The Dem's answer to Sarah Palin"

Quit pretending to be Republican, buckeyes, when you are only a racist reactionary.

Davis is a class exemplar to young women seeking a political career (so far), while Palin has shown in her mistakes some paths to avoid.

you're full of shit Jake, Again I love to beat this drum Jake..........I love fakers...Jake again when was this republican panacea without the "reactionaries" if you crap me up, shall I kick your ass on the southern strategy...again Oh and again bringing up racism in a thread not related to it.....yep Jake, you're a leftwing liberal, thanks for proving it once again
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When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


how do you know this woman didn't get where she is from being on her back? so now the filibuster is wonderful? we thought you lefties were against those, or just when a republican does it I guess..and so she went to Harvard, is that code that we should all bow down to her?

you on the left are some shallow people

And obviously from your comments you didn't bother to read a word about her outside of my post.

what comments? Stephanie asked questions. Questions you didn't address.
I know, I am not equipped with the mental capacity to understand the comedy stylings of a lunch lady

Just because you lack mental capacity now, doesn't mean you cant learn in the future. We can all educate ourselves. you just need to actually try sometime.
buckeyes, you are not a Republican at all, so your drumming and bumming mean not a thing. And you have had you but kicked a dozen times by a dozen different folks from right to left on the southern strategy. Racism? Chum, when you are involved, racism is always involved. :lol:

Now to the OP: Sarah Palin had her chance to do something amazing and failed. Let's see what Wendy Davis can do.
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buckeyes, you are not a Republican at all, so your drumming and bumming mean not a thing. And you have had you but kicked a dozen times by a dozen different folks from right to left on the southern strategy. Racism? Chum, when you are involved, racism is always involved. :lol:

Now to the OP: Sarah Palin had her chance to do something amazing and failed. Let's see what Wendy Davis can do.

Let's pray Davis' best doesn't entail a reality tv show.
oh gawd who takes jake at anything he rambles on about..

good grief..Palin had her shot, now it's this woman turn..well, she already turned me off by protesting a bill on late term abortions..what a thing to make a name over...she is no lady in my eyes..another Sandra Fluke in tight dress..
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buckeyes, you are not a Republican at all, so your drumming and bumming mean not a thing. And you have had you but kicked a dozen times by a dozen different folks from right to left on the southern strategy. Racism? Chum, when you are involved, racism is always involved. :lol:

Now to the OP: Sarah Palin had her chance to do something amazing and failed. Let's see what Wendy Davis can do.

Let's pray Davis' best doesn't entail a reality tv show.

Maybe a Palin-Davis reality show based in and on Tulsa Christian Woman Showdown: Hair, Nails, Cosmetics, scripture quoting. Maybe they could invite Steph.

Nah, that is awful.

Let's hop you are right.
I'm sure Davis will do fine. She seems to be a nice woman, and she's obviously smarter than the vast maj of us. I don't think she can win a state wide race in Texas ... yet.
She is a woman in Texas is the main problem for her in winning state wide elections.

Ann Richards only won against Claytie because of his stupid misogynist mouth in the last ten days of the race for governor.
go stalk someone else you creepy little stalker...or get a fucking life
You're too stupid to understand the joke anyway..

I know, I am not equipped with the mental capacity to understand the comedy stylings of a lunch lady

you're not equipped for anything worthwhile..just run around making snotty commentsand my comedy style come from 20 years of being a bartender...I could wipe the floor with you and then kick you ass out the door..

I have no more time for someone like you.... see ya

You're right Steph, Why didn't I focus on her needing a better fitting bra like the serious people, you?
she looks like a hussy and need's a new bra if she's going to show those things

This is probably the best example of Steph in a nutshell. empty, vapid and childish

Pretty accurate picture of yourself their closed. Vapid is exactally what your points seem what did the Huffpo tell you to say today?

Is this a game or sorts? I quote someone saying something stupid then someone quotes me and says "Their rubber you're glue"?
oh gawd who takes jake at anything he rambles on about..

good grief..Palin had her shot, now it's this woman turn..well, she already turned me off by protesting a bill on late term abortions..what a thing to make a name over...she is no lady in my eyes..another Sandra Fluke in tight dress..

Nobody cares lunch lady..
You have something against tight dresses? Can you not wear one because of the hump?
I know, I am not equipped with the mental capacity to understand the comedy stylings of a lunch lady

you're not equipped for anything worthwhile..just run around making snotty commentsand my comedy style come from 20 years of being a bartender...I could wipe the floor with you and then kick you ass out the door..

I have no more time for someone like you.... see ya

You're right Steph, Why didn't I focus on her needing a better fitting bra like the serious people, you?

Isnt it funny how steph only does exactly what see whines about the left doing?
I mean what can be more snotty than saying."woman in a tight dress"?
She is a hero of retards.
she looks like a hussy and need's a new bra if she's going to show those things

so she stood up for late term abortions, being able to kill a full term baby...what a woman

Sexist...why do you hate women?
Why you so snotty steph? Why are you a hypocrite?
Steph already ragged on the lady about her bra and about her tight skirt. Next she'll say everyone is sexist and wonder why everyone is like this

Our party is overly white in relation to the demography of the country.

The GOP needs to reach out sincerely to minorities, women, and immigrants.

We can no longer rely on the far right and social traditionalists for national victories: those days are over.

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