The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

LOL (again) another new effort by a RWer to establish a universal truth which isn't, by an appeal to ignorance and an appeal to authority.

BTW, have you yet figured out the type of demagoguery you alleged?

Again, I point out that democrats are shameless liars. Anyone who cares to check can easily confirm that the segregationists were leftists. Will you humiliate yourself for your filthy party by claiming that Fritz Hollings was "conservative?"

Ernest Hollings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh but that doesn't count, right? I mean whitey votes Republican - democrats hate whitey - ergo the Segregationists were Republican. Party above all, amirite?

So what about Faubus? You lying fucks love to claim he was "conservative," doncha?

Orval Faubus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are joking right? Segregationists were liberals? Bet they were the slave owners who fought that progressive Abe and the progressive Teddy too right? lol

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History (Again)

White Southerners jumped ship from Democratic presidential candidates in the 1960s, and this was followed by a similar shift on the congressional level, and eventually, the state legislative level. That the former two took time doesn’t discount the first.

I’m still unsure of what this revisionism is supposed to accomplish. If it’s to appeal to actual African American voters, you might want to try a different approach, since this one won’t work. But if it’s to assuage guilt and assure conservatives that they are, and have always been, on the right side of history, then—to borrow from President Obama—please proceed.

Conservatives Try to Rewrite Civil Rights History Again

Rewriting History

You see, a half-century ago the Republican party was virtually nonexistent south of the Mason Dixon Line. Oh, sure, there were a few people in that region of the country who identified themselves as Republicans, but the majority of them were black – and not allowed to vote! In the former Confederacy, white people were almost exclusively registered with the Democratic party.

Why you ask? Because none of these jackasses could bring themselves to register with the party of Republican Abraham Lincoln: “That ******-lovin’ bastard that freed the slaves.” Let’s face it, a grudge is a grudge – even a century after the fact. That all changed in the mid-nineteen-sixties.

When President Johnson signed into being the Civil rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, it marked the end of the “solid south” for the Democratic party. At the time, Johnson told his two aides Jack Valenti and Bill Moyers, “We’ve lost the south for a generation.” It turned out to be an optimistic prediction.

The Southern Strategy

In 1968, the Richard Nixon campaign, sensing the outrage and resentment of nearly all southern Democrats, devised a strategy to win over the hearts and minds of the nitwits who controlled that party in Dixie

Republicans and Civil Rights Rewriting History
A typically misleading article that the rubes on the Left eat up.
What does it mean to be "left" or "right" on civil rights issues today? It sure isnt the same thing it meant in 1965. In 1965 those on the "right" presumably were in favor of racial restrictions, in favor of racial quotas. In 2014 those same positions are held by those on the "left".
Racism never left the Democratic Party.

The "left" and the "right" meant exactly the same thing in 1950-65 as it does today.

Orval Faubus - the democrat who famously brought out the Arkansas national guard to block black students from entering Little Rock high school, only to be kicked back into the DNC gutter by Republican Dwight Eisenhower is often claimed by leftists to be a "conservative." Except a little research and one finds that Faubus, a bona fide hero of WWI, came back from the war and joined the COMMUNIST PARTY. When FDR was elected, Faubus switched to the democrats, stating the the goals of FDR and the goals of Communism were one and the same.

So was Faubus a "Conservative Communist?" It's utter stupidity - part of the "big lie" campaign of the filthy democratic party. But Faubus is just one democrat scumbag, what about others? What about Fritz Hollings - famous Klansman and racist? I mean, he was surely conservative, right? Well no, Hollings was leader of the far left through the Clinton Administration. How about Klansman Albert Gore - father of Algore - Pope of the AGW religion. Also far left, big government, welfare state advocate. Or maybe the infamous Eugene "Bull" Connor? Nope, Connor was a self-described Socialist. He viewed Negroes as a natural menial labor force for a Socialist state,

The Segregationists were the radical left of the party - racism and leftism are Siamese twins,
"Orval Faubus joined the Communist party... Al Gore was a Klansman....Bull Conner was a self-described Socialist."


This thread gets funnier by the minute.

Counting on the stupid people to not know better unny?

Are ya stupid?

Of course you are - you're a democrat.

Albert Gore Sr. was indeed a Klansman.

So here’s what happened: Our intrepid reporter, Caputo, went over to the convention center Thursday, registered under his own name and address as an “expo only” attendee and got a pass that gave him access to the speech. Then he covered it and wrote about it. It was that easy.

Purists might contend that was unethical. To me, it was like crashing a Ku Klux Klan rally. Gore didn’t want coverage. We think he deserved it.}

Freakonomics What 8217 s Al Gore Have in Common With the Ku Klux Klan

As I said, this is not Pope Algore - high priest of the AGW cult, but rather his father.

Nixons/Reagan Southern Stategy

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.

The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater in the late 1960s.

In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the NAACP for ignoring the black vote and exploiting racial conflicts

Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In 1956 conservative crackers in seven southern states voted Democrat while voters in the other forty-three states backed Ike; eight years later, conservative crackers in five of those seven southern states backed Goldwater. Keep pretending race was not the REASON.

I realize that you are desperate to use the "Big Lie" to rewrite history, but those big government, FDR democrats were not in the same universe as "conservative."

You of the Khmer Rouge depend on ignorance to spread your vile filth - when confronted with an educated populace, you are left impotent.
How many of your southern "FDR democrats" were liberal in the matter of race relations?
"But if the GOP was the more liberal party on matters of race as the 1960s dawned, it didn’t retain this distinction for very long..."

"In just 8 years, the number of liberal Republicans in Congress fell by 75 percent and the number of conservative Republicans quintupled.

"The policy preferences of the two parties essentially flipped.

"As Democrats moved sharply left on matters of race, the GOP delegation moved even more dramatically in the opposite direction."

Race and the Modern GOP - Doug McAdam and Karina Kloos - POLITICO Magazine

How do Cracker Libertarians explain why the number of racially liberal congressional Republicans declined by 75% during the same eight year span when the number of racially conservative Republicans in congress quintupled?

Hint: FDR had nothing to do with it.
Well, the Rabbi won't explain it, but I will.

Conservative segregationist Zell Miller, once a protege of Lester Maddox, is about the only Democrat that the Rabbi likes.

Do the math.

You lied about this before and I slapped you down, Zell Miller is a far left democrat.

{I know what Dan Quayle means when he says it's best for children to have two parents. You bet it is! And it would be nice for them to have trust funds, too. We can't all be born rich and handsome and lucky. And that's why we have a Democratic Party. My family would still be isolated and destitute if we had not had F.D.R.'s Democratic brand of government. I made it because Franklin Delano Roosevelt energized this nation. I made it because Harry Truman fought for working families like mine. I made it because John Kennedy's rising tide lifted even our tiny boat. I made it because Lyndon Johnson showed America that people who were born poor didn't have to die poor. And I made it because a man with whom I served in the Georgia Senate, a man named Jimmy Carter, brought honesty and decency and integrity to public service.[5]}

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No one denies that there were once MANY conservative segregationist Democrats in the Democratic Party.

Actually, anyone with an IQ greater than a tin can "denies" such utter horseshit,

The Dixicrats were predominantly FDR democrats - big government, welfare state socialists.

None of them were conservatives, not even Strom.

BTW - the question no Communist will answer;

Can you name three prominent Dixicrats who changed to the Republican party, other than Thurmond?

I mean, your filthy party keeps pumping this Big Lie about how all the Segregationists became Republicans, so how about you name names, Comrade?

Your request is granted:

Party switching in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Nixons/Reagan Southern Stategy

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.

The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater in the late 1960s.

In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the NAACP for ignoring the black vote and exploiting racial conflicts

Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ohhh, look at the lying fuck try and rope in Reagan.

You're a fucking scumbag - which is the way of democrats.
Ideologies remain the same.

Parties throughout history, change.

It's the ideology that matters.

Also, when it comes to the Civil Rights shift in our country, it's sectional north/south.

Conservatives can't seem to grasp these factors and it's really not all that complex, but apparently a little too complex for some of them to wrap their heads around.

Comrade, with exception of Strom Thurmond, name three prominent Dixicrats who joined the Republican party.

General Notice: There will never be an answer to the above, by paperview of any leftist.


The term "Dixiecrat" is sometimes used by Northern Democrats to refer to conservative Southern Democrats from the 1940s to the 1990s, regardless of where they stood in 1948

Since the republican Party was founded as the anti-slavery party, Southern Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” that vote for a Republican

Jesse Helms, He successfully advocated that conservative whites move to the Republican Party because the national Democratic party was too liberal for them.

They were actually called States Rights Democrats, most of them did move to the Republican party in the 50s and 60s.

They were Southerners who were Democrats before the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Once President Johnson gave Civil Rights to the Blacks, they left the party and became Republicans.

Many white voters who initially cast Dixiecrat ballots gravitated back toward the Democratic Party only grudgingly, and they remained nominal Democrats at best. Ultimately, the Dixiecrat movement paved the way for the rise of the modern Republican Party in the South. Many former Dixiecrat supporters eventually became Republicans, as was highlighted by Strom Thurmond's conversion in the 1960s.

Dixiecrats New Georgia Encyclopedia
How do Cracker Libertarians explain why the number of racially liberal congressional Republicans declined by 75% during the same eight year span when the number of racially conservative Republicans in congress quintupled?

Hint: FDR had nothing to do with it.

McAdam is a partisan hack.

First thing you need to do is define what "racially conservative" even means? Opposed to institutional racism through Affirmative Action quota's? Opposed to a dependency strategy to buy votes with the public treasury?
Wallace was a states rights populist. That usually sells pretty good in the South.

Wallace was also fairly moderate on non-race issues. He was a democrat, always.

But unlike Hollings and Gore, he was not a drooling socialist looking to put the Federal Government in charge of every aspect of life.

Populist is a good description of Wallace.
Wallace was a populist and progressive. He expanded state government. He engineered big projects to provide jobs and patronage. He expanded schools massively. This is why he won the last time with a majority of the black vote. ONce he dropped the racist stuff he was a Democrat through and through.

democrats are desperate to use the "Big Lie" to rewrite the racist history of their party.

Weird how you don't recognize it was CONSERVATIVES who started the KKK and opposed freeing the slaves and civil rights as well as EVERY other policy that helped create US. Instead you prefer NOT to be honest and recognize the Dems/GOP switched several times the past 150 years!


Which of those were Dixicrats, Comrade?

Dixiecrat - Senators
(D)VA Harry F. Byrd, 1933-1965
(D)VA A. Willis Robertson, 1946-1966
(D)WV Robert C. Byrd, 1959-2010
(D)MS John C. Stennis, 1947-1989
(D)MS James O. Eastland, 1941-1941,1943-1978
(D)LA Allen J. Ellender, 1937-1972
(D)LA Russell B. Long, 1948-1987
(D)NC Sam Ervin, 1954-1974
(D)NC Everett Jordan, 1958-1973
(R)NC Jesse Helms, 1973-2003
(D)OK Thomas Pryor Gore, 1906-1921,1931-1937
(D)AL J. Lister Hill, 1938-1969
(D)AL John J. Sparkman, 1946-1979
(D)FL Spessard Holland, 1946-1971
(D)FL George Smathers, 1951-1969
(D)SC Olin D. Johnston, 1945-1965
(D,R)SC Strom Thurmond, 1954-1956,1956-2003
(D)AR John McClellan, 1943-1977
(D)GA Richard B. Russell, Jr., 1933-1971
(D)GA Herman E. Talmadge, 1957-1981
(D)TN Herbert S. Walters, 1963-1964

Dixiecrat - State governors
(D)Benjamin Travis Laney, Arkansas Governor
(D)Fielding Wright, Mississippi Governor
(D)Frank M. Dixon, Former Alabama Governor
(D)William H. Murray, Former Oklahoma Governor
(D)Mills E. Godwin Jr. governor of Virginia

HINT: if it says (D) next to their name, they did NOT join the Republican Party.
Weird how you don't recognize it was CONSERVATIVES who started the KKK and opposed freeing the slaves and civil rights as well as EVERY other policy that helped create US. Instead you prefer NOT to be honest and recognize the Dems/GOP switched several times the past 150 years!

Weird how you're such a fucking retard without even a 3rd grade education.

But it explains why you're a democrat.
But I'm curious why Left States have the best education and the Right States have the lowest education.

Not so fast partner. Here's a data table I have on hand which shed some light on the issue. The big 3 State - Liberal California and New York versus Conservative Texas. Also included is the National mean. Notice the gap between the states for the category "all students" and then notice the gap between the states when the "all students" is disaggregated into race and gender categories.

A lot of those Red States are carrying a lot of baggage from under-performing black populations.

Look at Texas, for instance, in "all students" it is only 3 points above the national mean, however is 7 points above for white males, 5 points above for white females, 10 points above for black males, 8 points above for black females, 8 points above for Hispanic males, 11 points above for Hispanic females, 12 points above for Asian males, and 12 points above for Asian females.

All of that exemplary performance is swamped out by the high minority population in Texas.


Yes, red states suck and give prefertiantial treatment to whites, and?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic


"Peer reviewed" has simply come to mean 2 or more like minded simpletons jerking each other off.

You, like most Cali's simply suck up the Pelosi/Feinstein jizz and pretend to be "intellectual".

Sorry, you jumped in mid posting. The original poster blasted a NON peer reviewed study last night, then turned around and used part of it. Pretend to be intellectual? Oh I guess that's much better than pretending to love the Constitution as you tear it apart like conservatives do or hide behind the flag with 'patriotism of hate and misogyny like the right wingers!
Well, the Rabbi won't explain it, but I will.

Conservative segregationist Zell Miller, once a protege of Lester Maddox, is about the only Democrat that the Rabbi likes.

Do the math.

You lied about this before and I slapped you down, Zell Miller is a far left democrat.

{I know what Dan Quayle means when he says it's best for children to have two parents. You bet it is! And it would be nice for them to have trust funds, too. We can't all be born rich and handsome and lucky. And that's why we have a Democratic Party. My family would still be isolated and destitute if we had not had F.D.R.'s Democratic brand of government. I made it because Franklin Delano Roosevelt energized this nation. I made it because Harry Truman fought for working families like mine. I made it because John Kennedy's rising tide lifted even our tiny boat. I made it because Lyndon Johnson showed America that people who were born poor didn't have to die poor. And I made it because a man with whom I served in the Georgia Senate, a man named Jimmy Carter, brought honesty and decency and integrity to public service.[5]}

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Zell Miller supported Dubya over Kerry in 2004 and endorsed segregation in two of his early political races, and, somehow, he's "a far left democrat"?

Do explain...:bsflag:

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's good that you're picking up lingo like "peer review" but now you need to understand what it means. Raw data doesn't need to undergo peer review. The data came from the US Dept. of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics. All those tests kids take in school, in every school in every state, get fed into this database. This isn't just 500 kids in a sample, it's the whole enchilada.

Got a link there Bubba, Or do I just take your word for it? I'm sure they just happened to make one with Texas, NY and Cali right? lol

The term "Dixiecrat" is sometimes used by Northern Democrats to refer to conservative Southern Democrats from the 1940s to the 1990s, regardless of where they stood in 1948

Since the republican Party was founded as the anti-slavery party, Southern Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” that vote for a Republican

Jesse Helms, He successfully advocated that conservative whites move to the Republican Party because the national Democratic party was too liberal for them.

They were actually called States Rights Democrats, most of them did move to the Republican party in the 50s and 60s.

They were Southerners who were Democrats before the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Once President Johnson gave Civil Rights to the Blacks, they left the party and became Republicans.

Many white voters who initially cast Dixiecrat ballots gravitated back toward the Democratic Party only grudgingly, and they remained nominal Democrats at best. Ultimately, the Dixiecrat movement paved the way for the rise of the modern Republican Party in the South. Many former Dixiecrat supporters eventually became Republicans, as was highlighted by Strom Thurmond's conversion in the 1960s.

Dixiecrats New Georgia Encyclopedia

Um Stupidfuck?

I realize you never made it past 3rd grade, but Helms never held office until 73 - and was a Republican from the start.
And what does the church do with that money...they help the poor....duh....

Liberals think churches are like country clubs, the money that people donate is just recycled and spent on them. Liberals are weird.

No, churches don't spend money on buildings or members activities, they 'help' the poor right? lol

You think liberal charities don't have offices and PAID STAFF?

I didn't posit that churches help the poor when the VAST majority of money NEVER helps the poor. Between 12%-30% depending on who you believe. Mormons and Catholics are the best, Baptists sect tend to take up the rear. Weird right?
George Wallace was elected representative of the people and was acting on his belief that the federal government was abusing its constitutional authority ( which it was) at that moment in history.

Great to see another who stands for separate but equal. It's much easier to keep track of you Klowns that way!

It's good that you're picking up lingo like "peer review" but now you need to understand what it means. Raw data doesn't need to undergo peer review. The data came from the US Dept. of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics. All those tests kids take in school, in every school in every state, get fed into this database. This isn't just 500 kids in a sample, it's the whole enchilada.

Got a link there Bubba, Or do I just take your word for it? I'm sure they just happened to make one with Texas, NY and Cali right? lol

I gave you the organization name. Its database is used by all manner of academics. Don't forget the national statistics are included alongside the Big 3 - NY, CA & TX - the 3 states with the largest populations and which drive much of education policy because of their influence on textbook content. Looking at Wyoming or Maine doesn't tell researchers much because they're very small states in terms of population and diversity. The meaningful action is found in CA, NY & TX.
Nixons/Reagan Southern Stategy

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.

The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater in the late 1960s.

In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the NAACP for ignoring the black vote and exploiting racial conflicts

Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ohhh, look at the lying fuck try and rope in Reagan.

You're a fucking scumbag - which is the way of democrats.

Why did Reagan go to Philadelphia, Miss where they strung up 3 blacks a couple decades earlier, as his first official stop after the GOP convention to touch on 'states rights' again? Sorry conservatives are and always have been low life racists pricks and liars!
Well, the Rabbi won't explain it, but I will.

Conservative segregationist Zell Miller, once a protege of Lester Maddox, is about the only Democrat that the Rabbi likes.

Do the math.

You lied about this before and I slapped you down, Zell Miller is a far left democrat.

{I know what Dan Quayle means when he says it's best for children to have two parents. You bet it is! And it would be nice for them to have trust funds, too. We can't all be born rich and handsome and lucky. And that's why we have a Democratic Party. My family would still be isolated and destitute if we had not had F.D.R.'s Democratic brand of government. I made it because Franklin Delano Roosevelt energized this nation. I made it because Harry Truman fought for working families like mine. I made it because John Kennedy's rising tide lifted even our tiny boat. I made it because Lyndon Johnson showed America that people who were born poor didn't have to die poor. And I made it because a man with whom I served in the Georgia Senate, a man named Jimmy Carter, brought honesty and decency and integrity to public service.[5]}

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Define a far left Democrat. Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

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