The Democrats Want Higher Taxes And Have The Public Option Back On The Table

He has been kicking your ass with facts you can't refute too

Yes he has facts, but why won't he answer the obvious flaws?
Like I said....he seems to be a tool from the dems. I noticed you wouldn't refute that, leftwinger.

Yes people who are educated and make valid logical posts are most definitely dems

What an odd and totally inaccurate statement. I daresay no one on this board has MORE education that I , yet I am most definitely not a Dem, couple that with the absolute fact that some of the most ignorant, uneducated hacks on this board are dems, or at least espouse democratic views and I would have to say that you just made an ass out yourself with that post my brother. In fact, I will name 4 dumb ass lefties who I challenge you to match with 4 dumb ass righties

Sorry you aren't allowed on both sides of the fence here...

Either the Government provides a better more cost effective product that private insurerers can't compete with

Or as you say....."The fact is the govt can't run anything cost effective."

You are going on the assumption that govt HC is competitive. As it is not based on my previous explanation, thye are not. Since govt provides no such competition in what is true level playing field competition, that is a mute point. The other poster stated that Govt HC will increase competition when in fact there is none because govt has an endless pool of money at their disposal. No one responding seems to grasp that as no one has argued against that point. Nice way of avoiding the actual debate.

So you admit the Government program would be more efficient and provide a better product at a lower cost

A win for the American People.....tough shit for the Insurance industry if they can't compete

Wow, you just don't get it and I am through explaining.
Sorry you aren't allowed on both sides of the fence here...

Either the Government provides a better more cost effective product that private insurerers can't compete with

Or as you say....."The fact is the govt can't run anything cost effective."

You are going on the assumption that govt HC is competitive. As it is not based on my previous explanation, thye are not. Since govt provides no such competition in what is true level playing field competition, that is a mute point. The other poster stated that Govt HC will increase competition when in fact there is none because govt has an endless pool of money at their disposal. No one responding seems to grasp that as no one has argued against that point. Nice way of avoiding the actual debate.

So you admit the Government program would be more efficient and provide a better product at a lower cost

A win for the American People.....tough shit for the Insurance industry if they can't compete

Rarely if ever has a government program been more efficient and provided a better product at a lower cost then a free market program. I've worked for the government for most of my adult life and I know this is total crap.

It's pretty simple....government doesn't have to compete for your money so there is no incentive to provide good service. The reason is that the government doesn't make a profit and it doesn't have to answer to stockholders. Usually you're stuck having to put up with less then competitive workers who really don't have the desire nor the incentive to do their best because their job doesn't depend on service to the customer suffers. Customer isn't really a good name for those who use government benefits. Slave would be a bit more accurate.

Governments don't have to compete by cutting costs and provide better services because they'll always have people lined up to take advantage of their programs. Many times programs are run by people who aren't the best and politics tends to be more important then production and skill. Quotas are used to replace lost workers rather then skill levels and experience because government is purely political in nature rather then using a common-sense approach in everything. What looks good matters more then what is the best. It's like in the Army where a fresh coat of paint is more desirable then something that actually works when needed.
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There is a major fight in Congress. Many Democrats are admitting to themselves that jobs are being lost all over America because of fears of what Congress and the White House will do next. The Dems won't admit to it but raising taxes will only make a bad economy worse. Many Democrats want to keep the Bush tax-cuts in place. However the Treasury Sec. wants to let them expire for the highest 2%....the very people that provide more then 90% of our jobs.

I believe this is all rhetoric intended to keep the left happy. Who knows what these people will do. Seriously nobody does....and uncertainty is the number one barrier to growth.

The Progressives and their Keynesian economics is what is hurting this economy more then anything.
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I'll take public option and higher taxes on the rich if it's accompanied by declairing victory in the two wars and victory parades followed by accross the board spending cuts.
Conhog wants AA who want thier own National Anthem to go back to Africa.
That sounds like what educated people say. LOFL

A history major
I'll take public option and higher taxes on the rich if it's accompanied by declairing victory in the two wars and victory parades followed by accross the board spending cuts.

Figure the odds on that ever happening.
Conhog wants AA who want thier own National Anthem to go back to Africa.
That sounds like what educated people say. LOFL

A history major

Not sure what your point is....and whatever it is I think you're on the wrong thread.
Yes he has facts, but why won't he answer the obvious flaws?
Like I said....he seems to be a tool from the dems. I noticed you wouldn't refute that, leftwinger.

Yes people who are educated and make valid logical posts are most definitely dems

What an odd and totally inaccurate statement. I daresay no one on this board has MORE education that I , yet I am most definitely not a Dem, couple that with the absolute fact that some of the most ignorant, uneducated hacks on this board are dems, or at least espouse democratic views and I would have to say that you just made an ass out yourself with that post my brother. In fact, I will name 4 dumb ass lefties who I challenge you to match with 4 dumb ass righties


I would not claim to be more educated than anyone else on the board. You will leave yourself open for attacks

I, myself, am but a lowly sewer worker
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You are going on the assumption that govt HC is competitive. As it is not based on my previous explanation, thye are not. Since govt provides no such competition in what is true level playing field competition, that is a mute point. The other poster stated that Govt HC will increase competition when in fact there is none because govt has an endless pool of money at their disposal. No one responding seems to grasp that as no one has argued against that point. Nice way of avoiding the actual debate.

So you admit the Government program would be more efficient and provide a better product at a lower cost

A win for the American People.....tough shit for the Insurance industry if they can't compete

Wow, you just don't get it and I am through explaining.

Who ever said anything about fairly competing? Government executives make less tha $200K while Insurance execs pull $20 mil+. The government doesn't spend money on lobbyists or political contributions or expensive junkets for medical proffessionals.

No question, the government is at an advantage
Yes people who are educated and make valid logical posts are most definitely dems

What an odd and totally inaccurate statement. I daresay no one on this board has MORE education that I , yet I am most definitely not a Dem, couple that with the absolute fact that some of the most ignorant, uneducated hacks on this board are dems, or at least espouse democratic views and I would have to say that you just made an ass out yourself with that post my brother. In fact, I will name 4 dumb ass lefties who I challenge you to match with 4 dumb ass righties



This fact has already been proven

That Dems are smart or that you're a dumb-ass?
You are going on the assumption that govt HC is competitive. As it is not based on my previous explanation, thye are not. Since govt provides no such competition in what is true level playing field competition, that is a mute point. The other poster stated that Govt HC will increase competition when in fact there is none because govt has an endless pool of money at their disposal. No one responding seems to grasp that as no one has argued against that point. Nice way of avoiding the actual debate.

So you admit the Government program would be more efficient and provide a better product at a lower cost

A win for the American People.....tough shit for the Insurance industry if they can't compete

Rarely if ever has a government program been more efficient and provided a better product at a lower cost then a free market program. I've worked for the government for most of my adult life and I know this is total crap.

It's pretty simple....government doesn't have to compete for your money so there is no incentive to provide good service. The reason is that the government doesn't make a profit and it doesn't have to answer to stockholders. Usually you're stuck having to put up with less then competitive workers who really don't have the desire nor the incentive to do their best because their job doesn't depend on service to the customer suffers. Customer isn't really a good name for those who use government benefits. Slave would be a bit more accurate.

Governments don't have to compete by cutting costs and provide better services because they'll always have people lined up to take advantage of their programs. Many times programs are run by people who aren't the best and politics tends to be more important then production and skill. Quotas are used to replace lost workers rather then skill levels and experience because government is purely political in nature rather then using a common-sense approach in everything. What looks good matters more then what is the best. It's like in the Army where a fresh coat of paint is more desirable then something that actually works when needed.

If you are so convinced that the Government cannot produce a service that would cost less and provide better service than the private sector why are you terrified of them competing with the private sector.
If private insurance offers a better product at a lower cost.....nobody will select the Government Option

So why are you so afraid to allow other Americans the choice?
I've never seen more people absolutely demolished in debate by one person then what has happened in this thread. Greenbeard actually posted facts and reasoning instead of name calling that 2 people actually thought he's a "plant" because he knows the bill "too well". Amazing!
I've never seen more people absolutely demolished in debate by one person then what has happened in this thread. Greenbeard actually posted facts and reasoning instead of name calling that 2 people actually thought he's a "plant" because he knows the bill "too well". Amazing!

Maybe if you were literate you wouldn't be so impressed with Greenbeard's lack of logic and sense.
I've never seen more people absolutely demolished in debate by one person then what has happened in this thread. Greenbeard actually posted facts and reasoning instead of name calling that 2 people actually thought he's a "plant" because he knows the bill "too well". Amazing!

Maybe if you were literate you wouldn't be so impressed with Greenbeard's lack of logic and sense.

Good one.
conhog history degrees are not the most respected by a long shot. I'm guessing your others are equally unimpressive.
Using a comic book bible as your reference for debate is the sign of a simpleton not and educated person. LOFL
So you admit the Government program would be more efficient and provide a better product at a lower cost

A win for the American People.....tough shit for the Insurance industry if they can't compete

Rarely if ever has a government program been more efficient and provided a better product at a lower cost then a free market program. I've worked for the government for most of my adult life and I know this is total crap.

It's pretty simple....government doesn't have to compete for your money so there is no incentive to provide good service. The reason is that the government doesn't make a profit and it doesn't have to answer to stockholders. Usually you're stuck having to put up with less then competitive workers who really don't have the desire nor the incentive to do their best because their job doesn't depend on service to the customer suffers. Customer isn't really a good name for those who use government benefits. Slave would be a bit more accurate.

Governments don't have to compete by cutting costs and provide better services because they'll always have people lined up to take advantage of their programs. Many times programs are run by people who aren't the best and politics tends to be more important then production and skill. Quotas are used to replace lost workers rather then skill levels and experience because government is purely political in nature rather then using a common-sense approach in everything. What looks good matters more then what is the best. It's like in the Army where a fresh coat of paint is more desirable then something that actually works when needed.

If you are so convinced that the Government cannot produce a service that would cost less and provide better service than the private sector why are you terrified of them competing with the private sector.
If private insurance offers a better product at a lower cost.....nobody will select the Government Option

So why are you so afraid to allow other Americans the choice?

Because folks like Obama don't want that. They want us to have one choice.

Plus any program the government gets into law always ends up costing more then was promised and ends up being an Albatross around our necks. Social Security, Medicare, now Health Care. Half our earnings will be deducted from our check just to pay for all of this shit....shit that I'll never be able to collect.
Rarely if ever has a government program been more efficient and provided a better product at a lower cost then a free market program. I've worked for the government for most of my adult life and I know this is total crap.

It's pretty simple....government doesn't have to compete for your money so there is no incentive to provide good service. The reason is that the government doesn't make a profit and it doesn't have to answer to stockholders. Usually you're stuck having to put up with less then competitive workers who really don't have the desire nor the incentive to do their best because their job doesn't depend on service to the customer suffers. Customer isn't really a good name for those who use government benefits. Slave would be a bit more accurate.

Governments don't have to compete by cutting costs and provide better services because they'll always have people lined up to take advantage of their programs. Many times programs are run by people who aren't the best and politics tends to be more important then production and skill. Quotas are used to replace lost workers rather then skill levels and experience because government is purely political in nature rather then using a common-sense approach in everything. What looks good matters more then what is the best. It's like in the Army where a fresh coat of paint is more desirable then something that actually works when needed.

If you are so convinced that the Government cannot produce a service that would cost less and provide better service than the private sector why are you terrified of them competing with the private sector.
If private insurance offers a better product at a lower cost.....nobody will select the Government Option

So why are you so afraid to allow other Americans the choice?

Because folks like Obama don't want that. They want us to have one choice.

Plus any program the government gets into law always ends up costing more then was promised and ends up being an Albatross around our necks. Social Security, Medicare, now Health Care. Half our earnings will be deducted from our check just to pay for all of this shit....shit that I'll never be able to collect.

For a guy who already admitted not understanding or even reading the healthcare bill you sure do have a lot of uninformed opinions. You conduct your entire life like that?
Rarely if ever has a government program been more efficient and provided a better product at a lower cost then a free market program. I've worked for the government for most of my adult life and I know this is total crap.

It's pretty simple....government doesn't have to compete for your money so there is no incentive to provide good service. The reason is that the government doesn't make a profit and it doesn't have to answer to stockholders. Usually you're stuck having to put up with less then competitive workers who really don't have the desire nor the incentive to do their best because their job doesn't depend on service to the customer suffers. Customer isn't really a good name for those who use government benefits. Slave would be a bit more accurate.

Governments don't have to compete by cutting costs and provide better services because they'll always have people lined up to take advantage of their programs. Many times programs are run by people who aren't the best and politics tends to be more important then production and skill. Quotas are used to replace lost workers rather then skill levels and experience because government is purely political in nature rather then using a common-sense approach in everything. What looks good matters more then what is the best. It's like in the Army where a fresh coat of paint is more desirable then something that actually works when needed.

If you are so convinced that the Government cannot produce a service that would cost less and provide better service than the private sector why are you terrified of them competing with the private sector.
If private insurance offers a better product at a lower cost.....nobody will select the Government Option

So why are you so afraid to allow other Americans the choice?

Because folks like Obama don't want that. They want us to have one choice.

Plus any program the government gets into law always ends up costing more then was promised and ends up being an Albatross around our necks. Social Security, Medicare, now Health Care. Half our earnings will be deducted from our check just to pay for all of this shit....shit that I'll never be able to collect.
No they don't...thats why single payer was not proposed

They wanted you to be able to CHOOSE a private or government insurer

It was the REPUBLICANS who only wanted you to have one choice

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