The Dems' Desperation To Rewrite History

Billc said:
They will do anything they have to to advance their policies....

You just described any politician, ever.


Current politicians have no power and have no way to advance their ACTUAL thoughts.

They are simply drones to our current system after Citizens United.

The Corporations have the power, not the Politicians.............
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.

Really, Republicans see individuals? How do they see a 16 year old pregnant girl, a 20 something working at minimum wage trying to pay for college, a child in a home where both parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol; a 75 year old unable to afford necessary medication; an Auto Worker whose job moved overseas, or worse to the deep south?

Which identity group do Republicans target with special legislation? Are there any benefits for white men only? Are there any benefits for Swedish-Americans only? Are there any benefits only for German speaking people? Are there any benefits only for short people?

I can't qualify for Affirmative Action because I'm not black or Hispanic. Democrats have made sure to discriminate against me and people like me. The Republican coalition is built on ideas, not identity. If you like the idea of lower taxes, then you can be a Republican and your identity is immaterial If you like human rights protection then you can join Republicans as we work to restore the human rights that Democrats oppress. It's all about ideas, not innate identity.
"Which identity group do Republicans target with special legislation? Are there any benefits for white men only?" <----------HOLY CRAP 1960...

You think laws made to end bigotry and oppression actually cause bigotry and oppression...........

History must have been a hard topic for you......or perhaps school in general.
Yes, red states suck and give prefertiantial treatment to whites, and?

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.

Blue States are from Scandinavia Red States are from Guatemala New Republic


"Peer reviewed" has simply come to mean 2 or more like minded simpletons jerking each other off.

You, like most Cali's simply suck up the Pelosi/Feinstein jizz and pretend to be "intellectual".

Sorry, you jumped in mid posting. The original poster blasted a NON peer reviewed study last night, then turned around and used part of it. Pretend to be intellectual? Oh I guess that's much better than pretending to love the Constitution as you tear it apart like conservatives do or hide behind the flag with 'patriotism of hate and misogyny like the right wingers!

NOBODY has torn apart the "Constitution" more than President "You have me" Barak Pigfucker Obama.

You'd think those GOPers could do something about it, weird

No, most of us respect Democracy.
We will see how much your side does.
WE will have control of the House and Senate very soon.

Let's see how the Boi King acts....and what great things you have to say about "our side" for the next two years.

We are the "do nothing" Congress except that there are more than 300 Bills sitting on Harry's desk that he will NOT bring up for a vote.

Repeating the same half-truth doesn't do much for your credibility. The Crazy Right Wingers in the H. of Rep. are not problem solvers, they pass bills which appeal to the Crazy Right Wing voters in their germandered district, thus many of said bills were "poison pill" bills, that is, bills which had zero chance of becoming law.

Until and unless the GOP is able to elect mature adults who truly want to solve problems, the current vacuity will continue for the next (at least) two years. Never has The Congress suffered such obloguy, for never before has it earned such universal condemnation.

Once the but of jokes, with more than a grain of truth. From the wit of Will Rogers:

  • "I'm not a member of any organized political party.... I'm a Democrat."
  • "Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they'd be Republicans."
  • "There is only one redeeming thing about this whole election. It will be over at sundown, and let everybody pray that it's not a tie, for we couldn't go through with this thing again.

    "And, when the votes are counted, let everybody, including the candidates, get into a good humor as quick as they got into a bad one.

    "Both gangs have been bad sports, so see if at least one can't redeem themselves by offering no alibis, but cooperate with the winner, for no matter which one it is the poor fellow is going to need it.

    "So cheer up. Let's all be friends again. One of the evils of democracy is you have to put up with the man you elect whether you want him or not. That's why we call it democracy."
Last edited:
The article, btw, is brilliant,

mostly because it elaborates on exactly what people like myself have been trying to explain to you ineducable fools for years.

Here's the truth

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- NYMag

The civil rights movement was never a far left wing movement. More revisionist history.

"The mainstream, and correct, history of the politics of civil rights is as follows. Southern white supremacy operated out of the Democratic Party beginning in the nineteenth century, but the party began attracting northern liberals, including African-Americans, into an ideologically cumbersome coalition. Over time the liberals prevailed, forcing the Democratic Party to support civil rights, and driving conservative (and especially southern) whites out, where they realigned with the Republican Party."

That summarized it perfectly from OnePercenter's link.
An oversimplification based on hyper partisanship from one of the biggest poseurs of this board.

You are one of the worst offenders.
What's your point?

That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.

Really, Republicans see individuals? How do they see a 16 year old pregnant girl, a 20 something working at minimum wage trying to pay for college, a child in a home where both parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol; a 75 year old unable to afford necessary medication; an Auto Worker whose job moved overseas, or worse to the deep south?

Which identity group do Republicans target with special legislation? Are there any benefits for white men only? Are there any benefits for Swedish-Americans only? Are there any benefits only for German speaking people? Are there any benefits only for short people?

I can't qualify for Affirmative Action because I'm not black or Hispanic. Democrats have made sure to discriminate against me and people like me. The Republican coalition is built on ideas, not identity. If you like the idea of lower taxes, then you can be a Republican and your identity is immaterial If you like human rights protection then you can join Republicans as we work to restore the human rights that Democrats oppress. It's all about ideas, not innate identity.

Really? You believe this ^^^. Hmmn, how many Germans were denied employment, a seat at a restaurant or the use of a restroom because of the color of their skin? If you didn't get a job, it liekly you were not as qualified as that black or brown person.

Only racistis higher stupid white people when a more qualified minority is available; it's and example of the survival of the fiittest, and the less fit don't get the job. Would you buy a lame horse or a poor running car simply because of its color?
"Peer reviewed" has simply come to mean 2 or more like minded simpletons jerking each other off.

You, like most Cali's simply suck up the Pelosi/Feinstein jizz and pretend to be "intellectual".

Sorry, you jumped in mid posting. The original poster blasted a NON peer reviewed study last night, then turned around and used part of it. Pretend to be intellectual? Oh I guess that's much better than pretending to love the Constitution as you tear it apart like conservatives do or hide behind the flag with 'patriotism of hate and misogyny like the right wingers!

NOBODY has torn apart the "Constitution" more than President "You have me" Barak Pigfucker Obama.

You'd think those GOPers could do something about it, weird

No, most of us respect Democracy.
We will see how much your side does.
WE will have control of the House and Senate very soon.

Let's see how the Boi King acts....and what great things you have to say about "our side" for the next two years.

We are the "do nothing" Congress except that there are more than 300 Bills sitting on Harry's desk that he will NOT bring up for a vote.

Repeating the same half-truth doesn't do much for your credibility. The Crazy Right Wingers in the H. of Rep. are not problem solvers, they pass bills which appeal to the Crazy Right Wing voters in their germandered district, thus many of said bills were "poison pill" bills, that is, bills which had zero chance of becoming law.

Until and unless the GOP is able to elect mature adults who truly want to solve problems, the current vacuity will continue for the next (at least) two years. Never has The Congress suffered such obloguy, for never before has it earned such universal condemnation.

Once the but of jokes, with more than a grain of truth. From the wit of Will Rogers:

  • "I'm not a member of any organized political party.... I'm a Democrat."
  • "Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they'd be Republicans."
  • "There is only one redeeming thing about this whole election. It will be over at sundown, and let everybody pray that it's not a tie, for we couldn't go through with this thing again.

    "And, when the votes are counted, let everybody, including the candidates, get into a good humor as quick as they got into a bad one.

    "Both gangs have been bad sports, so see if at least one can't redeem themselves by offering no alibis, but cooperate with the winner, for no matter which one it is the poor fellow is going to need it.

    "So cheer up. Let's all be friends again. One of the evils of democracy is you have to put up with the man you elect whether you want him or not. That's why we call it democracy."

this is the perfect example of the ugly hate spewing out of the left in the country. But they aren't tearing us apart.
That Miller, like all the segregationists, is a left wing democrat.

The left seeks to use the Big Lie technique to rewrite history so that segregation is not a feature of the left.

The problem is that racism is by nature a feature of the left. Racism is basically collectivism, it is the proposition that people are defined not as individuals, but only as members of a group.

The Khmer Rouge democratic party is based almost entirely on demagoguery, the left is the master of the lie. The "impression" created rather than the truth is what matters. You and the rest of the Khmer Rouge believe that if you can deceive enough people, then you have altered reality. But you haven't - even if you succeed with the big lie and are able to trick people into believing that it was actually the free market individualists rather than the herd mentality of the collectivist that promoted racism, reality won't change.

It will still be you spewing your hatred of DA JOOOOOZZZZ, it will still be the Khmer Rouge democrats spewing hatred of people based on skin color, yes you hate whites now instead of blacks, big deal? You still judge a man on the color of his skin rather than the content of his character - just as democrats have always done.

So maybe you can trick the nation, maybe you can pull off the big lie and make Maddox and Gore into Republicans - but you can't change your nature, you will still be a party of bigots and racists, because that is your nature.
Conservatives are more likely to emphasize group values like patriotism and the reproduction and defense of their ethnic group over competing interests like personal pleasure, education or career choices made at the expense of family.

Liberals, being less xenophobic and more secular, place relatively greater importance on individualism and less on in-group values.

Your screed that Zell Miller "is a left-wing democrat" defies rationality:

"Although nominally a member of the Democratic Party, Miller has endorsed Republicans since at least 2004. He backed Republican President George W. Bush over Democratic nominee John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election and since 2003 has frequently criticized the Democratic Party, and has publicly supported several Republican candidates.

"In 2006, Miller did voice-overs (narrations) for Republican candidate commercials in Georgia state elections (George "Sonny" Perdue and Ralph Reed).

"He declared early in 2008 that he would not support either Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.

"He supported Senator John McCain instead.

"After Obama was elected President and Democrats increased their majorities in the House and Senate, he endorsed Republican Saxby Chambliss in the Senate run-off against Democrat Jim Martin and criticized Obama over 'spreading the wealth.'[24]

"In 2012, Miller served as the national co-chair to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich.[25]

"The same year, Miller endorsed Doug Collins, the Republican candidate in the 9th District of Georgia congressional race.[22]

"Miller also endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for President in 2012.[ci"

Zell Miller - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I disagree that liberals see individuals. I think they do focus on group values. They always talk about supporting illegal immigration if you want the Hispanic vote. They see them all as one group with the same values and do not distinguish between those who legally immigrated and became citizens and those who sneaked in and are waiting for amnesty. They also fail to understand that people, even though they have things in common, won't agree on everything. They fail to respect a Hispanic who speaks against illegal immigration, as if the person has no loyalty to his own people. They can't separate people of the same color and realize that they may hold completely different views. They are all lumped together and it's assumed that everyone in the group holds the same political beliefs and values.

I think Republicans tend to see individuals. They don't look at people and assume what their political party is by the color of their skin. The left fails to see that which is why they attack Ben Carson as if he's a traitor to his race. No one on the left takes a minority seriously when they reject the liberal views. It confuses the left because they believe all normal minorities want to be helped by big government.

Really, Republicans see individuals? How do they see a 16 year old pregnant girl, a 20 something working at minimum wage trying to pay for college, a child in a home where both parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol; a 75 year old unable to afford necessary medication; an Auto Worker whose job moved overseas, or worse to the deep south?

Which identity group do Republicans target with special legislation? Are there any benefits for white men only? Are there any benefits for Swedish-Americans only? Are there any benefits only for German speaking people? Are there any benefits only for short people?

I can't qualify for Affirmative Action because I'm not black or Hispanic. Democrats have made sure to discriminate against me and people like me. The Republican coalition is built on ideas, not identity. If you like the idea of lower taxes, then you can be a Republican and your identity is immaterial If you like human rights protection then you can join Republicans as we work to restore the human rights that Democrats oppress. It's all about ideas, not innate identity.

Really? You believe this ^^^. Hmmn, how many Germans were denied employment, a seat at a restaurant or the use of a restroom because of the color of their skin? If you didn't get a job, it liekly you were not as qualified as that black or brown person.

Only racistis higher stupid white people when a more qualified minority is available; it's and example of the survival of the fiittest, and the less fit don't get the job. Would you buy a lame horse or a poor running car simply because of its color?

I'm going to take your comment as a concession to the point that Republicans see individuals and Democrats see groups because you didn't contest my point. Are we now agreed?

Here's my suggestion - don't try to be nice to the racists and save them from their own stupidity. OK? Let them suffer for their beliefs. OK? When that racist employer passes over a supremely qualified black person in order to hire an incompetent fuck of a white person, let them shoot themselves in the head by allowing their competitor, hopefully you, to snatch up that supremely qualified black person and use his talents to drive the racist company out of business.

Why do you work so hard to FORCE that racist company to do the smart thing? Reward the smart company by watching them hire the qualified minorities and punish the dumb company as they hire only unqualified whites.
Seems they got that idea from you righties...

GOP eyes 'nuclear option' for judges

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., is irked that Democrats have used filibusters to block 10 of Bush’s choices for federal appeals courts.

He’s vowed not to let it happen this year, particularly with the possibility that there could soon be a Supreme Court nominee to consider. But to carry out that promise might require changing Senate rules that now allow just 41 members to block any judicial nominee.​

Thanks for the green light, righties! LOL
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, Jester :laugh2: Following Frist's "promise" to pull the trigger on the nuclear option, Democrats agreed to not filibuster every nominee. Democrats backed down so Frist backed down. Fast forward to 2013 where the roles were reversed. Only this time, Republicans wouldn't back down so Reid didn't back down.
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, Jester :laugh2: Following Frist's "promise" to pull the trigger on the nuclear option, Democrats agreed to not filibuster every nominee. Democrats backed down so Frist backed down. Fast forward to 2013 where the roles were reversed. Only this time, Republicans wouldn't back down so Reid didn't back down.
Oh ignorant one.
Right after the Democrats "backed down" they proceeded to filibuster more nominees, backtracking on their promise.
Democrats; The biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Define a far left Democrat.

Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.

"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
That one's gonna leave a scar. :clap:
Define a far left Democrat.

Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.

"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
That one's gonna leave a scar. :clap:
On you.
It refutes absolutely nothing of what was posted. I read some of McGovern's stuff long after he left politics. He sounded like Ronald Reagan at the end.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, Jester :laugh2: Following Frist's "promise" to pull the trigger on the nuclear option, Democrats agreed to not filibuster every nominee. Democrats backed down so Frist backed down. Fast forward to 2013 where the roles were reversed. Only this time, Republicans wouldn't back down so Reid didn't back down.
Oh ignorant one.
Right after the Democrats "backed down" they proceeded to filibuster more nominees, backtracking on their promise.
Democrats; The biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
My goodness, you are ignorant. I highly recommend you Google "gang of 14"and educate yourself, Jester :laugh2:.

No, they were not "hypocritical." They struck a deal to not filibuster certain nominees, but not all, if Frist would back down on the nuclear option. Both sides agreed.

So you see, Frist didn't back down because he had "integrity for the system," as you idiotically claimed ... he backed down because Democrats agreed to back down from filibustering every nominee.
Define a far left Democrat.

Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.

"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
That one's gonna leave a scar. :clap:
On you.
It refutes absolutely nothing of what was posted. I read some of McGovern's stuff long after he left politics. He sounded like Ronald Reagan at the end.
Drools the forum jester :laugh2:

Define a far left Democrat.

Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Then a Libertrian and a 21st Century Conservative. We know what RINO's are, anyone who disagrees with a 21st Century Conservative, and is a registered Republican.

Then comort each of these sets with the 1956 Republican Platform:

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1956

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.

"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
That one's gonna leave a scar. :clap:
On you.
It refutes absolutely nothing of what was posted. I read some of McGovern's stuff long after he left politics. He sounded like Ronald Reagan at the end.
Drools the forum jester :laugh2:

Translation: Yeah, he's right but I need to insult him to make myself look better.
Hint: It isnt working.
Most true racists I know are liberals. Even those who claim to be on their side can't be trusted. The left is "helping" minorities to stay in poverty and dependent on government. It isn't benevolence, it's manipulation of people to ensure the power of the control freaks. From the moment slaves were freed, the left has sought ways to use them to their advantage. Not a damn thing has changed. Too many still buy into the hype that they are forever victims who are saved from doom only by the good graces of the Robin Hood politicians. Liberals don't preach personal responsibility and chasing the American dream to minorities. They preach hatred and fear of whites and those who expect people to be equal in all things, including effort. Dems don't believe that minorities are as smart or capable as whites and convince them that nanny government is the only way the minorities can survive.

Openly stating that government must intervene in all aspect of minorities' lives to save them is about as racist as it gets. They aren't saving minorities from racists, they are the racists who are keeping minorities down.

There is a reason why they attack black Republicans. They push the myth that minorities can only survive with government help, not on their own.
Ironic hallucination given that the unabashed racists in this forum are almost exclusively rightwingnuts.
Far left or Obama democrat. First note that democrat should not be capitalized as the foul party does not garner enough respect to earn the privilege of a proper noun.

After the disaster of Lyndon Johnson and Hubert Humphrey, the radical left seized control of the democratic party. Led by socialist George McGovern, what was only a few years earlier the radical fringe staging riots on college campuses, became the leadership of the party and moved sharply left. Where John Kennedy and his brother Bobby were avid anti-Communist, working closely with their good friend and confidant, Joseph McCarthy to purge the Communist infection from the U.S. Government; by 1976 the party was hosting men like Jim Wright who openly supported and promoted the Soviet Union. Also the traitor Edward Boland who actively worked to establish and expand a Soviet military presence on the North American continent.

The Soviet 5th column of the 70's and 80's was relatively small, but it was powerful. After the loss of the Soviet Union, the democrats changed strategy for a time, the dream of the Soviet Army marching through Mexico to "liberate" America, as Boland and Write worked for, was gone.

In the 90's, the focus of the party shifted from surrender to the Communists to the eradicating of integrity. Clinton's famous "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is" illustrated the overall contempt the party held for ethics and integrity. Look around this forum or the leftist hate sites like KOS for a clear example of just how effective the purging of ethics has been. For the Obama democrat, there is no right and no wrong, only party. There is no true and no lie, only party.

Goals of the party are simple, revocation of the Constitution. Replace the market economy with a centrally planned and managed economy, and continue the establishment of an authoritarian state ruled from Washington. The war that your party wages against the Middle Class and against civil rights is a clear example of this agenda in action.

Stalin used "leveling" as a means of destroying the middle class of Russia. He mandated wages for menial labor that were the same for menial labor as were paid to professionals. A factory worker was paid the same as a doctor.

$15 an hour burger flippers, anyone?

The attack on the middle class by your filthy party comes from every direction, but the current attempt to double and triple mandated wages for menial labor is designed to destroy the purchasing power of the middle, thus pushing the bourgeois down to the lifestyle of the dependency class.

Nope, you get to define what you think a Libertarian and a Conservative is.

"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
That one's gonna leave a scar. :clap:
On you.
It refutes absolutely nothing of what was posted. I read some of McGovern's stuff long after he left politics. He sounded like Ronald Reagan at the end.
Drools the forum jester :laugh2:

Translation: Yeah, he's right but I need to insult him to make myself look better.
Hint: It isnt working.
Suuure, Jester:laugh2:, keep telling yourself that. Hey, who knows ... maybe nobody else is reading your posts? :dunno:

Maybe nobody read how you idiotically attributed Frist backing down from the nuclear option because he had "integrity for the system," when in reality, he backed down after Democrats agreed to back down.

A move, by the way, which led to rank and file GOPers to excoriate McCain for interfering with Frist's "promise" to resort to the nuclear option if Democrats continued to filibuster every nominee.

That's why I laughed my ass off at you for absurdly claiming it was due to "integrity of the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
"George McGovern flew 35 combat missions piloting a B-24 Liberator in World War II, but the greatest flak he endured came decades later as a senator opposing the Vietnam War and 1972 Democratic nominee challenging the "dirty tricks" White House of President Richard Nixon."

"McGovern will be remembered for his challenges, not only to Nixon but also to the "old bulls" who ran the Senate.

"Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Stennis talked of sending U.S. troops back into Cambodia. McGovern shot back: "I'm tired of old men dreaming up wars for young men to fight. If he wants to use American ground troops in Cambodia, let him lead the charge himself."

"McGovern experienced war, under fire over Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II. He earned a Distinguished Flying Cross for crash-landing his damaged Liberator, the Dakota Queen II, on an island in the Adriatic."

Link: George McGovern 1922-2012 A war hero turned servant of peace -

Uncensored is not only ignorant, he is an example of the far right fringe (the Crazy New Right), a set which will use pejoratives they likely do not understand, and violate God's law by dishonestly defaming everyone who challenges their beliefs - doing so while holding the cross of Christianity while wrapped in the American Flag.
That one's gonna leave a scar. :clap:
On you.
It refutes absolutely nothing of what was posted. I read some of McGovern's stuff long after he left politics. He sounded like Ronald Reagan at the end.
Drools the forum jester :laugh2:

Translation: Yeah, he's right but I need to insult him to make myself look better.
Hint: It isnt working.
Suuure, Jester:laugh2:, keep telling yourself that. Hey, who knows ... maybe nobody else is reading your posts? :dunno:

Maybe nobody read how you idiotically attributed Frist backing down from the nuclear option because he had "integrity for the system," when in reality, he backed down after Democrats agreed to back down.

A move, by the way, which led to rank and file GOPers to excoriate McCain for interfering with Frist's "promise" to resort to the nuclear option if Democrats continued to filibuster every nominee.

That's why I laughed my ass off at you for absurdly claiming it was due to "integrity of the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Which party ultimately invoked the nuclear option? Yeah. You lose, asshole.
You realize the GOP backed down from doing that out of consideration for the integrity of the system.
The Dems had no such scruples.
Democrats: BIggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.
Republicans ... "integrity for the system."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Thanks for the laugh, jester. :laugh2:
Remind me which party invoked the nuclear option, clown.
Both threatened it ... the one to invoke it was the one where the opposition party wouldn't lay off the filibusters.
That was the Democrats, who filibustered all of Bush's judicial nominees.
So you're either lying or ignorant. Which is it?
Your stupidity knows no boundaries, Jester :laugh2: Following Frist's "promise" to pull the trigger on the nuclear option, Democrats agreed to not filibuster every nominee. Democrats backed down so Frist backed down. Fast forward to 2013 where the roles were reversed. Only this time, Republicans wouldn't back down so Reid didn't back down.

S'ok, it is going to bite you in the as very soon.

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