The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.

Here's the truth

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- NYMag

The civil rights movement was never a far left wing movement. More revisionist history.

The left tries to take credit for anything they think is good. Not surprising when you consider so much of what they actually do turns out badly. I can understand that they started to love blacks under LBJ, of course he used a different name then blacks for them. But it is beyond my understanding of how the democrats can not apologize for the sins of their past and blacks call themselves democrats.
The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.

Here's the truth

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- NYMag

The civil rights movement was never a far left wing movement. More revisionist history.

The left tries to take credit for anything they think is good. Not surprising when you consider so much of what they actually do turns out badly. I can understand that they started to love blacks under LBJ, of course he used a different name then blacks for them. But it is beyond my understanding of how the democrats can not apologize for the sins of their past and blacks call themselves democrats.

It isn't 'their' past. Those Democrats are dead.
A typically misleading article that the rubes on the Left eat up.
What does it mean to be "left" or "right" on civil rights issues today? It sure isnt the same thing it meant in 1965. In 1965 those on the "right" presumably were in favor of racial restrictions, in favor of racial quotas. In 2014 those same positions are held by those on the "left".
Racism never left the Democratic Party.

OMG lol.
Translation: That man's brilliant observations went waaay over my head,.

You're an idiot. What racial restrictions that were supported by Southern segregationists are now supported by liberals?
Dems re write history? When Repubs are already re writing the legacy of George Bush? I figure that by the next Presidential election that Obama will be responsible for the economic collapse, the Iraq war and 9/11. While he was still a Senator.

Of course Bush was such a fuck up I can see why the Repubs feel a re write is in order.

And the ground work for blaming Obama for the next Presidents (should it be a Republican) problems is already being laid.

How Obama with those skinny little shoulders of his is going to carry the weight of every Republican fuck up for the past 30 years is a burden he shouldn't have to carry.

But you sure as hell can't expect a Republican to man up and admit their mistakes. Easier to re write history and put it on FOX News as the truth.
Just ran across this you need proof.


Politico Runs Story On GOP And Race, Uses Pic Of Democrat George Wallace…
Well done, Politico.

Story here…
HT: Instapundit
151 92 54 2
ZIP | September 30, 2014 6:28 pm

Politico Runs Story On GOP And Race Uses Pic Of Democrat George Wallace 8230 Weasel Zippers
The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.

Here's the truth

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- NYMag

The civil rights movement was never a far left wing movement. More revisionist history.

The left tries to take credit for anything they think is good. Not surprising when you consider so much of what they actually do turns out badly. I can understand that they started to love blacks under LBJ, of course he used a different name then blacks for them. But it is beyond my understanding of how the democrats can not apologize for the sins of their past and blacks call themselves democrats.

It isn't 'their' past. Those Democrats are dead

Oh yes, using semantics makes the past of the democrat party oh so better.
You know full well why the democrat party doesn't apologize, because if they do then they admit it happened and they own it. By not doing the manly thing and taking responsibility they hope to switch responsibility to the Republicans. Which admittedly they have done very well.

Time for blacks to wake up.
50 years ago? LOOK, if dumb ass liberals had not failed African Americans so completely in every way possible they would not have to go back 50 years in an attempt to gin up a racism charge against the right now would they. The left fears losing its grip on minorities. Their argument is okay we suck we failed you we have our heads up our ass BUT the right is racist so keep voting left.
The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.
brilliant by liberscum standards is my guess. :up:

:fu: ................ :asshole:
You idiots should at least read the material you post:

No figure was more crucial to the spread of the movement than Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a Democrat, who burst on to the national scene in 1963, first by demanding “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” during his inaugural address and a few months later by physically blocking two African-American students—the first in the school’s history—from attending the University of Alabama. Overnight, Wallace became not only a hero to the white South, but also the most potent symbol of racial resistance in the country.

Read more:
Point? Wallace was a racist as the article points out and a dimwit, go figure.
This is rich. Lefwing hacksite Politico has a bit of racialist propaganda aimed at Low Info types. They are attempting to gin up the GOP Racism canard...with a photo of George Wallace.

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine

Too funny by half.

View attachment 32421
What part of history do you claim that article attempts to rewrite?
Yes, Wallace was a Democrat. Show me where the article tried to assert otherwise.
You idiots should at least read the material you post:

No figure was more crucial to the spread of the movement than Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a Democrat, who burst on to the national scene in 1963, first by demanding “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” during his inaugural address and a few months later by physically blocking two African-American students—the first in the school’s history—from attending the University of Alabama. Overnight, Wallace became not only a hero to the white South, but also the most potent symbol of racial resistance in the country.

Read more:

The intended consumers of that article, left wingers, are more impressed by pictures than by words.
This is rich. Lefwing hacksite Politico has a bit of racialist propaganda aimed at Low Info types. They are attempting to gin up the GOP Racism canard...with a photo of George Wallace.

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine

Too funny by half.

View attachment 32421
What part of history do you claim that article attempts to rewrite?

Of course he was a Democrat.. Geezez.

What ideology was he Stephanie?

Liberal or Conservative?
The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.

Here's the truth

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- NYMag

The civil rights movement was never a far left wing movement. More revisionist history.

The left tries to take credit for anything they think is good. Not surprising when you consider so much of what they actually do turns out badly. I can understand that they started to love blacks under LBJ, of course he used a different name then blacks for them. But it is beyond my understanding of how the democrats can not apologize for the sins of their past and blacks call themselves democrats.

It isn't 'their' past. Those Democrats are dead.
No,no, they all moved to the GOP. Don't you read these boards?
A typically misleading article that the rubes on the Left eat up.
What does it mean to be "left" or "right" on civil rights issues today? It sure isnt the same thing it meant in 1965. In 1965 those on the "right" presumably were in favor of racial restrictions, in favor of racial quotas. In 2014 those same positions are held by those on the "left".
Racism never left the Democratic Party.

OMG lol.
Translation: That man's brilliant observations went waaay over my head,.

You're an idiot. What racial restrictions that were supported by Southern segregationists are now supported by liberals?
Quotas for blacks.

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