The Democratic Party Is Moving Left – Except When You’re Not Looking

What does "left" mean to you?
Oh come on, make a point.

Perhaps that is the point being made (especially if you want to get pragmatic about it) ... :dunno:

The OP suggested they believe the Democrats are not moving left in all manners, as their desire to support legislation that reduces regulations in the banking industry.
In turn, you expressed the idea that the Democrat party is obviously moving left ... Yet failed to define what you have determined that left actually is.

You know how it is with low educated masses, buzzwords and blanket statements are as far as they can go..
The Democratic Party is obviously moving Left, indeed, but it's being given cover by what has happened within the GOP. This country is in desperate need of a strong and pragmatic Third Party.
What does "left" mean to you?
Oh come on, make a point.
The point that I would make is that the term "left" represents antagonism of existing authority or power structure.

That usage dates back to the French revolution when it first came into usage.

I can't tell how you are using it. The only way for there to be an intelligent dialogue is to first ascertain your intent.

Hence the question.
Allow me to graphically illustrate for you. The most obvious and glaring example:
That means nothing to me.

Is that your admission that you can't use language to convey your meaning?
What does "left" mean to you?
Oh come on, make a point.

Perhaps that is the point being made (especially if you want to get pragmatic about it) ... :dunno:

The OP suggested they believe the Democrats are not moving left in all manners, as their desire to support legislation that reduces regulations in the banking industry.
In turn, you expressed the idea that the Democrat party is obviously moving left ... Yet failed to define what you have determined that left actually is.

You know how it is with low educated masses, buzzwords and blanket statements are as far as they can go..
Indeed, I lack the intellectual capacity to keep up with you smart guys.

Please take mercy on me. Thank you.
The Democratic Party is obviously moving Left, indeed, but it's being given cover by what has happened within the GOP. This country is in desperate need of a strong and pragmatic Third Party.
What does "left" mean to you?
Oh come on, make a point.
The point that I would make is that the term "left" represents antagonism of existing authority or power structure.

That usage dates back to the French revolution when it first came into usage.

I can't tell how you are using it. The only way for there to be an intelligent dialogue is to first ascertain your intent.

Hence the question.
Allow me to graphically illustrate for you. The most obvious and glaring example:
That means nothing to me.

Is that your admission that you can't use language to convey your meaning?
I have no doubt it means nothing to you.

And my point is made.

You asked, I answered. Your agreement is not required.
Meanwhile, less than two decades after 40 congressional Democrats voted for George W. Bush’s regressive tax cuts, not a single one backed Donald Trump’s – even though ten Democratic senators were staring down tough reelection bids in states that the GOP president had won.

By all appearances, the Democratic Establishment has finally concluded that a “stopped-clock socialist” is right a couple times a century – and that their party’s path out of the wilderness cuts away from Wall Street and toward the left.

Or, so it appeared until last week – when more than a dozen members of the Senate Democrats voted to advance a bill that would make it easier for banks to discriminate against black people, coerce mobile-home buyers into predatory loans, and pursue high-risk lending strategies that increase the likelihood of a future financial crisis.

You can pursue more thorough accounts of the legislation’s toxic flaws here and here. But the upshot is simple: In the name of providing regulatory relief to “community banks,” the bill empowers small lenders to abuse consumers; liberates medium-size banks (including ones large enough to have required bailouts ten years ago) from the heightened regulatory scrutiny that Congress had put on them after the 2008 crisis; and provides the nation’s largest banks with various loopholes that will make it easier for them to take bigger risks and evade regulatory oversight.

For these reasons, among others, the Congressional Budget Office has concluded that the bill would significantly increase the odds of taxpayers having to bail out a failed bank in the near-future.

Thus, the fact that so many Democratic senators are eager to help Mitch McConnell pass it – and that Chuck Schumer has made no discernible effort to dissuade them from doing so – raises the question: Have progressives really changed the ideological orientation of the Democratic Party, or does Wall Street still hold the deed to blue America’s “big tent”?
The Democratic Party Is Moving Left – Except When You’re Not Looking

Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. A platform is nonbinding.

And the GOP ran on repealing Obamacare and then voted to do so under Obama, knowing he would veto it, but then refused to do so under Trump, knowing he would sign it.

This is nothing new. Both parties are all about one thing, centralized control whether it be centralizing government or centralizing corporate America that funds those who run for government. Both work hand in hand to create an elite class of task masters which is why socialism is very attractive to them.
What does "left" mean to you?
Oh come on, make a point.
The point that I would make is that the term "left" represents antagonism of existing authority or power structure.

That usage dates back to the French revolution when it first came into usage.

I can't tell how you are using it. The only way for there to be an intelligent dialogue is to first ascertain your intent.

Hence the question.
Allow me to graphically illustrate for you. The most obvious and glaring example:
That means nothing to me.

Is that your admission that you can't use language to convey your meaning?
I have no doubt it means nothing to you.

And my point is made.

You asked, I answered. Your agreement is not required.
I see, you aren't interested in a diologue. Only in expressing your opinion. How "left" of you.
Oh come on, make a point.
The point that I would make is that the term "left" represents antagonism of existing authority or power structure.

That usage dates back to the French revolution when it first came into usage.

I can't tell how you are using it. The only way for there to be an intelligent dialogue is to first ascertain your intent.

Hence the question.
Allow me to graphically illustrate for you. The most obvious and glaring example:
That means nothing to me.

Is that your admission that you can't use language to convey your meaning?
I have no doubt it means nothing to you.

And my point is made.

You asked, I answered. Your agreement is not required.
I see, you aren't interested in a diologue. Only in expressing your opinion. How "left" of you.
Since you have yet to make an actual point (I'm used to this), I can only assume that you feel the Democratic Party has not moved Left.

Great. I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe that.

There. We can end this with agreement.

The count for the number of House Democrats or Republicans doesn't necessarily mean what you are attempting to express.
The center defined would be policy ... And if the number were even for Democrats and Republicans ... Policy could still move left or right of it's own accord.

That is best demonstrated in the fact that establishment Republicans show little to no difference from Democrats in actual policy.

In recent legislation ... If Democrats win, they get more of what they want ...
And if Republicans win, Democrats get a little less of what they want.

It all moves left or right in different aspects ... To enforce left leaning policy with authoritarian controls is a great example of that.


The count for the number of House Democrats or Republicans doesn't necessarily mean what you are attempting to express.
The center defined would be policy ... And if the number were even for Democrats and Republicans ... Policy could still move left or right of it's own accord.

That is best demonstrated in the fact that establishment Republicans show little to no difference from Democrats in actual policy.

In recent legislation ... If Democrats win, they get more of what they want ...
And if Republicans win, Democrats get a little less of what they want.

It all moves left or right in different aspects ... To enforce left leaning policy with authoritarian controls is a great example of that.


As far as policy goes, the country aligns more with the policy ideals of Democrats on every issue. That doesn't mean the country or its policies are moving to the left, it means the right has gone too far right. It makes the center appear more left.
As far as policy goes, the country aligns more with the policy ideals of Democrats on every issue. That doesn't mean the country or its policies are moving to the left, it means the right has gone too far right. It makes the center appear more left.

The number of House Republicans or Democrats elected ... Identifies the way the people voted.
If you care to suggest that means something as far as policy is concerned ... Then you need to re-examine what the graph actually shows ... :thup:

Using your graph ... It would indicate that what you define as "too far right" ... Is actually what the people want.
It would show that the left is being dragged right ... And the people want it that way.

The graph you offered is stupid (in regards to what you are suggesting) ... Because if the "center" was actually the "middle" as far as count ...
Republicans would be on both sides of the center ... And the Democrats would be the extreme to the left and further from the center ... ;)

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We know the democrats are not moving left because they support the entrenched powers. Namely corporate power. In this regard they walk lockstep with the right.
Meanwhile, less than two decades after 40 congressional Democrats voted for George W. Bush’s regressive tax cuts, not a single one backed Donald Trump’s – even though ten Democratic senators were staring down tough reelection bids in states that the GOP president had won.

By all appearances, the Democratic Establishment has finally concluded that a “stopped-clock socialist” is right a couple times a century – and that their party’s path out of the wilderness cuts away from Wall Street and toward the left.

Or, so it appeared until last week – when more than a dozen members of the Senate Democrats voted to advance a bill that would make it easier for banks to discriminate against black people, coerce mobile-home buyers into predatory loans, and pursue high-risk lending strategies that increase the likelihood of a future financial crisis.

You can pursue more thorough accounts of the legislation’s toxic flaws here and here. But the upshot is simple: In the name of providing regulatory relief to “community banks,” the bill empowers small lenders to abuse consumers; liberates medium-size banks (including ones large enough to have required bailouts ten years ago) from the heightened regulatory scrutiny that Congress had put on them after the 2008 crisis; and provides the nation’s largest banks with various loopholes that will make it easier for them to take bigger risks and evade regulatory oversight.

For these reasons, among others, the Congressional Budget Office has concluded that the bill would significantly increase the odds of taxpayers having to bail out a failed bank in the near-future.

Thus, the fact that so many Democratic senators are eager to help Mitch McConnell pass it – and that Chuck Schumer has made no discernible effort to dissuade them from doing so – raises the question: Have progressives really changed the ideological orientation of the Democratic Party, or does Wall Street still hold the deed to blue America’s “big tent”?
The Democratic Party Is Moving Left – Except When You’re Not Looking

Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. A platform is nonbinding.

The tax cuts help average Americans by letting them keep their earnings.

We can't have that, who will vote for democrat in that kind of atmosphere?
We know the democrats are not moving left because they support the entrenched powers. Namely corporate power. In this regard they walk lockstep with the right.

Well Seawytch was correct that the population is moving left.
They just failed to recognize where the graph indicates the Republicans are capturing the center by moving left as well (in general).

Or perhaps it is the fact that we are all moving further towards authoritarian federal control.

We know the democrats are not moving left because they support the entrenched powers. Namely corporate power. In this regard they walk lockstep with the right.

Well Seawytch was correct that the population is moving left.
They just failed to recognize where the graph indicates the Republicans are capturing the center by moving left as well (in general).

Or perhaps it is the fact that we are all moving further towards authoritarian federal control.

The nation is ruled by leftists.

So it only stands to reason.

Right now the leftists are having a stroke as Trump doing such things as suggesting securing the border and not allowing drug dealers on the streets devoid of the revolving door of the prison system.

Soon it will be over though and maybe we can reach 300 a day dying of narcotic overdoses.
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We know the democrats are not moving left because they support the entrenched powers. Namely corporate power. In this regard they walk lockstep with the right.

Well Seawytch was correct that the population is moving left.
They just failed to recognize where the graph indicates the Republicans are capturing the center by moving left as well (in general).

Or perhaps it is the fact that we are all moving further towards authoritarian federal control.

I don't think you read my post carefully enough .
As far as policy goes, the country aligns more with the policy ideals of Democrats on every issue. That doesn't mean the country or its policies are moving to the left, it means the right has gone too far right. It makes the center appear more left.

The number of House Republicans or Democrats elected ... Identifies the way the people voted.
If you care to suggest that means something as far as policy is concerned ... Then you need to re-examine what the graph actually shows ... :thup:

Using your graph ... It would indicate that what you define as "too far right" ... Is actually what the people want.
It would show that the left is being dragged right ... And the people want it that way.

The graph you offered is stupid (in regards to what you are suggesting) ... Because if the "center" was actually the "middle" as far as count ...
Republicans would be on both sides of the center ... And the Democrats would be the extreme to the left and further from the center ... ;)


In non gerrymandered elections, you'd have a point.
America has been taken over by left winged radicals.

How do I know? It's because the far right now embraces a trillion dollar deficit and exponentially exploding debt.

Only the radical crazy people suggest balancing a budget, let along paying it down.

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