace and Freedom
World Spiritual Assembly, Inc.
YWCA of the U.S.A.
All of them together spend 100th of what the NRA spends on gun and anti-gun ads

Fuckin twit
Yea...using what is written IN the document in question. Ya know...the Constitution. You've heard of it right?
You mean that document you abhor and have never read? Yeah - I’m thoroughly aware of it. Unlike you, I’ve read it (hundreds of times in fact).
Document I abhor?

Blow that shit out your ass.

I have quoted it numerous times...I'm willing to bet you never even KNEW that the militia was described in Article 1 Section 8.

I KNOW you never heard of the DIck Act so...
The people are the militia
as long as there are people in the US there is a militia.

According to the Dick Act ONLY males between 17 and 45 are part of the UNORGANIZED militia. Nothing well regulated about it. No rank. No training. No roll call. No officers. All things that the Constitution describes as being what a well regulated militia are made of.

Scalia using political partisan logic realized that based on that...the 2A had to be decoupled (illogically) from the militia clause if he was going to USE it politically

Well regulated meant in working order not government controlled

The right to keep and bear arms belongs to the people as do all the other rights listed in the Bill Of Rights
How could Antonin Scalia “decouple” the 2nd Amendment from the militia when it was never “coupled” to begin with?

Funny that it's IN the damned Amendment then huh?
You know what is “IN” the 1st Amendment?
Congress shall make no law...
So by your ignorant, partisan hack approach, we should all declare that Congress has no constitutional authority to create legislation or pass laws, uh? Idiot.

Here’s the thing, snowflake. The “militia” was part of their why. They were attempting to explain their reasoning. It is not the what, nitwit. In no way does the 2nd Amendment even remotely restrict the right to keep and bear arms to a militia.

Furthermore, even if it did, the U.S. Constitution in no way declares that a militia must be run by the government. So each and every American form their own one person “militia” just to beat you at your own idiotic game.
Occam's Razor says you read the 2A as written...all of it.

And if you want a consideration of what the militia is that the 2A is talking about...Article 1 Section 8 explains it very well.
I know both the enumerated powers, and the 2nd amendment. And you’re not reading the part that says “the right of the people shall not be infringed.”

I’m also pretty sure you claimed earlier that the 2nd was meant as a states rights against federal rights issue. Now you’re claiming its a federal right. I’ll find it if need be.

So which is it, did the founders blatantly contridict themselves. Or did they not understand the constitution they wrote? Which one are you going to run with?

They had a very good understanding until about 1859 when things changed in what weapons became available. I notice everyone keeps saying, more or less, back then. Well, you are correct. From about 1750 to 1851 the weapons didn't change that much. The armies were armed with pretty much the same weapons as what was in the homes. Even the Canons were the same as the ones in the communities. In fact, the community canons were generally used by the army and then returned if they could be. The organized militia did the protecting of the community for the most part. Yes, there was a standing Army but it was held to a total of 75,000 people and any state could muster more than that in their state's militia. But the State's militia was comprised of citizen soldiers that took time out from their day to day jobs like smithy or farming when called upon. They could not do any long term campaigns. The 2nd amendment was written for this type of environment. But around 1859, the weapons outgrew the amendment and the Civil War and Indian Wars pretty well tossed it out the window. The US now had a large standing army even if was temporarily made up of volunteers at first. By the end of the Civil War, they were drafting on both sides. The US went directly from the Civil War to the Indian Wars. The standing army of 75,000 was thrown out the window and artillery with exploding, time shells and gatling guns were introduced. And let's not forget the Hotckiss Canon which was a little tiny nasty piece of work and scare the beejesus out of the Indians. By the time WWI came about, we didn't use Canons anymore. We used Artillery which was way too expensive and too difficult for your town yokels to operate affectively. It went from a couple of hundred feet range to a few miles. The cost became staggering.

What happened to the simple, straight forward wording of the 2nd amendment? Our weapons and the size of our armies outgrew it.
No the principle behind the second amendment is that people need to have the ability to enact force upon their government if needed, or whoever threatened life/liberty, that’s a natural right. This is laid out in the DOI which sets the framework for the constitution. DOI is the what, the constitution is the how. The founders wanted the citizens to be armed and trained, as long as their conscious allowed that. This was to be a check on government. Nothing has changed about that.

You still have yet to answer what do you consider “within reason”. The Swiss have a full auto assault rifle in every closet, and can walk down the street with it on their shoulder whenever they please. They are also the safest place on the planet.

I will answer that question when an open dialogue comes to be in our elected governments. Right now, there is no discussion allowed since the two diametrically opposing sides are so loud and spreading millions so fast that it doesn't allow it. The Majority tries to be heard but we get drowned out by the noise level of the few.
It’s an internet message board. You can say whatever you want to say. You’re not being nominated for the Supreme Court here. If you want I can set up a bull ring.

Every time I do, I get the fruitcakes to pile on and bury it with their crap. And no one will respond with views one way or another at that point. There just is too much signal to noise in here to ever get a decent discussion.
Yea...using what is written IN the document in question. Ya know...the Constitution. You've heard of it right?
You mean that document you abhor and have never read? Yeah - I’m thoroughly aware of it. Unlike you, I’ve read it (hundreds of times in fact).
Document I abhor?

Blow that shit out your ass.

I have quoted it numerous times...I'm willing to bet you never even KNEW that the militia was described in Article 1 Section 8.

I KNOW you never heard of the DIck Act so...
Ok if you know it so well, then how does the 9th and 10th amendment interact with the enumerated powers?
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

This clause must mean something: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,

Of course it means something. What it doesn't mean, however, is that people can own guns only if they belong to a regulated militia.

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