The DemNazi Party Wants No Solutions To Any Of Our Problems

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.
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Clearly...anyone who believes big unlimited government run by a small criminal elite is a good thing, can't be very smart.
Clearly...anyone who believes big unlimited government run by a small criminal elite is a good thing, can't be very smart.

That is one way to look at it, but that only works from the perspective if you understand and love what this country is supposed to be about.

If you are subversive, and are a Collectivist-Socialist-Globalist, then you are AT WAR WITH AMERICA itself.

The Left, especially THE LEADERSHIP knows exactly what they are doing.

They don't like America. Do not believe in American Exceptionalism, or Individual Liberties, and Want to Fundamentally Change America, it's laws, it's Constitution to reflect a more Socialist-Globalist-Collectivist and Oppressive State at the expense of Individual Rights & Liberties.

This is why they are continually in our courts continually challenging our laws, and continually trying to populate our courts with Constitutional De-Constructionists.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies.
Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than Human Beings.
why does the national socialist right wing, think they are any better?

the Bliss of Ignorance, is what they usually have to work with.
Clearly...anyone who believes big unlimited government run by a small criminal elite is a good thing, can't be very smart.

That is one way to look at it, but that only works from the perspective if you understand and love what this country is supposed to be about.

If you are subversive, and are a Collectivist-Socialist-Globalist, then you are AT WAR WITH AMERICA itself.

The Left, especially THE LEADERSHIP knows exactly what they are doing.

They don't like America. Do not believe in American Exceptionalism, or Individual Liberties, and Want to Fundamentally Change America, it's laws, it's Constitution to reflect a more Socialist-Globalist-Collectivist and Oppressive State at the expense of Individual Rights & Liberties.

This is why they are continually in our courts continually challenging our laws, and continually trying to populate our courts with Constitutional De-Constructionists.

The ruling class really hates what the USA stands for....but what is it about the USA that they hate? Seems to me they hate limited government and individual liberty.

Amazingly there are millions of Americans who have nothing in common with the criminal ruling class, who are siding with the criminal ruling class leading to their own demise.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies.
Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than Human Beings.
why does the national socialist right wing, think they are any better?

the Bliss of Ignorance, is what they usually have to work with.

1.) Please prove that the current Administration is advocating Socialism... That was really weak and ill advised of you.
2.) No human being is better than another. However some human beings have better ideas. And when it comes to America, smaller government and reinforcing "Individual Rights and Liberties" is the BEST IDEA for AMERICA and for what our Forefathers designed it to be.

Besides that, you never followed the instructions in my post, so how can we have a discussion?

What are your list of demands and how can you support your demands with citations from The US Constitution or The Bill of Rights?
Clearly...anyone who believes big unlimited government run by a small criminal elite is a good thing, can't be very smart.

That is one way to look at it, but that only works from the perspective if you understand and love what this country is supposed to be about.

If you are subversive, and are a Collectivist-Socialist-Globalist, then you are AT WAR WITH AMERICA itself.

The Left, especially THE LEADERSHIP knows exactly what they are doing.

They don't like America. Do not believe in American Exceptionalism, or Individual Liberties, and Want to Fundamentally Change America, it's laws, it's Constitution to reflect a more Socialist-Globalist-Collectivist and Oppressive State at the expense of Individual Rights & Liberties.

This is why they are continually in our courts continually challenging our laws, and continually trying to populate our courts with Constitutional De-Constructionists.

The ruling class really hates what the USA stands for....but what is it about the USA that they hate? Seems to me they hate limited government and individual liberty.

Amazingly there are millions of Americans who have nothing in common with the criminal ruling class, who are siding with the criminal ruling class leading to their own demise.

If you listen to everything the left has to say and look at every thing they have done, it is clear that they are angry and bitter and full of rage that Obama and his son "Hillary Clinton" was not able to finish the job of deconstructing America and transforming it in to a Collectivist State.
Clearly...anyone who believes big unlimited government run by a small criminal elite is a good thing, can't be very smart.

That is one way to look at it, but that only works from the perspective if you understand and love what this country is supposed to be about.

If you are subversive, and are a Collectivist-Socialist-Globalist, then you are AT WAR WITH AMERICA itself.

The Left, especially THE LEADERSHIP knows exactly what they are doing.

They don't like America. Do not believe in American Exceptionalism, or Individual Liberties, and Want to Fundamentally Change America, it's laws, it's Constitution to reflect a more Socialist-Globalist-Collectivist and Oppressive State at the expense of Individual Rights & Liberties.

This is why they are continually in our courts continually challenging our laws, and continually trying to populate our courts with Constitutional De-Constructionists.

The ruling class really hates what the USA stands for....but what is it about the USA that they hate? Seems to me they hate limited government and individual liberty.

Amazingly there are millions of Americans who have nothing in common with the criminal ruling class, who are siding with the criminal ruling class leading to their own demise.

If you listen to everything the left has to say and look at every thing they have done, it is clear that they are angry and bitter and full of rage that Obama and his son "Hillary Clinton" was not able to finish the job of deconstructing America and transforming it in to a Collectivist State.

Only a fool would want to be part of a collectivist state. They have learned NOTHING from history. They are useful idiots.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.

they damn sure don't want to listen to Trump lie, and make up shit as he goes along, and they damn sure don't want to play From Russia With Love while Trump sucks KGB cock when nobodys watching ..
Clearly...anyone who believes big unlimited government run by a small criminal elite is a good thing, can't be very smart.

That is one way to look at it, but that only works from the perspective if you understand and love what this country is supposed to be about.

If you are subversive, and are a Collectivist-Socialist-Globalist, then you are AT WAR WITH AMERICA itself.

The Left, especially THE LEADERSHIP knows exactly what they are doing.

They don't like America. Do not believe in American Exceptionalism, or Individual Liberties, and Want to Fundamentally Change America, it's laws, it's Constitution to reflect a more Socialist-Globalist-Collectivist and Oppressive State at the expense of Individual Rights & Liberties.

This is why they are continually in our courts continually challenging our laws, and continually trying to populate our courts with Constitutional De-Constructionists.

The ruling class really hates what the USA stands for....but what is it about the USA that they hate? Seems to me they hate limited government and individual liberty.

Amazingly there are millions of Americans who have nothing in common with the criminal ruling class, who are siding with the criminal ruling class leading to their own demise.

If you listen to everything the left has to say and look at every thing they have done, it is clear that they are angry and bitter and full of rage that Obama and his son "Hillary Clinton" was not able to finish the job of deconstructing America and transforming it in to a Collectivist State.

Only a fool would want to be part of a collectivist state. They have learned NOTHING from history. They are useful idiots.

Calling them Useful Idiots only applies to their drones, and the general dumbed down followers.

There are some very intelligent albeit Nefarious and Evil people involved in The Democrat Party, so to write them all off as Useful Idiots does a disservice to those who want to fight their agendas.

Some of them know full well EXACTLY what they are doing. They know they are engaged in Sedition, Subversion, Espionage & Treason, Instigating Civil Unrest, and Propagating Lies that they know are lies. They just don't care.

They are every bit as committed to the destruction of America as any Jihadist, and in fact can often be seen teaming up with them.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.

they damn sure don't want to listen to Trump lie, and make up shit as he goes along, and they damn sure don't want to play From Russia With Love while Trump sucks KGB cock when nobodys watching ..

So what are you list of demands?

Please support your demands by citing the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

You read the instructions, correct?

Maybe we are all wrong about The Left if you would make a good case for "Your Demands" as I requested you do as part of this discussion.

Or are you just here to troll?
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.

they damn sure don't want to listen to Trump lie, and make up shit as he goes along, and they damn sure don't want to play From Russia With Love while Trump sucks KGB cock when nobodys watching ..

So what are you list of demands?

Please support your demands by citing the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

You read the instructions, correct?

Maybe we are all wrong about The Left if you would make a good case for "Your Demands".

my Trump demands ..

1. quit sucking KGB cock
2. keep his sorry ass off twitter and drop the teenage girl shit
3. quit blaming every thing and everybody for his incompetence
4. take some civics courses during the next 4 years
5. take some foreign policy courses during the next 4 years
6. follow your request to abide by the Constitution
7. drop his narcissist horseshit and put his job first
8. drop the trade deficit bullshit until he stops using China and Mexico to make his cheap shit
9. be a president not a prick
10. work with congress to repair healthcare

and last but not least ..

11. spread his feet so I can dropkick him in the nuts.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.

Why would Democrats advance the conservative agenda? Is that what they were elected for?
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies.
Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than Human Beings.
why does the national socialist right wing, think they are any better?

the Bliss of Ignorance, is what they usually have to work with.

1.) Please prove that the current Administration is advocating Socialism... That was really weak and ill advised of you.
2.) No human being is better than another. However some human beings have better ideas. And when it comes to America, smaller government and reinforcing "Individual Rights and Liberties" is the BEST IDEA for AMERICA and for what our Forefathers designed it to be.

Besides that, you never followed the instructions in my post, so how can we have a discussion?

What are your list of demands and how can you support your demands with citations from The US Constitution or The Bill of Rights?
dude, "your guy" has nothing but, social plans instead of Any fine capital plans, he should already have.

And, I am demanding equal protection of the law, even for the least wealthy, even under our form of Capitalism.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.

they damn sure don't want to listen to Trump lie, and make up shit as he goes along, and they damn sure don't want to play From Russia With Love while Trump sucks KGB cock when nobodys watching ..

So what are you list of demands?

Please support your demands by citing the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

You read the instructions, correct?

Maybe we are all wrong about The Left if you would make a good case for "Your Demands".

my Trump demands ..

1. quit sucking KGB cock
2. keep his sorry ass off twitter and drop the teenage girl shit
3. quit blaming every thing and everybody for his incompetence
4. take some civics courses during the next 4 years
5. take some foreign policy courses during the next 4 years
6. follow your request to abide by the Constitution
7. drop his narcissist horseshit and put his job first
8. drop the trade deficit bullshit until he stops using China and Mexico to make his cheap shit
9. be a president not a prick
10. work with congress to repair healthcare

and last but not least ..

11. spread his feet so I can dropkick him in the nuts.

Glorious Fail on your part.

And you wonder why Hillary Clinton could not lie and cheat her way in to the Presidency?
And you are somehow upset by this.

Your demands have no supporting evidence as requested by me.
They do not want to work....period.
They do not want to govern....period.
They do not want Democracy....period
(unless somehow that puts them in power..then they are for it...for a little while....just like The NAZIS were in The Weimar Republic.
They don't like our Constitution
They don't want a balanced Supreme Court
They don't like our immigration laws.
They don't like Individual Liberties.

Exactly what do Liberals stand for?

Sedition? Subversion? "Resist Democracy?" Collectivism (about as anti-American as you can get)

Please Lefty Enlighten us with your LIST OF DEMANDS and cite sections of The Bill of Rights & Our Constitution (not your Constitution as you disavow what it guarantees) to support your DEMANDS.

All you really seem to stand for is Rioting, Division, Civil Unrest, and The Undermining of our Democracy and our Republic.

At Best you are lazy bums who only care about Obstructionism....

Poll: Majority of Democrat voters want obstructionism across the board - Hot Air

Obstructionism is the path to disaster


Same Tired Old Party With The Same Tired Old Tactics.

You have one party that has actually reformed itself and allowed more Libertarians, Tea Party Members and Grass Roots Conservatives who really want to make a difference for THE PEOPLE and work for THE PEOPLE and Serve THE PEOPLE.... and then....

There is THE DEMNAZI party who really only wants to serve themselves and their Bloated Bureaucracies and refuse to reform.

Public Opinion Bears That Out. And so does their decades of ugly history in how they have treated their fellow Americans and prayed on our Citizens as if they were Human Capital rather than treat them as free and independent Human Beings.

Why would Democrats advance the conservative agenda? Is that what they were elected for?

Who was talking about "the conservative agenda?"

I was asking for LEFTY DEMANDS.

What do you want The Government to do, and how can you justify that using The Bill of Rights, and The Constitution to make your argument as to why we should fulfill your demands?
While the OP has some points, why does every bill the GOP offers have tax cuts for the wealthy? Everyone knows who they support....the rich and only the rich. But they do want others around to fight their wars.
While the OP has some points, why does every bill the GOP offers have tax cuts for the wealthy? Everyone knows who they support....the rich and only the rich. But they do want others around to fight their wars.

First off, why are you classifying it as "tax cuts for the wealthy"?

That right there is setting up a straw man.

But let's disregard your suspicious framing of that question.

The US has one of the highest Corporate Tax Rates in the world.

We cannot compete.

Both our Jobs, and our Manufacturing have been steadily flowing out of the country because of The Left's War on Work.

In order to bring The Jobs, Manufacturing and The Wealth of this nation back in to This Country, we have to have similar tax rates and corporate regulations similar to those nations we are competing with.

It's a very simple thing, that unfortunately The Left is being disingenuous about. They'd rather have us be a Service Economy with a 3rd world standard of living, just so they can say they are Taxing The Phuck out of everyone.
The DemNazi Party Wants No Solutions To Any Of Our Problems
Good! since I'm not sure the Republic can withstand many more government "solutions" that just create new problems and make existing ones worse.


"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." -- Ronald Reagan
The new healthcare bill contains the biggest tax cuts for the wealthy. Why not make those only for the middle class? And those manufacturing jobs should pay at least 20 bucks per hour starting plus full benefits if we cut the tax rate otherwise they aren't worth doing.

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