The Democrat Party Summed Up

And Obama lied about not knowing about hiLIARy's unsecured private email server and actually emailed with her using a Fake Name.
Do you not feel exhilarated and happy as of this moment? Hasn't watching Trump inch his way forward for the past sixteen months been good for you? Enjoy it. He's going to ruin this country, but I'm sure you'll find a way to blame it on Obama.
obie has done a lot of damage, every major issue is going the wrong way. I fail to see how Trump could be worse. The libs use the nukes scare because it's all they have.
Not nukes. That scares everyone, not just American libs. His economic plan will lose millions of jobs and Social Security will be bankrupt in a couple of decades. He just admitted WE are going to pay for the Wall. He doesn't have any clue what NATO or the UN or our various trade agreements around the world are doing to keep the world on a slow simmer instead of a full out rolling boil. He's going to sprinkle fairy dust to stop gang warfare in our cities and make everyone safe. He's going to TRY to appoint politicized Supreme Court justices that will ensure every American maniac has a right to firearms, regardless. Fortunately, Supreme Court justices actually know what their job is and they do it without putting their politics first.
We'll see if he can actually sue everyone who criticized him during the campaign. Major newspapers, individuals. You think Paul Ryan will survive?
He's an absolute fucking disaster about to happen. And you call me stupid. Jesus.
Nukes don't scare the Alt-Right....they want to use them on anyone they don't like. We've had some Drumpsters here advocate for genocide.
Stay awhile. It's 9:05 a.m. and I'm already sick of arguing about TRUMP.

Well, being on a political message board a week before a Presidential election is not a clever way to try to avoid talking about Trump
there ARE other threads, believe it or not.
obie has done a lot of damage, every major issue is going the wrong way. I fail to see how Trump could be worse. The libs use the nukes scare because it's all they have.
Not nukes. That scares everyone, not just American libs. His economic plan will lose millions of jobs and Social Security will be bankrupt in a couple of decades. He just admitted WE are going to pay for the Wall. He doesn't have any clue what NATO or the UN or our various trade agreements around the world are doing to keep the world on a slow simmer instead of a full out rolling boil. He's going to sprinkle fairy dust to stop gang warfare in our cities and make everyone safe. He's going to TRY to appoint politicized Supreme Court justices that will ensure every American maniac has a right to firearms, regardless. Fortunately, Supreme Court justices actually know what their job is and they do it without putting their politics first.
We'll see if he can actually sue everyone who criticized him during the campaign. Major newspapers, individuals. You think Paul Ryan will survive?
He's an absolute fucking disaster about to happen. And you call me stupid. Jesus.
Nukes don't scare the Alt-Right....they want to use them on anyone they don't like. We've had some Drumpsters here advocate for genocide.
Stay awhile. It's 9:05 a.m. and I'm already sick of arguing about TRUMP.

Well, being on a political message board a week before a Presidential election is not a clever way to try to avoid talking about Trump
there ARE other threads, believe it or not.

OK? And that changes my point how?
This really isn't funny anymore. It's a fucking embarrassment...SMH

1. Debbie Wasserman Shultz: Rigged the Primaries was fired then hired by HRC
2. Donna Brazile: Colluded, gave Questions to HRC, lied, takes DWS place, fired by CNN
3. Hillary Clinton: Under FBI investigation for the SECOND time.

I'm sure by the end of the week that list will grow more explosive and corrupt......actually, I'm sure of it.

HRC doesn't advocate gabbing the penis of men, assassinating the character of everyone who does not kiss her ass, hasn't thrice been divorced, declared bankruptcy (which harms creditors), is indebted to Chinese and Russian Oligarchs or has ever been fined for law violations. In fact her character flaws are infractions, his are felonies.

In fact HRC is much tougher than small hands, lesser persons would toss in the towel or lose their temper and blast people like C_K on twitter, and others who also choose to influence the voters with traducements and or echoes of allegations not vetted by prosecutors nor put before a trier of fact.

I'm sure of one thing, Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of the United States. He is also incapable of leading a nation when he has insulted and demeaned members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, showing he has no understanding of Art. II and the limited power of POTUS, more evidence that he is a charlatan.

Furthermore, he has insulted and attacked a billion followers of Islam, most women, Mexicans, Latinos and Latinas, and African Americans; when he speaks from the heart his message becomes one of hate and fear - two common forms of rhetoric used by demagogues and fascists.
This really isn't funny anymore. It's a fucking embarrassment...SMH

1. Debbie Wasserman Shultz: Rigged the Primaries was fired then hired by HRC
2. Donna Brazile: Colluded, gave Questions to HRC, lied, takes DWS place, fired by CNN
3. Hillary Clinton: Under FBI investigation for the SECOND time.

I'm sure by the end of the week that list will grow more explosive and corrupt......actually, I'm sure of it.

HRC doesn't advocate gabbing the penis of men, assassinating the character of everyone who does not kiss her ass, hasn't thrice been divorced, declared bankruptcy (which harms creditors), is indebted to Chinese and Russian Oligarchs or has ever been fined for law violations. In fact her character flaws are infractions, his are felonies.

In fact HRC is much tougher than small hands, lesser persons would toss in the towel or lose their temper and blast people like C_K on twitter, and others who also choose to influence the voters with traducements and or echoes of allegations not vetted by prosecutors nor put before a trier of fact.

I'm sure of one thing, Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of the United States. He is also incapable of leading a nation when he has insulted and demeaned members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, showing he has no understanding of Art. II and the limited power of POTUS, more evidence that he is a charlatan.

Furthermore, he has insulted and attacked a billion followers of Islam, most women, Mexicans, Latinos and Latinas, and African Americans; when he speaks from the heart his message becomes one of hate and fear - two common forms of rhetoric used by demagogues and fascists.

Yes, let's stay with the corrupt, lying, establishment politicians like Hillary that have done so well for us. Great idea
This really isn't funny anymore. It's a fucking embarrassment...SMH

1. Debbie Wasserman Shultz: Rigged the Primaries was fired then hired by HRC
2. Donna Brazile: Colluded, gave Questions to HRC, lied, takes DWS place, fired by CNN
3. Hillary Clinton: Under FBI investigation for the SECOND time.

I'm sure by the end of the week that list will grow more explosive and corrupt......actually, I'm sure of it.

HRC doesn't advocate gabbing the penis of men, assassinating the character of everyone who does not kiss her ass, hasn't thrice been divorced, declared bankruptcy (which harms creditors), is indebted to Chinese and Russian Oligarchs or has ever been fined for law violations. In fact her character flaws are infractions, his are felonies.

In fact HRC is much tougher than small hands, lesser persons would toss in the towel or lose their temper and blast people like C_K on twitter, and others who also choose to influence the voters with traducements and or echoes of allegations not vetted by prosecutors nor put before a trier of fact.

I'm sure of one thing, Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of the United States. He is also incapable of leading a nation when he has insulted and demeaned members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, showing he has no understanding of Art. II and the limited power of POTUS, more evidence that he is a charlatan.

Furthermore, he has insulted and attacked a billion followers of Islam, most women, Mexicans, Latinos and Latinas, and African Americans; when he speaks from the heart his message becomes one of hate and fear - two common forms of rhetoric used by demagogues and fascists.
LMAO and yet you are voting for Clinton. What a hack
Be honest, that shit means NOTHING to you
Carlos Danger (aka Anthony Weiner) is a Democrat who was elected to the House of Representatives 7 times...and then sexted his Private Parts to Women and one photo, he has his baby boy sleeping near his erection.
This really isn't funny anymore. It's a fucking embarrassment...SMH

1. Debbie Wasserman Shultz: Rigged the Primaries was fired then hired by HRC
2. Donna Brazile: Colluded, gave Questions to HRC, lied, takes DWS place, fired by CNN
3. Hillary Clinton: Under FBI investigation for the SECOND time.

I'm sure by the end of the week that list will grow more explosive and corrupt......actually, I'm sure of it.

HRC doesn't advocate gabbing the penis of men, assassinating the character of everyone who does not kiss her ass, hasn't thrice been divorced, declared bankruptcy (which harms creditors), is indebted to Chinese and Russian Oligarchs or has ever been fined for law violations. In fact her character flaws are infractions, his are felonies.

In fact HRC is much tougher than small hands, lesser persons would toss in the towel or lose their temper and blast people like C_K on twitter, and others who also choose to influence the voters with traducements and or echoes of allegations not vetted by prosecutors nor put before a trier of fact.

I'm sure of one thing, Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of the United States. He is also incapable of leading a nation when he has insulted and demeaned members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, showing he has no understanding of Art. II and the limited power of POTUS, more evidence that he is a charlatan.

Furthermore, he has insulted and attacked a billion followers of Islam, most women, Mexicans, Latinos and Latinas, and African Americans; when he speaks from the heart his message becomes one of hate and fear - two common forms of rhetoric used by demagogues and fascists.
MSM talking points. You need to turn off the television and start educating yourself on the truth, you're not going to find it on the TV's
Enjoy it while you can, because once Trump takes the reigns, the joy ride is over. Believe me.
You call this a joy ride? It's been eight years of misery.
Do you not feel exhilarated and happy as of this moment? Hasn't watching Trump inch his way forward for the past sixteen months been good for you? Enjoy it. He's going to ruin this country, but I'm sure you'll find a way to blame it on Obama.
The precedent has been set, now. We can now blame all 8 years of failure on the predecessor.

BTW, the other option will further ruin this country as well. Probably more so. Trump is all assumption, HRC is proven failure.

Yup. I say enjoy the scandal if one likes. Just keep in mind all the action you see now that favors trump will be flipped on him as soon as he is sworn in. This corruption is typical among all the political ruling class.
Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 10.10.20 AM.png

Reality paints a clear picture of what will happen one week from today.
This really isn't funny anymore. It's a fucking embarrassment...SMH

1. Debbie Wasserman Shultz: Rigged the Primaries was fired then hired by HRC
2. Donna Brazile: Colluded, gave Questions to HRC, lied, takes DWS place, fired by CNN
3. Hillary Clinton: Under FBI investigation for the SECOND time.

I'm sure by the end of the week that list will grow more explosive and corrupt......actually, I'm sure of it.

HRC doesn't advocate gabbing the penis of men, assassinating the character of everyone who does not kiss her ass, hasn't thrice been divorced, declared bankruptcy (which harms creditors), is indebted to Chinese and Russian Oligarchs or has ever been fined for law violations. In fact her character flaws are infractions, his are felonies.

In fact HRC is much tougher than small hands, lesser persons would toss in the towel or lose their temper and blast people like C_K on twitter, and others who also choose to influence the voters with traducements and or echoes of allegations not vetted by prosecutors nor put before a trier of fact.

I'm sure of one thing, Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of the United States. He is also incapable of leading a nation when he has insulted and demeaned members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, showing he has no understanding of Art. II and the limited power of POTUS, more evidence that he is a charlatan.

Furthermore, he has insulted and attacked a billion followers of Islam, most women, Mexicans, Latinos and Latinas, and African Americans; when he speaks from the heart his message becomes one of hate and fear - two common forms of rhetoric used by demagogues and fascists.
MSM talking points. You need to turn off the television and start educating yourself on the truth, you're not going to find it on the TV's

I am certain not to find it (the truth) in your posts or in any post on the message board. I could spent my time on line reading on forums which agree with me, but that is no fun nor especially enlightening (under the guise of keeping those who agree with me close, but those who do not closer).

I don't find an inkling in Trump's words which reflect the traditional values of our country. He's a bully, has never expressed empathy for others and holds the cross of Christianity high while ignoring the message(s) of Jesus.

Clearly, he couldn't pass a high school civics class, lies about what he would do in his first hundred days in office, and spends most of his time attacking the character of others. Imagine him returning from a meeting with our allies, if and when they disagree with his agenda. His disdain for diplomacy and brinkmanship makes him dangerous, and an embarrassment to those of us who actually listen and are not stirred by emotions.

If you or others doubt any of this, make an effort to provide a reasoned argument in support of Trump.
Clearly, he couldn't pass a high school civics class, lies about what he would do in his first hundred days in office, and spends most of his time attacking the character of others. Imagine him returning from a meeting with our allies, if and when they disagree with his agenda. His disdain for diplomacy and brinkmanship makes him dangerous, and an embarrassment to those of us who actually listen and are not stirred by emotions.
As though none of this applies to his opponent. :rolleyes:
This really isn't funny anymore. It's a fucking embarrassment...SMH

1. Debbie Wasserman Shultz: Rigged the Primaries was fired then hired by HRC
2. Donna Brazile: Colluded, gave Questions to HRC, lied, takes DWS place, fired by CNN
3. Hillary Clinton: Under FBI investigation for the SECOND time.

I'm sure by the end of the week that list will grow more explosive and corrupt......actually, I'm sure of it.

HRC doesn't advocate gabbing the penis of men, assassinating the character of everyone who does not kiss her ass, hasn't thrice been divorced, declared bankruptcy (which harms creditors), is indebted to Chinese and Russian Oligarchs or has ever been fined for law violations. In fact her character flaws are infractions, his are felonies.

In fact HRC is much tougher than small hands, lesser persons would toss in the towel or lose their temper and blast people like C_K on twitter, and others who also choose to influence the voters with traducements and or echoes of allegations not vetted by prosecutors nor put before a trier of fact.

I'm sure of one thing, Trump is psychologically unfit to be President of the United States. He is also incapable of leading a nation when he has insulted and demeaned members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, showing he has no understanding of Art. II and the limited power of POTUS, more evidence that he is a charlatan.

Furthermore, he has insulted and attacked a billion followers of Islam, most women, Mexicans, Latinos and Latinas, and African Americans; when he speaks from the heart his message becomes one of hate and fear - two common forms of rhetoric used by demagogues and fascists.
MSM talking points. You need to turn off the television and start educating yourself on the truth, you're not going to find it on the TV's

I am certain not to find it (the truth) in your posts or in any post on the message board. I could spent my time on line reading on forums which agree with me, but that is no fun nor especially enlightening (under the guise of keeping those who agree with me close, but those who do not closer).

I don't find an inkling in Trump's words which reflect the traditional values of our country. He's a bully, has never expressed empathy for others and holds the cross of Christianity high while ignoring the message(s) of Jesus.

Clearly, he couldn't pass a high school civics class, lies about what he would do in his first hundred days in office, and spends most of his time attacking the character of others. Imagine him returning from a meeting with our allies, if and when they disagree with his agenda. His disdain for diplomacy and brinkmanship makes him dangerous, and an embarrassment to those of us who actually listen and are not stirred by emotions.

If you or others doubt any of this, make an effort to provide a reasoned argument in support of Trump.

Right, why read forums which agree with you when you can read one that doesn't and you can keep saying, WTF, you don't agree with me!?!
View attachment 96226

Reality paints a clear picture of what will happen one week from today.

You think an opinion poll determines reality? Then in 1492, you think Columbus was wrong and the Earth actually was flat?

In 1615 Galileo was wrong and the Sun circled the Earth?

One thing is clear. In 1492 you'd have thought the earth was flat and 1615 you'd have polled the Sun circled the Earth
Clearly, he couldn't pass a high school civics class, lies about what he would do in his first hundred days in office, and spends most of his time attacking the character of others. Imagine him returning from a meeting with our allies, if and when they disagree with his agenda. His disdain for diplomacy and brinkmanship makes him dangerous, and an embarrassment to those of us who actually listen and are not stirred by emotions.
As though none of this applies to his opponent. :rolleyes:

This ^^^ qualifies as an idiot-gram.
Clearly, he couldn't pass a high school civics class, lies about what he would do in his first hundred days in office, and spends most of his time attacking the character of others. Imagine him returning from a meeting with our allies, if and when they disagree with his agenda. His disdain for diplomacy and brinkmanship makes him dangerous, and an embarrassment to those of us who actually listen and are not stirred by emotions.
As though none of this applies to his opponent. :rolleyes:

This ^^^ qualifies as an idiot-gram.

Sounds like Hillary or Trump, what part confused you?
View attachment 96226

Reality paints a clear picture of what will happen one week from today.

You think an opinion poll determines reality? Then in 1492, you think Columbus was wrong and the Earth actually was flat?

In 1615 Galileo was wrong and the Sun circled the Earth?

One thing is clear. In 1492 you'd have thought the earth was flat and 1615 you'd have polled the Sun circled the Earth


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