The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?

"That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees."?

All? So Alito and Roberts are interlopers? Damn them!
"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.

Many men came back from WWII with the belief that the Soviet vision for government was a better one. McGovern was one of those.
"George McGovern

and when he left political life he ran a bed and breakfast...and stated he just realized how hard government makes it to run a business...if only he had run that business before he went into office...
What Mcgovern learned when he actually had to make a living...

How To Create Jobs By George McGovern - Forbes

In 1988, I invested most of the earnings from this lecture circuit acquiring the leasehold on Connecticut’s Stratford Inn. … In retrospect, I wish I had known more about the hazards and difficulties of such a business, especially during a recession of the kind that hit New England just as I was acquiring the inn’s 43-year leasehold. I also wish that during the years I was in public office, I had had this firsthand experience about the difficulties business people face every day. That knowledge would have made me a better U.S. senator and a more understanding presidential contender.

Today we are much closer to a general acknowledgment that government must encourage business to expand and grow. Bill Clinton, Paul Tsongas, Bob Kerrey and others have, I believe, changed the debate of our party (1) . We intuitively know that to create job opportunities we need entrepreneurs who will risk their capital against an expected payoff. Too often, however, public policy does not consider whether we are choking off those opportunities.

My own business perspective has been limited to that small hotel and restaurant in Stratford, Conn., with an especially difficult lease and a severe recession. But my business associates and I also lived with federal, state and local rules that were all passed with the objective of helping employees, protecting the environment, raising tax dollars for schools, protecting our customers from fire hazards, etc.

While I never doubted the worthiness of any of these goals, the concept that most often eludes legislators is: ‘Can we make consumers pay the higher prices for the increased operating costs that accompany public regulation and government reporting requirements with reams of red tape.’ It is a simple concern that is nonetheless often ignored by legislators.

(2) For example, the papers today are filled with stories about businesses dropping health coverage for employees. We provided a substantial package for our staff at the Stratford Inn. However, were we operating today, those costs would exceed $150,000 a year for health care on top of salaries and other benefits. There would have been no reasonable way for us to absorb or pass on these costs.
Most true racists I know are liberals. Even those who claim to be on their side can't be trusted. The left is "helping" minorities to stay in poverty and dependent on government. It isn't benevolence, it's manipulation of people to ensure the power of the control freaks. From the moment slaves were freed, the left has sought ways to use them to their advantage. Not a damn thing has changed. Too many still buy into the hype that they are forever victims who are saved from doom only by the good graces of the Robin Hood politicians. Liberals don't preach personal responsibility and chasing the American dream to minorities. They preach hatred and fear of whites and those who expect people to be equal in all things, including effort. Dems don't believe that minorities are as smart or capable as whites and convince them that nanny government is the only way the minorities can survive.

Openly stating that government must intervene in all aspect of minorities' lives to save them is about as racist as it gets. They aren't saving minorities from racists, they are the racists who are keeping minorities down.

There is a reason why they attack black Republicans. They push the myth that minorities can only survive with government help, not on their own.
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You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.

John McCain, the best friend of the democrats when it comes to bashing conservatives, was the one who said that if they invoked the option then that would just encourage the democrats to do the same thing....he was an idiot....they planned on doing it anyway and he allowed them to pack the D.C. court in time for obamacare decisions...

The Republicans need to smarten up...these democrats, the clintons and obamas, will do anything to go forward with their goals...anything...sadly, the establishment republicans never learn...
"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.

Many men came back from WWII with the belief that the Soviet vision for government was a better one. McGovern was one of those.

Really, and you KNOW this? Methinks you're full of shit and too dumb not to know how stupid you appear. During my career people like you and the guy we busted because he lost his wallet in the home he burglarized were referred to as "felony stupid".
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Most true racists I know are liberals. Even those who claim to be on their side can't be trusted. The left is "helping" minorities to stay in poverty and dependent on government. It isn't benevolence, it's manipulation of people to ensure the power of the control freaks. From the moment slaves were freed, the left has sought ways to use them to their advantage. Not a damn thing has changed. Too many still buy into the hype that they are forever victims who are saved from doom only by the good graces of the Robin Hood politicians. Liberals don't preach personal responsibility and chasing the American dream to minorities. They preach hatred and fear of whites and those who expect people to be equal in all things, including effort. Dems don't believe that minorities are as smart or capable as whites and convince them that nanny government is the only way the minorities can survive.

Openly stating that government must intervene in all aspect of minorities' lives to save them is about as racist as it gets. They aren't saving minorities from racists, they are the racists who are keeping minorities down.

Oh my, Clementine is now in the running for Queen of the Echo Chamber. Posting this message as if it were her own idea based on her experiences is laughable. It is nothing but an echo of right wing propaganda and not even worthy of being called a half-truth - it is made up 100% bullshit
"That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees."?

All? So Alito and Roberts are interlopers? Damn them!

Sotomayor and that scumbag Kagan were filibustered?

Damn, who knew? :dunno:

LOL, your post is a non sequitur, but I doubt you know what that is. No, all of the four Justices of the Supreme Court were confirmed, sans a filibuster; sadly so was Alito who maybe the biggest dirt bag to ever wear a robe.
Most true racists I know are liberals. Even those who claim to be on their side can't be trusted. The left is "helping" minorities to stay in poverty and dependent on government. It isn't benevolence, it's manipulation of people to ensure the power of the control freaks. From the moment slaves were freed, the left has sought ways to use them to their advantage. Not a damn thing has changed. Too many still buy into the hype that they are forever victims who are saved from doom only by the good graces of the Robin Hood politicians. Liberals don't preach personal responsibility and chasing the American dream to minorities. They preach hatred and fear of whites and those who expect people to be equal in all things, including effort. Dems don't believe that minorities are as smart or capable as whites and convince them that nanny government is the only way the minorities can survive.

Openly stating that government must intervene in all aspect of minorities' lives to save them is about as racist as it gets. They aren't saving minorities from racists, they are the racists who are keeping minorities down.

Oh my, Clementine is now in the running for Queen of the Echo Chamber. Posting this message as if it were her own idea based on her experiences is laughable. It is nothing but an echo of right wing propaganda and not even worthy of being called a half-truth - it is made up 100% bullshit

No, it's from experience and knowing history. You are the one mired in liberal talking points and can't see what is happening.
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?

"That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees."?

All? So Alito and Roberts are interlopers? Damn them!
Thanks, Capt Oblivious. I guess you think the Dems didnt filibuster a single one.
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?

"That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees."?

All? So Alito and Roberts are interlopers? Damn them!
Thanks, Capt Oblivious. I guess you think the Dems didnt filibuster a single one.

Of course they did, we all remember Bork as the willing soldier who lead the Saturday Night Massacre, a most appropriate effort to keep this partisan hack off of the Supreme Court.

You posted "ALL", another bit of evidence that you're a LIAR!
Most true racists I know are liberals. Even those who claim to be on their side can't be trusted. The left is "helping" minorities to stay in poverty and dependent on government. It isn't benevolence, it's manipulation of people to ensure the power of the control freaks. From the moment slaves were freed, the left has sought ways to use them to their advantage. Not a damn thing has changed. Too many still buy into the hype that they are forever victims who are saved from doom only by the good graces of the Robin Hood politicians. Liberals don't preach personal responsibility and chasing the American dream to minorities. They preach hatred and fear of whites and those who expect people to be equal in all things, including effort. Dems don't believe that minorities are as smart or capable as whites and convince them that nanny government is the only way the minorities can survive.

Openly stating that government must intervene in all aspect of minorities' lives to save them is about as racist as it gets. They aren't saving minorities from racists, they are the racists who are keeping minorities down.

Oh my, Clementine is now in the running for Queen of the Echo Chamber. Posting this message as if it were her own idea based on her experiences is laughable. It is nothing but an echo of right wing propaganda and not even worthy of being called a half-truth - it is made up 100% bullshit

No, it's from experience and knowing history. You are the one mired in liberal talking points and can't see what is happening.

Nice try, are you channeling Rabbi? You're either very stupid/ignorant or a liar!
Most true racists I know are liberals. Even those who claim to be on their side can't be trusted. The left is "helping" minorities to stay in poverty and dependent on government. It isn't benevolence, it's manipulation of people to ensure the power of the control freaks. From the moment slaves were freed, the left has sought ways to use them to their advantage. Not a damn thing has changed. Too many still buy into the hype that they are forever victims who are saved from doom only by the good graces of the Robin Hood politicians. Liberals don't preach personal responsibility and chasing the American dream to minorities. They preach hatred and fear of whites and those who expect people to be equal in all things, including effort. Dems don't believe that minorities are as smart or capable as whites and convince them that nanny government is the only way the minorities can survive.

Openly stating that government must intervene in all aspect of minorities' lives to save them is about as racist as it gets. They aren't saving minorities from racists, they are the racists who are keeping minorities down.

Oh my, Clementine is now in the running for Queen of the Echo Chamber. Posting this message as if it were her own idea based on her experiences is laughable. It is nothing but an echo of right wing propaganda and not even worthy of being called a half-truth - it is made up 100% bullshit

No, it's from experience and knowing history. You are the one mired in liberal talking points and can't see what is happening.

Nice try, are you channeling Rabbi? You're either very stupid/ignorant or a liar!

[sorry, I had to take the dog out, you're both and more]
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.

Really, Republicans see individuals? How do they see a 16 year old pregnant girl, a 20 something working at minimum wage trying to pay for college, a child in a home where both parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol; a 75 year old unable to afford necessary medication; an Auto Worker whose job moved overseas, or worse to the deep south?
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.

Really, Republicans see individuals? How do they see a 16 year old pregnant girl, a 20 something working at minimum wage trying to pay for college, a child in a home where both parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol; a 75 year old unable to afford necessary medication; an Auto Worker whose job moved overseas, or worse to the deep south?

If you cut the education to the people, you can convince them o
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.

Really, Republicans see individuals? How do they see a 16 year old pregnant girl, a 20 something working at minimum wage trying to pay for college, a child in a home where both parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol; a 75 year old unable to afford necessary medication; an Auto Worker whose job moved overseas, or worse to the deep south?

I can answer this because I study all parties.

Republicans see a 16 year old pregnant girl as someone that didn't have the Christian will to override her puberty hormones and be abstinent, like Catholic priests.<-------:/

They will never cover the topic of a 20-something person working to pay for College. They will say "it's hard work".

They will never have challenge the topic of parents being addicted to drugs because they aren't visionaries. There is a reason Republicans flip when they get forced into situations they stand against. They have no ability to place themselves in other shoes. Auto Workers jobs are still here, just not Corporate.

This isn't an attack on Republicans but more of a wake up call. And I am absolutely PROFILING in this post.
But I'm curious why Left States have the best education and the Right States have the lowest education.

Not so fast partner. Here's a data table I have on hand which shed some light on the issue. The big 3 State - Liberal California and New York versus Conservative Texas. Also included is the National mean. Notice the gap between the states for the category "all students" and then notice the gap between the states when the "all students" is disaggregated into race and gender categories.

A lot of those Red States are carrying a lot of baggage from under-performing black populations.

Look at Texas, for instance, in "all students" it is only 3 points above the national mean, however is 7 points above for white males, 5 points above for white females, 10 points above for black males, 8 points above for black females, 8 points above for Hispanic males, 11 points above for Hispanic females, 12 points above for Asian males, and 12 points above for Asian females.

All of that exemplary performance is swamped out by the high minority population in Texas.


Yes, red states suck and give prefertiantial treatment to whites, and?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic


"Peer reviewed" has simply come to mean 2 or more like minded simpletons jerking each other off.

You, like most Cali's simply suck up the Pelosi/Feinstein jizz and pretend to be "intellectual".

Sorry, you jumped in mid posting. The original poster blasted a NON peer reviewed study last night, then turned around and used part of it. Pretend to be intellectual? Oh I guess that's much better than pretending to love the Constitution as you tear it apart like conservatives do or hide behind the flag with 'patriotism of hate and misogyny like the right wingers!

NOBODY has torn apart the "Constitution" more than President "You have me" Barak Pigfucker Obama.
If you had 1% of a brain, you could tell me what bills he passed that tore apart the Constitution.......Ironically, I can tell you why the 1% created the very thing you hate........

Note; They rely on people like you to not research anything and repeat their agenda.

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