The Democratic Party has been destroyed by government drugs.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
What has happened to the Democratic Party? Have decades of academic drugging with Adderall and Ritalin lowered the intelligence of half the population of the United States? In the 1980’s the American Psychological Association partnered with the Pharmaceutical industry and began creating bogus, designer conditions like Attention Deficit Disorder and assorted Hyperactivity ailments to pressure parents into allowing school systems to dart their children like zoo animals. Even Joseph Mengele didn’t think of this.

By the time millions of cerebrally castrated test subjects graduate from college their brains are rewired by powerful, MK-Ultra-like psychotropic chemicals. Because the drugs were introduced into their developing brains, the damage is permanent and they will probably vote for the Democratic Party for life.

No one, not George Orwell nor Aldous Huxley, could have predicted the disastrous, mind-bending outcome that has taken place in the United States as millions of scholastically lobotomized Manchurian Candidates disperse into American society. Many are blindly voting for democrats and crusading for an end to our constitutional republic with stupidity like doing away with the Electoral College.

In 2008 the Democratic Party concocted an artificial “perfect” candidate in Barack Obama and took advantage of thirty years of chemically damaged frontal lobes among the public to pull off his election to the White House. They got away with redacting his past which almost certainly contained evidence that he applied to all the schools he attended as a foreign exchange student. Then when called on it they ridiculed any questions and labeled those who asked them as “birthers”.

The drug-addled population, that got its political opinions from late-night entertainment shows, ran to the polls in a giddy fog and laid down their votes like starry-eyed cult members. After eight years of contrived ventriloquism for political correctness, the healthcare system in the United States is all but destroyed.

Today the party is lurching to the left like a drunken bus driver and we are one step away from a Venezuelan model where soap and toilet paper are luxuries afforded only by the elites. The damaged brain cells of many democrats are convinced that the president is riding a horse alongside Vladimir Putin trying to overthrow the US with a Bolshevik revolution. Their delusions are bolstered by the Mueller Investigation which is the modern equivalent of burning the Reichstag.

If you never took Adderall or Ritalin you need to keep our president.
Add in to all of that and factor in the brain damage done by the metals and such in the vaccines and the fluoride in the water and one can easily see what has transpired. The neurological damage done is treated with more psychotropic drugs which do not help but try to placate the poor souls they have damaged.
No we are alive and kicking butt. Didn't you hear about the election of 2018. We will have a Dem potus come 2021 as well.
I though it was their desperate clinging to bolshevism.
No we are alive and kicking butt. Didn't you hear about the election of 2018. We will have a Dem potus come 2021 as well.

The OP forgot to mention pot and crack cocaine. Please quit doing those.

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