The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

You do know that means miserly cheap.

Only when the left lies about them...since in major studies in charitable giving, conservatives give more money to charity and give more time to charity than liberals...mainly because the libs think that government should do that thing so they don't have to worry about the less fortunate...that is Big Brothers problem...

It also means freedom loving, equality loving, pro life...anti left...

When you lump yourself with the rich, sure, more money.
More rich people are liberals than conservative, Nimrod.
And what does the church do with that money...they help the poor....duh....
And what does the church do with that money...they help the poor....duh....

Liberals think churches are like country clubs, the money that people donate is just recycled and spent on them. Liberals are weird.
This is rich. Lefwing hacksite Politico has a bit of racialist propaganda aimed at Low Info types. They are attempting to gin up the GOP Racism canard...with a photo of George Wallace.

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine

Too funny by half.

View attachment 32421

Did you burp something?

Here is a novel idea...instead of looking at pictures, READ the fucking article...

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke is the whole John J. it, learn it...

FrontPage Magazine - The Psychology Underlying Liberalism

Altemeyer's research on authoritarianism has been challenged by psychologist John J. Ray, who questions the sampling methods used and the ability of the RWA Scale to predict authoritarian behavior and provides evidence that the RWA scale measures conservatism rather than "directiveness", a construct that John J. Ray invented and that he relates to authoritarianism. Ray's approach is, however, a minority position among researchers and other psychologists have found that both the RWA Scale and the original F-Scale are good predictors of both attitudes and behavior

Right-wing authoritarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dueling sources and "gasp" YOUR sources are the only "GOOD"sources.

Who'da thunk it.
Dueling sources and "gasp" YOUR sources are the only "GOOD"sources.

Who'da thunk it.

Well, my sources are not left wing so they are more truthful and honest...and less biased in their information...
The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?

Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
A typically misleading article that the rubes on the Left eat up.
What does it mean to be "left" or "right" on civil rights issues today? It sure isnt the same thing it meant in 1965. In 1965 those on the "right" presumably were in favor of racial restrictions, in favor of racial quotas. In 2014 those same positions are held by those on the "left".
Racism never left the Democratic Party.

It's not left or right, it's for or against. Democrats are for, Republicans are against. Simple.

Here's your link.

Did you learn that at Columbia?
LOL. What a poseur. You dont know the first thing.

none of them do, that's why we are in the gutter..these people vote over our lives
The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?

Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?

Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?

LOL, OUCH! Good comeback, Rabbi.
The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?

Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?

Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?

LOL, anyone wonder why I believe Rabbi is dumb as a bunny; from now on he's Wabbit to me.
Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.
So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.

Tell me Wabitt, how many people voted for Wallace only because he was a racist? How do you know what motivated people to vote for Wallace? You barely have enough information to properly tie your shoes.
So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.
Funny how you think my comment is "worthless drivel" when all it was, was a mirror of your failed correlation.

At any rate, despite your lunacy that Wallace was a "progressive" who supported big government ... Even Wallace would be laughing at you if he were alive today ...

"The unwelcomed, unwanted, unwarranted, and force-induced intrusion upon the campus of the University of Alabama today of the might of the central government offers frightful example of the oppression of the rights, privileges and sovereignty of this state by officers of the federal government." ~ George Wallace

"Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court" ~ George Wallace
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.
Funny how you think my comment is "worthless drivel" when all it was, was a mirror of your failed correlation.

At any rate, despite your lunacy that Wallace was a "progressive" who supported big government ... Even Wallace would be laughing at you if he were alive today ...

"The unwelcomed, unwanted, unwarranted, and force-induced intrusion upon the campus of the University of Alabama today of the might of the central government offers frightful example of the oppression of the rights, privileges and sovereignty of this state by officers of the federal government." ~ George Wallace

"Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court" ~ George Wallace
Your quotes dont support your statement.
The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Thanks so much for sharing Wabbit.

I do need to apologize for insulting all Bunnies, I had no intention to insult the intelligence of those ladies who work for Mr Heffner. They are women of substance, Wabbit's substance is the stuff kaopectate was developed to prevent.

Tell me Wabitt, how many people voted for Wallace only because he was a racist? How do you know what motivated people to vote for Wallace? You barely have enough information to properly tie your shoes.

So George Wallace won 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?
Was Jimmy Carter a liberal?

The question was, did George Wallace win 5 states in the South because he was a liberal?

Jimmy Carter was a Southern moderate, and Gerald Ford was a Republican moderate.
Carter was a liberal. Carter won the same states Wallace did.
Facts really suck when you're wrong, don't they?
Rabbi logic in a nutshell --> Oh, look ... that tree is green ... that car is green ... that must mean that car is a tree.
Not sure how you consistently post the most worthless drivel. Is it a talent?
People voted for Wallace for a variety of reasons. People also voted for Carter for a variety of reasons.
It is irrelevant and a stupid argument.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

So Wallace's progressivism, or populism, or both, did not include his racism/segregationist beliefs. That is what you're saying.

That is what we're saying.
The salient point is that once you strip out the racist baggage Wallace was a progressive. He supported big government and higher expenditures on projects to produce jobs in his states. About what Obama proposes now.

Excellent point...

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