The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

THat's the middle class that is worse off today on every measure than it was the day Bush left office?
Yeah, I hope they wake the hell up and kick every Democrat and about half the GOP out of office.

Because BushCo crashed the economy you Koch shill.
So Bush has been out of office for nearly 6 years and the economy is his fault.
Obama has been in office for nearly 6 years and the economy is not his fault.
Did you learn that at "Columbia"?? LOL!

Segregationist conservative Democrats have been out of office longer than that.
Wallace was a states rights populist. That usually sells pretty good in the South.

Wallace was also fairly moderate on non-race issues. He was a democrat, always.

But unlike Hollings and Gore, he was not a drooling socialist looking to put the Federal Government in charge of every aspect of life.

Populist is a good description of Wallace.
Wallace was a populist and progressive. He expanded state government. He engineered big projects to provide jobs and patronage. He expanded schools massively. This is why he won the last time with a majority of the black vote. ONce he dropped the racist stuff he was a Democrat through and through.

democrats are desperate to use the "Big Lie" to rewrite the racist history of their party.

No one denies that there were once MANY conservative segregationist Democrats in the Democratic Party.
Is that the sound of reality crashing your tiny brain with the realization that once you strip out the racial angle Wallace was a progressive/populist and therefore right at home in today's Democrat Party? You know, what I've been saying here for pages and pages?

Wallace was a states rights populist. That usually sells pretty good in the South.
Thanks for admitting he was a populist/progressive.
My work here is done. Wallace was not a conservative.

Except for the part where he says boldly and often:

"I am a conservative. "

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
Milton Friedman always said he was a Liberal.
You understand these terms have changed radically in 50 years, right? I mean, you're not that stupid. OK, yeah, you are.

Then explain your praise for segregationist Zell Miller.

Well, the Rabbi won't explain it, but I will.

Conservative segregationist Zell Miller, once a protege of Lester Maddox, is about the only Democrat that the Rabbi likes.

Do the math.
THat's the middle class that is worse off today on every measure than it was the day Bush left office?
Yeah, I hope they wake the hell up and kick every Democrat and about half the GOP out of office.

Because BushCo crashed the economy you Koch shill.
So Bush has been out of office for nearly 6 years and the economy is his fault.
Obama has been in office for nearly 6 years and the economy is not his fault.
Did you learn that at "Columbia"?? LOL!

Segregationist conservative Democrats have been out of office longer than that.

No, Byrd died in 2010.
You're a total fail.
Wallace was a states rights populist. That usually sells pretty good in the South.
Thanks for admitting he was a populist/progressive.
My work here is done. Wallace was not a conservative.

Except for the part where he says boldly and often:

"I am a conservative. "

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
Milton Friedman always said he was a Liberal.
You understand these terms have changed radically in 50 years, right? I mean, you're not that stupid. OK, yeah, you are.

Then explain your praise for segregationist Zell Miller.

Well, the Rabbi won't explain it, but I will.

Conservative segregationist Zell Miller, once a protege of Lester Maddox, is about the only Democrat that the Rabbi likes.

Do the math.
Are you intentionally posting stupid shit? Dont you know mom's gonna be pissed when she says you're posting here.
THat's the middle class that is worse off today on every measure than it was the day Bush left office?
Yeah, I hope they wake the hell up and kick every Democrat and about half the GOP out of office.

Because BushCo crashed the economy you Koch shill.
So Bush has been out of office for nearly 6 years and the economy is his fault.
Obama has been in office for nearly 6 years and the economy is not his fault.
Did you learn that at "Columbia"?? LOL!

Segregationist conservative Democrats have been out of office longer than that.

No, Byrd died in 2010.
You're a total fail.

Was Byrd a segregationist till he died?
Thanks for admitting he was a populist/progressive.
My work here is done. Wallace was not a conservative.

Except for the part where he says boldly and often:

"I am a conservative. "

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond
Milton Friedman always said he was a Liberal.
You understand these terms have changed radically in 50 years, right? I mean, you're not that stupid. OK, yeah, you are.

Then explain your praise for segregationist Zell Miller.

Well, the Rabbi won't explain it, but I will.

Conservative segregationist Zell Miller, once a protege of Lester Maddox, is about the only Democrat that the Rabbi likes.

Do the math.
Are you intentionally posting stupid shit? Dont you know mom's gonna be pissed when she says you're posting here.

Go ahead and deny that you admire segregationist Zell Miller. Go ahead and deny that he's one of the very few Democrats you do admire.
No one denies that there were once MANY conservative segregationist Democrats in the Democratic Party.

Actually, anyone with an IQ greater than a tin can "denies" such utter horseshit,

The Dixicrats were predominantly FDR democrats - big government, welfare state socialists.

None of them were conservatives, not even Strom.

BTW - the question no Communist will answer;

Can you name three prominent Dixicrats who changed to the Republican party, other than Thurmond?

I mean, your filthy party keeps pumping this Big Lie about how all the Segregationists became Republicans, so how about you name names, Comrade?

Hey, Democrats go to church too, so it's unlikely that they attend and don't contribute.


UNLIKE the GOPers, they give to MORE secular things. GOPers give to churches their kids go to school out. Bet honest once. Your posit is bullshit!
But I'm curious why Left States have the best education and the Right States have the lowest education.

Not so fast partner. Here's a data table I have on hand which shed some light on the issue. The big 3 State - Liberal California and New York versus Conservative Texas. Also included is the National mean. Notice the gap between the states for the category "all students" and then notice the gap between the states when the "all students" is disaggregated into race and gender categories.

A lot of those Red States are carrying a lot of baggage from under-performing black populations.

Look at Texas, for instance, in "all students" it is only 3 points above the national mean, however is 7 points above for white males, 5 points above for white females, 10 points above for black males, 8 points above for black females, 8 points above for Hispanic males, 11 points above for Hispanic females, 12 points above for Asian males, and 12 points above for Asian females.

All of that exemplary performance is swamped out by the high minority population in Texas.


Yes, red states suck and give prefertiantial treatment to whites, and?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic

The RWnuts say that Southern segregationists were liberals, the Nazis were liberals, Stalin was a liberal...

...and it's the Democrats who are trying to rewrite history?

Wallace was a progressive. Faubus was a leftist. Strip away the racism bit and they sound like Elizabeth Warren. The National Socialists were today's Democrat Party. There was nothing conservative about Stalin.
Liberals are ignorant of history and bad at math.


You do know that means miserly cheap.

Only when the left lies about them...since in major studies in charitable giving, conservatives give more money to charity and give more time to charity than liberals...mainly because the libs think that government should do that thing so they don't have to worry about the less fortunate...that is Big Brothers problem...

It also means freedom loving, equality loving, pro life...anti left...

When you lump yourself with the rich, sure, more money.
More rich people are liberals than conservative, Nimrod.


PRINCETON, NJ -- Politically, the wealthiest 1% of Americans -- those in households earning $500,000 or more annually -- are somewhat to the right of the remaining 99%, but more in terms of party identification than self-professed ideology. One-third of the nation's "1%" identify themselves as Republicans, 41% as independents, and 26% as Democrats. This is a mirror image of the "99%," a third of whom are Democrats, with 39% independents and a quarter Republicans.

When the party leanings of independents are taken into account, 57% of the nation's wealthiest adults associate themselves with the Republican Party, compared with 44% of the "99%."

Among the very wealthy, 39% say their political views are conservative, 41% call themselves moderate, and 20% liberal, similar to the percentages seen among all others.

U.S. 1 Is More Republican but Not More Conservative
But I'm curious why Left States have the best education and the Right States have the lowest education.

Not so fast partner. Here's a data table I have on hand which shed some light on the issue. The big 3 State - Liberal California and New York versus Conservative Texas. Also included is the National mean. Notice the gap between the states for the category "all students" and then notice the gap between the states when the "all students" is disaggregated into race and gender categories.

A lot of those Red States are carrying a lot of baggage from under-performing black populations.

Look at Texas, for instance, in "all students" it is only 3 points above the national mean, however is 7 points above for white males, 5 points above for white females, 10 points above for black males, 8 points above for black females, 8 points above for Hispanic males, 11 points above for Hispanic females, 12 points above for Asian males, and 12 points above for Asian females.

All of that exemplary performance is swamped out by the high minority population in Texas.


Yes, red states suck and give prefertiantial treatment to whites, and?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic


"Peer reviewed" has simply come to mean 2 or more like minded simpletons jerking each other off.

You, like most Cali's simply suck up the Pelosi/Feinstein jizz and pretend to be "intellectual".
And what does the church do with that money...they help the poor....duh....

Sure, they don't (miss)educate their kids at those churches, they 'help the poor', lol

Estimates say churches give 12%-30% of their money to the 'poor', MOST goes to buildings, costs and proselytizing!

It's good that you're picking up lingo like "peer review" but now you need to understand what it means. Raw data doesn't need to undergo peer review. The data came from the US Dept. of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics. All those tests kids take in school, in every school in every state, get fed into this database. This isn't just 500 kids in a sample, it's the whole enchilada.
And what does the church do with that money...they help the poor....duh....

Liberals think churches are like country clubs, the money that people donate is just recycled and spent on them. Liberals are weird.

No, churches don't spend money on buildings or members activities, they 'help' the poor right? lol

You think liberal charities don't have offices and PAID STAFF?
George Wallace was elected representative of the people and was acting on his belief that the federal government was abusing its constitutional authority ( which it was) at that moment in history.
LOL. Is that what you believe?

Which type of demagoguery do you feel, "this article is a prime example of demagoguery in action"?

Here's a reference which may help, or expose you:

Demagoguery An Attempt at Classification -

The democratic party actively engages in the act of disseminating false and misleading information for the purpose of slandering and libeling enemies of the party. This is done to gain and retain political power.

No different from when the Nazis did it, no different than when the Khmer Rouge did it.

Yet you defend it - as do all the left. The real issue is that democrats have purged integrity from the party.

You are projecting. Grow up and grow a brain

ONE policy conservatives have been on the correct side of history in the US the past 50 years? 100? 200? lol
I remember watching Bill Maher's show when it was on ABC, after it was on cable but before it went back to cable...and he had former Eagles singer Don Henley on...he is a rabid leftists...and they were talking about Walden Pond and saving it...he said that they had to lie about the issue because the lumber companies had more money and could pay for expensive PR firms...and he said that Churchiill agree that the Americans will do the right thing, but it takes them a long time to get their lying was also intended to get Americans concerned, faster...

And I have seen other liberal rockers...the band who wrote Tub Thumping told Mahers audience to steal the song from large record stores...but not smaller record stores who needed the money...

Liberals really do believe that they must do absolutely anything to get their agenda moved forward...

as Dennis Prager and other conservatives point out...Conservatives think liberals are wrong...liberals think conservatives are evil....I am slowly beginning to think that that isn't the case and that liberals may not be evil....but they sure support ideas that are....

Ancedotal bullshit. Prager? lol, OK, Why can't you numbnuts stick with Rushblo or Insannitty, you need to go full tilt fucking retarded Beck, Levin and Pragers on US? lol

Grow a brain. Get honest
THat's the middle class that is worse off today on every measure than it was the day Bush left office?
Yeah, I hope they wake the hell up and kick every Democrat and about half the GOP out of office.

Because BushCo crashed the economy you Koch shill.
So Bush has been out of office for nearly 6 years and the economy is his fault.
Obama has been in office for nearly 6 years and the economy is not his fault.
Did you learn that at "Columbia"?? LOL!

Segregationist conservative Democrats have been out of office longer than that.

No, Byrd died in 2010.
You're a total fail.

Was Byrd a segregationist till he died?
Was Zell Miller?

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