The Democrat plot to attack the college students to get Ethridge off the hook


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
[ame=""]YouTube - Flynn[/ame]

They make great points in this video.

All these college students did (like Joe the Plumber) was ask a question.

But you noticed it in thread about the original video, the liberals were making backhanded attacks at the college students. As IF there was something strange about college students, asking a question of a Congressman.

That's not a mistake. These mindless numbbots don't make a move until their handlers tell them what to do.

What IF the college kids were tea party members? Or from the communist party. Or from some sleeper cell of Al Queda (give me a break). WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUESTION THAT WAS ASKED?????

So Ethridget comes off all innocent and apologizes, BUT NOTICE, he makes some suggestion of EXTREME PARTISANSHIP on the part of the college kids simply asking the Congressman a very innocent question. Do you support the Obama agenda???

Did you notice that little slight of hand tactic on Ethridges part? I sure as hell did.

Now it's come from the leadership to attack the college kids, (LIKE THEY DID JOE THE PLUMBER). That is their only tactic. TO ACT LIKE THUGS.

If you ask a Democrat a question, and they don't like the question, THEY ARE GOING TO COME AFTER YOU!

This is who we want running our country? Representing us? Basically Jr. Nazis that use thug tactics to make us afraid to question our leaders????

These people need to be voted out AND NEVER LET BACK IN!!!!!!

Don't forget! November 2010 and 2012 is coming! :muahaha:
Isn't this what thy always do?

Condi Rice - Personally attacked
Bork - Personally attacked
Bush - Personally attacked
Teapartiers - Personally attacked
Palin - Personally attacked
Green - Personally attacked
Scott Brown - Personally attacked
Reagan - Personally attacked
Clarence Thomas - Personally attacked
Rush - Personally attacked
Hannity - Personally attacked
O'Reilly - Personally attacked
Jindal - Personally attacked
Lott - Personally attacked
Huckabee - Personally attacked
Romney - Personally attacked

It is what they do, it is all they can do; the politics of personal destruction... they are masters of it. They never step up and debate the issues. They start peering in bedroom windows to see what they can find.
nothing new with this.

The Progressive-Commie-Democrats are masters at the game of "personal destruction" of anyone they feel is a threat to them.

Just look at what they do with Sarah Palin and HER FAMILY for that. and yes look at what they did to Joe the Plumber for JUST asking a question.

who would want to belong to a party like that, beats the hell out of me.
I hear an echo.

I hear a liberal who knows he can't disagree but wishes he could. :lol::lol:

And why is this in conspiracy theories. This isn't a conspiracy theory.

Is what happen to Joe the Plumber a conspiracy theory.

There were real prosecutions that came out of that, when his personal information was rifled through. That's NOT a conspiracy theory.

That the Democrats ATTACK anyone that questions Obama or themselves, is NOT a conspiracy theory. That's a reality. I suppose Clarence Thomas was a conspiracy theory.

What Utter, you know what.

Conspiracy theory????????? GUESS THE HELL AGAIN!!!!!!!!

So yeah, if Big Government (the site that gave us the hidden camera video that took down ACORN) is telling us to expect more of this sort of inflammatory and guerrilla interview tactics, well then, we should be seeing more of this. And that fact is not lost on many elected officials who are probably on edge, half-expecting to be ambushed around every corner. Such is the case here.

Etheridge’s actions are only partially defensible. He need not have gotten physical with the students who asked him the provocative question regarding his support of the “Obama Agenda” (honestly, that sort of opening question is straight from the Jason Mattera school of inflammatory interview techniques.)

But little is known about these “students.” The YouTube video is published under an account titled TonyManization, and even more damning is that the faces of the individuals asking the Congressman questions are blurred out. Hmmm…nothing like the courage of the anonymous protester.
Which brings us back to Etheridge’s response. Yeah – he comes off as a jerk, but…when in Rome. It will be interesting to follow how this story plays out in the news media. Will it be a big story? Probably not, but apparently being prepared for ambush interviews from eager college kids is the next phase of media training for many on Capitol Hill.

Bob Etheridge | Attacks Students | Video | Mediaite

With Democrats attacking whoever provoked Rep. Bob Etheridge to violence with a (relatively mild) question and two flip cams, editors at the conservative site that first publicized the video, Big Government, said they have no idea who the videographers are, and defended the decision to allow them anonymity.

"If Congressman Etheridge has apologized for his abhorrent behavior then why is the DNC staging a coordinated attack on the people he's apologized to? This is a classic 'kill the messenger' tactic and reinforces why our sources asked for the anonymity we are granting them," said the site's founder, Andrew Breitbart.

DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse speculated that the videographers -- who said on the video that they're students but enraged Etheridge by refusing to say where -- were "trackers" -- Republican campaign aides or interns.

"Honestly, I don't know if they are trackers. (Like the Allen, Macacca videographer) Or students," said Michael Flynn, who first posted the video, in an email. "They sent me the videos anonymously and identified themselves as students. Do I know for sure? I do not. Hell, they could be students working as trackers. That said, I think the video speaks for itself. Etheridge went from 0-60 in like a nano-second. The question which provoked him was 'Do you support Obama's agenda?' That isn't exactly confrontational.

Breitbart, Flynn, defend Etheridge vid, anonymous even to them - Ben Smith -

Some conspiracy theory. It's FACT. This is what has gone out to the liberal media. To attack these kids for the "crime" of asking "Do you support the Obama agenda?"

Will someone please explain what is underhanded or "sneaky" about asking a question like that?
Being that I live in North Carolina there is a good chance I will meet Ethridge. I will ask him the same question and if he does to me what he did to those students I will knock him flat on his ass.
YouTube - Flynn

They make great points in this video.

All these college students did (like Joe the Plumber) was ask a question.

But you noticed it in thread about the original video, the liberals were making backhanded attacks at the college students. As IF there was something strange about college students, asking a question of a Congressman.

That's not a mistake. These mindless numbbots don't make a move until their handlers tell them what to do.

What IF the college kids were tea party members? Or from the communist party. Or from some sleeper cell of Al Queda (give me a break). WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUESTION THAT WAS ASKED?????

So Ethridget comes off all innocent and apologizes, BUT NOTICE, he makes some suggestion of EXTREME PARTISANSHIP on the part of the college kids simply asking the Congressman a very innocent question. Do you support the Obama agenda???

Did you notice that little slight of hand tactic on Ethridges part? I sure as hell did.

Now it's come from the leadership to attack the college kids, (LIKE THEY DID JOE THE PLUMBER). That is their only tactic. TO ACT LIKE THUGS.

If you ask a Democrat a question, and they don't like the question, THEY ARE GOING TO COME AFTER YOU!

This is who we want running our country? Representing us? Basically Jr. Nazis that use thug tactics to make us afraid to question our leaders????

These people need to be voted out AND NEVER LET BACK IN!!!!!!

Don't forget! November 2010 and 2012 is coming! :muahaha:

Once again you're lying.

They shoved the camera in his face acting like they were reporters. He called them on it and they were terrified of the old guy.

Live and learn, kids. They got caught trying to be something more than what they are.
Teabagger's kids probably.

It takes two to do the act of teabagging. If we Taxed Enough Already people are the baggers, who do you think is the reciever of the bagging? obama and anyone that supports him. How does it taste baby?
YouTube - Flynn

They make great points in this video.

All these college students did (like Joe the Plumber) was ask a question.

But you noticed it in thread about the original video, the liberals were making backhanded attacks at the college students. As IF there was something strange about college students, asking a question of a Congressman.

That's not a mistake. These mindless numbbots don't make a move until their handlers tell them what to do.

What IF the college kids were tea party members? Or from the communist party. Or from some sleeper cell of Al Queda (give me a break). WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUESTION THAT WAS ASKED?????

So Ethridget comes off all innocent and apologizes, BUT NOTICE, he makes some suggestion of EXTREME PARTISANSHIP on the part of the college kids simply asking the Congressman a very innocent question. Do you support the Obama agenda???

Did you notice that little slight of hand tactic on Ethridges part? I sure as hell did.

Now it's come from the leadership to attack the college kids, (LIKE THEY DID JOE THE PLUMBER). That is their only tactic. TO ACT LIKE THUGS.

If you ask a Democrat a question, and they don't like the question, THEY ARE GOING TO COME AFTER YOU!

This is who we want running our country? Representing us? Basically Jr. Nazis that use thug tactics to make us afraid to question our leaders????

These people need to be voted out AND NEVER LET BACK IN!!!!!!

Don't forget! November 2010 and 2012 is coming! :muahaha:

Once again you're lying.

They shoved the camera in his face acting like they were reporters. He called them on it and they were terrified of the old guy.

Live and learn, kids. They got caught trying to be something more than what they are.

I'm lying, because they asked him a question???????

They shoved a camera in his face??????????? Oh heaven's to betsy!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek: :eek::eek:

I mean they "pretended" to be reporters?

I mean what does that mean in liberal speak. That ONLY reporters are allowed to ask the "nobility" er I mean Democrats a question??????

That kind of pretending???????

Because, heaven knows, us proletariat, can't go around, asking a Democrat a question, so they HAD to be pretending to be "reporters."

You want to stick with that one?

I think we see who's lying, er I mean spinning like mad, trying to get Ethridge off the hook.

Keep up the good work!


When are these libs going to learn they don't come close to having the brains to out do me?

Teabagger's kids probably.

But, I thought, ONLY the tea party were the ones doing the violence?????????? :lol::lol::lol:

Looks to me, like ONCE AGAIN, it's the liberals like the SEIU beating up black conservatives.

Picture this one people. If this was 50 years ago, and that Congressman beat up someone who asked him a question, Democrats would have said, it was probably "N-words" kids asking the question.

And that would have justified it. It certainly justified turning water hoses on black kids who did nothing more than march in Selma.

But NOW a Democrat can beat up someone if they are a "tea bagger" whether they are black or white--and they have! They have beat up a black conservative who's "crime" was handing out "don't tread on me" flags. And a white kid who's only crime was asking a Congressman a question.

I guess the Demcrats have become color blind, in a way.


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