The Dem's answer to Sarah Palin"

Liberal adj.
2. Free from prejudice or bigotry, open-minded, tolerant, not bound by traditional ideas, values, etc., characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts.

This is too funny seeing as how liberals are the most prejudiced, bigoted, close minded and intolerant sons a bitches on the planet.

I'd pay attention to who wants to defund Planned Parenthood, keep gays in the closet and make sure black people can't vote in any election ever again.

They are the same people who outsource jobs at a faster pace than they can pay their illegal lawn service guy to blow their driveways and clean their pools,
all the while saying we need to shoot Mexicans at the border and
"build the damn fence

you have all the talking points down...and some too stupid to take seriously...we need to shoot Mexicans..
you should know what you are talking about instead of being a parrot..:eusa_shhh:

The parrot calling someone else a parrot...thats funny..
One was earned and the other paid for by a rich daddy.
One of them was a C student and the other was president of the Harvard Law Review.
Care to guess which?

which one has his college records sealed?

no one knows how obama paid his college bills.

Every president has them sealed. Bush was leaked by a hacker.

not true, clinton's records were public, Bush's military records were leaked by a hacker, he released his college records during the campaign.

But no president has ever paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight every attempt to have a look at obama's columbia and harvard records. NO ONE knows how he paid the very expensive tuition at those schools. NO ONE knows if he registered as a foreign student or as a muslim.
Haven't the last two presidents had degrees from Harvard? Think about that.

One was earned and the other paid for by a rich daddy.
One of them was a C student and the other was president of the Harvard Law Review.
Care to guess which?

And neither has been very impressive as President so forgive me for not being as easily impressed by a Havard degree as some.
which one has his college records sealed?

no one knows how obama paid his college bills.

Every president has them sealed. Bush was leaked by a hacker.

not true, clinton's records were public, Bush's military records were leaked by a hacker, he released his college records during the campaign.

But no president has ever paid lawyers over a million dollars to fight every attempt to have a look at obama's columbia and harvard records. NO ONE knows how he paid the very expensive tuition at those schools. NO ONE knows if he registered as a foreign student or as a muslim.

When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


Book smarts mean shit in the real world. Common sense and logic will get you just as far if you apply yourself. Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course. But a politician with a college degree but no real world experience is nothing more than dangerous.
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


Book smarts mean shit in the real world. Common sense and logic will get you just as far if you apply yourself. Doctors & lawyers withstanding of course. But a politician with a college degree but no real world experience is nothing more than dangerous.

yep, we have one now who is President and he out tear us down
When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.


wow the OP has gotten owned several times and he tries to compare this two bit harlot to Palin? LOLOLOLO

so a question, does she guilt trip her kids, with do what I say because I could have aborted your ass!!!!!!!!!!!
Wendy Davis is a classy articulate liberal women with ideas, not all of them with which I agree.

Sarah Palin is a woman who had a flash in the plan moment, could have yet failed to change the American political scene, then ended any real personal impact with the crosshair ads that she pulled down immediately after Gabby was hot and several were murdered.

Let's give Davis some time to see if she can screw up spectacularly as Palin.
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Wendy Davis is a classy articular liberal women with ideas, not all of them with which I agree.

Sarah Palin is a woman who had a flash in the plan moment, could have yet failed to change the American political scene, then ended any real personal impact with the crosshair ads that she pulled down immediately after Gabby was hot and several were murdered.

Let's give Davis some time to see if she can screw up spectacularly as Palin.

go pretend to someone else Jake, maybe your hedonist, commie republican party you talk so much about, although Im not sure when it existed.
Quit pretending to be Republican, buckeyes, when you are only a racist reactionary.

Davis is a class exemplar to young women seeking a political career (so far), while Palin has shown in her mistakes some paths to avoid.
she looks like a hussy and need's a new bra if she's going to show those things

This is probably the best example of Steph in a nutshell. empty, vapid and childish

go stalk someone else you creepy little stalker...or get a fucking life
You're too stupid to understand the joke anyway..

I know, I am not equipped with the mental capacity to understand the comedy stylings of a lunch lady
This is probably the best example of Steph in a nutshell. empty, vapid and childish

go stalk someone else you creepy little stalker...or get a fucking life
You're too stupid to understand the joke anyway..

I know, I am not equipped with the mental capacity to understand the comedy stylings of a lunch lady

you're not equipped for anything worthwhile..just run around making snotty comments
and my comedy style come from 20 years of being a bartender...I could wipe the floor with you and then kick you ass out the door..

I have no more time for someone like you.... see ya
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When the left wants a great looking woman to stand up in front of a crowd and bring them to their feet, they get one with a Harvard degree, a goal and the stamina to filibuster for 12 hours on the senate floor and turn Texas on its ear.

Not some quitter from Alaska who got where she is today on her back with PAC money and a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members.

1) Please provide any evidence that Sarah got where she is on her back.

2) Please explain why having a degree from Harvard somehow makes you smarter than if you have a degree from any school or even if you do independent studies and learn on your own through life experience.

3) Please explain how Sarah could have gotten anywhere with PAC money when she didn't have a PAC until after she was Governor of Alaska.

4) Please tell me how Sarah is where she is because of a map full of cross-hair targets of left wing congress members. How is this map relevant to anything other than an illustration of where they were going to help elect better representatives?

5) Please tell me why you think trying to prevent a bill that keeps children alive and provides for a better standard of care for women is somehow a bad thing?

6) Please explain why you think anything you've written in this thread is based on anything intelligent
Liberal adj.
2. Free from prejudice or bigotry, open-minded, tolerant, not bound by traditional ideas, values, etc., characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts.

This is too funny seeing as how liberals are the most prejudiced, bigoted, close minded and intolerant sons a bitches on the planet.

I'd pay attention to who wants to defund Planned Parenthood, keep gays in the closet and make sure black people can't vote in any election ever again.

They are the same people who outsource jobs at a faster pace than they can pay their illegal lawn service guy to blow their driveways and clean their pools, all the while saying we need to shoot Mexicans at the border and "build the damn fence".

Is anyone trying to prevent planned parenthood from recieving private donations? Then no one is trying to defund them. They aren't entitled to Tax payer money.

Who exactly is trying to keep blacks from voting? Or trying to keep gays in the closet?

Do you have an independent thought in your body or is all you are sound clips from the latest Democrat talking points?

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