The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

Nixons/Reagan Southern Stategy

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Party strategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.

The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater in the late 1960s.

In 2005, Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman formally apologized to the NAACP for ignoring the black vote and exploiting racial conflicts

Southern strategy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ohhh, look at the lying fuck try and rope in Reagan.

You're a fucking scumbag - which is the way of democrats.

LOL ^^^ Uncensored, Ignorance personified.
Define a far left Democrat.

Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.
So IF the GOP wins the Senate, what changes?

Obama may not be able to stack the federal courts with anti American judges....and it may be harder for him to replace the next one or two Supreme court justices who may retire...

Supposition? lol

LIKE without 60 votes the past 6 years, he would've got his guy? lol
Zell Miller supported Dubya over Kerry in 2004 and endorsed segregation in two of his early political races, and, somehow, he's "a far left democrat"?

Do explain...:bsflag:

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So miller was lying in his statement of adherence to the far left - only the hate sites can tell the real truth?

Your inability to use honesty, reason and logic and put the statement in CONTEXT isn't surprising.
LIKE without 60 votes the past 6 years, he would've got his guy? lol

They changed the filibuster rule for lower court judges and if they have to they will change it for Supreme Court justices as well...they are not going to let an opening on the Supreme Court go to waste...
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
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Billc said:
They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....

You just described any politician, ever.
Typically wrng and ignorant.
The GOP had the opportunity to invoke the nuclear option when Dems were blocking Bush's appointments. They didnt out of sense of honor and duty and bipartisanship because the Dems swore democracy would be destroyed if they did.
Senate confirms Obama judge following filibuster rule change - Washington Times

The Senate confirmed Patricia Millett to the powerful federal appeals court in Washington, making her the first of President Obama’s judicial picks to be approved since Democrats changed filibuster rules that potentially will usher in a new era of how nominees are confirmed.

They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
Senate confirms Obama judge following filibuster rule change - Washington Times

The Senate confirmed Patricia Millett to the powerful federal appeals court in Washington, making her the first of President Obama’s judicial picks to be approved since Democrats changed filibuster rules that potentially will usher in a new era of how nominees are confirmed.

They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Billc said:
They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....

You just described any politician, ever.
Typically wrng and ignorant.
The GOP had the opportunity to invoke the nuclear option when Dems were blocking Bush's appointments. They didnt out of sense of honor and duty and bipartisanship because the Dems swore democracy would be destroyed if they did.
Ahh, nice to see the forum jester :laugh2: chime in with his hysterics. In actuality, the GOP didn't pull the trigger on the nuclear option because Democrats eased up on the filibusters following Frist's threat, which he "promised" he would do had they not. Unfortunately, Republicans now are not so willing to back off filibustering virtually every nominee.
Senate confirms Obama judge following filibuster rule change - Washington Times

The Senate confirmed Patricia Millett to the powerful federal appeals court in Washington, making her the first of President Obama’s judicial picks to be approved since Democrats changed filibuster rules that potentially will usher in a new era of how nominees are confirmed.

They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Senate confirms Obama judge following filibuster rule change - Washington Times

The Senate confirmed Patricia Millett to the powerful federal appeals court in Washington, making her the first of President Obama’s judicial picks to be approved since Democrats changed filibuster rules that potentially will usher in a new era of how nominees are confirmed.

They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Senate confirms Obama judge following filibuster rule change - Washington Times

The Senate confirmed Patricia Millett to the powerful federal appeals court in Washington, making her the first of President Obama’s judicial picks to be approved since Democrats changed filibuster rules that potentially will usher in a new era of how nominees are confirmed.

They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
Senate confirms Obama judge following filibuster rule change - Washington Times

They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?
Define a far left Democrat.

Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.

"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
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