The Democrats are holding Americans hostage for illegal aliens

Hey JED Clampett, why don't you look up what Americans say they want! That is what is important, not what you, or I want.

I’m glad you brought that up....

Poll: Support drops for border wall, deporting Dreamers

A Monmouth University poll released Thursdayfound 35 percent of Americans support Trump's plan to build a wall, down from 48 percent in September 2015.

Support for deportations has dropped as well, especially among Republicans. Support for deporting immigrants who have been here at least two years dropped from 43 to 30 percent among Republicans over two years.

A majority of all respondents, 76 percent, told Monmouth that undocumented immigrants who have worked in the U.S. for at least two years should have a path to citizenship.


LOL, we are not talking about dreamers, we are talking about chain migration, VISA overstays, and the VISA lottery. We agree that Dreamers should stay.
But you just said what Americans want is important. According to polling, Americans don’t support the wall.

So, what now?....

That is why we need a deal, don't we! If they now don't want a wall, then just beef up the border, end chain migration, throw out VISA overstays, and end the VISA lottery. Can I have an Amen on that-)
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
Republicans control both houses of Congress and the whitehouse. If they want comprehensive immigration reform, with or without Democrats on board, they have the power to make that happen.

With Democrats help, drop the wall, make a deal on DACA, and I’m sure they’d have plenty of Democrat support. But they don’t want that, because that would give Democrats a victory. But even without Democrats, again, Republicans have all of the power. So, why aren’t they doing something instead of blaming Democrats? Partisan bullshit and party before country....that’s the Republican way :thup:
Sarah Huckabee Harris erupts: "we've wasted five days fighting over one word. the president is not a scripted robot, thats why the American people like him!"
Let them shut the government down. But make sure they get the blame. Shutting down the government for non-Americans. Keeping Americans from collecting their social security because of wanting to bring in non-Americans. Democrats the party of the foreigner.
The fake media will do everything in its power to pin the blame on Republicans.
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
Republicans control both houses of Congress and the whitehouse. If they want comprehensive immigration reform, with or without Democrats on board, they have the power to make that happen.

With Democrats help, drop the wall, make a deal on DACA, and I’m sure they’d have plenty of Democrat support. But they don’t want that, because that would give Democrats a victory. But even without Democrats, again, Republicans have all of the power. So, why aren’t they doing something instead of blaming Democrats? Partisan bullshit and party before country....that’s the Republican way :thup:

You must proved you're a moron. The Repubs don't have the power to make it happen. How could the Dims shut down the government if Repubs have all the power? Just cae into whatever Dims want is the solution? Only a douchebag traitor would agree to what the Dims want.
The Corrupt and Racist Democratic Party says that they will shut down the government again unless the American Taxpayers agree to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who will vote Democrat.

Rep. Roger Marshall weighs in on DACA, budget deadline
Have fun receiving your punch from the reps, instead. If the cash goes to the aliens or to the elites, you go off empty-handed.

At least the elites can provide for their self, but illegals are a drain on OUR AMERICANS SAFTY NET.

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Trump is holding Americans hostage over a wall that he promised we wouldn’t pay for
There’s the stupid we were looking for. You go right ahead and try to sell American citizens a wall to control illegals is somehow holding them hostage. Good luck.
Fuck off, dipshit. Did Trump not promise Mexico would pay for his useless wall? And now he’s trying to get us to pay for it? That’s called a lie.

You gotta get your news elsewhere, Trump is already cutting payments to Mexico, they will pay one way or the other, CNN won’t tell you that.

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Democrats really believe it's mandatory for those who can't take care of themselves to be taken care of by those who can
Sorry saps, not an American value
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
Republicans control both houses of Congress and the whitehouse. If they want comprehensive immigration reform, with or without Democrats on board, they have the power to make that happen.

With Democrats help, drop the wall, make a deal on DACA, and I’m sure they’d have plenty of Democrat support. But they don’t want that, because that would give Democrats a victory. But even without Democrats, again, Republicans have all of the power. So, why aren’t they doing something instead of blaming Democrats? Partisan bullshit and party before country....that’s the Republican way :thup:

I hear you Partisan, Democrats idea of compromise, give us everything we want and republicans don’t get nothing. Glad to hear y’all want to work it out. Dam n y’all are not very smart.

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Trump was sworn to defend and protect America but just pretends a foreign nation did not attack our election. Even his own cabinet agrees we were attacked, yet he does nothing .
Trump is holding Americans hostage over a wall that he promised we wouldn’t pay for
There’s the stupid we were looking for. You go right ahead and try to sell American citizens a wall to control illegals is somehow holding them hostage. Good luck.
Fuck off, dipshit. Did Trump not promise Mexico would pay for his useless wall? And now he’s trying to get us to pay for it? That’s called a lie.

You gotta get your news elsewhere, Trump is already cutting payments to Mexico, they will pay one way or the other, CNN won’t tell you that.

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Cool story. I don’t get my news from cnn. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall. You’ve been had :lol:
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
Republicans control both houses of Congress and the whitehouse. If they want comprehensive immigration reform, with or without Democrats on board, they have the power to make that happen.

With Democrats help, drop the wall, make a deal on DACA, and I’m sure they’d have plenty of Democrat support. But they don’t want that, because that would give Democrats a victory. But even without Democrats, again, Republicans have all of the power. So, why aren’t they doing something instead of blaming Democrats? Partisan bullshit and party before country....that’s the Republican way :thup:

I hear you Partisan, Democrats idea of compromise, give us everything we want and republicans don’t get nothing. Glad to hear y’all want to work it out. Dam n y’all are not very smart.

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I’m not a Democrat
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
Republicans control both houses of Congress and the whitehouse. If they want comprehensive immigration reform, with or without Democrats on board, they have the power to make that happen.

With Democrats help, drop the wall, make a deal on DACA, and I’m sure they’d have plenty of Democrat support. But they don’t want that, because that would give Democrats a victory. But even without Democrats, again, Republicans have all of the power. So, why aren’t they doing something instead of blaming Democrats? Partisan bullshit and party before country....that’s the Republican way :thup:

I hear you Partisan, Democrats idea of compromise, give us everything we want and republicans don’t get nothing. Glad to hear y’all want to work it out. Dam n y’all are not very smart.

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Legalizing the "dreamers" without ending chain migration means another 8 million people admitted to the country.

That's a nonstarter.
Trump was sworn to defend and protect America but just pretends a foreign nation did not attack our election. Even his own cabinet agrees we were attacked, yet he does nothing .
It's a nice emotive outpouring but exactly how does another nation "attack our election" and what are the troubling outcomes of their "efforts"
They’ll end up paying for it one way or another.
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting for Trump, go ahead; but don’t act like Trump didn’t do a complete turnaround on his promise.
We need the wall one way or another. It’d be nice if we had democrats willing to support rule of law but since that’s impossible fuck it, you get the wall.
Republicans control both houses of Congress and the whitehouse. If they want comprehensive immigration reform, with or without Democrats on board, they have the power to make that happen.

With Democrats help, drop the wall, make a deal on DACA, and I’m sure they’d have plenty of Democrat support. But they don’t want that, because that would give Democrats a victory. But even without Democrats, again, Republicans have all of the power. So, why aren’t they doing something instead of blaming Democrats? Partisan bullshit and party before country....that’s the Republican way :thup:
So you're basically confirming what the rest of us already know. The democrats stand for illegals above our own citizens. Fuck border security, give the illegals citizenship and keep them coming. By comprehensive immigration reform you sure don't mean stricter immigration. At least you're honest.

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