The Democratic Party Has Become a Farce

Does anybody outside of Montana know who this guy is? Does anyone inside Montana?

I doubt anyone in the state knows who he is. The identity of sitting Governors is usually classified top secret, for security purposes.
Well, it's already been a farce for a long, long time.

But how many of these jokers are running for President? I think the number of declared candidates is up to 437.

Steve Bullock, Montana governor, announces he's running for president

Does anybody outside of Montana know who this guy is? Does anyone inside Montana?

I am telling you this, and the odds are with me------------->

None of them are going to get enough delegates to win the primary outright. It is going to be a brokered convention. It is going to be farcical.

With the far Left in control of the party, expect the most far left candidate still standing, that is NOT Bernie Sanders; which will piss his peeps off, and that will be the end of that!

You can already see it coming, it is as clear as the nose on everyone's face. Unless 10 candidates drop out in the 1st 3 or 4 primaries, it will be brokered. And who is the DNC chair? Isn't it Perez? Soooooooooooooooo, the odds on favorite if still standing through the primaries is Castro! 2nd choice if Castro has collapsed early, will be Beto if still standing.
Well, it's already been a farce for a long, long time.

But how many of these jokers are running for President? I think the number of declared candidates is up to 437.

Steve Bullock, Montana governor, announces he's running for president

Does anybody outside of Montana know who this guy is? Does anyone inside Montana?
The party's really a mess right now, but that doesn't necessarily mean defeat for them in 2020.

Trump has thrown the whole system off the rails. There is no normal any more.
Well, it's been a farce for a long, long time.

But how many of these jokers are running for President? I think the number of declared candidates is up to 437.

Steve Bullock, Montana governor, announces he's running for president

Does anybody outside of Montana know who this guy is? Does anyone inside Montana?

17 Republicans ran in 2016. I am not surprised so many Democrats are running. Whoever won in 2016, the opposite party would have a huge number of people running in 2020.
Well, it's already been a farce for a long, long time.

But how many of these jokers are running for President? I think the number of declared candidates is up to 437.

Steve Bullock, Montana governor, announces he's running for president

Does anybody outside of Montana know who this guy is? Does anyone inside Montana?

I am telling you this, and the odds are with me------------->

None of them are going to get enough delegates to win the primary outright. It is going to be a brokered convention. It is going to be farcical.

With the far Left in control of the party, expect the most far left candidate still standing, that is NOT Bernie Sanders; which will piss his peeps off, and that will be the end of that!

You can already see it coming, it is as clear as the nose on everyone's face. Unless 10 candidates drop out in the 1st 3 or 4 primaries, it will be brokered. And who is the DNC chair? Isn't it Perez? Soooooooooooooooo, the odds on favorite if still standing through the primaries is Castro! 2nd choice if Castro has collapsed early, will be Beto if still standing.

I don't see a brokered convention. If Biden maintains his large lead, he will be the nominee.
The democrat House speaker screams "we won't tolerate another Trump presidency". How big is the democrat clown car these days.... about 22?

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