The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Donald been saying it's rigged for months. I guess he finally convinced her.
This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Donald been saying it's rigged for months. I guess he finally convinced her.
The honorable thing is to vet what Trump is saying: that it was rigged. If he is wrong, he must resign.
I'm going to repost this here:

RE Stein's "experts" - This is the "expert" that Stein is working with as per her court filings in Wis. (see Likely Statewide Recount for President of the United States- Communication #2 | Wisconsin Elections Commission) Basically he is theory crafting using random reports - and in fact if you do the research and trace down the "leads" used as his "evidence" it comes down to a single news provider and a single chick's opinion piece, a woman who just happens to write for the same paper the "expert" does -

Not that I care honestly, recount all you want, but don't try to play the "we just want to be sure" and "we're doing this to restore voter confidence" bullshit when your story doesn't fit (aka paper ballots in Michigan not hackable by Russians, ONLY recounting Hillary loss states that might fuck up the EC and not Trump loss states that have a closer loss count, completely ignoring the illegal voting claims, etc.) Don't fucking lie about it. This is a hit on Trump and everyone in the damn country knows it, own it.
Irrelevant. Clinton won the popular vote, Trump won the electoral college. The electoral college and gerrymandering were developed to insure the common folk were able to be locked out of the process in order to be ruled by a minority of substantial people.

The estimates are that the "common folks" that led to Crooked Hillary winning the popular vote were mostly illegals voting in states like California that have very lax voter ID requirements.

Good riddance to this Crooked Hillary asshole. It is time to make America great again not pander to the slime that makes up the Democrat voting block.
This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Donald been saying it's rigged for months. I guess he finally convinced her.
The honorable thing is to vet what Trump is saying: that it was rigged. If he is wrong, he must resign.
To Trump telling people what they want to hear is never a lie. His supporters never take what says literally anyway, only the media does that. So why should he be concerned over a little thing like the truth.
I'm going to repost this here:

RE Stein's "experts" - This is the "expert" that Stein is working with as per her court filings in Wis. (see Likely Statewide Recount for President of the United States- Communication #2 | Wisconsin Elections Commission) Basically he is theory crafting using random reports - and in fact if you do the research and trace down the "leads" used as his "evidence" it comes down to a single news provider and a single chick's opinion piece, a woman who just happens to write for the same paper the "expert" does -

Not that I care honestly, recount all you want, but don't try to play the "we just want to be sure" and "we're doing this to restore voter confidence" bullshit when your story doesn't fit (aka paper ballots in Michigan not hackable by Russians, ONLY recounting Hillary loss states that might fuck up the EC and not Trump loss states that have a closer loss count, completely ignoring the illegal voting claims, etc.) Don't fucking lie about it. This is a hit on Trump and everyone in the damn country knows it, own it.
It is what Hillary said it is, an attack on America. They are traitors and should be locked up.
Shrug. I actually don't have a problem with cleaning up elections so they are more reliable -- it is clear that there are a lot of folks on all sides who feel that the election process is susceptible, however, /this/ isn't a proper way of addressing the issue. The timing makes the whole argument look like shit. I am not happy about that fact because it undermines the actual need for shoring up our voting methods and restoring confidence in the process.
What a silly question? Stein is asking for herself. Nothing stops anyone from contributing cash to the effort.

Supposedly, she is leading the entire recount process. Of course we all know that's BS. Hillary just has her out there leading the charge. Hil-liar is the actual person doing all this.

But I just can't find in the Constitution that gives anybody the right to demand a recount outside of the candidate.
What a silly question? Stein is asking for herself. Nothing stops anyone from contributing cash to the effort.

Supposedly, she is leading the entire recount process. Of course we all know that's BS. Hillary just has her out there leading the charge. Hil-liar is the actual person doing all this. But I just can't find in the Constitution that gives anybody the right to demand a recount outside of the candidate.
You know nothing, Sur. Those voices in your heads are not facts. Stein has called for the recount, that meets the law, and your whining means nothing.
I objected to Trump declaring our election system invalid without seeing the results

I have never objected to recounts in individual states where the end results could be changed

Why would you object to getting it right?

Why would you not accept doing away with machines altogether?

After all, this and the last two Democrat presidential losses were all criticized as unfair. So if we have to go through this every time these babies lose an election, then just get rid of the machines entirely and save us the drama and time.

Not every voter uses a machine. Many states still rely on paper ballots. There are millions of absentee ballots and provisional ballots. Voting machines are locked up after the election and can still be checked to verify the right tally was recorded

Even Trump is claiming the election was crooked

Shouldn't we recheck the results to be sure?

Then why not California? Or New Hampshire?

Oh, how stupid of me. Those two States would make the most sense, and progressives have limited sense.

Never mind.
I objected to Trump declaring our election system invalid without seeing the results

I have never objected to recounts in individual states where the end results could be changed

Why would you object to getting it right?

Why would you not accept doing away with machines altogether?

After all, this and the last two Democrat presidential losses were all criticized as unfair. So if we have to go through this every time these babies lose an election, then just get rid of the machines entirely and save us the drama and time.

Not every voter uses a machine. Many states still rely on paper ballots. There are millions of absentee ballots and provisional ballots. Voting machines are locked up after the election and can still be checked to verify the right tally was recorded

Even Trump is claiming the election was crooked

Shouldn't we recheck the results to be sure?

Then why not California? Or New Hampshire?

Oh, how stupid of me. Those two States would make the most sense, and progressives have limited sense.

Never mind.
Let's do all of Frank's 57 states, and show that Trump is a liar.
I objected to Trump declaring our election system invalid without seeing the results

I have never objected to recounts in individual states where the end results could be changed

Why would you object to getting it right?

Why would you not accept doing away with machines altogether?

After all, this and the last two Democrat presidential losses were all criticized as unfair. So if we have to go through this every time these babies lose an election, then just get rid of the machines entirely and save us the drama and time.

Not every voter uses a machine. Many states still rely on paper ballots. There are millions of absentee ballots and provisional ballots. Voting machines are locked up after the election and can still be checked to verify the right tally was recorded

Even Trump is claiming the election was crooked

Shouldn't we recheck the results to be sure?

Then why not California? Or New Hampshire?

Oh, how stupid of me. Those two States would make the most sense, and progressives have limited sense.

Never mind.
Let's do all of Frank's 57 states, and show that Trump is a liar.

There is, after all, no deed to tough to insure ballot integrity!


To Trump telling people what they want to hear is never a lie. His supporters never take what says literally anyway, only the media does that. So why should he be concerned over a little thing like the truth.

Do you think Crooked Hillary, ever told the truth in her life? Obama has been lying his ass off ever since he was elected.
I objected to Trump declaring our election system invalid without seeing the results

I have never objected to recounts in individual states where the end results could be changed

Why would you object to getting it right?

Why would you not accept doing away with machines altogether?

After all, this and the last two Democrat presidential losses were all criticized as unfair. So if we have to go through this every time these babies lose an election, then just get rid of the machines entirely and save us the drama and time.

Not every voter uses a machine. Many states still rely on paper ballots. There are millions of absentee ballots and provisional ballots. Voting machines are locked up after the election and can still be checked to verify the right tally was recorded

Even Trump is claiming the election was crooked

Shouldn't we recheck the results to be sure?

Then why not California? Or New Hampshire?

Oh, how stupid of me. Those two States would make the most sense, and progressives have limited sense.

Never mind.
Let's do all of Frank's 57 states, and show that Trump is a liar.

There is, after all, no deed to tough to insure ballot integrity!

Shrug. I actually don't have a problem with cleaning up elections so they are more reliable -- it is clear that there are a lot of folks on all sides who feel that the election process is susceptible, however, /this/ isn't a proper way of addressing the issue. The timing makes the whole argument look like shit. I am not happy about that fact because it undermines the actual need for shoring up our voting methods and restoring confidence in the process.
Vote recounts are just recounts. They can determine whether the totals are in error are whether someone has been playing with the numbers but that's about it. I think the public perceives that they are a lot more than they actually are and thus they validate the results in the minds of many people. I don't think they are there necessary good or bad. In some states they are automatic if results are within 1%.
no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.

I am all for the recounts, they will show that Trump won those states, that he is the President and that we all need to calm down and breathe. In four years, we can elect someone new if we want.
Delegitimizing Trump
What’s really behind the recounts and petitions.
December 8, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

If the Jill Stein recount were a car, it would be on fire in a ditch while being swarmed by angry snakes.

The failed Green Party candidate raised $7.2 million for presidential recounts that have so far increased Trump’s lead in Wisconsin and made a convincing argument why Detroit shouldn’t be allowed to participate in elections after the ballots on the books didn’t match voting machine printouts in 59% of the precincts. Stein may end up having to pay the entire cost of the Michigan recount and is struggling in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile 42% of Clinton voters believe the recount will show she won.

They’re going to be very disappointed.

The recount follies are just one of a number of clumsy efforts to deny Trump the White House.


It’s about delegitimizing Trump.

The left doesn’t begin with policy critiques of Republican presidential candidates. Instead it accuses them of being temperamentally unfit for the office and illegitimately elected. The anti-Trump playbook is just the anti-Bush playbook with a little dust on the cover and a few more page creases. Bush was a cowboy who stole the election. Trump is erratic and stole the election. The rest is just elaboration.

The temperamental accusation is an old one. Trump is far from the first Republican to have it hurled at him. Indeed most of the anti-Trump election tactics, from Republican turncoats to manipulating voter turnout with polls, came out of the “In your guts, you know he's nuts” Goldwater playbook. Hillary even brushed off LBJ’s Daisy ad. But the internet didn’t exist in 1964. It does today and it destroyed Hillary.


Recounts won’t give Hillary or Jill the big chair in the Oval Office. But each step in the process will fatten up the legitimacy conspiracy theory. Stein and many of her donors understand that. The goal is to taint Trump’s legitimacy and keep a cloud of suspicion hanging over his win. The conspiracy theories, including the ones that Stein has used to raise millions, are hollow and empty. But they will become part of the narrative. Trump only won because polling places closed early. Trump only won because all the voting machines were hacked. Someone cheated. Trump didn’t really win. He isn’t the president.

Before the election, the media was sonorously lecturing us on the threat to democracy posed by Trump challenging the results. But that was before he won and the threat to democracy became… democracy.

Challenging the legitimacy of the man in the White House is a dangerous tactic because it casts doubt on the entire system of government. Nixon refused to go that route after losing to JFK because he feared a Constitutional crisis that would “tear the country apart”. But many Democrats today not only don’t fear tearing the country apart, they welcome it. They don’t just believe that Trump is illegitimate, but that America is. Raising doubts about the election outcome undermines both Trump and America.

This isn’t really about the numbers. It’s about the narrative. The election controversies shape the expectations of the Democrat base. And those will shape how elected Democrats will deal with Trump.


The left hijacked the Democrats, drove their campaign car into a ditch and left it burning there surrounded by angry left-wing snakes. And it doesn’t want to allow the Dems any possibility of retreat. It sees Trump’s victory as an opportunity to further radicalize new recruits and tear the country apart.

That is what all the efforts to deny Trump the White House, from recounts to petitions, are really about. After presiding over two terms of unprecedented national division, they aren’t through tearing America apart.

Delegitimizing Trump

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