The Democrat Party Platform

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Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Thanks to Doug Ross @ Journal blog.

Try to defend or refute this! :mad:
It's all they've got. Obama came in on the promise of bipartisanship; Nothing in his record suggested he was even capable of that but OK. Instead he has waged the nastiest pettiest presidency in history. If he had devoted half the effort to demonizing and undermining Russia as he has the GOP we would again be a world class power.
The US has been divided into groups since this nation was was even divided before we were a nation....
And yet another thread without any Republican ideas to make America better.

Just hatred and division........
The US has been divided into groups since this nation was was even divided before we were a nation....

What happened to the ideal of the "melting pot"? I find it amusing that a mere savage like Genghis Khan could unite all the steppe peoples under one flag, who had been at war with each other since time began, and our so called bestest, and brightest progressives, do everything in their power to destroy unity.

A united people of all races and creeds is stronger than an amalgamation of singular entities all fighting amongst themselves. The United States was more unified by the end of WWII than at any time in our history...and the progressives have been prying that unity apart since that time.

Why I wonder? Well, like Lord Baelish on Game of Thrones said to Lord Varys when Varys warned him his actions would lead to chaos....."chaos is a ladder" is how Baelish replied.... But...a ladder for who? Not for the poor and downtrodden who die in their hundreds of thousands, and now millions, whenever a progressive gets into a position of power.

No, it's a ladder for the very vermin you claim to be against. You really should read more history there chum.
The US has been divided into groups since this nation was was even divided before we were a nation....

What happened to the ideal of the "melting pot"? I find it amusing that a mere savage like Genghis Khan could unite all the steppe peoples under one flag, who had been at war with each other since time began, and our so called bestest, and brightest progressives, do everything in their power to destroy unity.

A united people of all races and creeds is stronger than an amalgamation of singular entities all fighting amongst themselves. The United States was more unified by the end of WWII than at any time in our history...and the progressives have been prying that unity apart since that time.

Why I wonder? Well, like Lord Baelish on Game of Thrones said to Lord Varys when Varys warned him his actions would lead to chaos....."chaos is a ladder" is how Baelish replied.... But...a ladder for who? Not for the poor and downtrodden who die in their hundreds of thousands, and now millions, whenever a progressive gets into a position of power.

No, it's a ladder for the very vermin you claim to be against. You really should read more history there chum.

A united people of all races and creeds is stronger than an amalgamation of singular entities all fighting amongst themselves.

True, but the US has not always had all the immigrants that agree on all your statement is a political theory, not a political fact...
The US has been divided into groups since this nation was was even divided before we were a nation....

What happened to the ideal of the "melting pot"? I find it amusing that a mere savage like Genghis Khan could unite all the steppe peoples under one flag, who had been at war with each other since time began, and our so called bestest, and brightest progressives, do everything in their power to destroy unity.

A united people of all races and creeds is stronger than an amalgamation of singular entities all fighting amongst themselves. The United States was more unified by the end of WWII than at any time in our history...and the progressives have been prying that unity apart since that time.

Why I wonder? Well, like Lord Baelish on Game of Thrones said to Lord Varys when Varys warned him his actions would lead to chaos....."chaos is a ladder" is how Baelish replied.... But...a ladder for who? Not for the poor and downtrodden who die in their hundreds of thousands, and now millions, whenever a progressive gets into a position of power.

No, it's a ladder for the very vermin you claim to be against. You really should read more history there chum.

A united people of all races and creeds is stronger than an amalgamation of singular entities all fighting amongst themselves.

True, but the US has not always had all the immigrants that agree on all your statement is a political theory, not a political fact...

As I said, you need to read a LOT more history. And philosophy too. Start with John Rawls "A Theory of Justice".
So what you are asserting is that we as a nation have always had peace amongst the populace in the US unless democrats are at the helm??
So what you are asserting is that we as a nation have always had peace amongst the populace in the US unless democrats are at the helm??

No, not at all. But at the beginning of WWII blacks were segregated in the military (they still were until 1948 IIRC) nor were they allowed to be in combat units because they were deemed to be too stupid to perform well. By 1942 there were all black combat outfits (sadly their officers were still white) and the majority of them performed admirably in combat thus demolishing one of the claims of the racists.

Navajo, Arapaho, Sioux, all manner of Native Americans joined the army and proved they were capable, and because of the GI bill thousands were able to go to college who would have never had a chance. They were the spark that began to unify this country.

Hell no it wasn't perfect, far from it. But the seeds were set. Prior to WWII a black man with a white woman was a cause of shock and consternation and of course ridicule and ostracism. The war changed that. Had things been left to go along as they were I have no doubt that we would be a far more unified family of people irrespective of color, than we are now.

One of my best friends was a member of MOVE in Philadelphia, they were a neo-luddite black liberation group. But they were different in one aspect, they didn't hate white people. There were whites involved in the group from the beginning so they had to be destroyed...and they were ultimately because they were showing everyone that blacks and whites could live together in harmony.
it's all they've got. Obama came in on the promise of bipartisanship; nothing in his record suggested he was even capable of that but ok. Instead he has waged the nastiest pettiest presidency in history. If he had devoted half the effort to demonizing and undermining russia as he has the gop we would again be a world class power.

And yet another thread without any Republican ideas to make America better.

Just hatred and division........

Mentioning the people who are doing their best to create hatred and division is somehow hateful and devisive? What a logic chain!

The Republican ideas to make America better, have been published time and time again. The simple fact that you loons do not like those ideas, does not make them disappear.
Democrat party....

Gay stuff...
Gay stuff...
Birth Control...
Gay stuff...
Food stamps...
Gay stuff....
Big government...
Bigger government.....
Gay Stuff...

And more gay stuff...

Did I miss anything?
Division has been an effective political tool for thousands of years. The modern Democrat party did not invent the idea, they just adopted it and put it to effective use.

The Republican party leadership still seems to be befuddled and confused by the concept. They are very ineffective at countering it, or even mitigating it.

It is long past time for the Republican party to start talking turkey to Blacks, Hispanics, women, and the poor. Only the truth can counter the BS that the Democrat party continues to promote. Truth takes longer to work, but it never works when it is not used.

In addition, minorities and women often appreciate being treated as intelligent adults.
Democrat party....

Gay stuff...
Gay stuff...
Birth Control...
Gay stuff...
Food stamps...
Gay stuff....
Big government...
Bigger government.....
Gay Stuff...

And more gay stuff...

Did I miss anything?

More gay stuff.
The US has been divided into groups since this nation was was even divided before we were a nation....

maybe so, but it was on policy. Democrats have perfected dividing americans on demographics.

For example, name me a black issue, that only effects black people?

affirmative action? Nope, it effects every race. And a question, since colleges are run by liberals why do they need this policy? I thought liberals werent racist?
And yet another thread without any Republican ideas to make America better.

Just hatred and division........

One of these days i hope you actually listen to our ideas instead of pretending they don't exist.
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