The Dementia Campaign: Trump v. Biden


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception. What do you think?

Who wins or loses the dementia/senility battle. What does that say about where are?
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What makes you think that Sleepy Joe is such a "nice guy" at all. He's threatened to beat up President Trump. He challenges men voters to Push Up contests and calls women voters "Lying Dog Face Pony Soldiers". I didn't care for B. Hussein O at all, but he never threatened to beat up Romney and never pulled a shiv on McCain.
The argument you frame in the OP is one designed for creating propaganda, chaos, and confusion by both sides.
For the record, I wouldn't call either situation "dementia". At least yet.

Biden appears to be experiencing a perfectly normal age-related decline in cognitive sharpness and acuity that affects some as they get to his age. Trump doesn't - his flamboyant narcissistic personality disorder really hasn't changed over the years and decades.

Neither guy should be anywhere near the Oval Office, of course. But this is where we find ourselves. And we're responsible for this situation, as a society.
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The argument you frame is one designed for creating propaganda, chaos, and confusion by both sides.
No it comes from the Politico article. Whether one wants to admit it or not this is what the 2020 presidential campaign boils down to, rightly or wrongly.
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception.

Who wins or loses the dementia battle.

I believe Biden is having Dementia and I also believe Trump is suffering from it...

So there is no real good choice here and it will come to who do you want to take over if Trump or Biden are not able to finish their term?



Biden VP choice?
Ukraine joe not only has dementia but also has delusions, memory loss, mental health problems, incoherence, physical health problems. Ukraine joe is leading the way in clinical disorders, mental disturbances, and physical health problems.
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception.

Who wins or loses the dementia battle.

I believe Biden is having Dementia and I also believe Trump is suffering from it...

So there is no real good choice here and it will come to who do you want to take over if Trump or Biden are not able to finish their term?



Biden VP choice?

Sleepy Joe is a tad goofy, but he always has been. Its part of his schtick, just like the astounding late mafioso Vince Gigante. Acting insane helps keep one's adversaries off guard, and he was successful in beating back more than 2 dozen fellow leftists in the Democrat Primaries.
History will refer to the 2020 presidential campaign as the “Demented Choice.”

Just more proof the empire is dying.
Biden is suffering from advanced dementia and Trump is afflicted with an enlarged ego. They aren't anywhere near similar. Biden could have never led us through this COVID 19 crisis. Impossible. Meanwhile, Trump mobilized this country better than anyone else possibly could have.
Really. See:

Ukraine joe not only has dementia but also has delusions, memory loss, mental health problems, incoherence, physical health problems. Ukraine joe is leading the way in clinical disorders, mental disturbances, and physical health problems.

Joe Biden knows he will most likely not last the first term, so his choice for VP will be crucial for him.

Again the question is no longer about Trump or Biden but do you feel Pence can run the country if Trump fails to finish his term or do you believe Biden VP pick is the better choice?

Until we see who Biden picks we can not know how this will play out but if it is Harris then expect Trump to win...
Whoever wins; we all lose. We're ripe for another terrorist attack. We need a strong leader.

With the blob, we have no leader. He didn't know the flu killed people. Really...he admitted that; more disturbingly is that he though he had uncovered some sort of counter-intuitive truth that would make everyone say, "What???? The Flu Kills People????" Eight graders knew this. Anyway, the dunce in office is not built for the job he has. He's a childish idiot who is several meters beyond his depth.

Biden? Wow...His one redeeming quality is that he is not Trump. Other than that, he seems like he would be stumped for a response if you were to hit him with the coup de grace of a simple "Good Morning.". That the Democrats have nominated a 3 time loser as their nominee is a sign of a party that is at it's own personal crossroads between wanting to nominate someone who is palatable to the most voters and holding it's breath that he doesn't say something that will alienate most voters. Really, Biden is probably the last person I wanted to see get the nomination. But because he's not the blob, he has my vote.

"The Dementia Battle" will be decided by PA, MI, and WI. The Democrats will have to flip 2 of the 3 while holding onto every thing they won in 2016. And Virginia may flip Red.

Not looking good for the Democrats. I hope I'm wrong.
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception.

Who wins or loses the dementia/senility battle.

Nice try Johnny. Trying to imply both candidates have severe dementia and senility won't work. Everybody knows only Fingers Joe is rapidly losing his mind.
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception.

Who wins or loses the dementia/senility battle.

Nice try Johnny. Trying to imply both candidates have severe dementia and senility won't work. Everybody knows only Fingers Joe is rapidly losing his mind.
Your living in denial if you think there are not many, many, many people who think Trump is senile or in the early stages of dementia.
Joe Biden is a good man and will make a great leader.

He had better be to make up for the damage Trump has done in the last four years
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception.

Who wins or loses the dementia/senility battle. What does that say about where are?

Tramp is more likely to push the button than Biden.
The two people most likely to control the U.S nuclear arsenal, and with it the capacity to blow up civilization, through January 2025 are both well into their 70s and facing pervasive public speculation that they are becoming senile.

That is some funny stuff, no?....

My colleague Marc Caputo said on Twitter that a Democratic operative with presidential campaign experience described the likely 2020 race like this: “the nice old guy with Alzheimer’s against the mean old man with dementia.”

Why beat around the bush here? Let’s get it out in the open and discuss it. This is what the 2020 campaign will boil down to. Pathetic really but that is where we are.

For the record I don’t think Biden has Alzheimers. I don’t think Trump has dementia though I do think he has issues.

But that is neither here nor there. It is all about perception.

Who wins or loses the dementia/senility battle. What does that say about where are?

Tramp is more likely to push the button than Biden.

Why would you even think that for a second? President Trump is against war. OTOH, the Obama-Biden Regime was one little war after another for 8 years. The Democrats want war with the Russian Federation over allegations that they "hacked" DNC emails.

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