The democratic party is waging a war on men.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The democratic party is waging a war on men. They blame us for stopping things we don't wish to pay for, and rather we should have any say within the life of our own children. The children our in fact HALF ours! Why shouldn't we be part of that life??? The democrats don't think so. They push for single parent households that history has proven leads to the child having a much harder time in life. Oh'wee can't have that thing called a FAMILY as that's unfair and shit! Well, within my opinion, letting the streets raise our children is much less fair. Many within the black community are already like this...Sure, it is a vote getter for the rats at 90%, but damn, was it worth it for the condition these people are in?

The democrats scream when men attempt to have any kind of clubs, colleges, etc. Women do in fact get their own schools and tons of things men can't have. If we attempt it, they scream SEXIST! Look on cnn earlier tonight to see my point. What happened to the freedom that we once had as a nation? Has it been washed down the toilet for some victim group votes? Yes, with their minds we're JUST PIGS.

Many of these men have worked hard in those jobs for 20, 30 or 40 years and yet our companies will have to pay a newbie the same??? How fair is that? There are already anti-discrimating laws on the books, but we need to close that fucking gap!!! Which is mostly based on the reality that men are twice as likely to be educated in a science, math, or white collar job. Most of this is earned by sweat, tears and years of hard back breaking work. Outside of the minimum wage that treats all people fairly, this should be the dictator of your success. Your success should be about how hard you work and what you do to get there...NEVER because you're black, white or a woman. How is it fair for some that earned those degrees and already put in the years??? Think about it. This is a war on MEN. And no, I wish women all the success in the world, but they need to do it fairly. I am not anti-women at all as I love my mom, girlfriend and sister very much. They're the most important people in my life! BUT I am also pro-fairness and I believe that an unfair method that fucks over the hard work of millions is simply wrong.

Women, work hard, find a good boyfriend and you can work on your education at the same time. This isn't the 1980's as we do have online classes. We need strong families that will promote a strong America.

The democrats are a party that supports the division and destruction of our country.There's no question about that in my mind. They're starting with the family as votes matter more than being a first world country to them. I understand men don't like to rock the boat, but we may wake up one day without the basic right to be within our children's life. That is a terrible future.
Matthew is waging a war on common sense. Men cannot conceive nor carry a child to birth, what they can do if they are real men is understand how birth occurs and the risks and responsibilities that come with having children. Matthew obviously does not understand that chain of events as he got his girlfriend hypothetically pregnant and then rants online as it he were a potential daddy already. Hopefully Matthew does not masturbate or use any preventive when engaging with his hypothetically lover as they too kill the potential for life. And when is the last time any man ever screamed in the company of women? Again Matthew is engaging in a war on common sense. The company of women is a good thing and to be desired as it promotes respect and a sense of reality. Only the religious extremists engage in a separation and control of commingling. If Matthew had common sense he'd know that. I could show other areas where Matthew has lost common sense, but when people are limited in their views a minimal amount of thought may help, too much would confuse anyone lacking common sense.

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A ferocious biological struggle between mother and baby belies any sentimental ideas we might have about pregnancy
by Suzanne Sadedin Pregnancy is a war between mother and child Suzanne Sadedin Aeon

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey
An article from today's NYT.

"So: I’ve never had an abortion. But when I was a teenager, I helped some friends get theirs. We were fortunate: rounding up the money wasn’t that hard; we had cars; had our parents found out, the consequences wouldn’t have been dire. As the years passed, the reasons for my friends’ abortions shifted from teenage haplessness to failed IUDs to dire fetal anomalies to chemotherapy to, yes, rape. Not to mention: “This is not the right time for my family.” Or: “This is not the right time for me.”

In two generations, contraception and abortion have allowed women to widen their worlds dramatically. If you’re a woman, I don’t need to detail all the barriers we still face. If you’re a mother, I don’t need to tell you all the ways in which the workplace is set up as if you didn’t have kids, and schools, camps and childhood extracurriculars as if you didn’t have a job. There are still those who would reduce women to potting soil, or in the immortal words of Todd Akin, a source of “food and climate control” who enter into a contract to raise a child every time we have sex. Motherhood is hard enough if you go into it willingly. And Pollitt is correct to insist that the right to an abortion is merely society’s down payment on all the rights we are yet due."

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