The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

LOL. Is that what you believe?

Which type of demagoguery do you feel, "this article is a prime example of demagoguery in action"?

Here's a reference which may help, or expose you:

Demagoguery An Attempt at Classification -

The democratic party actively engages in the act of disseminating false and misleading information for the purpose of slandering and libeling enemies of the party. This is done to gain and retain political power.

No different from when the Nazis did it, no different than when the Khmer Rouge did it.

Yet you defend it - as do all the left. The real issue is that democrats have purged integrity from the party.
I remember watching Bill Maher's show when it was on ABC, after it was on cable but before it went back to cable...and he had former Eagles singer Don Henley on...he is a rabid leftists...and they were talking about Walden Pond and saving it...he said that they had to lie about the issue because the lumber companies had more money and could pay for expensive PR firms...and he said that Churchiill agree that the Americans will do the right thing, but it takes them a long time to get their lying was also intended to get Americans concerned, faster...

And I have seen other liberal rockers...the band who wrote Tub Thumping told Mahers audience to steal the song from large record stores...but not smaller record stores who needed the money...

Liberals really do believe that they must do absolutely anything to get their agenda moved forward...

as Dennis Prager and other conservatives point out...Conservatives think liberals are wrong...liberals think conservatives are evil....I am slowly beginning to think that that isn't the case and that liberals may not be evil....but they sure support ideas that are....
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.

Tell me Wabitt, how many people voted for Wallace only because he was a racist? How do you know what motivated people to vote for Wallace? You barely have enough information to properly tie your shoes.

Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

So Wallace's progressivism, or populism, or both, did not include his racism/segregationist beliefs. That is what you're saying.

That is what we're saying.
LOL (again) another new effort by a RWer to establish a universal truth which isn't, by an appeal to ignorance and an appeal to authority.

BTW, have you yet figured out the type of demagoguery you alleged?

Again, I point out that democrats are shameless liars. Anyone who cares to check can easily confirm that the segregationists were leftists. Will you humiliate yourself for your filthy party by claiming that Fritz Hollings was "conservative?"

Ernest Hollings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh but that doesn't count, right? I mean whitey votes Republican - democrats hate whitey - ergo the Segregationists were Republican. Party above all, amirite?

So what about Faubus? You lying fucks love to claim he was "conservative," doncha?

Orval Faubus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The civil rights movement, while a victory on many levels, was also the origin of our present morass.

"It spawned a powerful national 'white resistance' countermovement that decisively altered the racial geography of American politics, pushing the national Democratic and Republican parties off center and toward their ideological margins, undermining the centrist policy convergence of the postwar period and setting the parties on the divisive course they remain on today.

"Many will blame today’s unprecedented political polarization on recent events, such as the rise of the Tea Party or Obama’s election in 2008, but they will be wrong.

"The seeds of America’s dysfunction were planted 50 years ago. And the ugly politics of race had everything to do with it.

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine

Conservatives, Democrat and Republican alike, overwhelmingly supported the status quo of racial segregation fifty years ago just as they support racist attacks on Islam today.

Somethings never change:alirulz:

It's funny that this was all settling - until Barack Obama and his brand of racist hatred came on the scene.

Oh and WHAT national white resistance? Like most leftists, McAdam is making shit up out of thin air.
Democrat good, republican bad. Neither party will do much to stop the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Still, a democrat will help you when you're down, a republican will kick you when you're down, as many posts on these forums prove. This thread is about repubs accusing dems trying to reinvent themselves. All I see is the opposite. Republicans trying to compare democrats to nazis, kkk'ers, racists, on and on. Please mr. nigg... I mean black man, come to the warm embrace of the loving republicans, we're the ones that set you free and all that. Get your lazy asses off welfare, then register republican.
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.

Tell me Wabitt, how many people voted for Wallace only because he was a racist? How do you know what motivated people to vote for Wallace? You barely have enough information to properly tie your shoes.

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

So Wallace's progressivism, or populism, or both, did not include his racism/segregationist beliefs. That is what you're saying.

That is what we're saying.
Is that the sound of reality crashing your tiny brain with the realization that once you strip out the racial angle Wallace was a progressive/populist and therefore right at home in today's Democrat Party? You know, what I've been saying here for pages and pages?
LOL (again) another new effort by a RWer to establish a universal truth which isn't, by an appeal to ignorance and an appeal to authority.

BTW, have you yet figured out the type of demagoguery you alleged?

Again, I point out that democrats are shameless liars. Anyone who cares to check can easily confirm that the segregationists were leftists. Will you humiliate yourself for your filthy party by claiming that Fritz Hollings was "conservative?"

Ernest Hollings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh but that doesn't count, right? I mean whitey votes Republican - democrats hate whitey - ergo the Segregationists were Republican. Party above all, amirite?

So what about Faubus? You lying fucks love to claim he was "conservative," doncha?

Orval Faubus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Too funny, a lying piece of dog crap complaining about liars. find that post you accused me of making yet?
"The civil rights movement, while a victory on many levels, was also the origin of our present morass.

"It spawned a powerful national 'white resistance' countermovement that decisively altered the racial geography of American politics, pushing the national Democratic and Republican parties off center and toward their ideological margins, undermining the centrist policy convergence of the postwar period and setting the parties on the divisive course they remain on today.

"Many will blame today’s unprecedented political polarization on recent events, such as the rise of the Tea Party or Obama’s election in 2008, but they will be wrong.

"The seeds of America’s dysfunction were planted 50 years ago. And the ugly politics of race had everything to do with it.

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine

Conservatives, Democrat and Republican alike, overwhelmingly supported the status quo of racial segregation fifty years ago just as they support racist attacks on Islam today.

Somethings never change:alirulz:

It's funny that this was all settling - until Barack Obama and his brand of racist hatred came on the scene.

Oh and WHAT national white resistance? Like most leftists, McAdam is making shit up out of thin air.
How do you explain the electoral swing between 1956 and 1964 if not for national white resistance to the Civil Rights Act?

"Compare the 1964 map to its 1956 counterpart, showing Dwight Eisenhower’s equally lopsided win in the earlier year.

"In 1956 the 'solid South' holds true to its historic allegiance to the Democratic Party, even in the face of Eisenhower’s sweep of the rest of the country.

"Eight years later, the South is out of step with the nation once again, this time in a way that no one could have imagined in 1956.

"The votes of the Deep South now belonged to the Republican Party and, more tellingly, to its conservative, anti-civil rights candidate, Goldwater.

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine
When old Abe and the Republican party raised that slavery thing, self respecting conservative southerners became Democrats. They were Democrat in name but not in philosophy, but they had no other place to go. So the Democrat party ended up with the solid south conservatives voting Democratic those Democrats had different beliefs than the Democratic party. Then FDR started the splitting those Southern Democrats off from the Democratic party. Oh they wanted the votes but just not them. Truman gave the Southern conservative Democrats the biggest shove out of the party. It was tough to lose all those southern votes but it was done. The south tried their own party but it didn't work so they bit the bullet and joined the (ugh) party of Lincoln. The conservative southerner is now a Republican in name and philosophy, but that split causes as much confusion, as did the liberals of the founding period calling themselves Republicans. Conservatives today love to play with those names because they can make Jefferson a conservative and George Wallace a Democrat.

Regent, you're a fucking retard.

Southerners were never "Republican." The Republican Party died after Thomas Jefferson left office, with the Whigs and the filthy, shameful democrats arising from the ashes. Andrew Jackson founded the filthy, shameful democrats and instantly engage in the vile, racist act known as the "Trail of Tears."

No one again used the name "Republican" until Lincoln - you drooling moron. So how did all those "conservatives" become filthy, shameful democrats, fucktard?

Racism was, is, and always will be the foundation of the filthy, shameful democrats.

I point to regent as evidence that the rank and file democrat is stupid as a turnip, with zero education.
The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?


If you had nothing to offer the working/middle class wouldn't you?
A typically misleading article that the rubes on the Left eat up.
What does it mean to be "left" or "right" on civil rights issues today? It sure isnt the same thing it meant in 1965. In 1965 those on the "right" presumably were in favor of racial restrictions, in favor of racial quotas. In 2014 those same positions are held by those on the "left".
Racism never left the Democratic Party.

The "left" and the "right" meant exactly the same thing in 1950-65 as it does today.

Orval Faubus - the democrat who famously brought out the Arkansas national guard to block black students from entering Little Rock high school, only to be kicked back into the DNC gutter by Republican Dwight Eisenhower is often claimed by leftists to be a "conservative." Except a little research and one finds that Faubus, a bona fide hero of WWI, came back from the war and joined the COMMUNIST PARTY. When FDR was elected, Faubus switched to the democrats, stating the the goals of FDR and the goals of Communism were one and the same.

So was Faubus a "Conservative Communist?" It's utter stupidity - part of the "big lie" campaign of the filthy democratic party. But Faubus is just one democrat scumbag, what about others? What about Fritz Hollings - famous Klansman and racist? I mean, he was surely conservative, right? Well no, Hollings was leader of the far left through the Clinton Administration. How about Klansman Albert Gore - father of Algore - Pope of the AGW religion. Also far left, big government, welfare state advocate. Or maybe the infamous Eugene "Bull" Connor? Nope, Connor was a self-described Socialist. He viewed Negroes as a natural menial labor force for a Socialist state,

The Segregationists were the radical left of the party - racism and leftism are Siamese twins,
"Orval Faubus joined the Communist party... Al Gore was a Klansman....Bull Conner was a self-described Socialist."


This thread gets funnier by the minute.

Counting on the stupid people to not know better unny?

Are ya stupid?

Of course you are - you're a democrat.

Albert Gore Sr. was indeed a Klansman.

So here’s what happened: Our intrepid reporter, Caputo, went over to the convention center Thursday, registered under his own name and address as an “expo only” attendee and got a pass that gave him access to the speech. Then he covered it and wrote about it. It was that easy.

Purists might contend that was unethical. To me, it was like crashing a Ku Klux Klan rally. Gore didn’t want coverage. We think he deserved it.}

Freakonomics What 8217 s Al Gore Have in Common With the Ku Klux Klan

As I said, this is not Pope Algore - high priest of the AGW cult, but rather his father.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.

Tell me Wabitt, how many people voted for Wallace only because he was a racist? How do you know what motivated people to vote for Wallace? You barely have enough information to properly tie your shoes.

Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

So Wallace's progressivism, or populism, or both, did not include his racism/segregationist beliefs. That is what you're saying.

That is what we're saying.
Is that the sound of reality crashing your tiny brain with the realization that once you strip out the racial angle Wallace was a progressive/populist and therefore right at home in today's Democrat Party? You know, what I've been saying here for pages and pages?

Wallace was a states rights populist. That usually sells pretty good in the South.
Ideologies remain the same.

Parties throughout history, change.

It's the ideology that matters.

Also, when it comes to the Civil Rights shift in our country, it's sectional north/south.

Conservatives can't seem to grasp these factors and it's really not all that complex, but apparently a little too complex for some of them to wrap their heads around.

Comrade, with exception of Strom Thurmond, name three prominent Dixicrats who joined the Republican party.

General Notice: There will never be an answer to the above, by paperview of any leftist.
Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.

Tell me Wabitt, how many people voted for Wallace only because he was a racist? How do you know what motivated people to vote for Wallace? You barely have enough information to properly tie your shoes.

Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

So Wallace's progressivism, or populism, or both, did not include his racism/segregationist beliefs. That is what you're saying.

That is what we're saying.
Is that the sound of reality crashing your tiny brain with the realization that once you strip out the racial angle Wallace was a progressive/populist and therefore right at home in today's Democrat Party? You know, what I've been saying here for pages and pages?

Wallace was a states rights populist. That usually sells pretty good in the South.
Thanks for admitting he was a populist/progressive.
My work here is done. Wallace was not a conservative.
Democrat good, republican bad. Neither party will do much to stop the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Still, a democrat will help you when you're down, a republican will kick you when you're down, as many posts on these forums prove. This thread is about repubs accusing dems trying to reinvent themselves. All I see is the opposite. Republicans trying to compare democrats to nazis, kkk'ers, racists, on and on. Please mr. nigg... I mean black man, come to the warm embrace of the loving republicans, we're the ones that set you free and all that. Get your lazy asses off welfare, then register republican.

That's all the GOP has to offer. I sure hope the middle class wakes the fuck up.

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