The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

She is another steppingstone to the globalist system of capitalism China style married to communism. Even if she does not say things that way. The nation must submit to massive socialism policies to weaken us. The older Democrats, who are Progs, should never be forgiven for what they are bringing to us.

We've had a globalist system of capitalism for many, many years.

What we do not have is a globalist regulation of commerce, which is why China is screwing us at every turn.
It's not Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez who doesn't understand "how the world works", it's YOU. AOC knew EXACTLY how this was working and that's why she set out to stop it.

Amazon wasn't spending "their money" to build this big shiny campus. They were spending $9 billion of New York Taxpayers money to build this ugliness. Amazon - a company which pays no federal income tax but has the highest retail sales in the world. A company whose owner, Jeff Bezos, is one of the richest men in the world, who pays no income taxes was receiving $9 billion dollars in infrastructure improvements and enhancements to New York subway and transportation systems to move them to and from work.

Building this hub, which would have employed 50,000 New Yorkers in LOW WAGE JOBS, which would not have been sufficient to pay their living costs in New York. And the people currently living in this area, AOC's voters, would have pushed out of their homes to make way for this ugliness. One of the last lower cost housing areas in the New York, would have been eliminated so Jeff Bezos could make more money.

AOC's opposition to this boondoggle of a development shows that she is very economically astute and really does know "how the world works". You're the gullible and clueless fool.
How many Left Wingers use Amazon, Apple, Facebook, eBay etc.. as in, the big guys that pay none to little tax?

Do you use any of them?
She's an upper middle class twit who pretends to be a prole.

Typical "Vanguard" mentality we see from most socialists.

her mother was a cleaning lady, who also worked odd jobs to get by, AOC worked as a bartender out of college. If this is what upper middle class looks like in America we have a massive problem in this country.
It's not Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez who doesn't understand "how the world works", it's YOU. AOC knew EXACTLY how this was working and that's why she set out to stop it.

Amazon wasn't spending "their money" to build this big shiny campus. They were spending $9 billion of New York Taxpayers money to build this ugliness. Amazon - a company which pays no federal income tax but has the highest retail sales in the world. A company whose owner, Jeff Bezos, is one of the richest men in the world, who pays no income taxes was receiving $9 billion dollars in infrastructure improvements and enhancements to New York subway and transportation systems to move them to and from work.

Building this hub, which would have employed 50,000 New Yorkers in LOW WAGE JOBS, which would not have been sufficient to pay their living costs in New York. And the people currently living in this area, AOC's voters, would have pushed out of their homes to make way for this ugliness. One of the last lower cost housing areas in the New York, would have been eliminated so Jeff Bezos could make more money.

AOC's opposition to this boondoggle of a development shows that she is very economically astute and really does know "how the world works". You're the gullible and clueless fool.

They ended up leasing space for a HQ here anyway, without taxpayer perks!
MTG is a perfect representation of modern day magaturds. She's a petulant child and hypocrite.
MTG is a great representative for MAGA.

See my thread on her 2 hour interview.

So far not one lefty can’t point anything out that she said that is bad.
I see so-called Conservatives constantly calling for higher taxes. They do it in a very sneaky, backhanded way by putting exemptions, deductions, and credits in the tax codes which have to be paid for by higher tax rates on everyone and heavy borrowing.

You lefties are constantly proving that you know nothing about the economy or how to govern the country.

How's *biden so far? Looks like he had a terrible day today?!?

His agenda is being rejected.
Biden has more experience and knowledge of how to get things done in the fingernail of his pinkie than the game show host acquired in four years.
Sure. Is that why the economy is in shambles, shelves empty, and his edicts are being slapped down by SCOTUS?
I gave you a solution. You just chose not to read it. If you cannot afford kids why would you have them? Do you often buy something you cannot afford?
Do you often solve a problem by telling kids they shouldn’t be born? That’s NOT a solution. Face it. You have nothing. Everyone on here sees that.

1. Raise the EIT - more work the more credit.
2. Fully fund childcare
3. Roll out a sector based training programs
4. increase SNAP payments - yep studies show more children are lifted out of poverty via snap and their health improves almost immediately.
5. Increase housing vouchers.
6. Pass thru child support - guarantee payment to single parents from government and collect payment from the payers
Yes she does
AOC understands that long term protection of the environment is preferable to short term profits
Read the Green New Deal
She also wants a Government that has a priority to poor and working people rather than the rich
AOC doesn't understand jack shit. She doesn't understand the AGW is a con, and that even if it wasn't so-called green energy isn't a viable solution.

What she wants is a government that loots the people she's envious of.
Do you often solve a problem by telling kids they shouldn’t be born? That’s NOT a solution. Face it. You have nothing. Everyone on here sees that.

1. Raise the EIT - more work the more credit.
2. Fully fund childcare
3. Roll out a sector based training programs
4. increase SNAP payments - yep studies show more children are lifted out of poverty via snap and their health improves almost immediately.
5. Increase housing vouchers.
6. Pass thru child support - guarantee payment to single parents from government and collect payment from the payers
Nope. I am not paying for someone else’s mistake and you answered my question with a question. If you buy a car you cannot afford and I bail you out then someone else will do the same thing. I am not helping any more people making poor decisions. If you cannot afford kids, don’t have them. You want to help them? Donate to a charity.
Marc, the problem is not AOC singularly. It is the collective far left policies and behaviors which are turning the American people away from the Democratic whole, of which AOC is but a small part.

"Defund the police".

Riots. Destruction. A rapidly rising incidence of violence.

Removing the Thomas Jefferson statue in New York City. Ordinary people might be okay with taking out Robert E. Lee, but cancelling Jefferson is just beyond stupid. The funny thing is, AOC is an admirer of Jefferson. She considers him a progressive.

Wokism. Thought police. Cancel culture has become out of control. We see the same thing happening on the Right as well. I know. The country is polarizing and it is turning off middle of the road people, big time.

We can't go a day in this country without a daily outrage. We see this on this forum. Both Right and Left are foaming at the mouth. I have no idea how they are able to maintain that level of energy for months and years on end. We have topics started over the most picayune little things blown up into mountains of acid froth. Our country is going insane.

Remember when Biden said Obama was "clean and articulate"? Think about why you still remember that.

There are people out there who have a vested interest in keeping us all at each others' throats.

It's time for one side to unilaterally disarm and start putting sensible, doable policies on the table. AOC's Green New Deal is far, far from it.
We disagree on what's turning people away from Democrat's.

Hint: How many centrists and so-called "moderate Democrats" have been shelacked in their races, including the mainstream media's beloved Hillary. Yet, they keep pushing these horrible candidates upon us. I take it you disagree with my sentiment, right?

BTW, what's "wokism" and what's your age group?
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AOC doesn't understand jack shit. She doesn't understand the AGW is a con, and that even if it wasn't so-called green energy isn't a viable solution.

What she wants is a government that loots the people she's envious of.
MTG is a great representative for MAGA.

See my thread on her 2 hour interview.

So far not one lefty can’t point anything out that she said that is bad.

That’s probably because not one left he has probably watched her spew her lies. Why would I waste two hours of my time listening to that loon?

The only reason she has the time to give a 2 hours interview is because she has no committee assignments and she doesn’t do anything except perform for the base to jack up her donations.
That’s probably because not one left he has probably watched her spew her lies. Why would I waste two hours of my time listening to that loon?

The only reason she has the time to give a 2 hours interview is because she has no committee assignments and she doesn’t do anything except perform for the base to jack up her donations.
So in other words you’ve got nothing on what she says. I mean you could just watch the first five minutes and pick it apart, but you can’t. You’re so afraid to listen so you make lame excuses not to listen.

She had two hours because the Congress was not in session. She specifically talks about how they all vote without ever reading the laws they vote on. She refuses to do that, she wants to read the laws in full. She talks about the committee thing too. She’s far more intelligent than any of the Dems and more intelligent than most of the GOP idiots. She’s run a business for 20 years.

I highly doubt a dolt like you doesn’t have two hours to spare. So put up or shut up.

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