The democrats keep trying to beat up Trump. But if 2016 was today, who would you vote for?

Who would you vote for president today?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 40 87.0%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
Take the poll and vote for whichever presidential candidate, even after the Mueller Report, you would pick today.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump Trump approval 44%

Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low

Your poll needs more choices. There was more than two people on the ballot in 2016.

I don't understand how people could waste their vote on a candidate that has zero chance of winning.
With elections as close as they have been lately, every vote is important!
Idealists are not helping things, we need pragmatists, not idealists.

I can't understand someone voting for someone they know is not a person worthy of the position just because they don't like the other main candidate either. I will always vote for who I believe to be the best candidate. In 2012 that was Vermin Supreme. What a bunch of lousy choices.

To each their own. I'm a pragmatist, and you appear to be an idealist.
How do you define "not worthy of the position"? Too stupid? Too crooked? Not aligned politically? No chance of winning? Not pure of heart?
The way things are in CA under the democrats, 2020 may not be a lock for democrats, Arnold and Reagan both won. 2016 was a guaranteed lock for Hillary, she had a 95% probability of winning. There was no way Trump could get to 270 EC votes. So every vote counts in every election. In presidential elections its a battle for EC votes, so minor candidates are a waste of votes.

You have no grasp on reality. The last time a Repub won Cali was Bush I, since then the Dem has won by a larger margin each election. Hillary got a higher percent of the votes than even Obama did either time.
Grasping reality? How is CA doing? Why are 1m people fleeing? Every so often voters have had enough and vote for change....
California Losing Residents Via Domestic Migration [EconTax Blog]

tent cities in CA

How about the needles and feces in the streets?
Survey finds trash, needles, feces on San Francisco streets

And yet with each election the Dems win by more. Perhaps that is because it is not the Dems leaving the state.
Take the poll and vote for whichever presidential candidate, even after the Mueller Report, you would pick today.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump Trump approval 44%

Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low
Your poll requires a 'none of the above'..I imagine that would garner the most votes--but of're just trying another tired attack on Clinton.***yawn***

OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.
Take the poll and vote for whichever presidential candidate, even after the Mueller Report, you would pick today.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump Trump approval 44%

Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low
Your poll requires a 'none of the above'..I imagine that would garner the most votes--but of're just trying another tired attack on Clinton.***yawn***

OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

This is the reason we are stuck with such crappy choices each election, people have no principles any more
Your poll requires a 'none of the above'..I imagine that would garner the most votes--but of're just trying another tired attack on Clinton.***yawn***

OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

The thing about the lesser of two evils is that they are still evil.
Take the poll and vote for whichever presidential candidate, even after the Mueller Report, you would pick today.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump Trump approval 44%

Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low

Your poll needs more choices. There was more than two people on the ballot in 2016.

I don't understand how people could waste their vote on a candidate that has zero chance of winning.
With elections as close as they have been lately, every vote is important!
Idealists are not helping things, we need pragmatists, not idealists.

I can't understand someone voting for someone they know is not a person worthy of the position just because they don't like the other main candidate either. I will always vote for who I believe to be the best candidate. In 2012 that was Vermin Supreme. What a bunch of lousy choices.

To each their own. I'm a pragmatist, and you appear to be an idealist.
How do you define "not worthy of the position"? Too stupid? Too crooked? Not aligned politically? No chance of winning? Not pure of heart?

Neither Hillary nor Trump is able to be honest about much of anything. No thanks.
Your poll requires a 'none of the above'..I imagine that would garner the most votes--but of're just trying another tired attack on Clinton.***yawn***

OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

the lesser of two evils is still evil,,,

I dont vote for evil,,,that would be evil,,,
Take the poll and vote for whichever presidential candidate, even after the Mueller Report, you would pick today.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump Trump approval 44%

Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low
The question really is...would all those Republicans still pick fat donnie over all the other Republicans who ran for President? Let's not forget that there were lots of choices, and GOP voters chose fat donnie.
Your poll requires a 'none of the above'..I imagine that would garner the most votes--but of're just trying another tired attack on Clinton.***yawn***

OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

No, Ross Perot did not lie about everything. Perot never lied about what he would do.
Your poll requires a 'none of the above'..I imagine that would garner the most votes--but of're just trying another tired attack on Clinton.***yawn***

OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

This is the reason we are stuck with such crappy choices each election, people have no principles any more

just dems and repubes have no principles,,,the rest of us at least try too,,,
Take the poll and vote for whichever presidential candidate, even after the Mueller Report, you would pick today.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump Trump approval 44%

Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Still Low
The question really is...would all those Republicans still pick fat donnie over all the other Republicans who ran for President? Let's not forget that there were lots of choices, and GOP voters chose fat donnie.

Hell yes we'd still vote for Trump. Ted Cruz was the runner-up in 2016. Ted will get his turn again in 2024.
OMG, a fair poll and you call it an "attack"?! Persecution complex?
How is a fair poll an "attack", especially after what the dems and the Mueller Investigation put Trump thru during the first two years of his presidency.

It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

the lesser of two evils is still evil,,,

I dont vote for evil,,,that would be evil,,,

OMG, they are ALL evil to a degree. You don't get to that level of politics if you are a naive saint.
We are not voting for a pope, we are voting for a president who can run the US successfully.
So its NOT necessarily the person's "goodness" or "evilness" that we vote for, but the policies that we want to see implemented. Politics is a team sport. It takes the House and Senate and the President to agree on things to get anything accomplished.
By not voting for the "lesser of the evils" you permit the most evil one to win. Nice job idiot.
It's not "fair" because those were not the only choices.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

the lesser of two evils is still evil,,,

I dont vote for evil,,,that would be evil,,,

OMG, they are ALL evil to a degree. You don't get to that level of politics if you are a naive saint.
We are not voting for a pope, we are voting for a president who can run the US successfully.
So its NOT necessarily the person's "goodness" or "evilness" that we vote for, but the policies that we want to see implemented. Politics is a team sport. It takes the House and Senate and the President to agree on things to get anything accomplished.
By not voting for the "lesser of the evils" you permit the most evil one to win. Nice job idiot.

opinions vary,,,and just look what dems and repubes have done to this country and the constitution,,,sorry I wont be responsible for that evil being put on my children or yours,,,

and the person I voted for to date has not shown one speck of evil,,,
The democrats keep trying to beat up Trump. But if 2016 was today, who would you vote for?

Same as 2016, stay home and refrain from taking this aggressive act against mankind.
How many electoral college votes did any minor candidate get? Zero. McMullin, a Mormon could not even win Utah.
The true choice was between Trump and H.

thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

the lesser of two evils is still evil,,,

I dont vote for evil,,,that would be evil,,,

OMG, they are ALL evil to a degree. You don't get to that level of politics if you are a naive saint.
We are not voting for a pope, we are voting for a president who can run the US successfully.
So its NOT necessarily the person's "goodness" or "evilness" that we vote for, but the policies that we want to see implemented. Politics is a team sport. It takes the House and Senate and the President to agree on things to get anything accomplished.
By not voting for the "lesser of the evils" you permit the most evil one to win. Nice job idiot.

opinions vary,,,and just look what dems and repubes have done to this country and the constitution,,,sorry I wont be responsible for that evil being put on my children or yours,,,
and the person I voted for to date has not shown one speck of evil,,,

1. Please enlighten us and tell us which politician has not shown one speck of evil.

2. We live in a democracy, so no one is to blame for who wins, or if they turn out to be a bad president. Nixon won, Carter won, Bill Clinton won, Dubya Bush won, Obama won, Trump won, etc.

3. My wife is a non-voter because if the president turns out bad she doesn't want it on her conscience?! Weird philosophy, but different strokes...
thats complete bullshit,,,even hitler and stalin had other choices,,

you vote for who you want to see as POTUS and not who can win,,,

unless of course you are not a principled person,,,

We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

the lesser of two evils is still evil,,,

I dont vote for evil,,,that would be evil,,,

OMG, they are ALL evil to a degree. You don't get to that level of politics if you are a naive saint.
We are not voting for a pope, we are voting for a president who can run the US successfully.
So its NOT necessarily the person's "goodness" or "evilness" that we vote for, but the policies that we want to see implemented. Politics is a team sport. It takes the House and Senate and the President to agree on things to get anything accomplished.
By not voting for the "lesser of the evils" you permit the most evil one to win. Nice job idiot.

opinions vary,,,and just look what dems and repubes have done to this country and the constitution,,,sorry I wont be responsible for that evil being put on my children or yours,,,
and the person I voted for to date has not shown one speck of evil,,,

1. Please enlighten us and tell us which politician has not shown one speck of evil.

2. We live in a democracy, so no one is to blame for who wins, or if they turn out to be a bad president. Nixon won, Carter won, Bill Clinton won, Dubya Bush won, Obama won, Trump won, etc.

3. My wife is a non-voter because if the president turns out bad she doesn't want it on her conscience?! Weird philosophy, but different strokes...


and if you must know I voted for daryl castle,,,
Need more options. Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Abaddon or Amon, just off the top of my head.
We disagree on who to vote for. Ever hear of "the lesser of the evils"? I have never seen a perfect candidate.
Ross Perot was the Trump before Trump. But all he did was defeat GHW Bush and give the election to Bill Clinton, the worst of the major candidates.

the lesser of two evils is still evil,,,

I dont vote for evil,,,that would be evil,,,

OMG, they are ALL evil to a degree. You don't get to that level of politics if you are a naive saint.
We are not voting for a pope, we are voting for a president who can run the US successfully.
So its NOT necessarily the person's "goodness" or "evilness" that we vote for, but the policies that we want to see implemented. Politics is a team sport. It takes the House and Senate and the President to agree on things to get anything accomplished.
By not voting for the "lesser of the evils" you permit the most evil one to win. Nice job idiot.

opinions vary,,,and just look what dems and repubes have done to this country and the constitution,,,sorry I wont be responsible for that evil being put on my children or yours,,,
and the person I voted for to date has not shown one speck of evil,,,

1. Please enlighten us and tell us which politician has not shown one speck of evil.

2. We live in a democracy, so no one is to blame for who wins, or if they turn out to be a bad president. Nixon won, Carter won, Bill Clinton won, Dubya Bush won, Obama won, Trump won, etc.

3. My wife is a non-voter because if the president turns out bad she doesn't want it on her conscience?! Weird philosophy, but different strokes...


and if you must know I voted for daryl castle,,,
Ah, a republic or an oligarchy is the question.

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