The Dem's answer to Sarah Palin"

Steph already ragged on the lady about her bra and about her tight skirt. Next she'll say everyone is sexist and wonder why everyone is like this


this ^ is coming from the same poster that stated the GOP is overly white.
So, what exactly does overly white mean?

it means the majority of voters are white.simple is hard for you huh?

Pub conventioneers are less than 1% minorities. End of story. Minorities know where the racists are...
I'm sure Davis will do fine. She seems to be a nice woman, and she's obviously smarter than the vast maj of us. I don't think she can win a state wide race in Texas ... yet.

What evidence is there that she is "obviously smarter than the vast maj of us"? Or any of us whatsoever?
So many of you salivating over how she looks. 2 points

1. Your shallowness is showing

2. She would likely laugh you off your keyboard before you could wipe the drool from your chin.
Very good, Grampa. Even Sarah, much less Wendy, would not descend the shallowness of the level some are posting.
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So many of you salivating over how she looks. 2 points

1. Your shallowness is showing

2. She would likely laugh you off your keyboard before you could wipe the drool from your chin.
Why, thank you, I resemble that remark...

Lighten up... just a little lightweight banter to break-up the worst of the self-righteous partisanship...
Of course there is, and one that males can never win, white or black or polka dot.
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


Book smarts mean shit in the real world. Common sense and logic will get you just as far if you apply yourself. Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course. But a politician with a college degree but no real world experience is nothing more than dangerous.
Senator Wendy Davis has a law degree from Harvard.
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


Book smarts mean shit in the real world. Common sense and logic will get you just as far if you apply yourself. Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course. But a politician with a college degree but no real world experience is nothing more than dangerous.
Senator Wendy Davis has a law degree from Harvard.

And? I presume her vote is no more valid in the political realm than a retired soldier serving his constituents.

I think you missed the point.
Not really, Gramps. Post high school education, whether college or votech or specialized training, has a substantial place in modern life.

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