The Democratic Party, the party of Race Baiting, Socialism and Infanticide

Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Yawn... those talking points are already old and stale. Are we now defining enormous and diverse groups by the statements of the extreme factions? Is that how you’d like your side defined?

The talking points in general are always the same, the Right Wing which have become the dominate force in the GOP have nothing to offer the serous voter.

The OP is an example, followed by echoes of others, of hypocrisy and meme's (i.e. propaganda built
Don't forget election rigging/vote fraud.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I am trying to draw contrast with Demcratic parties of the past to show scarey trends, so the voter fraud issue wont work for that as it is still static.
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
The whole democratic party is for none of these things. You are living a delusion and spreading fake news. Your goal is weak and sad.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Easy to say when your party is nearly all white.
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Easy to say when your party is nearly all white.
Only cowardly pieces of shit like yourself look at everything through race.... so shut the fuck up
Yeah, this is a real winning set of issues. Every time one of your Identity Politics ideologues accuses someone of racism for things they did decades ago for things made 'wrong' only since, undermining the concept of rehabilitation of people or of human progress of the individual regardless of what they have done with their lives since, you remind people why your party cannot be trusted on main stream values.

Every time you expand the right of mothers to kill their own children. you hasten your decay into an amoral wasteland. You wont hear it in the Martha Vineyard tea parties or Georgetown cocktail circuit, but most people in the heartland or horrified by the ghoulish standards of your most vile baby killers.

And finally, the socialism that so many of your Presidential candidates and younger leadership espouse is seen by the American people as just another exercise in expanding the governments right to interject itself where it does not belong for the pursuit of an unattainable Utopia.

Good luck with that, broskis.
Yawn... those talking points are already old and stale. Are we now defining enormous and diverse groups by the statements of the extreme factions? Is that how you’d like your side defined?

The talking points in general are always the same, the Right Wing which have become the dominate force in the GOP have nothing to offer the serous voter.

The OP is an example, followed by echoes of others, of hypocrisy and meme's (i.e. propaganda built

Sorry, I was distracted and didn't finish this ^^^ comment:

The OP is an example, followed by echoes of others, of hypocrisy and meme's (i.e. propaganda built to mislead reality).
No, what you are trying to do is dishonestly spin and manipulate the policies of your political opponents to try and make them look bad. It is gutter politics and very transparent
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
Yeah watching liberals celebrate passing infanticide is a talking point. Lol
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
It is spin... y’all are straight up lying about it. Grow up
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
They lit the one world trades center's sphere in pink to celebrate it. Wake up to your parties evil ways. Killing a child on the day it suppose to be born, is murder.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
If you think millions of people are celebrating the killing of babies then you are delusional. It doesn’t sound like you understand their position. Try asking them instead of being spoon fed right wing talking points.
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
Let’s do an objectivity test. People who support this bill and don’t want to kill babies, what is it about this bill that you think they support? What kind of situations?
I'm going by what i see, quit being blind. They celebrated in new york.
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
Let’s do an objectivity test. People who support this bill and don’t want to kill babies, what is it about this bill that you think they support? What kind of situations?
Do you support the bill?
You see what you want to see and then you dishonestly label millions of people by the actions of a few. You are also warping the law acting like it is trying to allow the murder of innocent infants, show some understanding of the other point of view if you want to be taken seriously. Do better.
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
Let’s do an objectivity test. People who support this bill and don’t want to kill babies, what is it about this bill that you think they support? What kind of situations?
Do you support the bill?
I haven’t read it. I’ve heard the two sides talking about and I hear how opposite and dishonestly it is being presented. I just think to myself, why can’t people just be straight forwards and honest.

No, people are not trying to kill babies, that’s absurd. Why don’t you try to see exactly what they are trying to do?
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
Let’s do an objectivity test. People who support this bill and don’t want to kill babies, what is it about this bill that you think they support? What kind of situations?
Do you support the bill?
I haven’t read it have you? I’ve heard the two sides talking about and I hear how opposite and dishonestly it is being presented. I just think to myself, why can’t people just be straight forwards and honest.

No, people are not trying to kill babies, that’s absurd. Why don’t you try to see exactly what they are trying to do?
It was the represenatives they voted for celebrating. Pretty brazen to light up the trade center in celebration, isn't it? Anyway the govenor of Virgina told the truth about it. You defending this shows you support the killing of babies oit of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
Let’s do an objectivity test. People who support this bill and don’t want to kill babies, what is it about this bill that you think they support? What kind of situations?
Do you support the bill?
I haven’t read it. I’ve heard the two sides talking about and I hear how opposite and dishonestly it is being presented. I just think to myself, why can’t people just be straight forwards and honest.

No, people are not trying to kill babies, that’s absurd. Why don’t you try to see exactly what they are trying to do?
Like i said when abortion was legalized, it wasn't suppose to be used for birth control. Now we have women bragging about how many they have had. If a baby survives an abortion now they are put in a storage room to die. So yes, doctors are already killing babies out of the womb.
Well I don’t support killing babies outside the womb so there is obviously something you are not understanding within this debate.
Well this will lead to it. In the begining abortion wasn't going to be used as bith control, but it is now.
Let’s do an objectivity test. People who support this bill and don’t want to kill babies, what is it about this bill that you think they support? What kind of situations?
Do you support the bill?
I haven’t read it. I’ve heard the two sides talking about and I hear how opposite and dishonestly it is being presented. I just think to myself, why can’t people just be straight forwards and honest.

No, people are not trying to kill babies, that’s absurd. Why don’t you try to see exactly what they are trying to do?
Like i said when abortion was legalized, it wasn't suppose to be used for birth control. Now we have women bragging about how many they have had. If a baby survives an abortion now they are put in a storage room to die. So yes, doctors are already killing babies out of the womb.
You keep changing your argument, I thought we were talking about this bill.... have you read the bill? Can you explain why people support it? Show that you have an understanding of both sides of the argument

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