The Democratic Party, the party of Race Baiting, Socialism and Infanticide


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Yawn... those talking points are already old and stale. Are we now defining enormous and diverse groups by the statements of the extreme factions? Is that how you’d like your side defined?
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yawn... those talking points are already old and stale. Are we now defining enormous and diverse groups by the statements of the extreme factions? Is that how you’d like your side defined?

The problem is that the extreme radical left is 'mainstream' thinking in Hollywood and the MSM with the lie of objectivity.
The American left looks "extreme radical" only from the perspective of the folks with the brown right shoulder.

There is not a true "socialist" of any standing and influence in the U.S. (nationalizing the means of production anyone?). The liberal / progressive "Utopia" is making the rich pay their fair share, providing for universal health care, and seeing to it that racism - treating the Other with disrespect - has no place in the U.S. of A. From an enlightened perspective, that's about as utopian as apple pie.
The American left looks "extreme radical" only from the perspective of the folks with the brown right shoulder.

There is not a true "socialist" of any standing and influence in the U.S. (nationalizing the means of production anyone?). The liberal / progressive "Utopia" is making the rich pay their fair share, providing for universal health care, and seeing to it that racism - treating the Other with disrespect - has no place in the U.S. of A. From an enlightened perspective, that's about as utopian as apple pie.
Yawn... those talking points are already old and stale. Are we now defining enormous and diverse groups by the statements of the extreme factions? Is that how you’d like your side defined?

The problem is that the extreme radical left is 'mainstream' thinking in Hollywood and the MSM with the lie of objectivity.
No it’s not and you can’t prove that. Quoting a few extremists does not mean millions of people agree
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The American left looks "extreme radical" only from the perspective of the folks with the brown right shoulder.

There is not a true "socialist" of any standing and influence in the U.S. (nationalizing the means of production anyone?). The liberal / progressive "Utopia" is making the rich pay their fair share, providing for universal health care, and seeing to it that racism - treating the Other with disrespect - has no place in the U.S. of A. From an enlightened perspective, that's about as utopian as apple pie.
A 70-90% tax rate, socialized medicine, the big green society, abortion at birth...sounds like a worker's paradise.
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Abortions... these aren't babies, are they?
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What do they look like when they have been killed by bombs and missiles for corporate profit?
Hey, what do you say about changing the subject, okay? Won't work. We aren't talking about war, disease or accidents. We are talking about abortions with permission from the mother and without consent from a father who perhaps wants his child.
It still takes two doctors to approve you keep leaving that part out.

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