I don't treat trolls like you with respect. What part of that did you not understand?You just proved my point. Thank you, little troll.When you post a hit piece by a liberal hack before you ask your question, it is trolling and rhetorical. If you had simply asked your question without the slanted qualification I would have dignified it with a serious answer. But since it's obvious you are trolling, you can expect to be bitch slapped. And your name calling doesn't exactly inspire people to take you seriously or treat you with respect. That's what you should know before engaging me further.Not upset in the least, and your question doesn't really deserve a response, being that it is trolling and rhetorical. I just like to piss in your corn flakes when you think you're being funny or relevant.
You -- an obvious conservative -- think "Why do you support Trump and What is it about Trumps policies or stance that resonates the most with you" is trolling? Is there something I should know about you before engaging with you further? Perhaps that you are retarded?
So, to recap, I should know that you are an extremely thin-skinned conservative, Trump ball gurgling hack. Got it.
What "point" have you ever made? You couldn't make a "point" if your Trump ball gurgling life depended on it. Chump.
Now, man up, put on your big boy pants, stop being such a typical conservative PUSSY that whines "Mommy there's a big mean troll here" every time someone criticizes your beloved Trump and answer the questions..