The Dem's answer to Sarah Palin"

Book smarts mean shit in the real world. Common sense and logic will get you just as far if you apply yourself. Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course. But a politician with a college degree but no real world experience is nothing more than dangerous.
Senator Wendy Davis has a law degree from Harvard.

And? I presume her vote is no more valid in the political realm than a retired soldier serving his constituents.

I think you missed the point.
I responded to your post where you said, "Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course."
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


Book smarts mean shit in the real world. Common sense and logic will get you just as far if you apply yourself. Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course. But a politician with a college degree but no real world experience is nothing more than dangerous.
Senator Wendy Davis has a law degree from Harvard.

Maybe she can explain the concept of Judicial Review to Obama?
Haven't the last two presidents had degrees from Harvard? Think about that.

One was earned and the other paid for by a rich daddy.
One of them was a C student and the other was president of the Harvard Law Review.
Care to guess which?

One released his transcripts, and he flew jet fighters in the Air National Guard.

One won't release his transcripts to hide poor grades and affirmative action, and heck, if you think America has 57 states, affirmative action is the only thing that can get you in Harvard. This guy also loves America-hating terrorists.

Care to guess which?
Noted that no one can build Palin up and the attempts to tear down Davis have failed.

Go back to evidence, folks, instead of the smears.
this ^ is coming from the same poster that stated the GOP is overly white.
So, what exactly does overly white mean?

it means the majority of voters are white.simple is hard for you huh?

the key word is "overly"

The key word is lie. I've never and will never ever use the word overly lol...but watch SB he follows me around saying the same made up stuff when he doesn't have a point. Hey sweety
Noted that no one can build Palin up and the attempts to tear down Davis have failed.

Go back to evidence, folks, instead of the smears.

Note that you've completely ignored people building up Palin.

Note that the burden is on you to build Davis up.

There is no reason to think she is any more significant than Palin. Why? Because she's pro abortion?

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