The Democrat's and Some on the Left's problem w/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.
AOC has been a breath of fresh air to the national political scene. She and other members of "The Squad" actually represent the interests and needs of their constituencies, not the major political contributors to their election campaigns.

It is that obvious loyalty to the voters back home that makes the trump Nazis hate "The Squad" and AOC most of all.

AOC thumbs her nose at the corporate-owned "moderate" Democrats as she twists-the-tail-of-the-tiger that is the Washington D.C. status quo, controlled by Big Business and the billionaires.

Average Americans need more representation in local, state, and especially the federal government like that of AOC and The Squad. Unfortunately, with the help of the corporate-owned "moderate" Democrats, the Republican Party has all but silenced the "Voice of the People". Democracy been gradually replaced with a plutocracy/oligarchy, which only permits public elections to maintain the facade of democracy in the U.S.

With trump now in control of the right-wing (and most centrist voters), even those individuals most influential in maintaining the current plutocracy/oligarchy see their control of this country slipping through their fingers and into the hands of the fascists.

If the facade of democracy allowed us by Big Business and the billionaires' plutocracy/oligarchy is to survive, the Fortune 500 CEOs and the lesser corrupt billionaires must spend their political budgets discrediting the trump Nazis most favored politicians in this year's mid-terms.

The fat cats' money must be spent keeping the white extremists out of government at all levels. After all, Big Business and the billionaires' manipulation of the government started this current white-supremacist-snowball rolling. If they want to keep what they have, the trump Nazis cannot be permitted to make trump der führer.

Sadly, only AOC, The Squad, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and the other progressives in Congress are fighting to stop trump's dictatorship from becoming reality.

Have the police done anything for people to get to the point of wanting to defund them?

It's a battle cry of the left. Most people (including black Democrats) don't want their police defunded. However the media (like they always do) sensationalizes it to the point everybody thinks this is the popular view. So if it's so unpopular, why are they doing it? It's so the Democrat party can move in and nationalize police procedure in all cities.
Do you often solve a problem by telling kids they shouldn’t be born? That’s NOT a solution. Face it. You have nothing. Everyone on here sees that.

1. Raise the EIT - more work the more credit.
2. Fully fund childcare
3. Roll out a sector based training programs
4. increase SNAP payments - yep studies show more children are lifted out of poverty via snap and their health improves almost immediately.
5. Increase housing vouchers.
6. Pass thru child support - guarantee payment to single parents from government and collect payment from the payers

If we did all that, what's the point of having parents anymore? Let government raise all our children.

Dementia already did increase SNAP's. In fact it was the largest increase since the program began. Now these lowlifes can buy more alcohol, cigarettes, huge bags of dog food, cat litter and lottery tickets with their cash that I see so often when I get that 325lbs broad with four kids in front of me at the grocery store checkout. Housing vouchers? They are living in our suburbs already and destroying them. I have a HUD house next door to me. It's been empty for a year since they destroyed the place so badly. But when he gets everything going again and rents to more of them, I'll have to put the local police back in my speed dial as the last time I had to call them over a dozen times in three years; one for a guy shooting at his wife.

If it's one thing Democrats have never learned, it's that if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of old sour, curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk. But Democrats are not happy unless they are destroying things for everybody else.

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Biden has more experience and knowledge of how to get things done in the fingernail of his pinkie than the game show host acquired in four years.

He sure does. Our border the worst it's been in 20 years because of the removal of Trump policies. Inflation we haven't seen in nearly 40 years. Labor and supply chain shortage. Decrease in health care workers by getting them fired when we need them the most. Gasoline and home heating fuel up by 50%. More covid deaths under his watch than Trump's, and he had three Trump vaccines and much more advanced therapeutics than Trump did. The only thing he's built back better is the Taliban.

Yep, he sure knows how to get things done.
That’s probably because not one left he has probably watched her spew her lies. Why would I waste two hours of my time listening to that loon?

The only reason she has the time to give a 2 hours interview is because she has no committee assignments and she doesn’t do anything except perform for the base to jack up her donations.
That just goes to show that you should be careful what you wish for.
Have the police done anything for people to get to the point of wanting to defund them?
No. Zero. Nothing. Some rogue police officers don’t speak for the police. There are some Jewish criminals. Bernie Madoff. Should we vilify all Jews because Madoff was a crook?

Your leftist dream will never happen, little man. The country is waking up and pushing back. Take your white privilege rhetoric and shove it.
He sure does. Our border the worst it's been in 20 years because of the removal of Trump policies. Inflation we haven't seen in nearly 40 years. Labor and supply chain shortage. Decrease in health care workers by getting them fired when we need them the most. Gasoline and home heating fuel up by 50%. More covid deaths under his watch than Trump's, and he had three Trump vaccines and much more advanced therapeutics than Trump did. The only thing he's built back better is the Taliban.

Yep, he sure knows how to get things done.
The decrease in healthcare workers is the real key. Over idiotic mandates. The vaccinated still got Omicron. My youngest being one of them. Biden is an idiot as is his voting base.
her mother was a cleaning lady, who also worked odd jobs to get by, AOC worked as a bartender out of college. If this is what upper middle class looks like in America we have a massive problem in this country.

I noticed you didn't say what her father did.

And plenty of rich kids with no skill sets due to stupid degrees work crap jobs out of college.
The decrease in healthcare workers is the real key. Over idiotic mandates. The vaccinated still got Omicron. My youngest being one of them. Biden is an idiot as is his voting base.
Omicron with vax and boosters for most people is a head cold.

Without it is something much more serious
Earlier this week I had an exchange w/a fellow USMB poster I believe is generally on the left and they expressed having a problem w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, when prompted to get to the bottom of their reasons, the response was nothing more than fluff.

Personally, I love everything she stands for and she represents her constituents well, and they support her.

This is to/for those of us on the left, including Democrats, what, if any, are your problems w/Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Let's get to the bottom of if.

I like everything she stands for too Marc, you're a great judge of character. Say, do you think she's right, the only reason why men on the right dislike her is they want to fuck her but she won't have them?
I noticed you didn't say what her father did.

And plenty of rich kids with no skill sets due to stupid degrees work crap jobs out of college.

he owned a small company with 6 employees based out of a low rent housing apt. When got sick from cancer they apparently almost lost their home. He also never left a will even though he had 3 years to do so before he died. RICH!
he owned a small company with 6 employees based out of a low rent housing apt. When got sick from cancer they apparently almost lost their home. He also never left a will even though he had 3 years to do so before he died. RICH!

He was an architect. They lived in Parkchester and Yorktown Heights.

My neighborhood growing up was more blue collar.
And yet of those who have serious covid issues and are dying...the vast majority are unvaxxed
They had underlying issues that were serious to begin with and the vaccine is just a band aid. Why are my kids wearing masks while playing basketball? Vaccinated, kids are largely not impacted, why? Because leftists are insane, that is why.

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