The Democratic Party, the party of Race Baiting, Socialism and Infanticide

Screw the people! From the "women in white" ONLY standing when the topic was about them, to Stacey Abrams speech.

Democrats sat on their hands about doing something serious to prevent murder of innocent children, human trafficing, drugs, but stood and cheered for themselves. To Stacey Abrams speech which was all about her. When I was listening to the speech I was thinking, "this isn't supposed to be about you, it's supposed to be about us." In a nutshell the Democrats showed their transparent narcissistic true colors last night. No doubt about it.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
This fropm the pack opf assfucks who would take food from children, take their healthcare, take their education, and if they come here for asylum,. they even take children from their parents. and keep them in interment camps.

So shove your children bullshit up your ass.
Obama's long gone so they don't do that anymore.
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
So you believe that late term or post term abortion is okay, that is the stance of the Democratic party. That's not spin or rhetoric or manipulation. They also espouse and promote Socialized everything. That also is not spin. Yours is the Party of Infanticide. You know the Nazis' murdered unborn children that they believed belonged to inferior races of people, so where do you stand. And the "It's a Health decision" dialogue is so stupid you don't really believe it but your all of your leftist friends think it's okay so you just tag along silently. Shame on you and shame on the Democrats who support this crime against humanity.
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
Most people support abortion.


So you are saying "most people" which people would that be. I would beg to differ. Most people support abortion in the Instance of Rape , Incest, and when there is a serious risk to the health of the Mother. Not " Because It's inconvenient and the daddy ran off after I got pregnant. Women's health is important! Maybe if they were more concerned about their health and well being they wouldn't be promiscuous and put themselves in that position. The left is the Party of Free love and death to Babies when love doesn't work out.
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
So you believe that late term or post term abortion is okay, that is the stance of the Democratic party. That's not spin or rhetoric or manipulation. They also espouse and promote Socialized everything. That also is not spin. Yours is the Party of Infanticide. You know the Nazis' murdered unborn children that they believed belonged to inferior races of people, so where do you stand. And the "It's a Health decision" dialogue is so stupid you don't really believe it but your all of your leftist friends think it's okay so you just tag along silently. Shame on you and shame on the Democrats who support this crime against humanity.
Actually yes, that is all worthless spin. No of course I do not support late term abortions for the sake of just aborting. If the baby is not going to make it and the mothers life is in danger then of course I think she and the doctor should have the right to abort. Anything beyond that I would not support. Y’all are straight up lying about the recent laws, acting like Dems want to give birth then toss the babies in garbage cans.

And you’re also not being honest about socialized everything. I don’t know one Dem leader calling for full on socialism. Some are calling for socialize medicine, or education but not government control over all industry. It’s a major debate with in the party. Start being honest about this stuff if you want to be taken seriously. Keep using those right wing talking points and people are only going to laugh at you.
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
Yawn... those talking points are already old and stale. Are we now defining enormous and diverse groups by the statements of the extreme factions? Is that how you’d like your side defined?

The problem is that the extreme radical left is 'mainstream' thinking in Hollywood and the MSM with the lie of objectivity.
No it’s not and you can’t prove that. Quoting a few extremists does not mean millions of people agree

Calling for beheading the President is not radical? Saying you want to punch the President in the face is not radical? Telling lies about a SCOTUS nominee is not radical? Claiming a kid in a MAGA hat just standing there is somehow aggressive is not radical?

But no one in here did that. You are yelling at clouds. Any more bad faith arguments?
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.

So how are they killing it?
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
This fropm the pack opf assfucks who would take food from children, take their healthcare, take their education, and if they come here for asylum,. they even take children from their parents. and keep them in interment camps.

So shove your children bullshit up your ass.
Obama's long gone so they don't do that anymore.
Fuck you. Quit blaming Obama when your orange pile of shit does them.

Quit your fucking lying & admit what a piece of shit you really are.
It has been a long standing practice that when a severely damaged/deformed child is born or extracted & it has zero chance of survival, it is allowed to die.

The idea you Trumpettes think this is infantcide & shiuld not be allowed is just how stupid you really are.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.

So how are they killing it?
Well in the past, if a baby survived an abortion. They put it in a room to die. You should know that, that's one of the only things Obama voted for as a senator. Late term abortion.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Stop whining about the cost of welfare for the Poor.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
This fropm the pack opf assfucks who would take food from children, take their healthcare, take their education, and if they come here for asylum,. they even take children from their parents. and keep them in interment camps.

So shove your children bullshit up your ass.
Obama's long gone so they don't do that anymore.
Fuck you. Quit blaming Obama when your orange pile of shit does them.

Quit your fucking lying & admit what a piece of shit you really are.
Cursing and swearing doesn't change the facts, fat girl.

It just makes you look fatter.

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